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Old 03-05-2020, 01:38 PM   #151
yo soy el mejor
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i am feeling physical pain. i went to bed on an empty tummy and woke up in a sweat and feeling nauseated. i took off my tights to cool down, but my whole body was hot and slick in a bad way.

anyway, i threw up something and now my soft palette hurts from puking so fiercely, which is making it difficult to eat my lunch and i'm only eating veggies and chickpeas. :[

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Old 03-05-2020, 07:52 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by cork_soaker View Post
just visited to check on the status of my mom's flight, only to find this as the main image on the homepage:

feeling perplexed
lol wtf

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Old 03-05-2020, 08:31 PM   #153
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yeah, i never do this sort of thing, but was compelled to email their customer service contact out of genuine curiosity. a representative replied very quickly with the following message:

Thank you for contacting FlightAware. We apologize for the image. As staff we try to moderate uploaded photos to the best of our ability. However, the photos are posted by members of the FlightAware aviation community. Based on the number of votes the photo received they become featured on our FlightAware home page.

Again, we apologize for the image and feel free to reach out for for any flight tracking needs.

Best Regards.

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Old 03-05-2020, 08:33 PM   #154
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and like that *blows a puff of air into fingertips* the image had been replaced upon refresh

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Old 03-05-2020, 08:36 PM   #155
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anyway, i texted the screenshot to my mom during her layover

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Old 03-05-2020, 08:40 PM   #156
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Originally Posted by cork_soaker View Post
and like that *blows a puff of air into fingertips* the image had been replaced upon refresh
this will get you 10k upvotes on reddit

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Old 03-06-2020, 07:55 AM   #157
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He'll be an even bigger deal than fuzzy! Better get those professional pics done soon!

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Old 03-06-2020, 07:57 AM   #158
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Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor View Post
i am feeling physical pain. i went to bed on an empty tummy and woke up in a sweat and feeling nauseated. i took off my tights to cool down, but my whole body was hot and slick in a bad way.

anyway, i threw up something and now my soft palette hurts from puking so fiercely, which is making it difficult to eat my lunch and i'm only eating veggies and chickpeas. :[

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Old 03-06-2020, 08:46 AM   #159
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I care about you, Y S E M.

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Old 03-06-2020, 09:49 AM   #160
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Your Sickness Enriches Me

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Old 03-06-2020, 11:11 AM   #161
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bit of a fever and cough the last few days. also noticing some shortness of breath that’s out of the ordinary.

unfortunately it’s opening night of the High Fives, Handshakes, & Hugs Festival — and hell if I’m not going to be there!

i bought these tickets months ago

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Old 03-06-2020, 12:15 PM   #162
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at least he died doing what he loved

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Old 03-06-2020, 12:45 PM   #163
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Originally Posted by myosis View Post
"at least he died doing what he loved..."
propagating sickness and infections

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Old 03-06-2020, 12:45 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by myosis View Post
"at least he died doing what he loved..."
making bad coronavirus related jokes.

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Old 03-09-2020, 07:25 PM   #165
Disco King
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Anybody ever get a feeling that feels like guilt, except you're not sure what it is you're feeling guilty about?

I don't even know why this is possible. It seems weird that there would be such a thing as identifiable "guilt sensations." Like, you'd think we'd only infer that we "feel guilt" when we (a) have done something we know or think is wrong, and (b) feel bad or sad whenever we reflect on or direct our attention to that action. You'd think it would just be an inference made on the basis of feeling sad and the propositional knowledge of having done something, rather than guilt having its own unique sensations distinct from sadness even in the absence of that propositional knowledge. And what's weirder is that when I reflect on certain possible causes, I go, "nah, that's not it," as if I have direct, privileged knowledge of whether a given action I've done or event I've experienced is the cause of a certain emotion. Do I, or is that an illusion caused by introspection bias?

Also, re-enabling Grammarly was the funniest decision I've ever made.

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Old 03-09-2020, 07:55 PM   #166
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Emotions and feelings in general are weird. I don't think we even have an agreed-upon account of what they actually even are at their core.

Saying they are a "mental state" isn't very illuminating, as that's a vague term. William James and Carl Lange thought that emotions were actually the result of somatic sensations. In other words, we don't experience increased heart rate, trembling, and sweating because we're afraid. It's the other way around. A stimulus produces these somatic sensations in us, and from that, we reason that we must be experiencing fear.

