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Old 09-10-2020, 09:03 PM   #1
Humble Chef
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Location: WHY AND HOW COME MY STARS MAKE BLUE??? stealers, give me the ones of gold!!!! F U NETPHORIA@!)#$(*
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Default Hello to sarasvati?

Hello? Hello? sarasvati??

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Old 09-10-2020, 11:44 PM   #2
Shut the fuck up!
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are you sure you're not looking for Vac?

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Old 09-11-2020, 01:06 AM   #3
Humble Chef
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Location: WHY AND HOW COME MY STARS MAKE BLUE??? stealers, give me the ones of gold!!!! F U NETPHORIA@!)#$(*
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what? i am looking sarasvati

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Old 09-11-2020, 03:46 AM   #4
Humble Chef
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ProgressChrome you can help?

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Old 09-11-2020, 03:47 AM   #5
Humble Chef
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Location: WHY AND HOW COME MY STARS MAKE BLUE??? stealers, give me the ones of gold!!!! F U NETPHORIA@!)#$(*
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i am prepare very tastee entree if you are to desire

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Old 09-11-2020, 04:04 AM   #6
Cool As Ice Cream
Just Hook it to My Veins!
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yes hello yes very humblee

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Old 09-11-2020, 06:01 AM   #7
A tiresome edgelord
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sorry but I killed her

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Old 09-11-2020, 02:12 PM   #8
Just Hook it to My Veins!
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Finally Live the Purposeful, Fulfilled Life You Desire
Discover, Create & Deliver Your Soul’s Song!
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If you’re ready to dive deeper into your own Spirit-led life and possibly start or expand a Spirit-led business, then this course is for you. This 12-lesson MasterClass will guide you through discovering the essence of you. I’ll mentor you through proactively living in harmony with God’s plan for you.

Come away with greater peace and direction as you tap into unseen help. This is a natural byproduct of getting clear on who you are, who you are here to serve, and how you are to do it.

Get super clear on who you’re here to serve. You’ll put yourself in a position to allow God to reveal to you who you’re here to help and how you are the ideal person to serve them.

The impossible will become possible for you! Why? Because you aren’t alone! You have God and angels on your side. Also you’ll have me and a group of like-minded friends!

Whether you’re a stay at home mom, a plumber, a minister, an author, a teacher, a healer, a grandparent, a speaker, a consultant, or someone with a message to share… tuning into your divine mission and purpose is paramount.

God put you here for a reason and when you align with it, your life will become a joyful delight!

Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Psalms 37:4
The Big Picture
My goal is to create a movement of Spirit-led individuals and business owners who are letting their lights shine. I believe as each of us aligns with and sings our unique soul’s song, the vibration of the planet will be raised, and we will prepare the world for the coming of our King.

“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.”

Isaiah 60:1-3
Topics Covered
Lesson 1: Creating a sacred space to commune with God so you can hear Him clearly.
Lesson 2: Discovering the essence of you
Lesson 3: The currency of heaven. Most of us are going about our quest for abundance backwards. Tune into God’s formula for abundance.
Lesson 4: Divine love and uncovering the treasures in your challenges.
Lesson 5: You have limitless potential! Here’s how to tap into it.
Lesson 6: You Can Stay Focused, Complete Your Big Ideas and Generate Income! Find out how to work with your moods and where you’re energy is flowing.
Lesson 7: Conquering Indecision
Lesson 8: Being a Conduit of Christ’s Healing
Lesson 9: Connecting with Others Through Your Story
Lesson 10: Articulating What You Do
Lesson 11: Access a Power Beyond Your Own
Lesson 12: Be Strong and Courageous
What People Are Saying
Thank you for this class!!! I’ve tried many times in the past to write a mission statement. Never really been satisfied with any of them. But this time, between the videos and the Q&A session, I understood some things I never have before. This time it feels like I’ve nailed it.”

Susan C.
Video Player


Kristine Farley talks about the Trust Your Heart: Spirit-Led Business book, the Spirit-Led Business course and this Spirit-Led Life 12-Week Masterclass

Kristine Farley, Joyful Empowerment.
“The Spirit-Led Masterclass has brought so much to light for me. For years I have tried to craft my mission statement. Through Marnie’s course I have it, and now my mission statement is a filter for activities and opportunities that present themselves. I am better focused! The course has brought up some long-standing issues, and I have been able to process them with ease. Marnie’s teaching style is so relatable without the fluff. She has helped me dig deeper and step higher in my life. This course is for everyone who wants to be spirit-led and individually focused. Thank you, Marnie!”

