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Old 09-07-2020, 06:11 PM   #1
seasonal depression
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Default I've gotten into this stupid dumb habit of going to online AA meetings

it's so dumb because i hate it so much. it's a dumb outdated weird creepy christian puritan cult where they read the same dumb bullshit every day and tell sad stories

but some of them are cool. there's one at like 3am my time based in vegas that's kinda...warm? i dunno. i shared a few times and they seemed nice.

but a lot of other meetings are like...stodgy ass old people who just prattle the fuck on....citing random bullshit from the big book off hand, as easily as i could go, during the second verse of cherub rock, i love how corgan's voice switches from dreamy to gritty to double the guitar during the line 'angels with their wings GLUED ON' or whatever, you know

Originally Posted by some guy right now
i was at one point stuck on page 62, selfishness
i assume enough people on a smashing pumpkins board are fucked up enough to know about AA/XA/etc so what are your experiences folks?

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Old 09-07-2020, 07:30 PM   #2
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Went twice, wasn’t for me

As someone who grew up in a straight up religious cult, your assessment is spot on. The way the big book is treated as scripture is especially alarming. Glad it helps whoever it seems to help but as far as im concerned fuck AA

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Old 09-07-2020, 07:32 PM   #3
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Greetings, L. Ron Smashingjj

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Old 09-08-2020, 08:43 AM   #4
yo soy el mejor
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not every real-life AA meeting is created equal either. but you can try...

AA for atheists (agnostics welcome):

or if you have an alcoholic parent, try Adult Children of Alcoholics World Org.:

Last edited by yo soy el mejor : 09-08-2020 at 10:42 AM.

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Old 09-08-2020, 08:56 AM   #5
yo soy el mejor
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Less-traditional AA models shy away from the faith-based methodology and prayers, although they embrace the ideals and basic concepts of the 12-Step program and its effectiveness in maintaining sobriety. For example, several of the 12 Steps refer to becoming more self-aware and taking responsibility for one’s actions and previous shortcomings as related to addiction and substance abuse. By admitting fault and character flaws, denying secrecy and indicating the desire to make healthy changes and amends to wronged family and friends, AA programs promote recovery.Several different types of groups and organizations exist to support alcohol and drug abuse recovery in a less spiritual manner, including:

SMART Recovery groups, which are self-empowering and science-based
Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS) is an non-profit network of secular addiction recovery groups, replacing God with good
AA Agnostica hosts an online forum with information on non-spiritual recovery models, news and group details
We Agnostics and Beyond Belief groups ask members to believe in nothing except that recovery is possible
LifeRing Secular Recovery groups offer abstinence-based peer support that is both secular and self-directed
Center for Inquiry (CFI) is a non-profit humanist organization with secular and evidence-based methods and models

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Old 09-08-2020, 10:24 AM   #6
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SMART is like the opposite of AA

believes you have power over your behavior
run by a professional or at least someone who has been trained by SMART
spirituality not included, of course you can bring it up if it applies to you
uses DBT/RET principles
believes in harm reduction
believes in a difference between lapses and relapses (which IMO is psychologically important)
no war stories
no speakers
not anti-medication


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Old 09-08-2020, 02:19 PM   #7
seasonal depression
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thanks frens

just registered for SMART. I hate hate hate the powerless bullshit in AA so fucking much you have no idea. longtime readers of my bullshit may remember my terrible social anxiety issues / feeling quiet and self conscious about my voice being fucked up / etc. So I drank a lot to try to overcome that -- to try to overcome being powerless. Getting sober fundamentally clashes with being powerless for me.

fuck you billy wilson

i've been meaning to get into DBT too - i heard on a podcast the host and her guest were talking about how it helped them with alcoholism. and [here's the ram27 section of the post] i know jimmy mentioned in an interview sobriety to him was about building a life you don't want to escape from -- which seems like a core sort of DBT concept

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Old 09-08-2020, 06:02 PM   #8
Minion of Satan
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Have you ever mentioned to a doctor that you have a tendency to become arguably somewhat fixated on fairly specific subjects, such as the drumming prowess of a certain Jameson Chamberlain?

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Old 09-08-2020, 06:11 PM   #9
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building a life you don’t want to escape from
-And this is Jimmy.

Wow. That’s a kickass quote. Don’t think i even need the program, with the power of omg that quote. Thanks

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Old 09-08-2020, 06:25 PM   #10
seasonal depression
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Originally Posted by buzzard View Post
Have you ever mentioned to a doctor that you have a tendency to become arguably somewhat fixated on fairly specific subjects, such as the drumming prowess of a certain Jameson Chamberlain?
oh absolutely yeah, i've been talking about this in therapy for a few weeks

this was funnier when i was 16

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Old 09-08-2020, 06:31 PM   #11
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Old 09-08-2020, 06:34 PM   #12
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Has it come up with a psychiatrist or neurologist?

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Old 09-08-2020, 06:54 PM   #13
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"for today's session, doctor, i'll be absolutely flying through the jellybelly outro a la brixton '96"

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Old 09-08-2020, 09:10 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by buzzard View Post
Has it come up with a psychiatrist or neurologist?
don't believe so, no

pretty confident i have this tho -->

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Old 09-08-2020, 09:42 PM   #15
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I wouldn't want to get into the world of offering unqualified diagnoses online, you know, but it's just that two specific people I've known that both exhibited tendencies to put a lot of themselves into fairly narrow fields of interest while also struggling to certain extents with social interaction and substance abuse were both ultimately given medical explanations for it. This would have presumably led to more targeted treatment as well as potentially offering some comfort in terms of providing them with insight into their own behaviors.

It's a sensitive topic and not at all my business, but I guess I'm just saying that it's something I would personally investigate if I had observed those things about myself after having known those people.

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Old 09-08-2020, 11:16 PM   #16
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not a doctor here nor making light of any actual serious concerns but i would not hesitate to diagnose that geek usa solo section as having been just straight pummel-blazed

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Old 09-08-2020, 11:20 PM   #17
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a severe case of rapid-fire fuckbursting

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Old 09-09-2020, 12:03 AM   #18
seasonal depression
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Originally Posted by buzzard View Post
I wouldn't want to get into the world of offering unqualified diagnoses online, you know, but it's just that two specific people I've known that both exhibited tendencies to put a lot of themselves into fairly narrow fields of interest while also struggling to certain extents with social interaction and substance abuse were both ultimately given medical explanations for it. This would have presumably led to more targeted treatment as well as potentially offering some comfort in terms of providing them with insight into their own behaviors.

It's a sensitive topic and not at all my business, but I guess I'm just saying that it's something I would personally investigate if I had observed those things about myself after having known those people.
hmm. thanks. you mean just like an autism/aspergers thing? i was exploring that a lot last summer, and eventually just stopped...caring - cause there isn't a cure so i might as well just try to accept and love myself

usually, you know, the special interest thing is an advantage, cause when i'm in a good mood i love being like hyper-into SP and everything. but it can be frustrating/a nightmare, especially when i'm dealing with addiction shit, and especially when it's about a person [not jimmy]

i'll bring this up in therapy tomorrow

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