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Old 06-12-2021, 04:39 AM   #31
Minion of Satan
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Originally Posted by Raskolnikov View Post
Nutty on the LICD not on streaming services thing - but sometimes it's a label/contractual problem. See: Zwan, Zeitgeist.

Anyways, valid point. I guess my reason for wondering that is that it would just break up the flow of 33 (!!!?) songs a little bit and give it a feel of something like a MCIS or a Machina.

I realized this past week that I hadn't listened to about 8/12 of the songs on Cyr. And that says a lot since, frankly, I'm still here, so... yeah, I'm a SP guy. But the thing is just too damn long. It really, really should have been a 40 minute thing with ten songs. By the time you get to the back half and it gets deep, I just am over it. And then when the songs pale to the pale tracks on Side A... there's just no motivation to slog through stuff like "Save Your Tears" or "Telegenix".

It was at that moment that I got legitimately concerned about this same syndrome, but THIRTY THREE songs of it.

I could see this thing happening.
Telegenix is one of the real tracks though: it’s when she takes the sweet outisde. Bottom
Of a boot Black Sea, u dicks and if it’s not suicide

Then what is (bodies/love, u hecken oafs, u

Can’t remember save your tears though is that one any good or what

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Old 06-12-2021, 05:30 AM   #32
Forgotten Child
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Originally Posted by eviltimeban View Post
33 songs would be ok if it were 3 11-track albums. That would be easier to digest.

No one, I mean no one, is going to sit down and listen to all 33 tracks in a row, and enjoy it. It's impossible to be objective after that length of time.
According to a recent interview, Billy refers to the album as a triple album now. I'm assuming it's 3 11 track albums them.

It's gonna be something like Act 1, Act 2 and Act 3.

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Old 06-12-2021, 08:30 AM   #33
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Perfect: 33 songs, 3 albums and a 3 star review all aeound the globe

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Old 06-12-2021, 09:46 AM   #34
Disco King
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Probably true. Normal people I meet who aren't die-hard Pumpkins fans already accuse MCIS of being good, but overblown with too many "filler" tracks. And I'm like, what? There are only two songs on the entire album I ever really skip. But of course there are. I'm a fanboy and not representative of the average listener.

Now that Corgan doesn't even have goodwill amongst die-hards anymore, it's unlikely that anybody will want to go through a thirty-three-song album in a sitting other than Sad Machines and people paid to listen to it to review it. And even the latter group will barely listen to it and just claim that they did because they get paid the same either way.

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Old 06-12-2021, 02:41 PM   #35
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how can I/we get paid?

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Old 06-14-2021, 01:17 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Disco King View Post
There are only two songs on the entire album I ever really skip.
which two? i skip cupid, 1979, and lily every time. sometimes take me down and a few others too.

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Old 06-14-2021, 01:19 AM   #37
Minion of Satan
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Guessin take me down n toase?

As for me and my dad, we don't skip tracks on MCIS U IMBECILE SWINE

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Old 06-14-2021, 01:37 PM   #38
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Cash rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M., get the money
Dollar dollar bill, y'all
Cash rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M., get the money
Dollar dollar bill, y'all
It's been 22 long hard years, I'm still strugglin'
Survival got me buggin', but I'm alive on arrival
I peep at the shape of the streets
And stay awake to the ways of the world 'cause shit is deep
A man with a dream with plans to make cream

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