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Old 11-27-2008, 06:46 PM   #1
Posts: 56
Lightbulb This is a long post

The internet is a pretty nebulous and ambiguous place. Blogs, networking sites, message boards--people populate them and most times are virtually indistinguishable from one another. In an attempt at maybe adding some weight/personalizing my message a little bit I thought I'd give you a little insight to some of the things I enjoy.

To give you some background on my preferences recently I have been listening to Health, MGMT, Flying Lotus, Of Montreal, Crystal Castles M.I.A. and Ratatat...My favorite movie last year was There Will Be Blood and I play lots of videogames, Bioshock being great for '07 and Fallout 3/Little Big Planet being my pick for '08. I'm comfortable saying that pop music has it's time and place and I, like any music enthusist, enjoy looking back and love the classics. Film is a love of mine as well and my favorite directors are Lynch and Kubrick. My favorite shows recently, Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Entourage and the Life and Times of Tim. I also have played and recorded music for years and will have my first album out in a couple weeks.

I am blown away by the negative reaction and press for this band and this tour in specific.

I don't remember the last time the smashing pumpkins, or rather any band, has been lampooned like this on all the major music sites. I know the pumpkins haven't always been acceptable to everyone but this is just unreal. Let's get this straight, I don't think Corgan's music is as good as it was pre 2000. I enjoy it on a nostalgic level which is sometimes unavoidable being a long-time fan, but there are some new tracks that I think have been able to transcended that "blind love". Beyond this I think his music as of recent is passable. I've seen the pumpkins five times, once in their pre-break up form and the rest 2007 and on.

I attended the Columbus and Cleveland shows most recently and walked away pleased. The columbus show though, was challenging. I enjoyed it for the weirdness and the pure "fuck you" rock feeling you don't get from many major acts anymore, but I know my interests/preferences stray greatly from what I believe a large majority of casual fans have that attended. I "get" Corgan's humor and I appreciate the ridiculousness and corniness of some of the antics on stage. I love noise-based music (see Fuck Buttons new album) and appreciate atonal noises (see any Autechre Album) so I enjoy these so-called long "noise jams". I love the weird clothes, I laughed when Corgan degraded the crowd (he called Columbus a city named after a fake explorer) and the mockery of everything is beautiful was to me tongue-in-cheeck and amusing. It's all entertaining for someone like myself, and I just don't think the standard concert go-er will appreciate the left-field approach. It is misleading, he can come off as rude and the songs do go on long. But to me, it's still far more interesting than pretty much any other live show I've attended recently (all of which seem terribly safe and pandering in comparison).

Where are all the people who get it like me? Maybe not posting online. Regardless, I don't need to hear old fan-favorites, I don't need to hear the singles, I don't require these things to appreciate the live experience. I don't get tired if it's a three hour show, or bored if he's playing accoustic, or find it pretentious or formless if he's playing with feedback for 10 minutes. I can understand there are new fans or people who haven't seen them before and I recognize it would be disappointing not to hear a more sure-fire fan pleasing setlist. I have been thankful to have heard pretty much every Pumpkin song I've ever wanted to hear live (minus X.Y.U. and Geek USA) but even if I hadn't, I would still be able to recognize that what was happening on that stage wasn't a bunch of shit.

Maybe most of the people who listen to similar artists as me, like similar games, tv and film and have my kind of humor just don't typically like the pumpkins. Maybe the people who like the pumpkins who are complaining don't have as many things in common with me as I might have thought. Maybe we're just going through a similar thing like when Pumpkins put out Adore and all the fans that came to see them only for the distortion of Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie complained a lot and then lost interest.

Maybe this means the band is breaking up with YOU, and I'm still getting consistent sex. Sorry, maybe it's you that's boring in bed and all you want to do anymore is rent movies on demand and never change out of your PJ's. You aren't interesting and you're so picky. And damn do you need to lighten up. But it's too late, I'm moving in and your shit is out in the yard. Hurry up and get it, stop delaying the inevitable-- I don't want what's left of your memories to be stolen by the homeless.

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Old 11-27-2008, 06:55 PM   #2
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At least the title of this thread is accurate.

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Old 11-27-2008, 07:06 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by dokhma View Post
Where are all the people who get it like me?

please go to Hipsters United // a blog about the Smashing Pumpkins for like minded people.

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Old 11-27-2008, 07:16 PM   #4
Posts: 56

duh, only i get it nobody else i'm fucking privileged/gifted/my genius and good looks outshine the rest of you. =]

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Old 11-27-2008, 07:26 PM   #5
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Well obviously.

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Old 11-27-2008, 07:28 PM   #6
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I like Lady Gaga. There I said it.

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Old 11-27-2008, 07:34 PM   #7
Consume my pants.
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I stopped reading at "the internet is a pretty nebulous and ambiguous place"

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Old 11-27-2008, 07:37 PM   #8
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Luna Lane is a fantastically hot porn star. Just throwing it out there.

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Old 11-27-2008, 07:41 PM   #9
Posts: 56

Originally Posted by D. View Post
I stopped reading at "the internet is a pretty nebulous and ambiguous place"
thanks for taking the time to post.

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Old 11-27-2008, 07:43 PM   #10
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I think this thread should now be a funding drive to buy the Pumpkins enough drugs to record a new album with.

