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Old 01-21-2025, 03:06 PM   #1
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Default Bills, Corgan and Burr, Connect Shared Father

Howie Mandel tricked them into meeting for the first time after Billy teased the possibility they are half brothers, and it's very uncomfortable. Starts around 31:30.

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Old 01-21-2025, 03:32 PM   #2
Disco King
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I didn't watch the video, but everyone knows the lineage of the clan.

Norm Macdonald begot Billy Corgan, who begot Gerard Way. Norm's brother Neil begot Bill Burr and Kirsten Dunst. They all had to go by different family names in order to keep hidden from David Lynch, who is on a mission to finish off the last survivors of the Black Shamrock clan and end their bloodline for a past betrayal.

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Old 01-21-2025, 03:36 PM   #3
Disco King
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David Lynch doesn't really work for this joke, but he was the only person I could think of who can kinda tie some of the other names together thematically. Actually this joke isn't very good. I could tell there was some potential in the core idea, but I couldn't figure out how to exploit it. I'm passing it off to somebody else to develop. Find some funny way to imply that these folks who bear some resemblance are related.

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Old 01-21-2025, 05:42 PM   #4
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Isn’t the context that Billy started this bit as a joke on Howie’s podcast, despite blaming Howie, and then Burr is gracious enough to agree to the bit, but Billy is clearly ill and doesn’t bounce off Burr very well, committing the improv sin of blocking one of Burr’s setups. And at one point stops really engaging with Burr’s material. Considering he fished for this meeting it was a poor result - but entirely relatable also - must be hard as a performer to have rapport with a professional comedian in a public forum on first meeting.
So overall: 10/10 enjoyed the awkwardness and huge respect to Burr for carrying it.

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Old 01-22-2025, 11:51 PM   #5
Big Truck05
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I really enjoyed how Burr was upset at first - rightly so - then, as it continued, how they both turned on Howie like true brothers for setting this up.

Are they really brothers? I can't tell if this is just a bit, or if it's actually real. I mean, if this was a possibility in real life, I'd gladly be the first to suggest a DNA test if I thought it could be my sibling.

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Old 01-23-2025, 06:26 AM   #6
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It's a joke. Beyond being bald they don't even look alike.

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Old 01-23-2025, 01:57 PM   #7
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At the end you can hear them busting up laughing. It’s a bit and they had fun with it.

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Old 01-23-2025, 04:39 PM   #8
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Is it literally just a "we're both bald" thing?

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Old 01-23-2025, 06:13 PM   #9
Disco King
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Originally Posted by Big Truck05 View Post
I really enjoyed how Burr was upset at first - rightly so - then, as it continued, how they both turned on Howie like true brothers for setting this up.

Are they really brothers? I can't tell if this is just a bit, or if it's actually real. I mean, if this was a possibility in real life, I'd gladly be the first to suggest a DNA test if I thought it could be my sibling.
It's well documented that their dads were two different men and they grew up in two different states. It's a bit.

But that anger and confusion on Corgan's face at the beginning didn't look like acting to me. He seemed genuinely worried that he had upset Burr by joining the podcast and that Mendel didn't let Burr in on it.

So, I'm guessing that even though the "brothers" thing is a joke, Mendel legitimately didn't inform Burr that he invited Corgan over to follow up on the bit. So, when Burr calls Mendel an "asshole" and Corgan reacts, Corgan is genuinely worried that Burr isn't happy with his interview being interrupted by a gag, and so Corgan is actually upset with Mendel for putting him in that situation.

But then when Burr plays along with the brothers bit, Corgan realizes everything is cool and also continues the bit. But his real confusion at the beginning of the interaction helped make the bit more believable, which is why a lot of people on the internet are asking "wtf is this a bit or not?"

That's my theory.

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Old 01-23-2025, 08:07 PM   #10
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Mandel ffs. Also I hope Billy really was taken back at first. He couldn’t believe that someone wouldn’t be enthralled by his presence and it was hilarious seeing him being humbled by someone who is way more famous than he is who didn’t seem phased by the singer of Smashing Pumpkins at all. “Oh yeah, I like your music…sure”. And Burr’s total disinterest at being invited to watch NWA. Lol

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Old 01-24-2025, 01:57 AM   #11
Big Truck05
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Originally Posted by Disco King View Post
It's well documented that their dads were two different men and they grew up in two different states. It's a bit.

But that anger and confusion on Corgan's face at the beginning didn't look like acting to me. He seemed genuinely worried that he had upset Burr by joining the podcast and that Mendel didn't let Burr in on it.

So, I'm guessing that even though the "brothers" thing is a joke, Mendel legitimately didn't inform Burr that he invited Corgan over to follow up on the bit. So, when Burr calls Mendel an "asshole" and Corgan reacts, Corgan is genuinely worried that Burr isn't happy with his interview being interrupted by a gag, and so Corgan is actually upset with Mendel for putting him in that situation.

But then when Burr plays along with the brothers bit, Corgan realizes everything is cool and also continues the bit. But his real confusion at the beginning of the interaction helped make the bit more believable, which is why a lot of people on the internet are asking "wtf is this a bit or not?"

That's my theory.
Agree with this take 100%. But I know neither of them are actors, which throws me off. Burr can carry things because he's a comedian and that's what they do - especially when you've mastered your craft. Howie is a freak and everything they said about him is true. IDK. He's like a Truman Show type of narrator. (aside.. it's a random thing too)

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Old 01-24-2025, 02:04 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by houseofglass11 View Post
Mandel ffs. Also I hope Billy really was taken back at first. He couldn’t believe that someone wouldn’t be enthralled by his presence and it was hilarious seeing him being humbled by someone who is way more famous than he is who didn’t seem phased by the singer of Smashing Pumpkins at all. “Oh yeah, I like your music…sure”. And Burr’s total disinterest at being invited to watch NWA. Lol
Exactly. Burr does his bits, but he genuinely seemed pissed. Billy was also super passive during the entire time, which also leads me to believe some of this was real.

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Old 01-30-2025, 04:26 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Disco King View Post
It's well documented that their dads were two different men and they grew up in two different states. It's a bit.

But that anger and confusion on Corgan's face at the beginning didn't look like acting to me. He seemed genuinely worried that he had upset Burr by joining the podcast and that Mendel didn't let Burr in on it.

So, I'm guessing that even though the "brothers" thing is a joke, Mendel legitimately didn't inform Burr that he invited Corgan over to follow up on the bit. So, when Burr calls Mendel an "asshole" and Corgan reacts, Corgan is genuinely worried that Burr isn't happy with his interview being interrupted by a gag, and so Corgan is actually upset with Mendel for putting him in that situation.

But then when Burr plays along with the brothers bit, Corgan realizes everything is cool and also continues the bit. But his real confusion at the beginning of the interaction helped make the bit more believable, which is why a lot of people on the internet are asking "wtf is this a bit or not?"

That's my theory.
Looks like that was more or less what happened...

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Old 01-30-2025, 05:08 PM   #14
Disco King
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It's weird how every article about this just summarizes what happened in the interview without even questioning the bit. None of them are like, "uh, we did some research and are pretty sure that Edmund Burr and William Corgan, Sr. are two different people who lived states apart, but the duo hasn't confirmed if they're pulling out legs or not." It's just like, "Corgan revealed they might be brothers. The end."

I mean, each guy even looks like their respective dads. I get that tabloid writers aren't investigative journalists who follow leads on who Pete Davidson is dating like they're solving Chinatown, but it's crazy to think this is a job that exists and people get paid to do.

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