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![]() EDIT: Jan 10th - new version posted.
![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam Brase’s Mashed Potatoes Linear Notes / FAQ Version 0.7 (as of January 10th, 2003) An introduction I write this FAQ (or linear notes, as they’ve more become) with little authority on it’s subject, small knowledge of the contents, and only a keen sense of research – keen enough to guide me to most of the information I wanted and thought I should share with you all. Some of it’s old news, some of it’s new, some of it was buried information in the SPFC…. First I give a little history of Mashed Potatoes (as I know it), followed by track-by-track information. After that is a little version history, some thank yous, and an eof to nicely wrap it all up. Oh, if I don’t provide the lyrics, it’s cause they’re widely circulated already… though it may get to the point where I have them for every song, simply for completeness. I. What was “Mashed Potatoes” and what did it become to the SP community? Legend has it that MP started as a small, kind of joke-gift from Billy to a select few friends and family members in 1994 (supposedly as a Christmas present). I’m not sure how it’s existance became known, though it was probably someone going “b0lly gave me this huge box set of awesomeness!” or some nonsense. Whatever caused it’s existance to get out, well, it did, and while it was undoubtedly never intended, MP became a holy grail for most of the SP community. Virtually no one had it, and as time went on, people more and more wanted early SP material (longing for the days of yore, I suppose). Many gave up hope of ever getting a copy and others argued seemingly forever to get a copy. It’s been revealed that MP slowly circulated, outward from the original 9 or 10, to an approximate 100 or so people before it officially leaked. Many were surprised that it managed to stay under wraps for so long with as many people having it, and rightly so. I’m still confused about it. Heh. Dave Asselin, receiving his copy in about the middle of 2000, started up a little track-by-track FAQ, implying at the beginning that he may never finish it (which he never did – he got up to the end of disc 2). Still, I used his little .txt as a model for mine, and he should be credited rightly so. II. The Coyle Tape, the internet leaks, and how almost all 5 discs were available before the final leak. The following paragraphs are going to detail how many tracks became available through random acts of leaking (basically continuing the public history of Mashed Potatoes). The Coyle Tape is often confused and mistaken, and although the issue was settled in December 2001 (as word came direct from Coyle on what happened) what really happened is still lost (mostly due to outdated FAQs). So here’s Simon’s story. “I got to know Andrew Sunaitis by accident on Compuserve, in 1994 I believe. We emailed each other back and forth for a while and in late 1995 he asked me if I could get hold of this Starchildren show for him. I never knew the Starchildren had ever played a show... in fact, I don't think any of the online fans at the time did. Dave Asselin didn't even know. “So anyway, I put out my feelers and a few months later got the tape from a guy who knew a girl in Chicago who knew the guy who had recorded it. I called Andrew and told him I had it. He was pleased and said he'd put together a tape of songs for me. And he did. For a while all was good. “Then things pretty much went up the shitter when I went to get the tape burnt to CD. But we've all seen the fallout from that, so there's no need to reiterate it. “And that's it. I've never met Andrew, or Aneta. We were planning to get together in Chicago once, but then the whole thing with Jonathon Melvoin happened and we just never found the time. “SC” (Netphoria forums, December 21st 2001). To fill in the holes, Aneta Sunaitis was one of the few to receive an original MP (for her work on Siamese Dream, or so I picked up) – Andrew was her husband. The “fallout” happened when he took it to John Mulhausen to put it on CD; John put a number of the songs (17 out of Coyle’s 24, plus a banter that Coyle probably had but didn’t know it was a separate track) on his website in RealAudio format (mid-1999). These were subsequently downloaded by riddler Jeroen who encoded them back to MP3, and were let out to the general SP public. See Section VI for information about Melvoin. The Reel Time Studios collection wormed it’s way onto the internet (purportedly from a tape(s?) of the sessions). A number of RTS songs appear on MP and the versions were considered one and the same. A couple of important shows managed to get online as well, including the WZRD show, March 16th, 1989, and the Tower Records promo concert on July 26th, 1993. III. Detailing the events of late 2002 that led to MP’s final leak. This is the third version of the final leak story I've typed up, but here it goes. Attempting to settle what really happened. The first primary leak since Coyle/Mulhausen occurred on September 28th, 2002 when Ryan Patrick, going undercover as otm had 9 MP3s shared: Godzilla, Hello Kitty Kat, I’m Free, Jesus Loves His Babies, Opal/Worship, Where’s Vince?, STP, Bleed, and the WNUR Interview. It’s still unknown if the MP3 that appeared later of JLHB was the same as Ryan’s. Next up, on October 31st, someone shared "Wave Song" in SHN format. Mouhelo was the only person to download, and it got unshared pretty soon thereafter. A few weeks following that, on November 22nd, "Opal/Worship" was shared, SHN format. This caused discussion in the Hub, and Mouhelo remembered that he had Wave Song and shared it as well. Hype was picking up, and Moleasskiss became the third to go up, early on the morning of December 2nd. Not long after, a threat got handed down - sourced from Frank Quinto - that Billy would stop other SP things from getting released if MP was leaked. A ban went into effect on the Hub, stopping any and all MP circulating. The banning caused a thread on Netphoria to start, discussing why it had been banned. The threat was the main reason, though many people simply accused the Ops and Mods of the Hub of hoarding. By December 4th, it got around that the threat was a hoax (why is still unclear; Quinto could have lied, or simply gotten misinformation himself). The Ops and Mods had also gotten weary of holding back the lines and dealing with all the anger being directed at them, so the ban was taken off. A few more SHNs got out after that. On December 5th, Where’s Vince?, I’m Free, and Jesus Loves His Babies all made their way out in SHN. On December 6th, Hello Kitty Kat, There It Goes, My Dahlia, and Under Your Spell. The final leak occurred shortly thereafter. Mayfuck tried to share all of MP when he came to the Hub on December 19th, but turned out he had router problems, so he started up a number of B&Ps instead on Netphoria. Then, some of the Ops of the Hub decided on December 23rd in a spur of the moment to release SHNs of MP, knowing they were high quality, as they didn't know the sources for Mayfuck's copy. And that, as they say, is that. IV. What is Mashed Potatoes now? How can you get it? Where do we, as a community go from here? And what of MP now? It’s a little hard to predict what people will think about it in the future. It’s arguably the greatest SP collection in existance, but many are worried that it may have killed something in the connection between Billy and the fans. That note will just have to wait and be seen. And where can you get it? A number of places; easiest of which is the DC Hub. Check out http://www.neo-modus.com for a copy of DC; the address of the Hub is tsphub.dyndns.org:1979 – you’ll need that. You’ll want to check out . for a copy of the rules and so on of the Hub. You can also use my FTP, available at What follows is my play-by-play of Mashed Potatoes; what will hopefully become an accumulated source of information on the various songs. Please read, enjoy, and then read the contact info past it all if you have