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Old 02-14-2002, 01:06 AM   #31
Posts: n/a

my first semester of college i had 18 units, worked 20+ hours a week, and had more of a social life than i ever had in my life, and i got straight a's

i've recuced my workload at school a bit, and work, both by about 3 hours a week since then, but otherwise it's still the same. plus, i go to the gym every night for an hour or more.. it's hard, but goddamnit i'm not getting poked by needles!!!

Old 02-14-2002, 01:17 AM   #32
Posts: n/a

what about all those shrooms you were going to sell? that's an honest way to live.

you're not the only one afraid of what you've become
I try to put myself together
but everytime, I wait for something better
you're not the only one who feels like they've come undone
why does everything seem like such a waste of time?

Old 02-14-2002, 01:20 AM   #33
Elvis The Fat Years
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Eve:
peabody - i have sex for pleasure, not money

that's fucked up. freak.

Old 02-14-2002, 03:47 AM   #34
Posts: n/a

okay then. i guess artists (musicians, painters, actors, etc.) are just FUCKING BUMS because they don't have a salary or pay taxes. i still make a lot of money and i do it on my own time. i really don't see what's so great about working at mcdonald's. i'd rather save lives by donating plasma and get $25 an hour for that than flip greasy burgers for $5 an hour and give people heart attacks.
i'm sure that EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU has a job that you LOVE and wouldn't trade it in for anything.

jazz is played from the heart. you can live by it. always love it.
-Louis Armstrong

Old 02-14-2002, 03:50 AM   #35
Elvis The Fat Years
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Thumbs up

Originally posted by Eve:
artists (musicians, painters, actors, etc.) are just FUCKING BUMS

Old 02-14-2002, 03:50 AM   #36
Elvis The Fat Years
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Red face

p a g e 2

Old 02-14-2002, 03:52 AM   #37
Posts: n/a
Red face

Originally posted by Helena Handbasket:
I'd like to plead the "get a damn job" argument, but I'm sure it's really fucking hard to work a job into your schedule the first semester of your freshman year of college. By the time you go to all your classes, do homework, study, all that shit, there'd be very little free time. Especially if your classes are spread out through the morning and evening. I definitely don't plan on getting a job my FIRST year of college.

This isn't true. I'm a 2nd semester freshman right now and I've held a stead, 20-hour a week part time job ever since I started school in the fall. And I still had decent grades (3.5 gpa, made dean's list and received semester honors). It is possible. And no, you don't even have to give up your social life. I go out normally 4 nights a row on the weekends (thur-sun).

Old 02-14-2002, 03:54 AM   #38
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Yeah..also I have taken 18 credit hours both semesters, which is 3 more than the average full-time student.

Old 02-14-2002, 03:58 AM   #39
Posts: n/a

okay here's the thing. shandi, you have to pay for your school. so it makes sense that you'd have to work. Since I don't have to pay for school, all the money i earn is spending money. So i don't need to get a job because i don't need the money. therefore, when i need money, i have many different ways to get it. but it's not a necessity.
and i had an interview YESTERDAY for a fucking job, assholes.

jazz is played from the heart. you can live by it. always love it.
-Louis Armstrong

Old 02-14-2002, 04:38 AM   #40
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Eve:
unless you pay for your own tuition/books.

how can you be short on cash, if you don't pay tuition and get bimonthly checks? wow.

Old 02-14-2002, 04:48 AM   #41
Posts: n/a

because i buy a pack of cigarettes a day (which i'm trying not to do, i swear i'm trying to quit), i go to concerts (ani difranco is in two weeks), and i go back and forth between columbia and kansas city, and columbia and st. louis. plus i do go to bars but i don't like to admit that. and i buy clothes and magazines and cds. i'm not SHORT on cash, i'd be fine without it. i just prefer to have some extra.

jazz is played from the heart. you can live by it. always love it.
-Louis Armstrong

Old 02-14-2002, 05:20 AM   #42
Elvis The Fat Years
Posts: n/a
Red face

Originally posted by Eve:
i do go to bars but i don't like to admit that.
that made me laugh.

