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Old 06-01-2020, 09:55 AM   #31
Just Hook it to My Veins!
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Old 06-01-2020, 09:55 AM   #32
Just Hook it to My Veins!
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Old 06-01-2020, 10:10 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by redbreegull View Post
lmfao trump wants to label "antifa" a terrorist organization

i take it back america is in decay. mental decay.
I knew we'd agree eventually! Can we call it cognitive decay? It has such a nice ring to it.

P.S. For at least 25 years, Antifa groups have been on the list of extremist groups the German security agency monitors.

Last edited by pavementtune : 06-01-2020 at 10:17 AM.

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Old 06-01-2020, 10:13 AM   #34
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White agent provocateurs and white supremacists groups are in Minneapolis/St. Paul from out of state starting fires, smashing windows and engaging in other forms of property damage. Yes, of course some locals are doing so as well but what you see in the news is not coming from the peaceful protests that have been happening for 6 days. Many vehicles with out of state plates or plates REMOVED have been seen around by myself and people I trust. These people do not care about justice for Mr. Floyd or holding cops accountable. They are here to incite violence and hate. Governor Walz and Attorney General Ellison have acknowledged this. My friends and I have witnessed it first hand in our communities. Protests have been peaceful during the day but the agitators infiltrate at night. There are also teenagers driving in from the suburbs, out state or Wisconsin to break and steal whatever they want while people are distracted.

The 3 other officers need to be charged and arrested as well. I want to see all 4 convicted. I also want to see Chauvin assigned to general population but unfortunately that would not happen in a million years.

‘Umbrella Man’ - my friend Tom is the person who yells "Are you a fucking cop?!" in the video. Love you Tom.

This is just one of many examples. More will come out. Thanks for starting this Sofi. I didn't feel like posting a ton of stuff here on my phone over the weekend but I've been lighting up discord. Back at a computer today. I have been voting for Keith Ellison since he was elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives in 2003. Now we elected him to state Attorney General and I was extremely happy to hear this news:

On Sunday, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz announced that Keith Ellison, Minnesota Attorney General will take the lead in the case of Floyd's killing.

EDIT: There are plenty of homegrown agent provocateurs and white supremacists shit bags. I did not mean to insinuate that they are all from out of state. Many are from MN, coming from the suburbs or the small towns in out state/rural MN. This is a pretty red state once you head out to the suburbs and beyond.

Last edited by MplsTaper : 06-01-2020 at 10:22 AM. Reason: clarification

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Old 06-01-2020, 10:34 AM   #35
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The cops are inciting as well. Lots of peaceful protesters being pepper sprayed and shot by rubber bullets which can actually mess you up pretty bad. I might post some local pictures later. They are also treating the press like garbage.

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Old 06-01-2020, 10:39 AM   #36
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At a later news conference, Walz said that “I take full responsibility. There is absolutely no reason something like that should happen … This is a very public apology to that team.”

The arrest drew widespread condemnation across the news industry. CNN competitors MSNBC, CBS News and Fox News all issued statements in support of Jimenez, along with the Society of Professional Journalists and the National Association of Black Journalists.

CNN accepted Walz’s apology, saying the network appreciated the sincerity of his words.

Walz’s words in support of journalists have impact at a time when the news media is often under attack, said Jane E. Kirtley, Silha Professor of Media Ethics and Law and director of the Silha Center at the University of Minnesota.

“It’s really important for the governor to make that kind of statement to emphasize to everyone, especially law enforcement, that the press has an important job to do … and they need to be respected,” said Kirtley, who lives blocks away from the protests and could still smell smoke from the fires on Friday.

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Old 06-01-2020, 10:50 AM   #37
Just Hook it to My Veins!
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Hundreds of demonstrates converged on the square in front of the Rio de Janeiro state government palace Sunday, protesting crimes committed by the police against black people in the Brazilian city’s poor neighborhoods, known as favelas.

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Old 06-01-2020, 10:50 AM   #38
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As recently as May 18, a 14-year-old black boy was killed during a Federal Police operation in the Complexo Salgueiro favelas.

The teenager, Joao Pedro Pinto, was at home with cousins when police broke into his house, allegedly pursuing drug traffickers, and shot him dead.