There's a philosopher (can't remember who) that argued that emotions aren't actually really about feelings, but they are judgments, because they have propositional content. "Judgements" are a type of "propositional attitude," and a propositional attitude is a mental state that has some propositional content, or, is about a proposition. "The car is red" is a proposition. "It will rain tomorrow" is also one. Belief is a type of propositional state, because one does not simply "believe," but one might believe that "the car is red" or that "it will rain tomorrow." A propositional attitude is essentially a relationship between a thinker and a proposition, as one may also dislike that the car is red, or remember that it will rain tomorrow. People can be in different relationships with the same proposition.

And emotions are just further examples of the relationships a thinker may be in with a propostion. John isn't simply angry. He's angry that somebody keyed his car. His anger is a judgement about the fact that somebody keyed his car. As the theory goes, at least. Even when John is at a party enjoying himself, not directing his attention to the keying of his car, and not feeling anything negative, it's still a true fact about him that he's angry that somebody keyed his car, the same way that it's still true about me that "I believe the Earth is round," even when I am not currently thinking about the Earth or its shape.

It's an interesting theory, but it seems unintuitive to me. It seems to be that "feelings" still have to be an integral part of emotions. And as for the James-Lange theory and things like Skinner's behaviouralism, it seems like it's partly true, in that we often make inferences about our emotions from our sensations and behaviours the same way we make inferences about other people's emotions from their behaviours, rather than having direct access to knowledge about them. But it seems like its missing something. For example, even though Stephen Hawking could probably not feel sensations like a "drop in the pit of his stomach," I'm pretty sure that he could still determine when he was afraid.

What I find even more interesting about this is the fact that we can seemingly progress in conducting science about emotions in psychology, without even really knowing what emotions are! A psychologist can still generate, test, and support theories about how emotions affect decision-making, or the relationship between upbringing and emotions, without committing to any philosophical account of what it even means for something to be an "emotion."

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Old 03-09-2020, 08:00 PM   #167
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has coronavirus, apparently

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Old 03-09-2020, 08:11 PM   #168
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No, he's always like that.

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Old 03-09-2020, 08:13 PM   #169
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I've never known DK to be expressive and long-winded. That's not the Disco Stu I know.

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Old 03-09-2020, 08:15 PM   #170
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Old 03-09-2020, 08:34 PM   #171
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Those 75-year-old candidates may have to ixnay on the kissing of hands and shaking of babies.

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Old 03-09-2020, 08:38 PM   #172
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As for voting, where I live at least, it hasn't really necessitated me spending considerable amounts of time in three-meter radii of other people. I talk to some guy sitting behind a table for two minutes, then go into a ballot booth that's already quite separated from any other humans for privacy reasons.

I can understand this may be different in countries that purposely close polling stations in an attempt to suppress the vote, though. Only times I've had to even wait in a line to vote was when I did early voting, which is ironically usually less convenient than just voting on voting day.

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Old 03-09-2020, 10:21 PM   #173
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What the fuck, how did these posts end up in this thread and not the coronavirus one

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Old 03-10-2020, 03:55 PM   #174
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Originally Posted by duovamp View Post
The big things are going well, which is scary because you wonder how long that'll last.
Then that pandemic happened, like clockwork. Sorry, world.

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Old 03-30-2020, 08:57 PM   #175
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A little bit irritated right now.

Was just cleaning my room when my mom asks me to drop off some things at my sister's apartment. Didn't really want to because it just snowed and my mom has only got worn-down all-season tires instead of proper winter tires, meaning that the only way I can drive her vehicle safely in these conditions is by driving so slowly that I'm probably an obstruction to traffic. I already have driving anxiety because I'm just a plain shitty driver, but whatever, I can't really say "no," because she'd get cross and it'd probably be a big deal. And I need to give my sister her late gift anyway, so may as well hit two birds with one stone.

I call my sister to ask her if she'll be home. She says yes. So I go and tell her I'm on my way.

I get to her apartment and text her to let her know I'm outside. No response. After waiting ten minutes, I call. No response. I wait another five minutes and call again. No response. I buzz her door (which is just as good as calling, because it goes straight to her phone). No response. All together, I wait 20 minutes before deciding to leave. My mom's car doesn't have enough gas for the trip back home, so I fill it up before heading home.

I get home and my mom calls my sister. Her boyfriend picks up. I guess she didn't hear her phone ring because she was in the bathroom.

