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Old 01-06-2008, 12:41 AM   #1
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Default help finding a track missing from cessations of grandeur

Perfect (Perfecto Dub)

this is on the Perfect UK CD according to spfc. There is a version in cessations labeled as Electro Breakbeat Dub, which does not exist according to spfc. Is it actually the Perfecto Dub?

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Old 01-06-2008, 12:54 AM   #2
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i'm still looking for
Hello Kitty Kat (Alternate Mix) from "Siamese Dream (Advnanced Cassette Promo)"

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Old 01-06-2008, 01:02 AM   #3
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now uploading
Kitty Kat (original mix)
Virgin promo cassette > CDR > EAC > Wav > Flac

Set list:

1. Kitty Kat (Original Mix) 4:30

This song was originally intended to be on the Pumpkins' 1993 album Siamese Dream, but it was pulled at the last minute. This song comes from a promo cassette distributed before the album's release. The mix is different from the later release of the song under the title "Hello Kitty Kat" on the "Today" single; the vocals are not distorted on this version.

The actual title of the song on the promo cassette was "Kitty Kat".

I received this in a trade back in 1995 from a guy who owned the cassette. Unfortunately, his cassette had become partially demagnetized, so the first 1:30 of the song suffers from an annoying whooshing/phasing. I have never found anyone with another copy of this, so as annoying as that "whooshing" may be, it's the best available copy.

************************************************** **
Feel free to encode this to MP3, upload to Porntube,
sing it in the shower, whatever.
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Old 01-06-2008, 01:13 AM   #4
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Old 01-06-2008, 01:42 AM   #5
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sweetness, thanks redbull

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Old 01-06-2008, 05:12 AM   #6
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the vocals are so amazing with the distortion off.

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Old 01-06-2008, 05:51 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by redbull View Post
Perfect (Perfecto Dub)

this is on the Perfect UK CD according to spfc. There is a version in cessations labeled as Electro Breakbeat Dub, which does not exist according to spfc. Is it actually the Perfecto Dub?
By the way it will be in wave format.

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Old 01-06-2008, 06:25 AM   #8
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Do you have that Hello Kitty Kat in Flac redbull??

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Old 01-06-2008, 08:04 AM   #9
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Old 01-06-2008, 08:29 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by redbull View Post
Perfect (Perfecto Dub)

this is on the Perfect UK CD according to spfc. There is a version in cessations labeled as Electro Breakbeat Dub, which does not exist according to spfc. Is it actually the Perfecto Dub?
they both exist.
you have to check the "promo" entry on

the electro breakbeat dub is promo vinyl only. that's why it didn't show up on the non-promo entry of "perfect".
i think there must be an acetate promo cd that also has it, together with all the other perfect remixes, but i haven't been able to track that one down.

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Old 01-06-2008, 08:40 AM   #11
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ummm yeah, i believe a set of flacs was torrented right after that show.

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Old 01-06-2008, 04:18 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by nigoki View Post

will upload AIC and Kitty Kat later today

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Old 01-06-2008, 05:03 PM   #13
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I'm sharing the AIC song on the hub shambles..

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Old 01-06-2008, 06:31 PM   #14
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Kitty Kat:

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Old 01-06-2008, 06:46 PM   #15
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b0lly and AIC - Down in a Hole

(warning! 48khz)

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Old 01-06-2008, 07:39 PM   #16
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WOW! Thanks.

does someone have a CD source of "teitbite nu-wave batcave mix"?

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Old 01-06-2008, 11:28 PM   #17
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I was thinking about trying to update this set for my own personal use. Anybody already do the work and figure out what the next disc(s) should contain?

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Old 01-07-2008, 12:01 AM   #18
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Perfect (Perfecto Dub)
Kitty Kat (Original Mix)
Daydream (live)
Death From Above
Ma Belle
1979 (New Originals 1799 Remix)
1979 (New Originals 1799 Remix 2)
Rocket (from OnXRT: Live From the Archives)
Perfect (Puff Daddy Mix)
Sacred + Profane (promo version)
Age of Innosence (promo version)
Age of Innosence (from Live X 6: Walk Unafraid)

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Old 01-07-2008, 12:58 AM   #19
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Stigmata Soundtrack
Drown (edit)
Perfect Puff Daddy 01 - Perfect (MP Mix)
Perfect Puff Daddy 02 - Perfect (Voice Up Mix)
Perfect Puff Daddy 03 - Perfect (Instrumental Mix)
Still becoming Apart - Mayonaise (Acoustic)
TheFutureEmbrace Bonus - Tilt

spaceboy (live) - nme brat pack cassette
bullet (live) - launch
1979 (live) - Endsessions Vol. 2
ava adore - cassette sampler <<< not sure what this is
ava adore (live) - live on letterman promo

songs to upgraded from cd source:
* my dahlia
* sun
* rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
* teitbite nu-wave batcave mix

Westwood One CDs with Blue, Siva, Suffer ???

