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Old 06-01-2020, 07:11 PM   #61
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Donald Trump just had peaceful protesters near the white house teargassed so that he could walk across the street and have photos taken of him holding a bible in front of a church

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Old 06-01-2020, 07:12 PM   #62
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7pm curfew today and tomorrow in DC.

Blackhawks flying low and slow right now back and forth over the Capital. This is super creepy

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Old 06-01-2020, 07:23 PM   #63
yo soy el mejor
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longest line at the grocery store so far. the atm inside the store was FUCKED and so was the toiletry aisle and the liquor dept was wiped except for flavored svedka (lol) and some other clear stuff. long-ass line at bank atms in the same plaza with people trying to get cash out while they still can. depressing stuff @_@

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Old 06-01-2020, 07:24 PM   #64
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it's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how i keep from going under

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Old 06-01-2020, 07:29 PM   #65
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It just seems weird of the elite ca[nni]bal[s] to hire a descendant of the dude that invented chauvinism to pull the false flag trigger on this one. They do love their puns.

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Old 06-01-2020, 07:44 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly View Post
He idolizes Putin and other despots
Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly View Post
he's a bumbling idiot
not to miss the point but these two things seem like one of those "venn diagram is a circle" type situations

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Old 06-01-2020, 07:46 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by redbreegull View Post
Donald Trump just had peaceful protesters near the white house teargassed so that he could walk across the street and have photos taken of him holding a bible in front of a church
I'm starting to think this Trump guy may not be a very good leader.

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Old 06-01-2020, 07:58 PM   #68
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Oh yeah? Do you need help packing your bags for Somalia?


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Old 06-01-2020, 08:05 PM   #69
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It's really sad that the strategy now appears to involve directing as much attention towards the racially-tinged rioting as possible for the purposes of switching to the easier election year narrative of law and order versus criminal wasteland composed of gang members in plainclothes. A much easier sell for the GOP than anything related to the health crisis we're now borderline ignoring.

Now we get to see more of Trump's greenroom coaching, too —
AIDE: Go out there and portray yourself as the President of law and order.
[Trump exits the greenroom, makes his way over to the talking box and addresses the press.]
TRUMP: I am the President of law and order.

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Old 06-01-2020, 09:37 PM   #70
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Trump, the chaotic criminal, being the president of law and order is rich. Of course plenty of people don’t care about facts in this dumbass country.

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Old 06-01-2020, 11:50 PM   #71
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We are living in a simulation.

We're now at the point where the player gets bored of the game and starts trying to find cruel and inventive ways of fucking with his Sims before turning the game off and doing something else.

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Old 06-02-2020, 01:46 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by Disco King View Post
We are living in a simulation.

We're now at the point where the player gets bored of the game and starts trying to find cruel and inventive ways of fucking with his Sims before turning the game off and doing something else.
I think it's more likely I'm a boltzmann brain and the rest of you are not real

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Old 06-02-2020, 01:57 AM   #73
qwerty sp
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I didn’t think this thing would gain traction outside of Minnesota.

Maybe people are just bored of normal life and people are turning things into a nihilistic video game

Last edited by qwerty sp : 06-02-2020 at 02:05 AM.

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Old 06-02-2020, 02:02 AM   #74
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whenever i play civilization or whatever i fuck around and try to maximize citizen happiness

i'm waiting for my zoom drum lesson from jimmy. legal weed nationwide. $5k check for everyone. disband the police. divert police budget to jam spaces.

july 10th will be a world holiday. everyone will learn either vox/guitar/bass/drums to the last MCIS silverfuck and play it together at 13:12 in the afternoon

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Old 06-02-2020, 04:51 AM   #75
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I can’t help thinking that what the U.S. needs now is Bernie Sanders

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Old 06-02-2020, 05:10 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by FoolofaTook View Post
He raised $670,000.
I didn't know that. that changes things, shoutout to David Guetta in that case!

i was just appalled by the way he seems to have just learned the news and goes about in what seems to be his regular buffoony way to acknowledge the killing of George Floyd and then tops it off with him raping the famous MLK speech

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Old 06-02-2020, 05:17 AM   #77
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Given the opportunity, I am sure we could have raised much more to prevent a David Guetta shout-out.