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Old 11-27-2008, 07:45 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by dokhma View Post
Maybe this means the band is breaking up with YOU, and I'm still getting consistent sex. Sorry, maybe it's you that's boring in bed and all you want to do anymore is rent movies on demand and never change out of your PJ's. You aren't interesting and you're so picky. And damn do you need to lighten up. But it's too late, I'm moving in and your shit is out in the yard. Hurry up and get it, stop delaying the inevitable-- I don't want what's left of your memories to be stolen by the homeless.

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Old 11-27-2008, 07:46 PM   #12
Posts: 56

Originally Posted by Kahlo View Post
I think this thread should now be a funding drive to buy the Pumpkins enough drugs to record a new album with.
worth a try.

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Old 11-27-2008, 07:53 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by dokhma View Post
To give you some background on my preferences recently I have been listening to Health, MGMT, Flying Lotus, Of Montreal, Crystal Castles M.I.A. and Ratatat...
Wow! Obscure, alternative tastes! With such street cred, you must be right.

Originally Posted by dokhma View Post
...I also have played and recorded music for years and will have my first album out in a couple weeks.
Unheard of! That must cost millions of dollars and require a record contract?

Originally Posted by dokhma View Post
...I enjoyed it for the weirdness and the pure "fuck you" rock feeling you don't get from many major acts anymore, but I know my interests/preferences stray greatly from what I believe a large majority of casual fans have that attended.
Yeah, there's nothing better than a good dressing-down from the band you paid 100 bucks to see live.

Originally Posted by dokhma View Post
...Maybe most of the people who listen to similar artists as me, like similar games, tv and film and have my kind of humor just don't typically like the pumpkins. Maybe the people who like the pumpkins who are complaining don't have as many things in common with me as I might have thought...
MAYBE you're a narcissist?

Originally Posted by dokhma View Post
...I'm still getting consistent sex...

Originally Posted by dokhma View Post
...Hurry up and get it, stop delaying the inevitable-- I don't want what's left of your memories to be stolen by the homeless.
You really thought about that ending for a while didn't you?

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Old 11-27-2008, 08:08 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by apetulantfrenzy View Post
Wow! Obscure, alternative tastes! With such street cred, you must be right.

Unheard of! That must cost millions of dollars and require a record contract?

Yeah, there's nothing better than a good dressing-down from the band you paid 100 bucks to see live.

MAYBE you're a narcissist?

You really thought about that ending for a while didn't you?
a couple thousand and no.
i'd prefer you to dress down but i'll take what i can get
no, actually i'm really into just staring blankly
yeah i actually wrote the ending and then went backwards

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Old 11-27-2008, 08:48 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by dokhma View Post
My favorite shows recently, Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Entourage and the Life and Times of Tim.
T&E, hell yeah! Eric Wareheim has directed music videos for two of the bands you mentioned, have you seen 'em?

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Old 11-27-2008, 09:02 PM   #16
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tl; dr

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Old 11-27-2008, 09:04 PM   #17
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people put way to much time and energy talking about music on the internet. I went to a festival last week and saw 5 bands all 15 reviews combined will be shorter then this idiots rambling about TSP.

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Old 11-27-2008, 09:11 PM   #18
A tiresome edgelord
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sp sucks

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Old 11-27-2008, 09:14 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by smashingjj View Post
sp sucks
After I witnessed this guy playing everything sucks in comparison.

The best blues I've ever heard and the guy is playing some kind of weird homemade 2 neck guitar.

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Old 11-27-2008, 09:29 PM   #20
Floppy Nono
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"this is a long post", eh? sounds like this thread is just begging to be plastered with "corgan buys a piece of the gold coast"

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Old 11-27-2008, 10:07 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Rider View Post
After I witnessed this guy playing everything sucks in comparison.

The best blues I've ever heard and the guy is playing some kind of weird homemade 2 neck guitar.

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Old 11-27-2008, 10:25 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by dokhma View Post
The internet is a pretty nebulous and ambiguous place. Blogs, networking sites, message boards--people populate them and most times are virtually indistinguishable from one another. In an attempt at maybe adding some weight/personalizing my message a little bit I thought I'd give you a little insight to some of the things I enjoy.

To give you some background on my preferences recently I have been listening to Health, MGMT, Flying Lotus, Of Montreal, Crystal Castles M.I.A. and Ratatat...My favorite movie last year was There Will Be Blood and I play lots of videogames, Bioshock being great for '07 and Fallout 3/Little Big Planet being my pick for '08. I'm comfortable saying that pop music has it's time and place and I, like any music enthusist, enjoy looking back and love the classics. Film is a love of mine as well and my favorite directors are Lynch and Kubrick. My favorite shows recently, Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Entourage and the Life and Times of Tim. I also have played and recorded music for years and will have my first album out in a couple weeks.

I am blown away by the negative reaction and press for this band and this tour in specific.

I don't remember the last time the smashing pumpkins, or rather any band, has been lampooned like this on all the major music sites. I know the pumpkins haven't always been acceptable to everyone but this is just unreal. Let's get this straight, I don't think Corgan's music is as good as it was pre 2000. I enjoy it on a nostalgic level which is sometimes unavoidable being a long-time fan, but there are some new tracks that I think have been able to transcended that "blind love". Beyond this I think his music as of recent is passable. I've seen the pumpkins five times, once in their pre-break up form and the rest 2007 and on.

