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Old 02-19-2021, 01:53 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by ella View Post
I read him and Trent Reznor lit a groupie’s pubic hair on fire and some other horrible things. He’s disgusting.
Trent has categorically denied that for 20 years. I'd definitely side with him over Manson, especially considering Manson's whole shtick is being an edgelord and Trent is on the record saying he's a piece of shit back then.

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Old 02-19-2021, 02:05 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by reprise85 View Post
Alright so as others have said, abuse affects people differently and it can sometimes take years for people to even realize that not only were they abused, but that it was a deliberate attempt by someone else and they are in fact a psychopathic, or at least very fucked up, person.

I stayed with my ex who was a literal child molester (he told me) from 14-19 years old and then I never told anyone for almost something like 4 years after I left that he had so much as said a bad thing to me let alone all the fucked up shit he did that I am still not over 15 years later.

Being in a dynamic as a young person with a rich older man (and yes 36 -> 18 counts) really fucks up your brain. Expectations by the media to appear as some kind of strong person who was on even heels with crazy ass Marilyn Manson over years is very hard to break with even when you decide you want to.

Talking to people about abuse is very fucking hard and people are also not always all bad. Perhaps she did enjoy being with him in some respects and was compartmentalizing the bad times as much as possible. Plus, you know, knowing that when you did tell people would take anything you did that showed affection to the person at any time as evidence that you are manipulating the situation because you're some washed up bitch trying to make money only makes you, I assume, push it off even more.

In conclusion, stop thinking you know anything about long term abuse with people in an extreme power imbalance if you've never gone through it, or even if you have, because it's like a cult of 2 and no one who was not there can really understand. It is very unlikely that this information is false and coming into it from the lens of let me find anything that happened that contradicts that MM was a complete piece of shit and/or let me find anything positive Wood said about him over the years as proof that she is lying is the wrong thing to do. Believe victims, no one wants to talk about this shit
Someone in my life was sexually abused as a minor by their primary caregiver over a period of 4 years. When the victim finally came clean and the abuser was removed from the situation, the family was impoverished, their heat got shut off in the winter, pets died, and they were starving. The person was conditioned to go along with the rape as a literal child, and that carried into adulthood.

Just adding to what you said, that yes, everyone reacts differently to trauma, and once those panic pathways are activated, the brain tends to go straight back to them when similar situation recur in adulthood. This is why people who have been sexually traumatized tend to repeat their trauma. Then assholes like Bill Maher make idiotic claims like "its not rape if it happened multiple times".

In addition to the fight or flight response, people in these sorts of situation frequently enter a dissociated state, which FMRI scans confirm correspond to basically zero brain activity outside of the reptilian brain stem. For everyone besides reprise who probably already knows this, there's a book called The Body Keeps The Score by an MD-PhD who runs a trauma center in NY with hundreds of citations and studies showing that complex PTSD effects millions of people from combat veterans to sexually abused minors who enter frozen or submissive states when confronted with sexual aggression or other triggers. It's literally a non-voluntary bodily reaction that takes years of therapy to deprogram. Rape victims frequently sympathize with their abusers when faced with an implied threat of violence, and it's a choice between an awful thing and a marginally less awful thing. Submit to the rapist or risk worse violence. Or your heat getting shut off in the winter.

None of this is just a matter of opinion. This stuff is well known in the field of psychology which is rapidly changing as we speak.

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Old 02-19-2021, 02:08 PM   #123
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Also victims tend to blame themselves for not going with the "fight" or "flight" responses even though it quite literally is not a matter of choice if they've already been conditioned to freeze or submit, especially as children, which is directly pertinent to the discussion at hand.

I'm sure many of you are familiar with panic disorder - feelings of uncontrollable fear or detachment in extreme situations. Now imagine someone consciously reinforced that panic over many years to the point that your mind essentially detaches from your body or even compartmentalizes the experience under a totally distinct personality in order to cope with the intolerable horror of it all.

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Old 02-20-2021, 11:32 AM   #124
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Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes View Post
Sweet Chilli Doritos (Are Made of Cheese)
underrated post

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Old 02-20-2021, 11:38 AM   #125
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Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly View Post
I didn't read the entire thread (obviously) but there was a multiple page letter sold in an auction by the son of Anton Lavey from MM. It could be edgelord writing or it could be cocaine psychosis but he writes about how he has voices in his head

probably just a drugged out idiot scribbling in a diary but worth a mention

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Old 02-20-2021, 11:39 AM   #126
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to add: judging from the handwriting he was wasted

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Old 02-20-2021, 04:00 PM   #127
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I get the feeling that Manson likes to LARP as a tortured madman, when really he's just a drunken bum.

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Old 04-15-2021, 07:58 PM   #128
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I've never had it happen where someone is revealed to be such a piece of shit that it made me incapable of enjoying their art, but apparently this did it. MM wins

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Old 04-15-2021, 08:31 PM   #129
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It's harder to separate the art from the artist when somebody's "art" is literally just biographical documentation of all the horrible shit they like to subject people to.