anything to add. Also see down there for a version history and any thank you’s I may have. Been good talking. ![]() V. The Track-by-Track Details of Mashed Potatoes Disc 1 Track 01 – Happy Fucking Valentines Time: 0:48 Description: None provided. Availability: No where but MP. Source: SBD, February 14th, 1992; Astoria Theater, London UK. Details: A nice little opening stage banter bit. Transcription: James: Stop the strobe light, it’s giving me a headache. It’s giving me a big headache. Billy: Yeah… this… you sound like an audience who’s not sure whether they want an encore. (crowd cheers to protest) Billy: We’re… unpretentious midwestern folk, you know… D’arcy: I’ve just been reminded! We almost forgot to say Happy fucking Valentines Day. (fade out) Disc 1 Track 02 – Tristessa Time: 3:37 Description: (live 92) Availability: Located on 26 boots including Mashed Potatoes. Source: They played it 25 times in 1992. Soundboard, but otherwise who knows. Detail: They play it quite fast; the drums at the beginning just whiz. They’re playing “Offer Up” as the song fades out. Disc 1 Track 03 – There It Goes Time: 5:01 Description: (demo 88) Availability: Only one studio copy exists on a CD: Mashed Potatoes. It was played live at the Metro on a number of dates, one show of which is easily available: Oct 5, 1988. It was presumably recorded before that date. Source: Billy’s father’s home studio, Chicago, IL. From a 4-track demo. Detail: Billy and James, with a drum machine. Lyrics: there it goes playing with my heart again i don't know when i'm gonna come up for air for you now, again for you now for you now and the way you look at me makes me happy inside knowing all the while i can't hide come and go wasting my years i was born to fear that there's something in the air for you now, again for you now for you now and the way you look at me makes me happy inside knowing all the while i can't hide when you've thought to come back would you take me home? when you've thought come back all alone all alone there it goes playing with my heart again i don't know when i'm gonna come up for air for you now, again for you now for you now and the way look at me makes me happy inside knowing all the while i can't hide when you've thought to come back could you take me home? when you've thought to come back all alone all alone Disc 1 Track 05 – Jesus Loves His Babies Time: 3:08 Description: (outtake 91) Availability: No where but MP. Source: Studio, Gish outtake. Recorded sometime Jan – Mar 1991. Details: Great, fun, rock out song. Kind of goofy, which is probably why it was scrapped from Gish. SPFC claims that the Jesus on the recording machine is Jimmy, down-pitched. I have no reason not to believe him. Lyrics / Transcription: (drums start) Butch Vig: We’re rolling! (drums stop) Butch Vig: Rollin – Billy: Start? Butch Vig: Yeah, now we’re rolling. (drums start back up, song follows) jesus loves his babies outside in the sunshine i don't mind, no i don't mind jesus loves his babies even when they're out of line i don't mind, no i don't mind i'm fine jesus loves his crazies keepin' pace with her rhyme i don't mind, no i don't mind jesus loves his babies outside in the outside in the sun/shine [doubletracked and overlapping] sunshine over him (phone rings twice, as the band rocks out) Billy (answering machine): Hi! This is Billy. I’m not home right now, but leave your name and number, and I’ll get back to you. Beeeeeeeeeep! Jesus: Billy... Billy... pick up the phone, Billy. I know you're home. It's Jesus. I'm very angry with you. I'm going to punish you, Billy. Ah hah hah hah hah hah! I'm going to punish you Billy! Can you hear me, Billy? Are you listening? I hope you're listening, Bil-ly. Disc 1 Track 07 – Snail Time: 5:50 Description: (radio 91) Availability: From Jan 15th 1992 – yes, ’92, according to Asselin. It would make sense, as according to SPFC the Pumpkins were recording this album in 91 (that and the only show they did in the Netherlands in ’91, they didn’t play Snail). Plus, they did make an appearance at VPRO, a radio station in the Netherlands on the fifteenth of Jan, 1992. There’s some Dutch spoken, which I clearly don’t know. Then they launch into Snail. Source: Soundboard, from the radio studio, not an FM recording. Detail: A nice, 14 second Dutch intro. I recognize 3 words she says the entire time: “snail,” “smashing,” and “pumpkins.” Heh. The funny thing about the mix up with the date is it proves that what BC wrote down isn’t set in stone. There’s a high possibility that there were other mistakes (come on, he spelled Potatoes “Patotoes” on the front cover) and I’ll track them down as they pop up. Thanks to Rens for the original translation; it’s pretty directly translated, so the English is a little rough. Oh well. Transcription: DJ (in Dutch): … cd gish. Straks praten we even met ze, maar ze spelen hier live twee nummers in de VPRO studio. Ze beginnen met Snail, en welk nummer ze als tweede doen dat weten ze nog niet, dat merken we vanzelf. Hier zijn, de Smashing Pumpkins! Translation: … cd gish. We'll talk with them in a few moments, but they will play two songs live here in the VPRO studios. They will start with Snail, and what song they do secondly, they still don't know. We'll see that ourselves. Here are, the Smashing Pumpkins! Disc 1 Track 09 – Window Paine Time: 7:43 Description: (live 90) Availability: 24 boots. Source: Played only 4 times in 1990. The only corresponding song that might have even been played from the same show is Worship, from Sept 13th, 1990. That’s my only guess at this point. Actually, scratch that, new guess. Many (specifically: 12) bootlegs were made from a 1990 show: June 16th, 1990. Just seems natural. That’s my best guess. Detail: A great jam is played in the middle, kicking in around 4:30. There’s no banter or dialogue on either side of the song. Disc 1 Track 10 – Wave Song Time: 4:12 Description: (demo 91) Availability: Mashed Potatoes. Source: Studio. Unknown location, presumably Chicago. Most likely done during the 1991 Gish recordings (January – March). Detail: A James Iha song. Features James on electric guitar, a jazz drum beat, and a following bass line. Lyrics: waves over water my gaze washes over while you wave while you wave summer dreams your life drowns me underwater you feel a quiver and i feel a sliver wave over wave over me wave over wave over me over me hey, love, come hold me sliver across your belly and while you wait while you wait life drowns me Disc 1 Track 11 – Blue Time: 4:00 Description: (acoustic 91) Availability: Unclear. See details. Source: Unclear. See details. Detail: The only available version is on Pisces Iscariot, and is a rock version. While they did play Blue live and acoustic, the recording here is exceptionally well done and features no audience clapping or any introductory or conclusionary statements; the presumption is that it was recorded during the Gish takes, in early 1991 at the Smart Studios, in Madison, WI. The only evidence that would suggest otherwise is Billy labeling it as “acoustic 91” and not “outtake 91”. This can be compared to the Mayonaise outtake on disc 5, which was an actual Siamese Dream outtake, and not live acoustic. I also believe it’s present on the Pisces Iscariot bonus 7” (the PI + Friends thing). Disc 2, Track 03 – Under Your Spell Time: 3:53 Description: (demo 88) Availability: Mashed Potatoes. Source: William Corgan, Sr.’s house. 