I attended the Columbus and Cleveland shows most recently and walked away pleased. The columbus show though, was challenging. I enjoyed it for the weirdness and the pure "fuck you" rock feeling you don't get from many major acts anymore, but I know my interests/preferences stray greatly from what I believe a large majority of casual fans have that attended. I "get" Corgan's humor and I appreciate the ridiculousness and corniness of some of the antics on stage. I love noise-based music (see Fuck Buttons new album) and appreciate atonal noises (see any Autechre Album) so I enjoy these so-called long "noise jams". I love the weird clothes, I laughed when Corgan degraded the crowd (he called Columbus a city named after a fake explorer) and the mockery of everything is beautiful was to me tongue-in-cheeck and amusing. It's all entertaining for someone like myself, and I just don't think the standard concert go-er will appreciate the left-field approach. It is misleading, he can come off as rude and the songs do go on long. But to me, it's still far more interesting than pretty much any other live show I've attended recently (all of which seem terribly safe and pandering in comparison).

Where are all the people who get it like me? Maybe not posting online. Regardless, I don't need to hear old fan-favorites, I don't need to hear the singles, I don't require these things to appreciate the live experience. I don't get tired if it's a three hour show, or bored if he's playing accoustic, or find it pretentious or formless if he's playing with feedback for 10 minutes. I can understand there are new fans or people who haven't seen them before and I recognize it would be disappointing not to hear a more sure-fire fan pleasing setlist. I have been thankful to have heard pretty much every Pumpkin song I've ever wanted to hear live (minus X.Y.U. and Geek USA) but even if I hadn't, I would still be able to recognize that what was happening on that stage wasn't a bunch of shit.

Maybe most of the people who listen to similar artists as me, like similar games, tv and film and have my kind of humor just don't typically like the pumpkins. Maybe the people who like the pumpkins who are complaining don't have as many things in common with me as I might have thought. Maybe we're just going through a similar thing like when Pumpkins put out Adore and all the fans that came to see them only for the distortion of Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie complained a lot and then lost interest.

Maybe this means the band is breaking up with YOU, and I'm still getting consistent sex. Sorry, maybe it's you that's boring in bed and all you want to do anymore is rent movies on demand and never change out of your PJ's. You aren't interesting and you're so picky. And damn do you need to lighten up. But it's too late, I'm moving in and your shit is out in the yard. Hurry up and get it, stop delaying the inevitable-- I don't want what's left of your memories to be stolen by the homeless.
yay for kubrick fans.

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Old 11-27-2008, 11:36 PM   #23
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dude i fucking love lady gaga

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Old 11-28-2008, 12:15 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Mablak View Post
T&E, hell yeah! Eric Wareheim has directed music videos for two of the bands you mentioned, have you seen 'em?
absolutely. amazing.

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Old 11-28-2008, 01:16 AM   #25
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So.. basically.. you love the pumpkins but hate the way they are represented and bitched about?

dude there's 14 other threads you could reply to about this. do we need a new one?

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Old 11-28-2008, 05:28 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by dokhma View Post
Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

From the Chicago Tribune:

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.
Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

From the Chicago Tribune:

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.
Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

From the Chicago Tribune:

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.
Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

From the Chicago Tribune:

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

From the Chicago Tribune:

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.
Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

From the Chicago Tribune:

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.
Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

From the Chicago Tribune:

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.
Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

From the Chicago Tribune:

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.

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Old 11-28-2008, 06:27 AM   #27
Apocalyptic Poster
Posts: 2,349

Originally Posted by dokhma View Post
The internet is a pretty nebulous and ambiguous place. Blogs, networking sites, message boards--people populate them and most times are virtually indistinguishable from one another. In an attempt at maybe adding some weight/personalizing my message a little bit I thought I'd give you a little insight to some of the things I enjoy.

To give you some background on my preferences recently I have been listening to Health, MGMT, Flying Lotus, Of Montreal, Crystal Castles M.I.A. and Ratatat...My favorite movie last year was There Will Be Blood and I play lots of videogames, Bioshock being great for '07 and Fallout 3/Little Big Planet being my pick for '08. I'm comfortable saying that pop music has it's time and place and I, like any music enthusist, enjoy looking back and love the classics. Film is a love of mine as well and my favorite directors are Lynch and Kubrick. My favorite shows recently, Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Entourage and the Life and Times of Tim. I also have played and recorded music for years and will have my first album out in a couple weeks.

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

From the Chicago Tribune:

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.
Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

From the Chicago Tribune:

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.
Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

From the Chicago Tribune:

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.
Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.
Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.
Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

From the Chicago Tribune:

Billy Corgan buys a piece of the Gold Coast

Ten months after selling his Victorian painted lady mansion in Lake View for $1 million, former Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and chief songwriter Billy Corgan has paid $2.95 million for a recently renovated, historic six-room condominium on the Gold Coast.

After disbanding the Smashing Pumpkins, Corgan formed a new group, Zwan, which is playing three sold-out shows at the Double Door this weekend.

Through his tour manager, Corgan declined to comment on the purchase of the two-bedroom condo. His tour manager confirmed that the singer-songwriter recently has been staying at the condo while rehearsing for Zwan's current tour, but said the Chicago-area native ultimately intends to lease the condo in a 110-year-old building to someone else. The unit has an oak-paneled living room, reception room, balcony framed by granite columns, four fireplaces, walnut parquet floors and a large terrace.