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Old 04-15-2021, 08:31 PM   #130
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Also less necessary when the art is edgy middle-school shit.

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Old 04-15-2021, 09:38 PM   #131
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Originally Posted by Disco King View Post
It's harder to separate the art from the artist when somebody's "art" is literally just biographical documentation of all the horrible shit they like to subject people to.
Right. I guess I just never paid enough attention to get that, although I never would have said MM seemed like a nice or upstanding person. I'm not like a huge fan but still, some songs come up randomly on Spotify sometimes since I have some "Liked" and I just can't deal with them being on.

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Old 05-26-2021, 08:12 PM   #132
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Originally Posted by Disco King View Post
I get the feeling that Manson likes to LARP as a tortured madman, when really he's just a drunken bum.
more or less yes

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Old 05-26-2021, 08:14 PM   #133
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those spooky kids demos are still *chefs kiss*

daisy is one of the most fun, creative guitar players of all time

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Old 05-27-2021, 03:05 AM   #134
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Interesting development here:

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Old 05-28-2021, 12:14 PM   #135
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he going to jail

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Old 05-28-2021, 01:16 PM   #136
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for spitting on stage? like belly?

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Old 03-28-2024, 05:56 PM   #137
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Next Thread: Billy's Song Remixer Sean Combs on the Lam for Being an Abusive Monster

Next, we'll get his barber. And then his Pilates instructor. Keep on moving up the chain until we zero in on Individual One himself.

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Old 03-28-2024, 06:10 PM   #138
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It's about time Diddy's skeletons came flying home to roost. Brother Love? Please.

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Old 03-28-2024, 09:52 PM   #139
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Marilyn Manson’s allegations came and went and now it’s like they never happened. Same will go for “puffed daddy”

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Old 03-28-2024, 10:49 PM   #140
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I dunno. Manson didn't flee the United States. Diddy did. Makes me think he knows shit is about to hit the fan.

Whereas it sounds like Manson mostly acted alone when he victimized people, with his entourage just being aware of his abuse but not directly participating in it, if the sex trafficking allegations are true, other people may be implicated in the perpetration of Diddy's crimes. Maybe a number of rich entertainment-industry types are about to be caught in a dragnet. Execs, performers, etc.

Of course, I'm just speculating rather than making any kind of bold predictions I'd hang my hat on. Maybe nothing more will come of this than out-of-court settlements and people ceasing to care.

Last edited by Disco King : 03-28-2024 at 11:07 PM.

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Old 03-29-2024, 02:59 AM   #141
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New Manson album due out soon. Apparently he has been sober for 2 years now...

He is also going on tour with Five Finger Death Punch...he is the support act:

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Old 03-29-2024, 09:13 AM   #142
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Originally Posted by Machinist View Post
New Manson album due out soon. Apparently he has been sober for 2 years now...

He is also going on tour with Five Finger Death Punch...he is the support act:
That show sounds like literally the worst thing on the planet.

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Old 03-29-2024, 09:19 AM   #143
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Marilyn Manson: “god I hate James iha so much I want to strangle and kill him with my bare hands!”

Johnny depp: “WAHHH hell yes brother come over I need to RAWKKK! GUITARS!”

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Old 03-29-2024, 10:57 AM   #144
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Originally Posted by TheAlter View Post
that's pretty much what happens when your main accuser turns out to be a hopeless narcissist with a major victim complex and another accuser recants allegations
says the guy with a ryan adams avatar

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Old 03-29-2024, 04:01 PM   #145
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Short guys who were given a chance fucking things up for the rest of us. You set us all back, Ryan.

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Old 03-29-2024, 04:28 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by TheAlter View Post
tr00 luv

Girl in a jacket
how is duvel a sponsor at some event in LA? wtf?

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Old 03-29-2024, 06:43 PM   #147
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ice cream pls.... that is a good older sister taking her kid brother to his first day of school

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Old 09-19-2024, 11:02 PM   #148
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Originally Posted by Disco King View Post
I dunno. Manson didn't flee the United States. Diddy did. Makes me think he knows shit is about to hit the fan.

Whereas it sounds like Manson mostly acted alone when he victimized people, with his entourage just being aware of his abuse but not directly participating in it, if the sex trafficking allegations are true, other people may be implicated in the perpetration of Diddy's crimes. Maybe a number of rich entertainment-industry types are about to be caught in a dragnet. Execs, performers, etc.

Of course, I'm just speculating rather than making any kind of bold predictions I'd hang my hat on. Maybe nothing more will come of this than out-of-court settlements and people ceasing to care.
I was starting to doubt my assessment of the significance of this, but I think this is actually gonna be a big one. Homeboy's on suicide watch.

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Old 09-20-2024, 05:19 AM   #149
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a good older sister and her big feet

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Old 09-20-2024, 12:18 PM   #150
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who will be the next sex trafficker celebrity arrested?

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