I mean, if you're already expecting somebody over, you're probably actually watching your phone in the first place, but whatever. Who expects somebody over and thinks nothing of it when they don't hear from them for over an hour? Doesn't even check their phone to see if they called, let alone contact that person themselves? She apologized, so I can't really harp on it or say anything other than "that's okay." I just hope my mom doesn't send me back over there to make the delivery, because I don't want to have to make another trip. This is my day off. I just wanted to spend it working on shit I have to do.

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Old 03-30-2020, 09:12 PM   #176
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I recommend never speaking to your family ever again.

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Old 03-14-2021, 12:37 AM   #177
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kinda want to die the past few days

i'm ok but you know

shit sucks

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Old 03-14-2021, 02:47 AM   #178
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Sorry to hear that, Reprise. I know that this may sound hollow, but hold on. Keep going. Life is just hard, period, lately.

Good thread of vulnerability and kindness/sympathy/empathy in here. Funny how I feel like I know most of you guys, even though I'm not super active on here, even though I visit most days and have done such for an insane period of time, like 20 years now.

Anyways: guess this thread is as good of a place as any. Was going to make a new one, but will start here since we're on the subjects of talk and feelings.

Does anybody have any experience with online virtual counseling? Seems cheaper and easier than finding a local in person therapist... and would be easier to work into a work schedule as well. I searched for it a while ago, and now am getting a million pop up ads. Registered for one called and it seemed slick, but didn't pull the trigger and actually start paying for it yet.

I feel like I just need a professional to talk to in order to work through some big questions. Professional career path, marriage stagnation and some potential ADHD-spectrum deal that's never been diagnosed that is really slowing me down in all aspects of life.

So, yeah... thanks in advance for leads/thoughts there.

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Old 03-14-2021, 02:50 AM   #179
seasonal depression
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know the feel reprise. would that i were some semblance of a person that i could reassure others

i get pangs of....panic, disorder, the need to rebuild from the chaos. like this quick jolt of 'oh fuck me fuck everything everything is fucked'

i feel like every day this week has been a test. like i'm in college but instead i'm a dumb loser drunk

monday i had to get jury duty shit settled
tuesday i had to go the chiropractor after missing a few appointments
wednesday i had my first therapy appt in like a month
thursday i had a call with a ps¥ch to organize my meds
friday i had a long busy work shift
saturday """


i've felt weird the last week also, aside from recovering physically/mentally/economically from breaking 6 months sober/stable [if we're counting, if that matters]:

do you know how fucking easy it is to make a fake instagram?

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Old 03-14-2021, 02:57 AM   #180
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Originally Posted by Raskolnikov View Post
Sorry to hear that, Reprise. I know that this may sound hollow, but hold on. Keep going. Life is just hard, period, lately.

Good thread of vulnerability and kindness/sympathy/empathy in here. Funny how I feel like I know most of you guys, even though I'm not super active on here, even though I visit most days and have done such for an insane period of time, like 20 years now.

Anyways: guess this thread is as good of a place as any. Was going to make a new one, but will start here since we're on the subjects of talk and feelings.

Does anybody have any experience with online virtual counseling? Seems cheaper and easier than finding a local in person therapist... and would be easier to work into a work schedule as well. I searched for it a while ago, and now am getting a million pop up ads. Registered for one called and it seemed slick, but didn't pull the trigger and actually start paying for it yet.

I feel like I just need a professional to talk to in order to work through some big questions. Professional career path, marriage stagnation and some potential ADHD-spectrum deal that's never been diagnosed that is really slowing me down in all aspects of life.

So, yeah... thanks in advance for leads/thoughts there.
i've been doing all my therapy virtually since december. the office is local but it effectively doesn't matter at this point in covid/etc.

pure online counseling is getting really popular - i've heard so, so many ads on podcasts for it. actually *starting* and meeting a new therapist online feels like it'd be more challenging, but if they're good enough at their job, i'm sure they can make it work and get to know you/your issues/etc

having someone to check in with in a deep way i think has helped me stay somewhat on the rails thru this bullshit last year


i also feel like i know everyone even tho i don't know who i am, or who i am to ever say anything. i guess i hide that insecurity with deep melodrama about how good the tom groove on blue skies bring tears [live 2000] is lol

Last edited by Ram27 : 03-14-2021 at 03:02 AM.

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