1988, Chicago, IL. Detail: Billy and James with a drum machine…. All the lyrics below in []’s are sung by James, backing Billy up on vocals. Lyrics: under your spell [under your spell] under your only light under your spell [under your spell] under your only light take anything you want this is where i am into my shell [under your spell] into your only light into your shell [under your spell] i walk a double line take anything you want this is where i am isn't it a shame [isn't in a shame] wondering who i ought to blame [wondering who to blame] isn't it a shame [isn't it a shame] wondering who i ought to blame, yeah, yeah under your spell [under your spell] under your spell [under your spell] under your spell [under your spell] under your spell isn't it a shame [isn't it a shame] wondering who i ought to blame [wondering who to blame] isn't it a shame [isn't it a shame] wondering who i ought to blame [wondering who to blame] isn't it a shame wondering who i ought to blame isn't it a shame [isn't it a shame] wondering who i ought to blame [wondering who to blame] Disc 2 Track 05 – STP Time: 3:30 Description: (demo 91) Availability: Only available on a couple of random bootlegs… and Mashed Potatoes. ![]() Source: One of a few songs recorded randomly during the 1991 Gish sessions, it’s approximate date or studio are unknown, though it can be surmised it was recorded at Smart Studios in Madison, WI, as that’s where they did the rest of the Gish recordings (and for that matter, probably sometime in the Jan – Mar period, as that’s when they recorded Gish). Detail: An interesting side note… many speculate on what STP means. While it’d be funny if it meant “Smashing the Pumpkins,” my guess is that it’s a reference to STP (haha), which was a drug used during the 1960’s and 70’s. It turned out the drug was a motor oil additive that had some LSD similarities. Maybe this is one of the songs that’s about killing your parents and taking drugs…? Though not necessarily in that order, of course. Lyrics: this is where i've left my friends some are real and some pretend all of you, you knew me well 'cause i've never ever been this strong now i know now i'm strong (solo) i don't want it unless you've got a lot for me when you wanted to breathe through me to be through me desire me [?] desire me [?] right through you (solo) Disc 2 Track 10 – Opal / Worship Time: 6:05 Description: (live 90) Availability: Mashed Potatoes. Source: Unknown SBD. No known dates for Opal, only performance date of Worship was Sept 13th 1990. Detail: Two songs that were performed together. I’m assuming that he didn’t just mix them together while making Mashed Potatoes. Seems like it would be too involved for the way MP was made. Shift to Worship is at 3:44. Lyrics: (Opal) can't see the difference i can't see the change what am i missing same game, different name blue my little opal what am i missing i can't feel you now what am i missing i can't feel you now i've been with someone simple right between the eyes and i'll be a fool for you she's my little opal she's my little opal she's my little opal blue right here by your side wondering where to hide right here by your side i've been with someone simple right between the eyes and i'll be a fool for you she's my little opal she's my little opal she's my little opal blue blue (segue to Worship) baby, please don't change baby, rearrange baby, i'm still here baby, can you hear baby baby baby (fade out) Disc 2 Track 12 – Fat Man Blues Time: 3:20 Description: (live 89) Availability: Located on the Reel Time Studios set…. See details. Source: Studio. Not, I repeat, not live. Detail: While listed on MP as being live from 1989, it is in fact not. It was recorded at the third RTS sessions, to which Jimmy never showed up and D’arcy didn’t play. Basically… just Billy on his guitar. Billy says at the end, “Hahahaha… keep ‘em rolling! Woo, hoo! Haha….” According to SOME people, it was “live in studio”… to which I … ![]() Disc 2 Track 15 – WNUR Interview Time: 4:08 Description: (radio 88) Availability: Other than any possibly archives that WNUR has, uh, nowhere. Source: From a radio interview on November 19th, 1988. Detail: During an important time in the Pumpkins’ evolution, they were doing a number of shows in mid-November with other bands and the radio interview probably helped them get noticed. The transcription below is virtually stolen from Asselin’s FAQ, though I did give it a couple check overs to verify it was all good and right – added a few of BC’s “uh”’s and “um”’s, and even a few words that were left out! Horrors. As a sidenote, I find it interesting that in this interview, a number of other bands are mentioned, including the Swinging Dicks and God’s Acre… both of which I’ve never heard… yet the Smashing Pumpkins became huge. The way life works, eh? Transcription: DJ: "...introduce yourselves." Billy: "Um, I'm Billy. I'm the lead singer, guitar player." James: "I'm James, guitars." D'arcy: "My name is D'arcy and I play the bass and sing backup." DJ: "Oh, nice, you guys are really, really good at this microphone stuff. I tell them to lean into the micrphone and they really do, as opposed to most local bands..." Billy: "And, uh... and, uh Jimmy the drummer is in Joliet. We have a drummer now." DJ: "Oh, OK." Billy: "Because.. a lot of people saw us in the beginning, saw us with the drum machine, but we finally got a drummer, so..." DJ: "Now but you played today with a drum machine." Billy: "Yeah, 'cause we just thought it would sound a lot better." DJ: "Yeah, yeah, that's something that's kind of difficult to deal with in our completely minimal studio in the other room. Uhhmm, so you guys played in Milwaukee last night, said it wasn't too great..." Billy: "Yeah, it was a bad gig..." (James laughs in **********) DJ: "But you're playing tomorrow night at Exit." Billy: "We're playing tomorrow night at the Exit with the Swinging Dicks, who we played with in Milwaukee last night. They're like, they're kinda like, we're, um, we’re tagging up with Swinging Dicks and we're gonna try and start doing the same thing with The Crows and, like, book gigs together and go down as like... you know, like Champaign..." DJ: "Yeah, yeah, it probably makes it a lot easier, definitely, and bring out more people..." Billy: "Well, it's just nice to have a lot of, like, uh, you know, you bring both bands out and that way uh, if there's any sh... um, bad stuff [D'arcy laughs] that happens, uh, that way you know, we don't have any problems, we're kinda like our little teams, so...it makes things easier." (DJ, James laugh) DJ: "OK, team effort. Um, you're listening to 89.3 WNUR FM, Evanston, Chicago, the new music FM, and it's 4:57. You're listening to Airplay, and it’s all just for your personal information, so you know what's going on, and we're sitting here with the Swinging Di – uh, no, with the Smashing Pumpkins..." Billy: "Can we... can we tell you about our, our soon-to-be demo?" DJ: "Oh, yeah, and talk about... what’s, what's the deal with this... this, ah, cable thing?" Billy: "Uh, yeah, um, today we're taping a cable uh, thing in Addison on Pulse Cable, but I don't know what channel it is, and I don't know when it's going to air but, it'll be with Love & Addiction and the Eisenhowers..." DJ: "Well, when you go down... you're doing this after you leave here?" Billy: "As soon as we get off here..." DJ: "Well, as soon as you get down there, tell them: “call Octavia at WNUR and tell her what the heck this is all about” because I wanna know... so, if all these local bands are going to be taping and on the air..." Billy: "I’ve heard, um, Jimmy, Jimmy our drummer's done it, um, with a guy named Dave, or he's done stuff with him, and I guess they do very... you know, like 16-track audio and..." DJ: "Wow..." Billy: "...they use 4 cameras and they, it's all for free, and it's supposed to be very good quality." DJ: "Neat, that's really great. And so is it like, is it like a, do you think it's kinda like a MTV-type thing, like a music video show and they slip it in once in a while, or it's like a local video show?" Billy: "You know, I've heard cheesy things and I've heard good things. I mean there's not much you can expect when you go in for free... (DJ laughs) free audio and free tape. It might be a nice promotional thing, and it might be just be nice to have it on TV, I don't know. Be nice for all my, um, old high-school pals that didn't like me to see me on TV." (Everyone laughs) DJ: "So that's why you're in this band... revenge, yeah." Billy: "We don't have an, uh... like, the tape we sent you is a 4-track demo, like bedroom stuff, but um, uh, the, uh, I shouldn't say his name, but um, this guy from Elektra