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Old 06-01-2020, 10:52 AM   #39
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While the City I love burns
May 29

Sleepless and mortified, my heart melts in real-time as parts of the city I love so deeply burn away. Knowing these neighborhoods as I do I see way too clearly what is going up in smoke. While the TV showed things on fire, I saw flames getting closer to the first-generation entrepreneur who so proudly showed me the new business where he invested everything he had, the neighborhood kids who cheered so loudly at the opening of that library, and the seniors in that wonderful care facility where they must be trapped because of COVID.

It is nearly impossible to get these horrifying images out of our heads, but we must, because right now our eyes have to stay focused on one single image:

A human being, staring calmly off into the middle distance, while his knee suffocates another human being. Our repulsion should boil over as we see this is a white police officer, who took an oath to protect and serve that person on the ground, who is a black man, who we know would not be treated like that if he was white. We should be shocked again when we see other officers doing nothing to prevent a death.

And nothing should shock us more than the fact that we are no longer shocked, because this image is so familiar.

Until every one of us can see that image for what it is we cannot move another inch forward. Our country, and our beloved imperfect city, has tolerated two tiers of justice too long when we never should have tolerated it in the first place. We need to acknowledge that on some level, every one of us had a role in keeping this inequity in place.

I’ll go first, because after 12 years as mayor of this city, I should. My own efforts to change a police department and its culture failed badly. That will haunt me for the rest of my life, and it should. As each of us sees and acknowledges our own part it can be paralyzing. It was for me. But I was touched deeply yesterday by my colleague at the Minneapolis Foundation, Chanda Smith Baker. Having grown up and now raising a family as an African American in north Minneapolis, and leading Pillsbury United Communities for years, she has seen so many more of the consequences of our deep, endemic racism than I ever will. But as we surveyed the damage and pain in our community she said simply, and clearly: “We have no choice but to act.”

So act we will.

We will deploy $500,000 from The Minneapolis Foundation’s Fund for Safe Communities to support the people of Minneapolis as they strive for justice, equity and healing in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death in police custody.

Money matters. But it is not the only tool that can and should be used by a community Foundation like the Minneapolis Foundation. The Foundation needs to use its visibility, privilege, and trust in the community to bring about change in policies and values. Most importantly, the Foundation needs to recognize that while raising its voice, it also needs to lift up the voices of the people who are closest to the issues. In addition, my responsibility goes beyond leading the Foundation to ******* the special obligation of a former Mayor who owes it to the city to be as blunt and sometimes dangerous in sharing what my experience tells me needs to be done right now.

So what can others do?

A very well-intentioned friend asked me yesterday what was the one thing he could do to make this situation better. I had to say, “there’s no one thing.” You can’t fully stop racism in policing without understanding the racism in the laws we ask our police to enforce, the racism in a criminal justice system that over-incarcerates black men, the racism in how we white Americans perceive a threat when we see someone who is black. An unjust economic system matters, and so does the issue where I focus most these days: the intolerable racial inequities in education.

It all matters and it’s all connected. But, right now, nothing matters more in Minneapolis than reforming the Minneapolis police. Obvious first steps ******* demilitarizing the training programs, building better tracking systems that intervene early in an officer's career before the behavior escalates into these tragic incidents, and overturning the “Stanek Amendment” - the legislature shoved down Minneapolis’ throat to prevent the city from requiring officers live in the city.

There are many more specific actions that can be taken but above it all is police culture. I know this city’s history well. There’s been something about police in Minneapolis — practically from the beginning. I’m often asked why does one of the most progressive cities in the country have so many racial issues with our police? First, this city that so proudly wears its progressive credentials has actually not been so progressive on issues of race — especially as race relates to police, housing, the economy, and more.

More important, after years of being a reporter covering the department; and after years serving as Mayor and getting to know many officers well; I have come to know that we have a majority of officers who let a minority of officers create a dominant us-vs-them culture steeped in racism.

Central to that is the toxic Federation President Bob Kroll who pushes every hot button, blames every victim, refuses to acknowledge any misbehavior, and plays to the deepest fears of his members. (If this is sounding familiar, it should.) Protesters have called for his resignation. But he is an elected official. And like any politician, you can only remove that person if the police officers who elected him rise up and say enough is enough. It is both shocking, and shockingly unsurprising, that we have not heard more officers speak out about George Floyd’s death. To the many good officers I know exist: I know the consequences of being shunned by your co-workers, but I also know you know in your heart that George Floyd should not be dead. Your silence is deafening and this city cannot move forward until we hear your voices.