Corgan has shown an affinity for vintage properties. After moving out of the more than 100-year-old Lake View home at 3448 N. Greenview Ave., which he owned from 1993 to 2001, Corgan temporarily stayed in a penthouse in the Haberdasher Square loft development, 728 W. Jackson Blvd., a former manufacturing building that dates to 1926. And in 2000, the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois awarded Corgan its President's Award for his commitment to historic preservation.

Since Corgan sold his Lake View home, one Smashing Pumpkins Web site reported that he has been living in Italy, but in interviews he has declined any comment on his permanent residence.

Singer Courtney Love, whom Corgan dated many years ago, just sold her loft in downtown Manhattan for $3 million after buying it for $2.6 million in January 2001, according to the New York Post. The loft is in the same building where rocker Lenny Kravitz just listed his own, five-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot, multilevel loft for $16 million, after buying the space unfinished in October 2000 for $8 million, the Post reported.

Love also recently listed her almost 3,700-square-foot Spanish-style house on Los Angeles' Westside -- which she bought last June for $3 million -- for about the same price, according to the Los Angeles Times. Love reportedly is looking for another house in the area because her five-bedroom house, which was built in the 1920s, is too small.

Ironically, Love told the Times last year that she sold a four-bedroom, 4,700-square-foot French country-style house on almost 2 acres in the Hollywood Hills -- which she had purchased from Ellen DeGeneres in 1997 for about $3 million -- because she was planning to spend more time in New York and actually wanted something smaller in L.A. She sold the Hollywood Hills home for $3.995 million in March 2001 to British businessman Mike Walley. Love's former Hollywood Hills house made the news in November 2001, after Paul McCartney's fellow Beatle George Harrison died. After Harrison's representatives gave a bogus L.A. address on his death certificate, the county's district attorney revealed in February that Harrison actually had died at Walley's house.

Rocker Tom Petty has paid close to $2.5 million for a three-bedroom oceanfront home in Malibu, Calif., according to the Los Angeles Times. Built in 1974, the house has three fireplaces, Malibu tiles and a courtyard with a fountain, the paper reported ... Fred Durst, frontman for the rock group Limp Bizkit, has sold a house he never moved into in Bel Air, Calif., for $3.7 million because it had "vibes that were not quite correct for him," according to the Los Angeles Times. Last fall, Durst bought the four-bedroom, 6,600-square-foot house, which was once owned by the Doors' Robbie Krieger and has a carving of the Doors playing on one wall, for just under $4 million, the paper reported. Durst recently bought a house with a sound studio in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills, and has listed that home for $1.4 million, the Times reported.

Maybe this means the band is breaking up with YOU, and I'm still getting consistent sex. Sorry, maybe it's you that's boring in bed and all you want to do anymore is rent movies on demand and never change out of your PJ's. You aren't interesting and you're so picky. And damn do you need to lighten up. But it's too late, I'm moving in and your shit is out in the yard. Hurry up and get it, stop delaying the inevitable-- I don't want what's left of your memories to be stolen by the homeless.
Thank you for your new, insightful and unique look on all things SP.

rolmos is offline
Old 11-28-2008, 09:20 PM   #28
Posts: 18,608

Originally Posted by dokhma View Post
The internet is a pretty nebulous and ambiguous place. Blogs, networking sites, message boards--people populate them and most times are virtually indistinguishable from one another. In an attempt at maybe adding some weight/personalizing my message a little bit I thought I'd give you a little insight to some of the things I enjoy.

To give you some background on my preferences recently I have been listening to Health, MGMT, Flying Lotus, Of Montreal, Crystal Castles M.I.A. and Ratatat...My favorite movie last year was There Will Be Blood and I play lots of videogames, Bioshock being great for '07 and Fallout 3/Little Big Planet being my pick for '08. I'm comfortable saying that pop music has it's time and place and I, like any music enthusist, enjoy looking back and love the classics. Film is a love of mine as well and my favorite directors are Lynch and Kubrick. My favorite shows recently, Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Entourage and the Life and Times of Tim. I also have played and recorded music for years and will have my first album out in a couple weeks.

I am blown away by the negative reaction and press for this band and this tour in specific.

I don't remember the last time the smashing pumpkins, or rather any band, has been lampooned like this on all the major music sites. I know the pumpkins haven't always been acceptable to everyone but this is just unreal. Let's get this straight, I don't think Corgan's music is as good as it was pre 2000. I enjoy it on a nostalgic level which is sometimes unavoidable being a long-time fan, but there are some new tracks that I think have been able to transcended that "blind love". Beyond this I think his music as of recent is passable. I've seen the pumpkins five times, once in their pre-break up form and the rest 2007 and on.

I attended the Columbus and Cleveland shows most recently and walked away pleased. The columbus show though, was challenging. I enjoyed it for the weirdness and the pure "fuck you" rock feeling you don't get from many major acts anymore, but I know my interests/preferences stray greatly from what I believe a large majority of casual fans have that attended. I "get" Corgan's humor and I appreciate the ridiculousness and corniness of some of the antics on stage. I love noise-based music (see Fuck Buttons new album) and appreciate atonal noises (see any Autechre Album) so I enjoy these so-called long "noise jams". I love the weird clothes, I laughed when Corgan degraded the crowd (he called Columbus a city named after a fake explorer) and the mockery of everything is beautiful was to me tongue-in-cheeck and amusing. It's all entertaining for someone like myself, and I just don't think the standard concert go-er will appreciate the left-field approach. It is misleading, he can come off as rude and the songs do go on long. But to me, it's still far more interesting than pretty much any other live show I've attended recently (all of which seem terribly safe and pandering in comparison).