really likes the band, and he's going to pay for our demo..." DJ: "Neat!" Billy: "...so, we're going to be doing that, like, probably the first week of December before he goes on the road with Metallica..." (sporadic laughing) DJ: "There you go... I see a definite connection between you guys and Metallica there." (laughs) Billy: "Yeah. Yeah, well, he's all connected to all like..." James (in the **********): Tell them about the Jane’s Addiction…. Billy: "Yeah, oh yeah, and we're opening for Jane's Addiction next Wednesday at the Metro." DJ: "Oh, that's right. I almost forgot about that... yeah, that's a really big show. Um, Jane's Addiction, all ages show..." Billy: "Yeah, we’re quite the lucky puppies..." DJ: (laughs) "Uuuumm.. yeah, that's the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, for those of you who aren't up on what's going on around here, all you lazy bums who don't know what's going on. Let's give away a pair of tickets for your show tomorrow night, how's that?" Billy: "That sounds nice." DJ: "Does that sound nice and good and happy? OK, I have a pair of tickets for you to see the Swinging Dicks and the Smashing Pumpkins at the Exit on Sunday, November 20th if you're the second caller at 866-WNUR. Tickets are courtesy of the Exit and can be yours if you are the second caller at 866-WNUR. You've gotta be 21 or over to attend shows at the Exit so keep that in mind when you call. Ummm... so go out and see two great bands, uh, Smashing Pumpkins, Swinging Dicks, go out for free, you and a friend, free night on the town courtesy of Exit and WNUR, and get to see two bands in the works. Ah, so, give us a call, 866-WNUR, second caller wins it. How about we go to another song, I'm going to play a song that’s a request, play the God's Acre song and then you guys wanna add anything before we go to..." (fade out) Disc 3 Track 05 – The Joker [Steve Miller] Time: 3:24 Description: (live 92) Availability: None other than Mashed Potatoes. Source: They played it only five times in 1992 and no other times (though, interestingly, Billy played it at the 2001 Liquid Joe’s show, which some argue was the first Zwan concert cause Jimmy and Matt were there). There’s no sort of side dialogue that would hint at which concert it came from, though in all likelihood it was probably from September 6th (see Siva’s section – Disc 4, Track 7 – for my logic behind that). Detail: I ripped the basic structure of lyrics from SPFC, but Billy sing’s it a bit differently here and so I edited it to match the MP version (in fact, he adds an entirely new stanza… heh). Lyrics: Some people call me the space cowboy, yeah, Some call me the gangster of love. Some people call me Maurice, I’m the pompotous of love. People talk about me, baby, yeah, Say I’m doing you wrong, doing you wrong. Don’t worry, don’t you worry, mama, ‘Cause I’m right here, right here, right here, right here at home. I'm picker, I'm a grinner, I'm a lover, And I'm a sinner. Play my music in the sun. I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight toker, Sure don't want to hurt no-one. Woooo,… woooo…. (solo) You're the cutest girl I think I ever did see, Really love your peaches want to shake your tree. Lovey-dovey lovey-dovey lovey-dovey all the time. Ooh, baby, I'll fuck you a good time! I'm picker, I'm a grinner, I'm a lover, And I'm a sinner. Play my music in the sun. I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight toker, Sure don't want to hurt no-one. (solo) James: Thank you, thank… (fade out) Disc 3 Track 07 – Coming Attractions Time: 01:14 Description: None. Availability: MP. Source: November 30th, 1992; SBD of a radio station in Atlanta, GA. See details for research Detail: An unknown radio promo for the Pumpkins and other bands. Two songs are played in the **********, both by a guy named Donovan Leitch. He was seen as Britain’s answer to Bob Dylan, which later was reversed, and seen as a weak comparison. The two songs are “Mellow Yellow” and “There is a Mountain,” respectively. But time for research. The DJ goes in order of days, so for the heck of it, let’s assume that the Pumpkins were performing on December the 1st. They only did two Dec 1st shows in the 88 – 93 period (that are known) and were in 1992 and 1993. The 1993 one was a Candian show. The announcer does not at all sound Canadian, so I place the date at November 30th, 1992 of this broadcast. I tried to figure out what station was sponsoring all this stuff, but couldn’t dig up any info; this is the best I could get. Transcript: DJ: Remember, tomorrow, Smashing Pumpkins! Wednesday, December the 2nd, Stratacruisers and Felix and the Cats. These are two of the hottest blues bands in town, guys. Those’ll start at 10pm, for you guys who have to work in the mornings, can’t stay up all night! Thursday, December the 3rd, Grace will play at 10pm also, and Skylark, -- well, Skylarks, will follow. Friday, December the 4th, Wild West Picture Show will be here, and Rusty Johnson, formerly from P.S. Jonna, will open. Saturday, December the 5th, Smoke will be here, Andy Brown Orchestra, an evening with alternative acoustic music, and poetry, and madness, and no drums. Sunday, December the 6th, Jonathan Greg and the Lonesome Debonairs, all the way from New York City, opening act will be announced. Guys, stick around. Belly up – belly up, tip your bartender, tip your waitresses…. Cheryl, your brother’s looking for you… he wants his ID back. (fade out) Disc 3 Track 08 – Egg Time: 2:28 Description: (demo 89) Availability: You can find it on the Reel Time Studios collection, and both the Moon and Eye demos. Source: Reel Time Studios, 1989. Detail: Nothing much. Billy acoustic, maybe with James on backup. Very simple, short song. Probably just Billy solo, working out a creative branch. Disc 3 Track 14 – East Time: 4:13 Description: (demo 88) Availability: Can be found on the Reel Time Studios collection, in both the original form and alternate cut (which this isn’t). Source: While the song appears on the Reel Time Studios collection, it was in fact recorded both at Reel Time Studios (Chicago, IL.) and Schwa Productions (Chicago, IL.). The version that appears here could be from either – they both occurred in late 1988. Detail: A strange sounding recording – the guitars are pretty distorted and Billy sounds far away. The recording arrangements probably weren’t the best, it can be assumed. Presumably, it was recorded after Jimmy joined; the drums sound much better than they would with a drum machine. Disc 4 Track 01 – Interview Nozems a Go-Go Time: 4:13 Description: None provided. Availability: MP only. Source: This took much more researching than you could have possibly imagined. Half an hour into poking around on SPFC and all I had were dates either separated by like a month or huge spans of time (fifteen months) – nothing close to the DJ’s supposed five months. Then I googled, and found the SPFC equivalent for the Red Hot Chili Peppers; comparing tour dates, I eventually found that the tour Billy speaks of was in Oct 16th 1991 – approx. Nov. 29th 1991. The show lasted a lot less time then BC claimed; the Pumpkins and Chili Peppers would follow similar routes to California, but the cities were never the same (the Peppers were having internal issues by Dec. 1991, as their prodigal guitarist, John Frusciante began to have problems with heroin, and canceled many shows in late 91 on into Jan. 1992). However, this definitely pinpoints the tour BC was talking about. Poking around on SPFC, I decided it could only be from one show – the Jan. 15th 1992 show (that also featured Snail). It turns out that Silverfuck is also from this show. I wish I had just looked at that before, would have saved me like an hour of time. *sigh* Not to sound like a geek, but the DJ can’t do math; the last time he was in the Netherlands had been four months… four and half, to be anal. Sorry, just had to say it. Oh yeah, thanks to Rens again for the Dutch trans. Details: A nice, dutch interview. Transcription below. Transcription: DJ (in Dutch): Billy Corgan van de