I also truly believe our greatest hope is Police Chief Medaria Arradondo. I have known Rondo in many ways — as the incredibly effective chief of staff to a police chief, I tried to fire; as the officer who night after night I saw build rapport with residents living in fear; as the officer who sued the department for racial bias; as the precinct commander who built deep respect with both the officers and the community and now, as the chief who made the right call by immediately firing the officers involved in the death of George Floyd. His moral compass has never wavered. His empathy has never faltered. He is a child of our city whose roots and understanding run deep. He is exactly the right person at the right time. Rarely does the world present us with clear-cut choices but in this case, I can bluntly say: Rondo is the good guy, Kroll is the bad guy and I urge every person in the community to stand squarely behind Rondo at this critical time because he absolutely must win.

He is not alone. Mayor Jacob Frey stood rock solid with his chief when the tough decisions needed to be made and I know personally he has the moral clarity to do that again. Help him succeed where I failed.

He is also not alone. This city council has the guts and perspective to do what’s right. Specifically, this city that should rightfully feel such shame for letting this go so long should also be filled with pride in the inspirational leadership that Andrea Jenkins and Jeremiah Ellison, a kid from the north side, bring to our community.

We have stood at this place before, in Minneapolis and across the country. Another incident, a few days of promises and then…as the attention fades, so does the hope for change. Is change possible? I know it is because I have seen it before.

Forty-one years ago, I was a young crime reporter for the Minneapolis Tribune. Night after night, I covered a police department that had deep issues of trust with two communities: residents who were black, and residents who were gay.

All these years later one of those groups has seen enormous change. The Minneapolis Police, which back then routinely beat and humiliated gay residents, is now one of the most gay-friendly departments in the country with openly gay officers serving in every part of the force, including at one point, the chief role.

The fact that we have seen so much progress with gay residents and almost none with black residents says a lot about racism. We need to own that. But it does also say that change is possible, and now we have to prove that is true.

I finish writing this as the sun comes up. I hear a siren and shudder to think what has happened overnight. Teetering on the precipice with the city I love so deeply, I can only say: Hold that horrible image of the knee on the neck in your head to see clearly what is wrong that must be made right. Take the advice Chanda gave me that, “we have no option but to act.” And realize that sometimes when you fall over the edge you are actually going to a better place.
R.T. Rybak
Former Minneapolis Mayor (2002–2013)

Edit to add link:

Last edited by MplsTaper : 06-01-2020 at 01:04 PM. Reason: to add link

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Old 06-01-2020, 11:54 AM   #40
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Fuck, I don't even know what to say.

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Old 06-01-2020, 12:39 PM   #41
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looting continuing in chicago. the grocery store got looted yesterday but we called and they're still open. going to go check out what's left to purchase

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Old 06-01-2020, 02:30 PM   #42
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Killer Mike: (00:01)
I didn’t want to come, and I don’t want to be here. I’m the son of an Atlanta City Police Officer. My cousin is an Atlanta City Police Officer, and my other cousin, [inaudible 00:00:19] police officer. I got a lot of love and respect for police officers down to the original eight police officers in Atlanta that, even after becoming police, had to dress in a YMCA because white officers didn’t want to get dressed with n*****s.

Killer Mike: (00:38)
And, here we are, 80 years later. I watched a white officer assassinate a black man, and I know that tore your heart out. I know it’s crippling, and I have nothing positive to say in this moment because I don’t want to be here. But, I’m responsible to be here because it wasn’t just Doctor King and people dressed nicely who marched and protested to progress this city and so many other cities. It was people like my grandmother, people like my aunts and uncles, who are members of the SCLC and NAACP. And, in particular, Reverend James Orange, Mrs. Alice Johnson and Reverend Love, who we just lost last year.