Where are all the people who get it like me? Maybe not posting online. Regardless, I don't need to hear old fan-favorites, I don't need to hear the singles, I don't require these things to appreciate the live experience. I don't get tired if it's a three hour show, or bored if he's playing accoustic, or find it pretentious or formless if he's playing with feedback for 10 minutes. I can understand there are new fans or people who haven't seen them before and I recognize it would be disappointing not to hear a more sure-fire fan pleasing setlist. I have been thankful to have heard pretty much every Pumpkin song I've ever wanted to hear live (minus X.Y.U. and Geek USA) but even if I hadn't, I would still be able to recognize that what was happening on that stage wasn't a bunch of shit.

Maybe most of the people who listen to similar artists as me, like similar games, tv and film and have my kind of humor just don't typically like the pumpkins. Maybe the people who like the pumpkins who are complaining don't have as many things in common with me as I might have thought. Maybe we're just going through a similar thing like when Pumpkins put out Adore and all the fans that came to see them only for the distortion of Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie complained a lot and then lost interest.

Maybe this means the band is breaking up with YOU, and I'm still getting consistent sex. Sorry, maybe it's you that's boring in bed and all you want to do anymore is rent movies on demand and never change out of your PJ's. You aren't interesting and you're so picky. And damn do you need to lighten up. But it's too late, I'm moving in and your shit is out in the yard. Hurry up and get it, stop delaying the inevitable-- I don't want what's left of your memories to be stolen by the homeless.

The internet is a pretty nebulous and ambiguous place. Blogs, networking sites, message boards--people populate them and most times are virtually indistinguishable from one another. In an attempt at maybe adding some weight/personalizing my message a little bit I thought I'd give you a little insight to some of the things I enjoy.

To give you some background on my preferences recently I have been listening to Health, MGMT, Flying Lotus, Of Montreal, Crystal Castles M.I.A. and Ratatat...My favorite movie last year was There Will Be Blood and I play lots of videogames, Bioshock being great for '07 and Fallout 3/Little Big Planet being my pick for '08. I'm comfortable saying that pop music has it's time and place and I, like any music enthusist, enjoy looking back and love the classics. Film is a love of mine as well and my favorite directors are Lynch and Kubrick. My favorite shows recently, Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Entourage and the Life and Times of Tim. I also have played and recorded music for years and will have my first album out in a couple weeks.

I am blown away by the negative reaction and press for this band and this tour in specific.

I don't remember the last time the smashing pumpkins, or rather any band, has been lampooned like this on all the major music sites. I know the pumpkins haven't always been acceptable to everyone but this is just unreal. Let's get this straight, I don't think Corgan's music is as good as it was pre 2000. I enjoy it on a nostalgic level which is sometimes unavoidable being a long-time fan, but there are some new tracks that I think have been able to transcended that "blind love". Beyond this I think his music as of recent is passable. I've seen the pumpkins five times, once in their pre-break up form and the rest 2007 and on.

I attended the Columbus and Cleveland shows most recently and walked away pleased. The columbus show though, was challenging. I enjoyed it for the weirdness and the pure "fuck you" rock feeling you don't get from many major acts anymore, but I know my interests/preferences stray greatly from what I believe a large majority of casual fans have that attended. I "get" Corgan's humor and I appreciate the ridiculousness and corniness of some of the antics on stage. I love noise-based music (see Fuck Buttons new album) and appreciate atonal noises (see any Autechre Album) so I enjoy these so-called long "noise jams". I love the weird clothes, I laughed when Corgan degraded the crowd (he called Columbus a city named after a fake explorer) and the mockery of everything is beautiful was to me tongue-in-cheeck and amusing. It's all entertaining for someone like myself, and I just don't think the standard concert go-er will appreciate the left-field approach. It is misleading, he can come off as rude and the songs do go on long. But to me, it's still far more interesting than pretty much any other live show I've attended recently (all of which seem terribly safe and pandering in comparison).

Where are all the people who get it like me? Maybe not posting online. Regardless, I don't need to hear old fan-favorites, I don't need to hear the singles, I don't require these things to appreciate the live experience. I don't get tired if it's a three hour show, or bored if he's playing accoustic, or find it pretentious or formless if he's playing with feedback for 10 minutes. I can understand there are new fans or people who haven't seen them before and I recognize it would be disappointing not to hear a more sure-fire fan pleasing setlist. I have been thankful to have heard pretty much every Pumpkin song I've ever wanted to hear live (minus X.Y.U. and Geek USA) but even if I hadn't, I would still be able to recognize that what was happening on that stage wasn't a bunch of shit.

Maybe most of the people who listen to similar artists as me, like similar games, tv and film and have my kind of humor just don't typically like the pumpkins. Maybe the people who like the pumpkins who are complaining don't have as many things in common with me as I might have thought. Maybe we're just going through a similar thing like when Pumpkins put out Adore and all the fans that came to see them only for the distortion of Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie complained a lot and then lost interest.