Smashing Pumpkins. Zodirect spelen ze nog twee nummers, maar eerst praten we even met Billy. (continues in English) DJ (translation): Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins. They will play two more songs, but first we'll talk to Billy for a moment. Welcome in the studio. Billy: Hello. DJ: You wanted to request a record on the show from Queen… (Billy murmurs)… are you a Queen fan? Billy: Yes. DJ: Why? Billy: Um, they’re just an amazing band, and there’s really not been another band like them, I think. Mmm… obviously, Freddie Mercury dying makes it kind of more obvious, I guess, now. DJ: Are they an influence on, on your music? Billy: Mm-hmm, yeah, very much so. And, uh, I think, when you look at, you know, all the bad disco, seventies period, they were one of the coolest bands around, so, I mean, growing up at that time…. (trails off) DJ: You got influenced by them. Billy: At least not moustache-wise, but, (DJ laughs: “No.”), music-wise. DJ: The first thing that comes to mind when you hear “the Smashing Pumpkins” is, uh, the dynamic intention in the song… is “tension” a key word for the Smashing Pumpkins? Billy: Um,… I think “sex” would be the key word. DJ: Why? Billy: ‘Cause, our music is kinda like having sex. (laughs) DJ: Can you explain that a bit? Billy: Well, sometimes you go fast, and sometimes you go slow… (laughs, laughing way in the **********). Sometimes you stop. (More laughing) DJ: Okay. That explains it. (laughs) Sometimes it seems like there is several songs in one song…. Billy: Yeah…. DJ: Aren’t you tempted to make three songs out of that? Billy: Um…. Yeah, sometimes I am, but… um… I guess, maybe, it’s the, it’s the uh, fear of dying or something that makes me want to cram as much into one song as I can. DJ: How do you write songs? Billy: Um… unfortunately, I kind of sit around and wait for it to happen, you know? Like a thunderbolt from heaven (or hell) and, uh,… and, uh… it’s not the best way to write songs, but there’s something about an inspired moment that’s kind of untouchable,… so, um… once, once I had the inspiration part, then it’s, then it’s kind of um, somewhat mechanical process to not play the same thing over and over for five minutes until you bore everybody out the door. DJ: Do you do something to create that inspiration? Billy: Can, can you ask me that again? I didn’t hear the last part. DJ: Do you do something to create that inspiration? Billy: Um, yeah, I try not to um… you know, watch too much T.V., and, uh…. DJ: Don’t poison your mind…? Billy: It’s…. It’s kind of a… it’s kind of a zen concept, yeah, you know, obviously your mind has to be somewhat open… and, um, there’s a, there’s a certain, um, mental preparation necessary for that when… when those moments in your life come that you can seize them and… um… take the opportunity, so… there’s kind of a mental awareness that’s necessary at all times…. Beyond that, I dunno, it’s, there’s no black and white way to write a song. DJ: It seems like your songs are more based on, on hooks, guitar riffs, then on melodies, eh? Billy: Oh, I would disagree. I very much disagree. I can write guitar riffs all day. But it’s the marriage of melody and the guitar, you know, um, that I think makes what I do a little different then, say, someone who just writes guitar riffs. Sometimes the best guitar riffs don’t make for a very good song… and there’s a lot of great guitar riffs that we throw away. DJ: The dynamic of the sounds of the Smashing Pumpkins, doesn’t that make the band very hard to record? Billy: Yes, very much so. It’s, um, probably going to take about ten years off my life trying to record our band properly. DJ: You have been here, on, uh, the (something), that’s five months ago, what did change for the band, since then? Billy: Since then? Oh, um, I’ve had about three nervous breakdowns, and, um, the band sold a lot of records in America, and we did a couple tours…. We toured with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, a whole national tour in America, and, um, you know, my mother likes me again, so…. (laughing in the **********) DJ: Is that the nicest thing about success? Billy: Um,… (fade out) Disc 4 Track 03 – I’m Free [The Who] Time: 2:44 Description: (live 90) Availability: No where but MP. Source: Entirely unknown. SPFC only has 3 setlists from 1990, none of which show that they played “I’m Free.” Details: Apparently from the musical “Tommy.” The song is pretty rock tho. ![]() Lyrics: i'm free, i am free and freedom tastes of reality i'm free, i am free and i'm waiting for you to follow me if i told you what it takes to reach the highest high you'd laugh and say 'nothing's that simple' messiahs pointed to the door messiahs pointed to the door and no one had the guts to leave the temple i'm free, i am free and freedom tastes of reality i'm free, i'm free and i'm waiting for you to follow me i'm free, i am free and i'm waiting for you to follow me Disc 4 Track 06 – Disarm Time: 3:23 Description: (live 93) Availability: You can find live Disarm like you can find a can of Pepsi in a 7/11. It’s on 110 boots. If you can’t find it live, you have problems. Like, problems which suggest you should stay away from trading. Anything. Even Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Source: Disarm was performed 40 times in 1993. There’s nothing to pinpoint which exact concert this was from. Pick a date, any date…. Details: Pretty straightforward here. Crowd favorite. Sounds like an arena show, not a close-quartered thing like it would be at the Metro. Definitely sounds soundboarded. It’s pretty safe to assume most live stuff on MP is soundboard. Cello played, most likely D’arcy on that. Jimmy does the traditiional jazz drum accompaniement. Billy ends it with a simple “Thank you very much.” Business as usual on this track. Disc 4 Track 07 – Siva Time: 8:44 Description: (live 92) Availability: Being one of their album songs, they played it live a huge number of times and is available on approximately 64 boots. Source: I originally thought this was from September 6th, 1992. I figured it would have been from the same concert as The Joker, and it sounded like maybe James spoke a little Dutch at the end, putting the date at Sept. 6th. Turns out it wasn’t Dutch, it was French, so that theory was tossed out. Now, since it is French, It has to be either September 8th or February 5th. It’s more likely February 5th at this point, as there was an FM recording of this show; while the recording on MP doesn’t sound FM, it could be SBD, a pre-FM recording. Detail: A nice, stretched out version of Siva. At the end, as the crowd is cheering, James says into the crowd, “Merci beaucoup,” (Thanks a lot, in French. He presumably meant it sincerely, not sarcastically). Disc 4 Track 11 – Where’s Vince? Time: 2:43 Description: (outtake 93) Availability: No availability other than Mashed Potatoes. Source: Unknown, although since it’s labelled as an outtake from 1993, we can presume that it’s a Siamese Dream outtake, recorded sometime during those sessions in early 1993 (Jan – Mar). Detail: Virtually nothing is known about this song. SPFC.org has no information on it, it’s not even listed anywhere in the 1993 sessions. It definitely sounds like a joke song… god only knows whats the story. Lyrics: where's vince? where's vince? where's vince? where's vince? you motherfucker, where are you? where's vince? where's vince? where's vince? vince, you know i love you got that pine green tree thing in your car and when you bring girls down from Illinois I know what you are you are a star where's vince? where's vince? where's vince? freak out! (solo, general rawking out) vince uh-huh-uh-huh-uh-huh where's vince? vince! vince, vince, vince... (fade out) Disc 4 Track 13 – Geek U.S.A. Time: 5:25 Description: (live 93) Availability: Being an album song, it’s all over the place. 