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Old 06-02-2020, 05:41 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by Disco King View Post
We are living in a simulation.

We're now at the point where the player gets bored of the game and starts trying to find cruel and inventive ways of fucking with his Sims before turning the game off and doing something else.
did you ever read Alan Moore's "Whatever happened to the Man of Tomorrow"

I can't really explain the rest of this reference without spoilers

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Old 06-02-2020, 07:30 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by smashingjj View Post
I didn't know that. that changes things, shoutout to David Guetta in that case!

i was just appalled by the way he seems to have just learned the news and goes about in what seems to be his regular buffoony way to acknowledge the killing of George Floyd and then tops it off with him raping the famous MLK speech
yeah you are right. clearly it was really thoughtless and insensitive. i just thought some of the twitter comments were a little harsh.

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Old 06-02-2020, 07:48 AM   #80
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Old 06-02-2020, 07:50 AM   #81
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One senior aide was exuberantly telling friends the photograph of him holding a Bible in front of the church that had been attacked by vandals was an “iconic” moment for the president.

But a senior White House official told Axios that when they saw the tear gas clearing the crowd for Trump to walk to the church with his entourage: “I’ve never been more ashamed. I’m really honestly disgusted. I’m sick to my stomach. And they’re all celebrating it. They’re very very proud of themselves.”

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Old 06-02-2020, 08:45 AM   #82
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Originally Posted by buzzard View Post
It's really sad that the strategy now appears to involve directing as much attention towards the racially-tinged rioting as possible for the purposes of switching to the easier election year narrative of law and order versus criminal wasteland composed of gang members in plainclothes. A much easier sell for the GOP than anything related to the health crisis we're now borderline ignoring.
it's an old trick in the book. our government tried the same thing 8 years ago, but failed. it wasn't racially-tinged though. just students demonstrating against tuition increases (with the inevitable escalations, possibly triggered by police themselves) vs. law-and-order.

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Old 06-02-2020, 08:54 AM   #83
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Suspicious fire destroys North Minneapolis businesses

Residents say they heard gun shots throughout the night, and couldn't reach police when they called to report it.

Published: 10:48 PM CDT June 1, 2020
Updated: 2:01 AM CDT June 2, 2020

MINNEAPOLIS — George Floyd was killed one week ago today.

And his death has caused an uproar in the Twin Cities and across the country. The officer seen kneeling on George Floyd's neck before he died has been charged with third-degree attempted murder and second-degree manslaughter.

In the Twin Cities, destruction has been widespread. Often, its been hard to know where fires or damage seekers would pop up.

Monday morning, North Minneapolis was hit. While some people slept, parts of North Minneapolis burned. Witnesses told us fire destroyed four businesses housed inside a strip mall on 44th Avenue.

The Minneapolis Fire Department said the blaze is suspicious.

The building housed Mailbox Solutions Plus store, Boost Mobile and Tom's Barbershop. Residents also say they heard gunshots all night long, and, when they tried to call 911 for help, they couldn't reach an operator.

Valerie Fleurantin and others we spoke with said they were calling to report gunshots and vehicles in residential neighborhoods with missing license plates. She and others questioned why there has been limited police presence surrounding their homes and businesses.

The sound of gunfire was captured on a Facebook live stream and a man pleading with the hundreds for folks with heat to come help. But who attacked the north side?

Lane Cunningham, who is married to Ward Councilmember Phillipe Cunningham, said he believes it is the work of one group.

"We have white supremacists on bikes, going through alleys with backpacks," he said. "Sometimes they are wearing masks to cover up most of their faces. They are wearing all black. The come here under the cloak of night."

Fleurantin said she knows the people causing problems "are not from" the north side.