Maybe this means the band is breaking up with YOU, and I'm still getting consistent sex. Sorry, maybe it's you that's boring in bed and all you want to do anymore is rent movies on demand and never change out of your PJ's. You aren't interesting and you're so picky. And damn do you need to lighten up. But it's too late, I'm moving in and your shit is out in the yard. Hurry up and get it, stop delaying the inevitable-- I don't want what's left of your memories to be stolen by the homeless.

The internet is a pretty nebulous and ambiguous place. Blogs, networking sites, message boards--people populate them and most times are virtually indistinguishable from one another. In an attempt at maybe adding some weight/personalizing my message a little bit I thought I'd give you a little insight to some of the things I enjoy.

To give you some background on my preferences recently I have been listening to Health, MGMT, Flying Lotus, Of Montreal, Crystal Castles M.I.A. and Ratatat...My favorite movie last year was There Will Be Blood and I play lots of videogames, Bioshock being great for '07 and Fallout 3/Little Big Planet being my pick for '08. I'm comfortable saying that pop music has it's time and place and I, like any music enthusist, enjoy looking back and love the classics. Film is a love of mine as well and my favorite directors are Lynch and Kubrick. My favorite shows recently, Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Entourage and the Life and Times of Tim. I also have played and recorded music for years and will have my first album out in a couple weeks.

I am blown away by the negative reaction and press for this band and this tour in specific.

I don't remember the last time the smashing pumpkins, or rather any band, has been lampooned like this on all the major music sites. I know the pumpkins haven't always been acceptable to everyone but this is just unreal. Let's get this straight, I don't think Corgan's music is as good as it was pre 2000. I enjoy it on a nostalgic level which is sometimes unavoidable being a long-time fan, but there are some new tracks that I think have been able to transcended that "blind love". Beyond this I think his music as of recent is passable. I've seen the pumpkins five times, once in their pre-break up form and the rest 2007 and on.

I attended the Columbus and Cleveland shows most recently and walked away pleased. The columbus show though, was challenging. I enjoyed it for the weirdness and the pure "fuck you" rock feeling you don't get from many major acts anymore, but I know my interests/preferences stray greatly from what I believe a large majority of casual fans have that attended. I "get" Corgan's humor and I appreciate the ridiculousness and corniness of some of the antics on stage. I love noise-based music (see Fuck Buttons new album) and appreciate atonal noises (see any Autechre Album) so I enjoy these so-called long "noise jams". I love the weird clothes, I laughed when Corgan degraded the crowd (he called Columbus a city named after a fake explorer) and the mockery of everything is beautiful was to me tongue-in-cheeck and amusing. It's all entertaining for someone like myself, and I just don't think the standard concert go-er will appreciate the left-field approach. It is misleading, he can come off as rude and the songs do go on long. But to me, it's still far more interesting than pretty much any other live show I've attended recently (all of which seem terribly safe and pandering in comparison).

Where are all the people who get it like me? Maybe not posting online. Regardless, I don't need to hear old fan-favorites, I don't need to hear the singles, I don't require these things to appreciate the live experience. I don't get tired if it's a three hour show, or bored if he's playing accoustic, or find it pretentious or formless if he's playing with feedback for 10 minutes. I can understand there are new fans or people who haven't seen them before and I recognize it would be disappointing not to hear a more sure-fire fan pleasing setlist. I have been thankful to have heard pretty much every Pumpkin song I've ever wanted to hear live (minus X.Y.U. and Geek USA) but even if I hadn't, I would still be able to recognize that what was happening on that stage wasn't a bunch of shit.

Maybe most of the people who listen to similar artists as me, like similar games, tv and film and have my kind of humor just don't typically like the pumpkins. Maybe the people who like the pumpkins who are complaining don't have as many things in common with me as I might have thought. Maybe we're just going through a similar thing like when Pumpkins put out Adore and all the fans that came to see them only for the distortion of Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie complained a lot and then lost interest.

Maybe this means the band is breaking up with YOU, and I'm still getting consistent sex. Sorry, maybe it's you that's boring in bed and all you want to do anymore is rent movies on demand and never change out of your PJ's. You aren't interesting and you're so picky. And damn do you need to lighten up. But it's too late, I'm moving in and your shit is out in the yard. Hurry up and get it, stop delaying the inevitable-- I don't want what's left of your memories to be stolen by the homeless.

The internet is a pretty nebulous and ambiguous place. Blogs, networking sites, message boards--people populate them and most times are virtually indistinguishable from one another. In an attempt at maybe adding some weight/personalizing my message a little bit I thought I'd give you a little insight to some of the things I enjoy.

To give you some background on my preferences recently I have been listening to Health, MGMT, Flying Lotus, Of Montreal, Crystal Castles M.I.A. and Ratatat...My favorite movie last year was There Will Be Blood and I play lots of videogames, Bioshock being great for '07 and Fallout 3/Little Big Planet being my pick for '08. I'm comfortable saying that pop music has it's time and place and I, like any music enthusist, enjoy looking back and love the classics. Film is a love of mine as well and my favorite directors are Lynch and Kubrick. My favorite shows recently, Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Entourage and the Life and Times of Tim. I also have played and recorded music for years and will have my first album out in a couple weeks.

I am blown away by the negative reaction and press for this band and this tour in specific.