53 boots to be exact, and countless other live recordings and performances. Source: They performed it 42 times in 1993. Who knows. Detail: Opens with Billy screaming, “Are you ready to fucking ROCK?!” And instead of the typical, “We really love the USA” ending, he shouts, “GO FUCK YOURSELF!” … Ah, the live performances. Disc 5 Track 03 – Mayonaise Time: 4:35 Description: (outtake 93) Availability: The Smashing Pumpkins 1991-1998 (promo) and Still Becoming Apart (promo) – a Siamese Dream outtake Source: Triclops Sound Studios (Atlanta, GA), sometime early 1993 (Jan – Mar) Detail: An acoustic – and probably the original – mix of Mayonaise, it features a distorted guitar and a tambourine covering the beat (my guess is that Butch Vig is in fact playing the tambourine, as his specialty has always been percussion, and it’s known that Billy and Butch were pretty much the only ones at these recordings). You can actually hear a part of it on the album version, at about 3:31, when the song gets soft before it’s close. Most likely the rock part was mixed on top of the acoustic version. As a note, this is not the same version that appears on Earphoria; that was obviously a live recording. Disc 5 Track 06 – Silverfuck Time: 9:40 Description: (live 92) Availability: 49 boots. ![]() Source: January 15th, 1992, Hilversum, NL. Details: A radio studio live version of Silverfuck. Some dutch DJ stuff at the end. Thanks once more to Rens. Transcription: DJ (in Dutch): En... zo... denderen de... kosmische elektrische storm van de Smashing Pumpkins nog even door. Je hoorde ze hier live in Villa 65, ik hoor mezelf niet meer, mijn oren fluiten. Translation: And... so... the cosmic electric storm of the Smashing Pumpkins trambles on for a while. You heard them live here at Villa 65, I can't hear myself anymore, my ears whistle. (fade out) Disc 5 Track 08 – Stars Fall In Time: 3:02 Description: (demo 89) Availability: Easily found on a number of thingies; the Reel Time Studios collection, and both the Moon and Eye Demos. It’s also on 5 boots (including Mashed Potatoes). Source: Reel Time Studios, in Chicago, IL. 1989. Details: Nothing much, a nice little jangle-pop kind of song. Billy says “Okay!” at the end, most likely to Mark Ignoffo, to signify that the song was indeed over. Heh. Only thing of interest is that there has been some confusion on it’s real title… SPFC settles on the Mashed Potatoes version of “Stars Fall In” but I think “Stars Fallin’” would make more sense… due to the line when Billy says “your stars fallin…” Your stars fall in … kinda weird. Oh well. Disc 5 Track 13 – I’ll Never Change Time: 3:03 Description: (live 90) Availability: Mashed Potatoes only. Source: Unknown SBD. Details: Not much is known about this song. A Pumpkins original, but it was never recored in the studio, even as an outtake or anything. There are no clues as to where they played the song, except that it’s clearly a small venue from the talk in the ********** (this isn’t a surprise in any way though… they only played small venues at this point). Lyrics: i'll never change, i know i'll never change i'll never change, i know seems today you want to try your own device why oh why should i try i'll never change, i know i'll never change i'll never change, i know i'll never change why should i want to try my own device why oh why should i i'll never change i'll never change, i know never change never change change, change, change i never, never, never, never change never change change, change, change VI. An Actual FAQ On Random Things I Thought May Come Up I added this during version 0.2 as I realized there are some things people may simply be curious about. So I jotted down random info here as I saw fit. Q: Who’s Butch Vig? A: A surprisingly influential figure in the alternative rock scene, actually. SP fans know him from his work on Gish and Siamese Dream, acting as producer on both. He has an incredibly interesting history; starting out as a drummer for an indie band in the Wisconsin area, he eventually started producing local groups. Vig owns Smart Studios, where Gish was recorded. However, for the curious, Butch’s influence spins out farther. He produced the amazingly well known and profoundly influential Nirvana album, “Nevermind,” and Sonic Youth’s “Dirty.” He has also worked with L7 (for the Riot Grrrls out there), U2, Soul Asylum, NIN, Depeche Mode, and Korn. He eventually found a home with the group Garbage, playing his drums, synthesizers, effects, loops and so on. As a sidenote, the Smashing Pumpkins are actually listed as a “root & influence” for Garbage on allmusic.com … go figure. Q: Who’s Jonathon Melvoin? A: Melvoin was the touring keyboardist the Pumpkins used during the MCatIS tour. He died in the first few hours of July 12th, 1996, of a lethal combination of heroin and alcohol. Jimmy Chamberlin was subsequently arrested for possession of heroin and, after pleading to lesser charges of disorderly conduct, was sent to rehab. Q: Who the hell are you? A: An urban cross of dork and the cool peoplez, I spend my time listening to music, playing video games, and chilling with my friends (oh yeah, I have a job at a CD store and I kind of go to, you know, college… at George Mason U. in Fairfax VA if you must know). I want to be a video game designer (for now… I’ve had thoughts of being anything from a writer, to a DJ, to a paleontologist). I’m currently 18 (and recently single, ladies!) and I drive a 1998 Mitsubishi Mirage, though what that has to do with anything, well, I’ll never know. Last important thing about me I guess is that I really, really like Japan. Yeah. I did a paper last semester about southeast Asian trade policies (trust me, if I could have found a way to make it about Japan, oh boy would I have!). VII. My Final Thoughts and Contact Info I did this – well, started it at least – because I wanted to complement Asselin’s informative but outdated FAQ, and because I felt I have good research skills and a huge interest in the topic. I hope it’ll be appreciated, as I certainly meant no disrespect to Asselin or anyone else, and just wanted to add to the communal knowledge. If you have any comments, productive, destructive, informative or inquisitive, email me at [email protected] or IM me on AIM – screenname is Sehki or for the truly adventurous, PM me on IRC – nickname Sehki again. This was truly a labor of love… labor underlined, dammit. VIII. Version History 0.7 – Songs added: Tristessa, Window Paine, Interview Nozems a Go-Go, and Silverfuck. Reached 32 pages; this version was posted to Netphoria, in replacement of 0.2. Took out the lame 0’s in front of the minutes on times; I realized none of the songs were more than 9, so it made that pointless (and harder to read…). Other random edits here and there. Spent a good while trying to figure out what the god Jeroen was riddling me over. Stuffy historians, indeed. 0.6 – Songs added: I’ll Never Change, Egg, Opal/Worship, Wave Song, Geek U.S.A., and Under Your Spell. FAQ reached up to 27 pages. 0.52 – Some minor changes made. A few updates to sections to reflect recent developments in the final leak part to make it all sound more cohesive. Added, uh, one song to the TxT: Coming Attractions. 0.5 – 0.2 posted to the Netphoria boards; much feedback received, and changes were made to the following sections: the Coyle tape, the Dec. 5th leak, and MP’s origin. I added Netphorians to the ‘thank you’ section. Edited songs: Siva, The Joker. The final leak part was changed for a third time, reflecting new information. No longer known as the “December 5th leak.” 0.2 – Added the actual FAQ part (section VI)… this version was originally 0.125, but so much got added I decided to upgrade to 0.2. More work done on the track-by-track. Added: Snail, WNUR Interview, The Joker, Siva, Stars Fall In, I’m Free, Disarm, Jesus Loves His Babies, Happy Fucking Valentines, and Fat Man Blues. Document reached 19 pages. (This was done Jan 5th 2003, from about 12:30am – 3:30am). 0.1 – First typed up copy that I did later that night, around 1am on Jan. 4th, 2003. First four sections were entered in and a few songs done out, to establish some content, including these songs: There It Goes, Blue, STP, East, Where’s Vince?, and Mayonaise. Initial sources were gathered and bookmarked for much future use. Document reached 9 pages in length. 