"They have been down our alleys riding bikes. We are not terrorizing our own neighborhood," she said as volunteers handed out food donations behind her on the corner of Broadway and Emerson. "Here is what we are doing. We are feeding our neighborhood."

"They have their guns out. They are running up and down our streets," she said. "We have been calling for help. I emailed the emergency email because 911 isn’t operating."

Minneapolis Police Spokesperson, John Elder, said the department is handling three times the number of 911 calls received on a regular day.

He also said Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo "shared with me the story of what sounded like automatic gunfire when he was out last night," he said adding the Chief responded to some of the calls for help.

Rev. Jerry McAfee, who is a pastor at New Salem Missionary Baptist Church, said he understands the "police can't be everywhere" all the time.

And, the community is responding. Neighbors united and watched over their property - including one of the only places remaining to purchase groceries in the area.

"We have been guarding solo for the last three nights. We have North Market further down." McAfee said.

But Monday Public Safety Commissioner John Harrington downplayed what the residents said happened.

Harrington responded to questions about safety concerns in the Twin Cities as rumors fly on social media about plate-less cars driving around neighborhoods, and Minneapolis police report flammables being found in bushes.

"At some point we struggle with what is said and what is actually happening," he said.

Harrington said that they get many tips that they have pursued and found that "there's no sign that was happening."

"I was hearing crazy stuff about the Klan marching down the street," he said. "We've got traffic cams, we've got - none of that happened."

If this were happening in affluent white neighborhoods like Kenwood or the Southwest neighborhoods the cops would be responding. Note that accounts of vehicles with no license plates are now being reported in the news and not just coming from residents on social media.

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Old 06-02-2020, 09:02 AM   #84
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In my hometown in Michigan the police have arrested several White Supremacists who were smashing windows and starting fires. And they're looking for several more who were photographed doing the same.

Nazis are using this as an excuse to cause mayhem and blame it on people of color. This is always how the Klan and Nazis operate. They destroy and kill and blame it on their "enemies" so people like Trump and Sheev Palpatine can grab more power

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Old 06-02-2020, 09:05 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by FoolofaTook View Post
One senior aide was exuberantly telling friends the photograph of him holding a Bible in front of the church that had been attacked by vandals was an “iconic” moment for the president.

But a senior White House official told Axios that when they saw the tear gas clearing the crowd for Trump to walk to the church with his entourage: “I’ve never been more ashamed. I’m really honestly disgusted. I’m sick to my stomach. And they’re all celebrating it. They’re very very proud of themselves.”
The Bishop for the Episcopal Diocese of Washington (it was their church) has condemned this. The church has actually been providing support to the Protesters in front of the White House (water and shelter). And was doing so yesterday when the cops gassed the peaceful crowd.

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Old 06-02-2020, 09:10 AM   #86
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had a hard time sleeping last night. The military was flying Blackhawk helicopters back and forth over downtown DC, very low. They are loud as hell. I'm 8 blocks from the White House.

I don't know WTF Blackhawks are being used for. The city has wide open broad roads that the cops and military can drive through. They're not dropping Airborne units out of the helicopters. It's just a bunch of posturing by Trump to show that he controls the Military.

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Old 06-02-2020, 09:23 AM   #87
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Old 06-02-2020, 09:53 AM   #88
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Old 06-02-2020, 10:32 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by qwerty sp View Post
I didn’t think this thing would gain traction outside of Minnesota.

Maybe people are just bored of normal life and people are turning things into a nihilistic video game
It's great that you went back and edited this, but not into a thought that wasn't incredibly stupid and willfully ignorant

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Old 06-02-2020, 11:08 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by qwerty sp View Post
I didn’t think this thing would gain traction outside of Minnesota.

Maybe people are just bored of normal life and people are turning things into a nihilistic video game
Originally Posted by topleybird View Post
It's great that you went back and edited this, but not into a thought that wasn't incredibly stupid and willfully ignorant
Yeah, prior to my last post and prior to Topley quoting this post I wanted to mention it seems we have a bad actor among us. I didn't see the unedited post but I trust Topley.

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