Four Leaf Clover - Catherine: HOt Saki (feat d'arcy)
If you want my love - CHEAP TRICK: Music For Hangovers (feat d'arcy)
mandocello - CHEAP TRICK: Music For Hangovers (feat billy)
Firewall/Black Oblivion - Tommy Iommi: Iommi (feat billy)
Adore Mono vinyl

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Old 01-07-2008, 12:59 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by T&T View Post
Westwood One CDs with Blue, Siva, Suffer ???
******* this and you have to ******* ALL the westwood promos...(1993/10/26, 1995/08/25, 1998/07/19, 1998/12/12, etc...)

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Old 01-07-2008, 01:07 AM   #21
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hence the "????"
those dates shared on the HUB sourced from the promos?

Originally Posted by redbull View Post
1979 (New Originals 1799 Remix)
1979 (New Originals 1799 Remix 2)
is this any good? (and i'm glad to find out that 2 of them exist and not just one)

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Old 01-07-2008, 01:11 AM   #22
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JCC - Drum Pad Show, Sony Connect Sessions, Mike Garson alternate takes
The Frogs - Raped (ft. Billy/Jimmy)
Last Hard Men - Tonight's the Night, School's Out
Starchildren - Isolation/Delusions of Candor
Tommy Iommi - Black Oblivion (ft. Billy)
Blindside - Hooray, Its LA (ft. Billy)
Ivy - Quick, Painless & Easy/Back In Our Town (ft. James)
James solo - Be Strong Now b-sides, Linda Linda Linda soundtrack, The Ballad of Bonnie & Clyde, Judy is a Punk, Never Ever
James and Adam Schlesinger - Splish Splash

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Old 01-07-2008, 01:11 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by T&T View Post
hence the "????"
those dates shared on the HUB sourced from the promos?
All of them except for 1998/07/19, IIRC

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Old 01-07-2008, 02:40 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by redbull View Post
Starchildren - Isolation/Delusions of Candor
CD3 of cessations

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Old 01-07-2008, 08:57 AM   #25
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Wouldn't you guys ******* the Spun soundtrack? How about fragments off of For Your Love?

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Old 01-07-2008, 11:20 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by T&T View Post
is this any good? (and i'm glad to find out that 2 of them exist and not just one)
Me too. Where did the second one come from?

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Old 01-07-2008, 02:47 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by DamingR View Post
Wouldn't you guys ******* the Spun soundtrack?
never officially released

Originally Posted by DamingR View Post
How about fragments off of For Your Love?
and then Fuck you & I Am One from the GH DVD, the audio from "As Featured on MTV", "23 Minutes", "no Alternative",

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Old 01-08-2008, 10:53 AM   #28
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My Cessations says that the Pefecto dub is in fact the Pefecto dub... but I'm not as experienced a listener/researcher as most of you guys.

Also... where do the "un-included" files fit into this collection? I've downloaded 95% of them now, and want to know which cd's they belong to. Was it T&T that re-upped this? Can you hook us up with the original tracklisting txt man?

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Old 01-08-2008, 12:53 PM   #29
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The Smashing Pumpkins - Cessations Of Grandeur.txt

Tracklisting (CD1)
1. My Dahlia (3:41)
2. Sun (5:31)
3. Jennifer Ever (3:42)
4. East (4:08)
5. Nothing & Everything (5:52)
6. Sun (Remix) (5:26)
7. She (Live) (4:16)
8. Spiteface (4:36)
9. Honeyspider (Alternate Version) (2:28)
10. With You (2:39)
11. Egg (2:21)
12. Rhinoceros (Alternate Version) (5:20)
13. Bye June (6:04)
14. Stars Fall In (2:06)
15. Daughter (2:58)
16. Daydream (2:50)
17. Psychodelic (1:52)
18. I Am One (Original 7'' Version) (4:18)
19. Not Worth Asking (4:01)

* Tracks 1-2: Light Into Dark (1989)
* Tracks 3-8: The Smashing Pumpkins Demo Tape (1989)
* Tracks 9-17: Moon Demo Tape (1989)
* Tracks 18-19: I Am One 7'' (1990)