Killer Mike: (01:31)
So, I’m duty bound to be here to simply say that it is your duty not to burn your own house down for anger with an enemy. It is your duty to fortify your own house so that you may be a house of refuge in times of organization. Now is the time to plot, plan, strategize, organize, and mobilize. It is time to beat up prosecutors you don’t like at the voting booth. It is time to hold mayoral offices accountable, chiefs and deputy chiefs. Atlanta is not perfect, we’re a lot better than we ever were, and we’re a lot better than cities are.

Killer Mike: (02:15)
I’m mad as hell. I woke up wanting to see the world burn down yesterday because I’m tired of seeing black men die. He casually put his knee on a human being’s neck for nine minutes as he died like a zebra in the clutch of a lion’s jaw. And, we watch it like murder porn over and over again. That’s why children are burning to the ground. They don’t know what else to do.

Killer Mike: (02:49)
It is the responsibility of us to make this better right now. We don’t want to see one officer charged. We want to see four officers prosecuted and sentenced. We don’t want to see Targets burning. We want to see the system that sets up for systemic racism burnt to the ground.

Killer Mike: (03:13)
As I sit here in Georgia, home of Stephens, Georgia, former vice president of the Confederacy … White man said that fundamental law stated that whites were naturally the superior race, and the Confederacy was built on a Cornerstone. It’s called a Cornerstone Speech. Look it up. The Cornerstone Speech that blacks would be always be subordinate … That officer believed that speech because he killed that man like an animal.

Killer Mike: (03:43)
In this city, officers have done horrendous things, and they have been prosecuted. This city’s cut different. In this city, you can find over 50 restaurants owned by black women. I didn’t say minority, and I didn’t say women of color. So, after you burn down your own home, what do you have left but char and ash?

Killer Mike: (04:06)
CNN? Ted did a great thing. I love CNN. I love Cartoon Network. But, I’d like to say to CNN right now: karma’s a mother. Stop feeding fear and anger every day. Stop making people feel so fearful. Give them hope.

Killer Mike: (04:24)
I’m glad they only took down a sign and defaced a building, and they’re not killing human beings like that policeman did. I’m glad they only destroyed some brick and mortar, and they didn’t rip a father from a son. They didn’t rip a son from a mother like the policeman did. When a man yells for his mother in duress and pain and she’s dead, he is essentially yelling, “Please, God. Don’t let it happen to me.” We watched that.

Killer Mike: (04:51)
So, my question for us, on the other side of this camera, is after it burns, will we be left with char, or will we rise like a phoenix out of the ashes that Atlanta has always done? Will we use this as a moment to say that we will not do what other cities have done, and in fact, we will get better than we’ve been.

Killer Mike: (05:09)
We got good enough to destroy cash bonds. You don’t have to worry about going to jail for something petty. We got smart enough to decriminalize marijuana. How smart are we going to be in the next 15 to 20 years, to keep us ahead of this curve so that, much like when South Africa suffered apartheid, you had Andy and other politicians that could make sure that Atlanta said, “Coca-Cola, we love you, but if you don’t pull out of South Africa, we’re going to leave. We’re not going to drink Coca-Cola anymore.” Coca-Cola jumped on their side, and apartheid ended.

Killer Mike: (05:39)
So, we have an opportunity now because I’m mad. I don’t have any good advice. What I can tell you is that if you sit in your homes tonight instead of burning your home to the ground, you will have time to properly plot, plan, strategize, and organize and mobilize in an effective way.

Killer Mike: (05:57)
Two of the most effective ways is first taking your butt to the computer and making sure you fill out your Census so that people know who you are and where you are. The next thing is making sure you exercise your political bully power and going to local elections and beating up the politicians that you don’t like.

Killer Mike: (06:12)
You got a prosecutor that sent your partner to jail, and you know it was bullshit? Put a new prosecutor in there. Now’s your election to do it. You want a different senator that’s more progressive, that’s puts marijuana through? Now is the time to do that, but it is not time to burn down your own home.

Killer Mike: (06:27)
I love and I respect you. I hate I don’t have more to say. I hate I can’t fix it in a snap. I hate Atlanta’s not perfect for as good as we are. But, we have to be better than this moment. We have to be better than burning down our own homes because if we lose Atlanta, what else we got? We lose an ability to plot, to plan, to strategize, to organize, and to properly mobilize.