0.01 - A handwritten version of the first four sections that I did on a train trip from New York City to Washington D.C. on the third of January, 2003. The handwritten version was about 5 pages, and sits in a notebook that I use for an entirely unrelated subject. IX. Much Needed Shout Outs / Thank You’s Clearly, I need to first and foremostly thank Corgan for making some of the most influential music in my life, and for just being a great role model and powerful figure in the entertainment industry. Next up are those on Netphoria and the Hub that added to this as it was in the works (I use Netphoria/Hub aliases unless I know real names): Dave Asselin, for setting the standard with MP FAQs; Fares Halteh, for bringing some of that much-needed early SP info; Kumar Littlejeans, for his nitpicking on details ![]() Rens, for Dutch translating; Mouhelo, for adding to the final leak story; Smiley, for having handy links and knowing a little too much; Zekix, for knowing random things about Netphoria; Aadt, for the “merci beaucoup” on Siva; I’d like to thank Pepsico. for their product, which made me awake while I typed all this, and gave me the energy to stay up until 3am reading stuff on SPFC. I’d like to thank the really fat lady who sat next to me on the train as I wrote out the first draft of this FAQ; you really creeped me out and made me think that you were reading everything I wrote. I hope you learned a lot about the Pumpkins. I’d like to thank my cousin Kate for introducing me to the Pumpkins, way back in 1994 (we’ll say, I don’t remember the exact date). Ironically, it was the same year the Corgan made Mashed Potatoes. Coincidence? Yeah, I think so too. Unimportantly, she’ll never read this, though it’s nice to give credit where credit is due. And also my Dad, from whom I apparently acquired some sort of historical habits… wtf, eh? Chip off the old block, damn the old sayings. I’d like to thank Google, cause when I tried to find info about the Netherlands, it gave me a map of the Netherlands… from 1658. Oh yeah, and SPFC.org for their limitless amount of information and lyrics and studio dates and so on and so on… invaluable, I swear. Here’s a little shout out, actually. Shoutz out to the #zwan chan for being the fun little place it is; small-ass little community, but hey, it’ll grow, and we’ll rule. Memories such as these can never be replaced: [03:47] <\Sehki> msg him and say "i waqnt teh b0lly ntohing plzkthx" ... it's sure to get you somewhere ![]() [03:48] < ![]() ![]() [01:59] < ![]() ![]() [02:04] <\Shadowin> Machina 12: www.oralse.cx [02:11] <\Sehki> Machina 19: FUK FUK FUK FUK FUKF FIEgyiuwegfywegfuwe hi ------------------------------------------------------------------------ that last little bit there is proof that I get punchy at night. The perfect time for FAQ writing, I say! Last edited by Axis of Action : 01-10-2003 at 03:46 AM. |
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#2 | |||
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Posts: 400
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#3 |
No Chance
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Location: Here
Posts: 13,788
![]() even though it could still be refined, I think you've done a great job for newcomers to the trading scene
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#4 | |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Location: FUCKING HELL
Posts: 11,688
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i had no clue about how it leaked, so thanks ![]() |
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#5 | ||||||
![]() ![]() Location: Jimmy left his creativity in the discarded needles from the overdose. Change my mind.
Posts: 243
![]() Hey I'm Dutch, but I can't make anything out of what James says at the end of Siva. It doesnt seem Dutch to me, and it's too short. I tried amplifying and time stretching.. maybe you can clear out the backgroun d noise and make it somewhat more listenable for me
![]() D1 T07 Snail (radio 91).shn dutch: Quote:
[dutch]: Quote:
[dutch]: Quote:
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#6 | |
deprivations of sleep
![]() ![]() ![]() Location: The Tdot
Posts: 543
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i know this room just crumbles like a tomb surrender to the day that i made your stars fall in |
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#7 |
Apocalyptic Poster
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Location: NJ
Posts: 4,096
![]() Nice work. The style seems a tad too familiar for a proper FAQ but otherwise it's good. I was sort of wondering why no one was discussing this fairly monumental Pumpkins event.
Daddy, I want another pony. |
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#8 |
Registered User
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Location: ur underpants lol
Posts: 13,208
![]() Woah, thanks! Dutch translations, w00t.
Yeah, my style is a little informal. Heh. I've found myself getting marked down for that on research papers, but oh well. I think it makes really long things easier to read (though I try and crop it out of my research papers - I like passing, y'know). Rens, great work on the Dutch translations, but damn you to hell for shooting down my Sept. 6th theory. ![]() As for the leak, I actually got some more ... correct information on how it went down, and the FAQ will be updated. Thanks to Mouhelo on that one. Kumar, I'm gonna follow your leads on the shows that had already been available (check the google groups, eh?). Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Halteh... was the original date of Dave's FAQ correct? Sometime, late 90's? And when did Frekso attempt to complete it? 2000/2001? Thanks to tha rest of ya'll as well... glad there's support for it, I was kind of worried. It'll take some time to do, but hey, it's still winter break for me. ![]() |
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#9 |
Registered User
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Location: ur underpants lol
Posts: 13,208
![]() Why in the living name of anything does it ***-out the nonabbreviated version of b/g? Cause it has the word back in it? I can type fuck all I want though. Makes no sense. (it did it twice in the FAQ too, when James was laughing in the ******** - or b.ackground).
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#10 | |
Apocalyptic Poster
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Posts: 3,081
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#11 |
Registered User
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Location: ur underpants lol
Posts: 13,208
![]() Actually, yeah, I thought of that as I was posting. Was like, "maybe people misused HTML stuff...". :erm
Silly netphoria people. ![]() In other news, delivering a copy of MP to a friend who loves the Pumpkins, and then gettin' my haircut, and then slaving away on the FAQ. Yay. |
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#12 | ||||||||||
![]() ![]() ![]()
Posts: 892
![]() It's a really good start... but like any early version of a FAQ, it can be refined. I have some advice, and I hope you'll see this as constructive criticism... I'm sorry if I sound like a dick.
![]() Anyway, I think you should also mention that the original format (before Jeroen converted them to mp3's) was realaudio. Oh, and your "late 90's" thing... I'd say mid-1999, because I think it was after the Arising Tour. I'm not positive though. Quote:
Okay, I'm done. One last thing though... you might want to mention the 10/8/95 interview on Q101, in which Billy talked about MP and played two tracks from it on the radio (Geek USA and My Dahlia). Both of them were available online at some point (who else remembers the "My Dahlia (FM sourced)" mp3? ![]() |
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#13 |
Registered User
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Location: ur underpants lol
Posts: 13,208
![]() Woah that's a lot of stuff. Thanks, haha. Hum....