I don't remember the last time the smashing pumpkins, or rather any band, has been lampooned like this on all the major music sites. I know the pumpkins haven't always been acceptable to everyone but this is just unreal. Let's get this straight, I don't think Corgan's music is as good as it was pre 2000. I enjoy it on a nostalgic level which is sometimes unavoidable being a long-time fan, but there are some new tracks that I think have been able to transcended that "blind love". Beyond this I think his music as of recent is passable. I've seen the pumpkins five times, once in their pre-break up form and the rest 2007 and on.

I attended the Columbus and Cleveland shows most recently and walked away pleased. The columbus show though, was challenging. I enjoyed it for the weirdness and the pure "fuck you" rock feeling you don't get from many major acts anymore, but I know my interests/preferences stray greatly from what I believe a large majority of casual fans have that attended. I "get" Corgan's humor and I appreciate the ridiculousness and corniness of some of the antics on stage. I love noise-based music (see Fuck Buttons new album) and appreciate atonal noises (see any Autechre Album) so I enjoy these so-called long "noise jams". I love the weird clothes, I laughed when Corgan degraded the crowd (he called Columbus a city named after a fake explorer) and the mockery of everything is beautiful was to me tongue-in-cheeck and amusing. It's all entertaining for someone like myself, and I just don't think the standard concert go-er will appreciate the left-field approach. It is misleading, he can come off as rude and the songs do go on long. But to me, it's still far more interesting than pretty much any other live show I've attended recently (all of which seem terribly safe and pandering in comparison).

Where are all the people who get it like me? Maybe not posting online. Regardless, I don't need to hear old fan-favorites, I don't need to hear the singles, I don't require these things to appreciate the live experience. I don't get tired if it's a three hour show, or bored if he's playing accoustic, or find it pretentious or formless if he's playing with feedback for 10 minutes. I can understand there are new fans or people who haven't seen them before and I recognize it would be disappointing not to hear a more sure-fire fan pleasing setlist. I have been thankful to have heard pretty much every Pumpkin song I've ever wanted to hear live (minus X.Y.U. and Geek USA) but even if I hadn't, I would still be able to recognize that what was happening on that stage wasn't a bunch of shit.

Maybe most of the people who listen to similar artists as me, like similar games, tv and film and have my kind of humor just don't typically like the pumpkins. Maybe the people who like the pumpkins who are complaining don't have as many things in common with me as I might have thought. Maybe we're just going through a similar thing like when Pumpkins put out Adore and all the fans that came to see them only for the distortion of Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie complained a lot and then lost interest.

Maybe this means the band is breaking up with YOU, and I'm still getting consistent sex. Sorry, maybe it's you that's boring in bed and all you want to do anymore is rent movies on demand and never change out of your PJ's. You aren't interesting and you're so picky. And damn do you need to lighten up. But it's too late, I'm moving in and your shit is out in the yard. Hurry up and get it, stop delaying the inevitable-- I don't want what's left of your memories to be stolen by the homeless.

The internet is a pretty nebulous and ambiguous place. Blogs, networking sites, message boards--people populate them and most times are virtually indistinguishable from one another. In an attempt at maybe adding some weight/personalizing my message a little bit I thought I'd give you a little insight to some of the things I enjoy.

To give you some background on my preferences recently I have been listening to Health, MGMT, Flying Lotus, Of Montreal, Crystal Castles M.I.A. and Ratatat...My favorite movie last year was There Will Be Blood and I play lots of videogames, Bioshock being great for '07 and Fallout 3/Little Big Planet being my pick for '08. I'm comfortable saying that pop music has it's time and place and I, like any music enthusist, enjoy looking back and love the classics. Film is a love of mine as well and my favorite directors are Lynch and Kubrick. My favorite shows recently, Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Entourage and the Life and Times of Tim. I also have played and recorded music for years and will have my first album out in a couple weeks.

I am blown away by the negative reaction and press for this band and this tour in specific.

I don't remember the last time the smashing pumpkins, or rather any band, has been lampooned like this on all the major music sites. I know the pumpkins haven't always been acceptable to everyone but this is just unreal. Let's get this straight, I don't think Corgan's music is as good as it was pre 2000. I enjoy it on a nostalgic level which is sometimes unavoidable being a long-time fan, but there are some new tracks that I think have been able to transcended that "blind love". Beyond this I think his music as of recent is passable. I've seen the pumpkins five times, once in their pre-break up form and the rest 2007 and on.

I attended the Columbus and Cleveland shows most recently and walked away pleased. The columbus show though, was challenging. I enjoyed it for the weirdness and the pure "fuck you" rock feeling you don't get from many major acts anymore, but I know my interests/preferences stray greatly from what I believe a large majority of casual fans have that attended. I "get" Corgan's humor and I appreciate the ridiculousness and corniness of some of the antics on stage. I love noise-based music (see Fuck Buttons new album) and appreciate atonal noises (see any Autechre Album) so I enjoy these so-called long "noise jams". I love the weird clothes, I laughed when Corgan degraded the crowd (he called Columbus a city named after a fake explorer) and the mockery of everything is beautiful was to me tongue-in-cheeck and amusing. It's all entertaining for someone like myself, and I just don't think the standard concert go-er will appreciate the left-field approach. It is misleading, he can come off as rude and the songs do go on long. But to me, it's still far more interesting than pretty much any other live show I've attended recently (all of which seem terribly safe and pandering in comparison).