Killer Mike: (06:52)
I want you to go home. I want you to talk to 10 of your friends. I want you guys to come up with real solutions. I would like for the Atlanta city police department to bring back the community review board, one that Alice Johnson was formerly under, under Chief Turner. We need a review board here because we need to get ahead of it before an officer does some stupid shit. We need to get ahead of it.

Killer Mike: (07:15)
That’s my recommendation to my mayor and my chief. Let’s get a review board. Let’s get ahead of it, and let’s give them power. We don’t need an officer that makes a mistake once, twice, three times and finally he kills a boy on national TV, and the next thing you know the country is burning down. We don’t need a dumb-ass president repeating what segregation has said. If you start looting, we start shooting. But, the problem is, some officers black, and some people going to shoot back. And, that’s not good for our community, either.

Killer Mike: (07:45)
I love and respect you all. I hope that we find a way out of it because I don’t have the answers, but I do know we must plot. We must plan. We must strategize, organize, and mobilize. Thank you for allowing me some time to speak. I’d like to appreciate our chief, of what she said on YouTube. I thought it was very bold to do. I’d like to appreciate our mayor for talking to us like a black mama and telling us to take our ass at home, and I’d like to thank my friends for convincing me to come here. And, I defer to Joe Beasley now because he knows a hell of a lot more than we do. Thank you all.

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Old 06-01-2020, 02:49 PM   #43
Squish Squash
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Originally Posted by MplsTaper View Post
White agent provocateurs and white supremacists groups are in Minneapolis/St. Paul from out of state starting fires, smashing windows and engaging in other forms of property damage. Yes, of course some locals are doing so as well but what you see in the news is not coming from the peaceful protests that have been happening for 6 days. Many vehicles with out of state plates or plates REMOVED have been seen around by myself and people I trust. These people do not care about justice for Mr. Floyd or holding cops accountable. They are here to incite violence and hate. Governor Walz and Attorney General Ellison have acknowledged this. My friends and I have witnessed it first hand in our communities. Protests have been peaceful during the day but the agitators infiltrate at night. There are also teenagers driving in from the suburbs, out state or Wisconsin to break and steal whatever they want while people are distracted.

The 3 other officers need to be charged and arrested as well. I want to see all 4 convicted. I also want to see Chauvin assigned to general population but unfortunately that would not happen in a million years.

‘Umbrella Man’ - my friend Tom is the person who yells "Are you a fucking cop?!" in the video. Love you Tom.

This is just one of many examples. More will come out. Thanks for starting this Sofi. I didn't feel like posting a ton of stuff here on my phone over the weekend but I've been lighting up discord. Back at a computer today. I have been voting for Keith Ellison since he was elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives in 2003. Now we elected him to state Attorney General and I was extremely happy to hear this news:

On Sunday, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz announced that Keith Ellison, Minnesota Attorney General will take the lead in the case of Floyd's killing.

EDIT: There are plenty of homegrown agent provocateurs and white supremacists shit bags. I did not mean to insinuate that they are all from out of state. Many are from MN, coming from the suburbs or the small towns in out state/rural MN. This is a pretty red state once you head out to the suburbs and beyond.
There is a protest going on today in Minneapolis (starts in 10 minutes at Target Field) that is ostensibly for peace but has a lot of “All Lives Matter” messaging. It’s called Team Human: March for Peace. Just a warning for you not to go as it could have right wing militant types and be dangerous. The organizer seems sketchy and has not once mentioned George Floyd or Black Lives Matter.

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Old 06-01-2020, 03:04 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by MplsTaper View Post
White agent provocateurs and white supremacists groups are in Minneapolis/St. Paul from out of state starting fires, smashing windows and engaging in other forms of property damage. Yes, of course some locals are doing so as well but what you see in the news is not coming from the peaceful protests that have been happening for 6 days. Many vehicles with out of state plates or plates REMOVED have been seen around by myself and people I trust. These people do not care about justice for Mr. Floyd or holding cops accountable. They are here to incite violence and hate. Governor Walz and Attorney General Ellison have acknowledged this. My friends and I have witnessed it first hand in our communities. Protests have been peaceful during the day but the agitators infiltrate at night. There are also teenagers driving in from the suburbs, out state or Wisconsin to break and steal whatever they want while people are distracted.

