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Old 06-02-2020, 11:10 AM   #91
Squish Squash
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Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly View Post
In my hometown in Michigan the police have arrested several White Supremacists who were smashing windows and starting fires. And they're looking for several more who were photographed doing the same.

Nazis are using this as an excuse to cause mayhem and blame it on people of color. This is always how the Klan and Nazis operate. They destroy and kill and blame it on their "enemies" so people like Trump and Sheev Palpatine can grab more power
Who are you referring to as Palpatine? Putin? McConnell?

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Old 06-02-2020, 11:24 AM   #92
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Who has a spare 25 minutes (or less if you'd rather turn it off)?

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Old 06-02-2020, 11:30 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by MplsTaper View Post
Yeah, prior to my last post and prior to Topley quoting this post I wanted to mention it seems we have a bad actor among us. I didn't see the unedited post but I trust Topley.
I didn't see it either, to be clear, but I assume it was to correct the spelling of nihilistic or something rather than to tone down the megahateful rhetoric to the merely hateful slop we ended up with

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Old 06-02-2020, 11:50 AM   #94
Joey Goldberg
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Hmm, I don't know according to my studies that was merely Subtly Hateful Rhetoric, it would have at least needed a truly bigoted epithet or two before graduating to Mega Hateful.

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Old 06-02-2020, 12:14 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by Squish Squash View Post
Who are you referring to as Palpatine? Putin? McConnell?
I get McConnell and Palpatine confused

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Old 06-02-2020, 12:16 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by qwerty sp View Post
I didn’t think this thing would gain traction outside of Minnesota.

Maybe people are just bored of normal life and people are turning things into a nihilistic video game
Why are you here? STFU

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Old 06-02-2020, 12:35 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly View Post
I get McConnell and Palpatine confused

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Old 06-02-2020, 01:31 PM   #98
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qwerty sp has always been a swine

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Old 06-02-2020, 01:57 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by MplsTaper View Post

If this were happening in affluent white neighborhoods like Kenwood or the Southwest neighborhoods the cops would be responding. Note that accounts of vehicles with no license plates are now being reported in the news and not just coming from residents on social media.
This happened less than a mile from my house; 0.2 miles from where my daughter goes to high school (where I went to high school 25 years ago). All of those businesses on 44th are high-risk.

I was up all night, a part of a community watch to protect those minority-owned businesses (I was stationed at a daycare across the alley from my house). There were two specific vehicles in North Side last night speeding around with no plates-- a Red Truck that confirmed has a team of white dudes with guns, in Hawaiian shirts; and a Grey Durango who actually shot at the police at some point.

I am posting this so people outside of the Twin Cities know this is REAL. There are fucking outsiders doing this. The protesters are peaceful. The rioters are outsiders trying to sabotage the movement, and specifically targeting minority-owned businesses and stores that provide a supply chain of food and essentials to the inner city communities.

Spread the word.

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Old 06-02-2020, 03:29 PM   #100
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Old 06-02-2020, 03:35 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by soniclovenoize View Post
This happened less than a mile from my house; 0.2 miles from where my daughter goes to high school (where I went to high school 25 years ago). All of those businesses on 44th are high-risk.

I was up all night, a part of a community watch to protect those minority-owned businesses (I was stationed at a daycare across the alley from my house). There were two specific vehicles in North Side last night speeding around with no plates-- a Red Truck that confirmed has a team of white dudes with guns, in Hawaiian shirts; and a Grey Durango who actually shot at the police at some point.

I am posting this so people outside of the Twin Cities know this is REAL. There are fucking outsiders doing this. The protesters are peaceful. The rioters are outsiders trying to sabotage the movement, and specifically targeting minority-owned businesses and stores that provide a supply chain of food and essentials to the inner city communities.

Spread the word.
Boogaloo boys. They do not care about what happened to George Floyd nor about protecting neighborhoods from dirty cops. They want to incite a race war.

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Old 06-02-2020, 06:01 PM   #102
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Old 06-02-2020, 06:59 PM   #103
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two blocks from my apartment.... right now

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Old 06-02-2020, 07:04 PM   #104
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That Black Out Tuesday thing today was an attack on Black Lives Matter.

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Old 06-02-2020, 07:07 PM   #105
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DC right now

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Old 06-02-2020, 07:08 PM   #106
Joey Goldberg
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if that's seriously the origin of the blackout thing i gotta say, they won this one

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Old 06-02-2020, 07:21 PM   #107
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Trump is threatening to take over the DC police department and run it from the White House. The Mayor is resisting it and vowed to fight it in court. In the mean time, the District Police are having a good old time gassing, beating and shooting residents with rubber bullets

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Old 06-02-2020, 07:23 PM   #108
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The president has the authority to appoint governors to administer DC and any and all US territories. This is a power that in DC's case has never been exercised. I suspect that if things continue long enough he will sack the elected government of DC (mayor and council) and install a governor that appoints to him.