Kristine Farley,
“I am loving the journey of this spirit led life. I am grateful for the opportunity you are providing to me. I have shared this with 7-8 people and share what I’m learning with anyone who will listen.”

Shelley W.

“My sister recommended this course and I just started this week. I would like to express my gratitude for your offering this course for free and for the material and insights you present., It has been fabulous!! I especially loved the guided meditation from the first part of the course that I completed today. That was amazing, and I felt the spirit so strongly! I love your perspective and your authenticity. I already have a few people in mind to recommend this course to. Amazing content!”

Roxanne Lochridge of
I am enjoying the course and learning how to better listen and hear the spirit and my intuition. It is something I’ve been struggling with feeling like I make bad decisions and can’t trust answers to prayers, BUT the Lord led me to you as I was feeling that. The unit on discovering my why and creating a mission statement are not new concepts to me as my husband and I have been on this self-improvement and awakening path for about 10 years now, BUT I’ve never been able to figure out my why or a mission statement previously. I would get to that point and then feel confused and overwhelmed and give up. I’m so proud of myself for actually figuring out my ‘why’ and mission statement -finally- after 10 years! I watched the Q/A sessions before I finished those two sections and they helped a lot. I love the insight and perspectives your husband adds to the discussion on those. I am also reading your book so the pivot point aspect makes it so much clearer.”

Deirdre P.
How It Works
You will have lessons to work through inside a member area. Then twice a month, you will be able to attend a live Q&A with me via Zoom. Bring your questions and comments on what you have worked through. The course is designed to be completed within 12 weeks. You may start at any time and you will have lifetime access so you can take longer if you need to.

In order to accommodate students in different locations and with different work schedules, Live Q&A Via Zoom will be held twice a month. One of the times is in the evening and the other is during the day. Pick the one that works best for you or attend both if you’d like.

2nd Wednesday of Each Month
2pm ET / 1 pm CT / noon MT / 11 am PT

4th Tuesday of Each Month
8 pm ET / 7 pm CT / 6 pm MT / 5pm PT

This is more than a course. It’s a community of like-minded individuals. We have a private Facebook group and you are invited to be a part of it. Bring your questions and answers. In this group you’ll get to know me and the other participants. It’s a place for you to make friends, find support, be an encourager of others, and collaborate.

Normally, I’d charge $397 for a course like this, but for a limited time, I am accepting no monetary payment. It’s more important to me to build a movement than make money.
That does not mean you are not being asked to make an investment. You are asked to invest in these ways:

a) Commit to go through the material and do the homework. You can’t get the results if you don’t do the work. I’m about results. The time is now for us to rise and shine!

b) Spread the word about the course and/or the Spirit-Led Business book to 4 people. If you find this material helpful, I’m asking you to prayerfully consider who the Lord would like you to invite to be a part of our community. Please personally reach out to at least 4 people that the Lord directs you to within the first three weeks of enrolling. Obviously, you’re welcome to tell more as we go along!

The book is available at
The course/community is available at
c) Give me your feedback. I would love to hear from you about what you liked, what helped, what needed more clarification. This will help me improve the class for you and others in the future.

Free, Just Share with 4 People
By enrolling at no charge, you commit to go through the material and do the homework. And if you find this material helpful, you commit to prayerfully share this material and/or the Spirit-Led Business book with at least 4 people within the first three weeks of enrollment.

(Note: If you already have one of my other courses, please hit the Enroll link below and then log into your account. No need to set up another account.)

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Old 09-11-2020, 10:12 PM   #9
Humble Chef
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Location: WHY AND HOW COME MY STARS MAKE BLUE??? stealers, give me the ones of gold!!!! F U NETPHORIA@!)#$(*
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Originally Posted by smashingjj View Post
sorry but I killed her
i think and i am hope that to be not true. yes? not true, yes?

also i am very proud to have tell you everyone that for several years each i work on improving my english. my english much better now, ok!

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Old 09-12-2020, 02:19 AM   #10
Apocalyptic Poster
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I am here, my love.

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