*drinks 11th beer*

Old 02-14-2002, 05:23 AM   #43
Posts: n/a

March 2nd- Kansas City- Evos
March 7th- St. Louis- Goodlife@the red sea (possible tag set tho likely just a regular set)
March 16th + 17th- Kansas City- Bass-x

Old 02-14-2002, 05:42 AM   #44
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Eve:
plus i do go to bars but i don't like to admit that.
Do you have a fake ID? How do you get in?

Old 02-14-2002, 09:35 AM   #45
if there is a llama
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Eve:
i don't understand why college kids are always so poor when there are SO many ways to make money. unless you pay for your own tuition/books. i guess that would put a damper on things.
1. donating plasma
$20 the first time
$25 the second time
$20 the third
$30 the fourth
plus $2 every time you're on time for your appointment
plus $10 if you donate six times in a month
plus another $20 if you donate 13 times in two months

2. laundry
all the boys in my dorm hate to do my laundry, so they pay the cost of washing and drying, provide detergent/dryer sheets, and pay me $5 each time

3. being creative
i sell hemp necklaces plus the soaps and purses my mom makes around campus

4. medical studies
there are so many drug studies and tests to do that only require a few hours of your time but pay well

5. bi-monthly checks from parents
those are always nice to get.

You seem more and more ignorant all the time.

Many college students don't get bi-monthly checks from their parents, and they still have to pay for their own tuition and books. And as far as donating blood / plasma goes, I really don't believe in selling blood that easily could save someones life. I'd much rather stick to someplace like the Red Cross.


Old 02-14-2002, 09:36 AM   #46
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Eve:
peabody - i have sex for pleasure, not money

i was just yanking your chain!

Old 02-14-2002, 04:42 PM   #47
Posts: n/a

shandi - columbia is a very lax drinking town. the campus is dry but as soon as you go downtown... i always go to the music cafe, where you don't need an id of any sort and i can sit at the bar and drink WITH the bartender. at one of the clubs, you can have an id w/ a picture of your dog on it and they'd let you in.
david - how am i IGNORANT?? i'm aware that others have to pay for college and if they need an extra ten or twenty bucks every once in awhile, i offered multiple ways to come across that money.

jazz is played from the heart. you can live by it. always love it.
-Louis Armstrong

Old 02-14-2002, 05:02 PM   #48
So very sad about me
Posts: n/a

I'm all about not paying taxes for stuff....i'm not sure why people are ripping you so much niki.
they seem to have forgotten that your parents don't want you getting a job. albeit that idea dumb, your ideas are probably better as they require less time and make you more money.

You want to sleep with common people like me

Old 02-14-2002, 05:55 PM   #49
Random Female
Posts: n/a

come on, guys. Let her get money for not doing a hell of a lot. Most of you guys would do it if you knew the exact how what where when and why... except for the drug testing thing. I don't quite understand that. They test drugs on you??? And you're worried about hte effects of hormones in the egg taking business?


Old 02-14-2002, 06:43 PM   #50
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Helena Handbasket:
I'd like to plead the "get a damn job" argument, but I'm sure it's really fucking hard to work a job into your schedule the first semester of your freshman year of college. By the time you go to all your classes, do homework, study, all that shit, there'd be very little free time. Especially if your classes are spread out through the morning and evening. I definitely don't plan on getting a job my FIRST year of college.

This is true for me... and this is my SENIOR year of college. I have way too many projects, meetings, and assignments to juggle. I can't imagine managing a job with my schedule. I have little free time as it is. It really depends on where you go to school and what type of classes you have.

Old 02-15-2002, 01:33 AM   #51
The exploding boy
Posts: n/a
Red face

Originally posted by Eve:
okay then. i guess artists (musicians, painters, actors, etc.) are just FUCKING BUMS because they don't have a salary or pay taxes. i still make a lot of money and i do it on my own time. i really don't see what's so great about working at mcdonald's. i'd rather save lives by donating plasma and get $25 an hour for that than flip greasy burgers for $5 an hour and give people heart attacks.
i'm sure that EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU has a job that you LOVE and wouldn't trade it in for anything.

i agree with that.