Where are all the people who get it like me? Maybe not posting online. Regardless, I don't need to hear old fan-favorites, I don't need to hear the singles, I don't require these things to appreciate the live experience. I don't get tired if it's a three hour show, or bored if he's playing accoustic, or find it pretentious or formless if he's playing with feedback for 10 minutes. I can understand there are new fans or people who haven't seen them before and I recognize it would be disappointing not to hear a more sure-fire fan pleasing setlist. I have been thankful to have heard pretty much every Pumpkin song I've ever wanted to hear live (minus X.Y.U. and Geek USA) but even if I hadn't, I would still be able to recognize that what was happening on that stage wasn't a bunch of shit.

Maybe most of the people who listen to similar artists as me, like similar games, tv and film and have my kind of humor just don't typically like the pumpkins. Maybe the people who like the pumpkins who are complaining don't have as many things in common with me as I might have thought. Maybe we're just going through a similar thing like when Pumpkins put out Adore and all the fans that came to see them only for the distortion of Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie complained a lot and then lost interest.

Maybe this means the band is breaking up with YOU, and I'm still getting consistent sex. Sorry, maybe it's you that's boring in bed and all you want to do anymore is rent movies on demand and never change out of your PJ's. You aren't interesting and you're so picky. And damn do you need to lighten up. But it's too late, I'm moving in and your shit is out in the yard. Hurry up and get it, stop delaying the inevitable-- I don't want what's left of your memories to be stolen by the homeless.

The internet is a pretty nebulous and ambiguous place. Blogs, networking sites, message boards--people populate them and most times are virtually indistinguishable from one another. In an attempt at maybe adding some weight/personalizing my message a little bit I thought I'd give you a little insight to some of the things I enjoy.

To give you some background on my preferences recently I have been listening to Health, MGMT, Flying Lotus, Of Montreal, Crystal Castles M.I.A. and Ratatat...My favorite movie last year was There Will Be Blood and I play lots of videogames, Bioshock being great for '07 and Fallout 3/Little Big Planet being my pick for '08. I'm comfortable saying that pop music has it's time and place and I, like any music enthusist, enjoy looking back and love the classics. Film is a love of mine as well and my favorite directors are Lynch and Kubrick. My favorite shows recently, Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Entourage and the Life and Times of Tim. I also have played and recorded music for years and will have my first album out in a couple weeks.

I am blown away by the negative reaction and press for this band and this tour in specific.

I don't remember the last time the smashing pumpkins, or rather any band, has been lampooned like this on all the major music sites. I know the pumpkins haven't always been acceptable to everyone but this is just unreal. Let's get this straight, I don't think Corgan's music is as good as it was pre 2000. I enjoy it on a nostalgic level which is sometimes unavoidable being a long-time fan, but there are some new tracks that I think have been able to transcended that "blind love". Beyond this I think his music as of recent is passable. I've seen the pumpkins five times, once in their pre-break up form and the rest 2007 and on.

I attended the Columbus and Cleveland shows most recently and walked away pleased. The columbus show though, was challenging. I enjoyed it for the weirdness and the pure "fuck you" rock feeling you don't get from many major acts anymore, but I know my interests/preferences stray greatly from what I believe a large majority of casual fans have that attended. I "get" Corgan's humor and I appreciate the ridiculousness and corniness of some of the antics on stage. I love noise-based music (see Fuck Buttons new album) and appreciate atonal noises (see any Autechre Album) so I enjoy these so-called long "noise jams". I love the weird clothes, I laughed when Corgan degraded the crowd (he called Columbus a city named after a fake explorer) and the mockery of everything is beautiful was to me tongue-in-cheeck and amusing. It's all entertaining for someone like myself, and I just don't think the standard concert go-er will appreciate the left-field approach. It is misleading, he can come off as rude and the songs do go on long. But to me, it's still far more interesting than pretty much any other live show I've attended recently (all of which seem terribly safe and pandering in comparison).

Where are all the people who get it like me? Maybe not posting online. Regardless, I don't need to hear old fan-favorites, I don't need to hear the singles, I don't require these things to appreciate the live experience. I don't get tired if it's a three hour show, or bored if he's playing accoustic, or find it pretentious or formless if he's playing with feedback for 10 minutes. I can understand there are new fans or people who haven't seen them before and I recognize it would be disappointing not to hear a more sure-fire fan pleasing setlist. I have been thankful to have heard pretty much every Pumpkin song I've ever wanted to hear live (minus X.Y.U. and Geek USA) but even if I hadn't, I would still be able to recognize that what was happening on that stage wasn't a bunch of shit.

Maybe most of the people who listen to similar artists as me, like similar games, tv and film and have my kind of humor just don't typically like the pumpkins. Maybe the people who like the pumpkins who are complaining don't have as many things in common with me as I might have thought. Maybe we're just going through a similar thing like when Pumpkins put out Adore and all the fans that came to see them only for the distortion of Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie complained a lot and then lost interest.

Maybe this means the band is breaking up with YOU, and I'm still getting consistent sex. Sorry, maybe it's you that's boring in bed and all you want to do anymore is rent movies on demand and never change out of your PJ's. You aren't interesting and you're so picky. And damn do you need to lighten up. But it's too late, I'm moving in and your shit is out in the yard. Hurry up and get it, stop delaying the inevitable-- I don't want what's left of your memories to be stolen by the homeless.
(insert obligatory short response following long-winded quote here)

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