I mentioned Oct 5th 1988 cause a couple songs... well, just one... could be sourced from it - Bleed (there was a thread about it somewhere here, need to read that). What I've read (SPFC and some other FAQ which probably stole the info from SPFC) claim that it was for Xmas 1994. 1993 would make some more sense, but hey. Yeah, there were some tracks on the Coyle tape that didn't make it to the internet site, but my point was that all the tracks on the site could be found on Coyle's tape. Using arithmetic like nobodies business, we notice that 6 tracks are missing from the site to have a complete copy of Coyle's tape... they would be: Egg, Smiley (sorry bud ![]() The point of listing shows that were already available was to point out how much of Mashed Potatoes had become publicly available before it's final leak. Which leads into.... No, I didn't have the MP version of Tristessa. I realized that much of MP could be either found or substituted, so for my own little happiness I tried to make a relatively complete copy. Only problem was, the copy of Tristessa I had, live from 1992, was a horrible recording. Thanks for the Coyle link... that will prove to be quite useful. While my original version of the MP leak makes it seem like it happened on one big day, I've gotten some first-person information and have rewritten it. Check it out. ------------------------------------------------------- III. Detailing the day of and the events leading up to December 5th, 2002. What began as a simple one-song leak turned into a watershed. “Wave Song” was quietly shared on the hub in SHN format one day in early November. A bored Mouhelo (Netphoria name and Hub name) found it and downloaded it, though it turned out he would be the only one. The guy who shared it (reportedly “Irrelevant” – confirmation would be loved though) unshared it a bit later. Then, a few weeks later, he came back, this time sharing “Opal/Worship.” That caused some discussion, and Irrelevant mentioned that he had shared “Wave Song” but only one person downloaded it, so he unshared it. Mouhelo realized he could add to the fire, and quickly shared the copy he had burned to a CDR. The leaks began to pick up; soon thereafter “Jesus Loves His Babies” found its way onto the Hub. Irrelevant began to discuss what he should share next, and the most popular was “Moleasskiss” and thus went up shortly thereafter. People began to share more and more tracks, and the the rogue element entered. Mayfuck (as he goes by on both Netphoria and the Hub, I believe) posted a brief message on Netphoria, simply saying “Let’s call Bolly’s bluff.” A reference to the threat that if the rest of MP leaked, other material wouldn’t see the light of day. It was later assumed that this threat was a hoax – or Mayfuck simply did indeed call Billy’s bluff. He initially tried to share the whole thing, but later it turned out his router was giving him problems. He began offering a number of B&P’s on Netphoria, which people accepted really, really fast. This all occurred, nearest to as my dating skillz (not with girls, har har) can pinpoint, late December 2nd into December 3rd. A couple threads emerged on Netphoria about what had happened, and why, on December 3rd. Dead (as he’s known on both Netphoria and the Hub) let it be known that a message was supposedly sent all the way up to Billy via the o-board, asking for permission to officially leak it (though many claims were tossed around that the message would never make it to Billy). Suddenly, people were being accussed left and right of lying and hoarding, a good part of which was being squarely aimed at Dead. For his part, he did what he thought right: he kept his mouth shut on what he had and where he had gotten it from. The shouting match kept up as the operators and moderators of the Hub discussed the matter, presumably waiting for word on high. The dam burst a few hours before midnight on December 5th, with Dead proclaiming that any and all bans on MP had been removed, that MP was free for trade, and that the discussion was over. Reports are that about 14 tracks got shared before the Ops shared the entire thing (proving the claim that many of the “usual suspects” had MP). ---------------------------------------------------------- Of course, now I have to figure out what the deal is with the JLHB mp3. *tear I'm gonna read the rest of the stuff you got there. Ack! Ack! FAQ changing so fast. Heh. |
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#14 | |
Amish Rake Fighter
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#15 |
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![]() Yeah... I hear that. "Merci beaucoup," definitely. Of course it shoots the whole September 6th theory, aside from Smiley's help on establishing that it wasn't the June shows.
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#16 |
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![]() eh nevermind... post mix up was fixed. here's the original post.
Logs rock, don't they. Thanks for your input, Dead. My newer version of the events leading up to the unban, and the report I have says that some of the Ops shared the entire thing after the ban... but if it didn't happen til the 23rd I guess that was mistaken. If I may ask... how did it come to be that it took 18 days to get the entire thing shared? Was it just a slow process? I'm obviously struggling with what actually went on... it doesn't help that I wasn't there actually for any of it (damn final exams and their distracting nature). Looks like I get to rewrite that section for a third time. Heh. In other news, I did some more research on Siva, based on the fact that it was probably from a French show. Here's my new Siva info. (oh, I used the 5th as my date cause my time thing is messed up on Netphoria, so to me late on the 4th appeared as early on the 5th... and I simply used it as the dam burst to try and create sort of a pillar in the story, something the rest of the history can revolve around, kind of) --------------------------------------------------------- Disc 4 Track 07 – Siva Time: 08:44 Description: (live 92) Availability: Being one of their album songs, they played it live a huge number of times and is available on approximately 64 boots. Source: I originally thought this was from September 6th, 1992. I figured it would have been from the same concert as The Joker, and it sounded like maybe James spoke a little Dutch at the end, putting the date at Sept. 6th. Turns out it wasn’t Dutch, it was French, so that theory was tossed out. Now, since it is French, It has to be either September 8th or February 5th. It’s more likely February 5th at this point, as there was an FM recording of this show; while the recording on MP doesn’t sound FM, it could be SBD, a pre-FM recording. Detail: A nice, stretched out version of Siva. At the end, as the crowd is cheering, James says into the crowd, “Merci beaucoup,” (Thanks a lot, in French. He presumably meant it sincerely, not sarcastically). ------------------------------------------------------- I'll post a new version of the final leak section soon. Last edited by Axis of Action : 01-05-2003 at 07:08 PM. |
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#17 | ||||||
Deaddy is your daddy!
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![]() I've been going over my Direct Connect logs and I have a few comments/facts...
- Sean |
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#18 | |
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#19 | ||
Deaddy is your daddy!
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- Sean |
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#20 | |
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![]() ![]() So... no connection between Dec 4th and Dec 23rd. Dammit, what happened on the 23rd. *dies* Something really cool and good, obviously. Heh. |
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#21 | |||
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![]() ![]() Ah, I remember it like it was just last month. ![]() Quote:
![]() ![]() Last edited by Smiley : 01-05-2003 at 08:26 PM. |
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#22 | |
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#23 |
Deaddy is your daddy!
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![]() If you want to get THAT technical about it, it was the day that lady's husband sent Simon Coyle the tape. If you want to go beyond the Coyle tape.. it was the day Ryan Patrick snuck on the hub as 'otm' and shared a bunch of MP tracks in mp3 (I can check my logs for a date). I banned him for mp3s. Bwahahaha! I'm pretty sure that's where the JLHB mp3 came from and I was also pretty sure he's the one that posted it on Netphoria much later on. I guess I can't say for certain though. I can tell you what day Wave Song got out though if you want. Logs, logs, logs.
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#24 |
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![]() Once again, logs are found to kick ass.
I can toss in your presumptions Dead, though if you verify them, all the better (about Ryan Patrick). And also the Wave Song thing would be cool, cause Mouhelo remembered what happened, but not when, other than early November. |
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#25 | |
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#26 | |
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#27 | |
Deaddy is your daddy!
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[2002-09-28 23:39] He had: Godzilla, HKK, I'm Free, Jesus Loves His Babies, Opal-Worship, Where's Vince, STP, Bleed, and the WNUR interview in 192kbps. I have no idea whether he put JLHB on Netphoria or not. Wave Song was released in SHN on Oct. 31st. Opal/Worship was put out the early morning of Nov 22. Moleasskiss early morning on Dec. 2. Then there was the ban. Then there was the un-ban. Then there were a few more tracks leaked gradually after that. Dec 5: Where's Vince, I'm Free, Jesus Loves His Babies Dec 6: Hello Kitty Kat, There It Goes, My Dahlia, Under Your Spell I think that was the end of it until the 'full leak'. Oh, thats not including whatever tracks Mayfuck got out onto the hub post-Dec 6 when he tried to share the full thing. Looks like he showed up Dec 10. There you go, the E! True Hollywood Story of leaked MP, all thanks to logs and me having too much time on my hands. ![]() |
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#28 |
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![]() Yeah, but whats free time for? To be wasted on random things like this!
Logs just simply kick ass, way beyond the call of duty. *updates FAQ* I've been working on this FAQ far too much in the last couple days. I need... a video game. Yeah. A good video game. ![]() |
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#29 | |
Deaddy is your daddy!
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#30 | |
Deaddy is your daddy!
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