I can't beleive how the mentality of people is soemtimes, i'm not against working, i'll work if i have to, i did before, do now, and will again. But people are so quick at dissing others when they find other ways to make moneys then standard jobs, these ways are NOT LESS RESPECTABLE then having a standard job. I think what Niki does for money is perfectly fine and innovative(well bi montly checks are just being lucky). If you earn a lot of money with a minimum effort, why should it be wrong? Truth is everyone of us would LOVE that.

[This message has been edited by The exploding boy (edited 02-14-2002).]

Old 02-15-2002, 01:51 AM   #52
Posts: n/a

yes, but as you know Ariel, I think it's rediculous to sell your body for money, in studies, donations, or otherwise. It's.. litterally being a sell-out.. and I think that should be /serious/ last minute types of ways to get money..

but that is just me..

Old 02-15-2002, 03:07 AM   #53
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Ammy:
yes, but as you know Ariel, I think it's rediculous to sell your body for money, in studies, donations, or otherwise. It's.. litterally being a sell-out.. and I think that should be /serious/ last minute types of ways to get money..

but that is just me..
I think it's just a personal choice. And it sounds almost like you're comparing donating plasma to prostitution.

Boot the grime of this world in the crotch, dear.

Old 02-15-2002, 07:37 AM   #54
Posts: n/a

Donating plasma seems a-okay (and practical not to mention helpful to some guy who's dying) to me. Kudos to creativity...

Old 02-15-2002, 09:37 AM   #55
if there is a llama
Posts: n/a


The reason I said you seemed ignorant is because you started the thread with: "i don't understand why college kids are always so poor", which makes it seem like you are assuming that all college kids have the same benefits and advantages that you have, thus making you seem ignorant.


Old 02-15-2002, 11:49 AM   #56
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Eve:
unless you pay for your own tuition/books. i guess that would put a damper on things.

Boot the grime of this world in the crotch, dear.

Old 02-15-2002, 03:08 PM   #57
The exploding boy
Posts: n/a
Red face

Originally posted by Ammy:
It's.. litterally being a sell-out.. ..

And it depends on the testings you do, but i can tell you that those i take are extremely safe. I never had any side-effects in ANY of them. I'm feeling perfectly healthy (i wasn't last year but i know it had nothing to do with testings) and am. Now i'm not saying people should make a living out of that (athough i almost am), but it sure is welcome when you need some financial back-up.

It's not like you don't know EVERYTHING that the drug does and that you're uninformed. It's all extremly professional and the last thing they want is someone to be sick. In most testing you take but one tiny pill per stay (usually it doesn't go beyond three stays) that represents most of the times about 25% of the standard DAILY dosage for the drug. There's hardly any chance it will do anything to your system worse then maybe, if you're unlucky (since it hasnt happenned to me yet), a slight headache or stomach sickness.

If you ask me getting drunk or high or smoking or all of this is much more threatening to anyone's health then any of the testing i've been to.

Besides in the end, it's only helping medical science. And donating plasma is helping other people. I see this as far more respectable and infinitely more usfeul to society then, for example, cooking and selling hamburgers.

Old 02-15-2002, 03:46 PM   #58
Posts: n/a

I did the plasma thing for a while but I was worried it was fucking up my right hand, and anything that fucks with my hands has got to go cause if I couldn't play music I'd die. But I've known lots of ppl that have given plasma twice a week and had no problems.

Eventually it gets old but by then you'll probably be ready for that real job. I haven't had a "real" job except 4 months waiting tables and 3 months at food lion in my 4 years in college. I've made $8,000 accompanying voice students and musicals but I don't consider that real work.

Oh, and musicians and artists do have to pay taxes. I have to report everything I get


Old 02-15-2002, 08:56 PM   #59
T.G. Clown
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by pale_princess:

that's right...



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