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Old 06-02-2020, 07:25 PM   #109
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Meanwhile, DC had a primary election today. Despite the military closing off roads all over and Covid and protests... there has been a huge turnout at the polls. I saw a video earlier of a line 5 blocks long. Much longer lines for voting than even the last midterm election

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Old 06-02-2020, 07:47 PM   #110
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Kinda funny watching other world leaders stifle the urge to criticize the American president because it's custom to avoid souring relations with allied governments by commenting on their domestic affairs. When asked about Trump's actions, Trudeau paused for twenty-one seconds before answering, no doubt trying to formulate something that is diplomatic without endorsing or supporting Trump's actions.

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Old 06-02-2020, 08:31 PM   #111
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Houston has:
- 60K people peacefully protesting and hasn’t had any noticeable rioting or looting or violence from the PD
- Protests led by the mayor, local rappers, various important people around
- No curfew

But CNN isn’t talking about it. Because Houston is a minority majority city that white people find “dirty” because it reflects the ethnic mix of the people who live there. People are uncomfortable about their Indian grocery store being next to their Costco. Houston is the future of America and the country should look there for the answer

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Old 06-02-2020, 08:55 PM   #112
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Why must America's answers specifically come from within America?

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Old 06-02-2020, 09:43 PM   #113
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Donald Trump, a Bible, and blasphemy
By Rev. Michael Coren

The word “Bible” actually means library, a collection of books written over centuries by many different people, and containing works of history, metaphor, poetry and literal truth. I believe it to be inspired by God but not to be divine dictation, I read it as a wonderful guide to many of the great moral issues but it’s not a handbook for every aspect of daily living. It must be combined with experience, understanding and faith. But most of all it is holy, and at the centre of every Christian’s life. It’s not a tool, not a product to be marketed like some worthless trinket on a television game show. Yet cheapen and vulgarize is precisely what Donald Trump did. As I say, he committed blasphemy.

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Old 06-02-2020, 10:10 PM   #114
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Trump LITERALLY tear-gassed the reverend from that church, had the police chase them away, then posed for pics in front of their church.

Rev. Gini Gerbasi, the rector at St. John's Episcopal Church of Georgetown, said she was at the scene when police fired smoke canisters and pepper balls to disperse the crowds so that President Donald Trump could walk over to the church and take photos.

Last edited by MyOneAndOnly : 06-02-2020 at 10:16 PM.

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Old 06-02-2020, 10:40 PM   #115
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Originally Posted by myosis View Post
Donald Trump, a Bible, and blasphemy
By Rev. Michael Coren

The word “Bible” actually means library, a collection of books written over centuries by many different people, and containing works of history, metaphor, poetry and literal truth. I believe it to be inspired by God but not to be divine dictation, I read it as a wonderful guide to many of the great moral issues but it’s not a handbook for every aspect of daily living. It must be combined with experience, understanding and faith. But most of all it is holy, and at the centre of every Christian’s life. It’s not a tool, not a product to be marketed like some worthless trinket on a television game show. Yet cheapen and vulgarize is precisely what Donald Trump did. As I say, he committed blasphemy.
Sounds like this pastor is a total loser

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Old 06-02-2020, 10:49 PM   #116
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he pissed someone stole his mind control tool


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Old 06-02-2020, 10:50 PM   #117
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Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly View Post
Trump LITERALLY tear-gassed the reverend from that church, had the police chase them away,
there's a silver lining to every cloud

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Old 06-02-2020, 11:28 PM   #118
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it's making me fucking livid how so many utter cunts on twitter are saying bullshit like

jUsT ObEy tHe cUrFeW

to people getting arrested

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Old 06-03-2020, 07:52 AM   #119
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The Horbowys had gathered in Tallahassee, Florida, to watch live as Trump walked from the White House to St John’s. “My mother just shouted out, ‘God give him strength! He’s doing a Jericho walk!’”

A Jericho walk, in some evangelical circles, refers to the biblical book of Joshua, where God commanded the Israelites to walk seven times around the opposing city of Jericho, whose walls then came crashing down.

Horbowy already supported Trump politically – he heads the local chapter of a pro- Trump motorcycle club and is campaigning for a seat in Florida’s state senate – but when Trump lifted the Bible, Horbowy and his family felt overcome spiritually.

“My mother started crying. She comes from Pentecostal background, and she started speaking in tongues. I haven’t heard her speak in tongues in years,” he said. “I thought, look at my president! He’s establishing the Lord’s kingdom in the world.”

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Old 06-03-2020, 08:47 AM   #120
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The Minneapolis public school board unanimously approved a resolution on Tuesday night that will end the district’s contract with the Minneapolis police department to use officers to provide school security.

“We cannot continue to be in partnership with an organization that has the culture of violence and racism that the Minneapolis police department has historically demonstrated,” Nelson, one of the school board members, said. “We have to stand in solidarity with our black students.”

While the vote does not bring justice for Floyd, “it will show that meaningful change is possible,” Nathaniel, the school board’s student representative, said.
Big blow to the MPD and it should have happened a LONG time ago.

I love this police chief:

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