The 3 other officers need to be charged and arrested as well. I want to see all 4 convicted. I also want to see Chauvin assigned to general population but unfortunately that would not happen in a million years.

‘Umbrella Man’ - my friend Tom is the person who yells "Are you a fucking cop?!" in the video. Love you Tom.

This is just one of many examples. More will come out. Thanks for starting this Sofi. I didn't feel like posting a ton of stuff here on my phone over the weekend but I've been lighting up discord. Back at a computer today. I have been voting for Keith Ellison since he was elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives in 2003. Now we elected him to state Attorney General and I was extremely happy to hear this news:

On Sunday, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz announced that Keith Ellison, Minnesota Attorney General will take the lead in the case of Floyd's killing.

EDIT: There are plenty of homegrown agent provocateurs and white supremacists shit bags. I did not mean to insinuate that they are all from out of state. Many are from MN, coming from the suburbs or the small towns in out state/rural MN. This is a pretty red state once you head out to the suburbs and beyond.
That guy is a COP! I saw pics of him online the other day. People have been calling him out by name online all weekend.

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Old 06-01-2020, 03:47 PM   #45
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Cops killed another innocent black man at the protests in Louisville. A local BBQ owner.

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Old 06-01-2020, 03:48 PM   #46
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the first autopsy appears to have been bogus

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Old 06-01-2020, 03:55 PM   #47
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he got crushed. fucking terrible way to go

this usually happens in stampedes/human crushes during fires etc where people fall on top of each other and they literally cannot take a breath out

i read way too much about crushes at one point

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Old 06-01-2020, 04:20 PM   #48
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Two Minutes To Late Night
30.1K subscribers

Hello friends, we decided to release this video on schedule even though our country is in turmoil because we wanted to honor the hard work of our guest musicians and to give our fans a respite from the horrors of the fascist police state. In lieu of donating to our Patreon, we ask you to consider making a donation to the protestor bail funds for your local city (we’ve listed some of the major ones below). Please take a moment to acknowledge our many friends who cannot enjoy any kind of video right now. Black Lives Matter. Rest in power George Floyd and the many other victims of systemic oppression.

This is our eighth bedroom cover made with the support of Patreon. If you'd like to see more videos or learn more about Two Minutes to Late Night go to

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Old 06-01-2020, 04:26 PM   #49
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Old 06-01-2020, 04:59 PM   #50
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w t f

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Old 06-01-2020, 04:59 PM   #51
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just what the grieving family needed, a fucking David Guetta shoutout

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Old 06-01-2020, 05:14 PM   #52
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Maybe his heart was in the right place but that was pretty cringe. He’d be better off donating to help the family or calling to demand the other 3 cops be arrested. Maybe he has though, to be fair.

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Old 06-01-2020, 05:18 PM   #53
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He raised $670,000.

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Old 06-01-2020, 05:20 PM   #54
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I mean what was he supposed to do, write a critical essay or something? He's a corny white dude who makes shitty music for druggies. At least he tried in the only way he knows how?

I dunno.

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Old 06-01-2020, 06:26 PM   #55
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Trump promises to use the military against American citizens to stop protests against racism

President Donald Trump announced a crackdown on nationwide anti-racism protests in a surreal speech Monday from the White House Rose Garden while police flash-bang explosions could be heard nearby.

“You have to dominate. If you don’t dominate, you’re wasting your time,” the president said during the call. “They’re going to run over you. You’re going to look like a bunch of jerks. You have to dominate.”

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Old 06-01-2020, 06:29 PM   #56
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he's going to invoke the Insurrection Act and use the Military to control States and Cities.

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Old 06-01-2020, 06:40 PM   #57
Squish Squash
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Trump is often all talk. Hopefully this is just another case of him trying to look tough for his base.

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Old 06-01-2020, 06:41 PM   #58
yo soy el mejor
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He's quite capable of doing shitty things.

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Old 06-01-2020, 06:46 PM   #59
Shut the fuck up!
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He has wanted to be a real dictator all along. He idolizes Putin and other despots Anyone who thinks he's a bumbling idiot isn't paying attention.

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Old 06-01-2020, 06:57 PM   #60
Squish Squash
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Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor View Post
He's quite capable of doing shitty things.
No doubt, was just trying to be hopeful. He’s definitely been using more fascist language lately.

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