Tracklisting (CD2)
1. Tristessa (Original 12'' Version) (3:39)
2. La Dolly Vita (4:16)
3. Honeyspider (2:52)
4. Rhinoceros (Edit) (5:57)
5. Blue (3:22)
6. Slunk (2:49)
7. Bye June (2:09)
8. Daughter (2:50)
9. Jackie Blue (3:49)
10. Terrapin (2:54)
11. Bullet Train To Osaka (4:15)
12. Plume (3:40)
13. Starla (10:59)
14. Siva (John Peel Radio Session 08-09-1991) (4:53)
15. Girl Named Sandoz (John Peel Radio Session 08-09-1991) (3:38)
16. Smiley (John Peel Radio Session 08-09-1991) (3:31)
17. Drown (8:13)

* Tracks 1-3: Tristessa 12'' (1990)
* Tracks 4-7: Lull EP (1991)
* Track 8: Daughter 7'' Flexi (1992)
* Track 9: 20 Explosive Dynamic Super Smash Hit Explosions! (1991)
* Tracks 10-11: I Am One 10'' (1992)
* Tracks 12-13: I Am One CDS (1992)
* Tracks 14-16: Peel Sessions CDS (1992)
* Track 17: Singles OST (1992)

Tracklisting (CD3)
1. Pissant (2:30)
2. French Movie Theme (3:49)
3. Purr Snickety (2:52)
4. Hello Kitty Kat (4:32)
5. Obscured (5:21)
6. Apathy's Last Kiss (2:45)
7. Soothe (Demo) (2:35)
8. Blew Away (3:31)
9. Landslide (3:10)
10. Dancing In The moonlight (4:21)
11. Siamese Dream (2:35)
12. Space Boy (VPRO Session 30-06-1993) (4:07)
13. Glynis (4:49)
14. Never Let Me Down Again (3:58)
15. Isolation [Starchildren] (3:45)
16. Delusions Of Candor [Starchildren] (4:59)
17. Frail & Bedazzled (3:17)
18. Whir (4:10)
19. Spaced (2:24)
20. Not Worth Asking (4:01)
21. Honeyspider II (2:29)
22. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (1:17)

* Tracks 1-2: Cherub Rock CDS (1993)
* Track 3: Cherub Rock 7'' (1993)
* Tracks 4-5: Today (1994)
* Track 6: Still Becoming Apart (2000)
* Tracks 7-8: Disarm CDS1 (Smile) (1994)
* Tracks 9-10: Disarm CDS2 (Heart) (1994)
* Track 11: Disarm 7'' (1994)
* Track 12: New Musical Express: NME Brat Pack (1994)
* Track 13: No Alternative (1993)
* Track 14: Rocket CDS (1994)
* Track 15: A Means To An End: The Music Of Joy Division (1995)
* Track 16: Songs About Girls / Delusions Of Candor 7'' (1994)
* Tracks 17-19: Pisces Iscariot (1994)
* Tracks 20-21: Pisces Iscariot (Bonus 7'') (1994)
* Tracks 22: Kevin & Bean (No Toys For OJ) (1993)

Tracklisting (CD4)
1. Daughter (Extended Version) (3:57)
2. Siva (Live Acoustic Version) (5:25)
3. Blue (Live Acoustic Version) (3:14)
4. Jazzin' [Starchildren] (2:44)
5. I Am One (Live) (7:27)
6. 1979 (Vocal Mix) (5:11)
7. ...Said Sadly (3:13)
8. You're All I've Got Tonight (3:11)
9. Clones (We're All) (2:45)
10. A Night Like This (3:39)
11. Destination Unknown (4:17)
12. Dreaming (5:11)
13. Pastichio Medley (23:00)

* Tracks 1-5: Pisces Iscariot & Friends (CD2) (1994)
* Track 6: 1979 (Mixes) CDS (1996)
* Tracks 7-12: The Aeroplane Flies High (CD1): Bullet With Butterfly Wings (1996)
* Track 13: The Aeroplane Flies High (CD3): Zero (1996)

Tracklisting (CD5)
1. 1979 (Cement Mix) (4:39)
2. Ugly (2:53)
3. The Boy (3:05)
4. Cherry (4:03)
5. Believe (3:17)
6. Set The Ray To Jerry (4:10)
7. 1979 (Moby Mix) (6:42)
8. The End Is The Beginning Is The End (Stuck In The Middle With Fluke Vox Mix) (6:47)
9. God (3:09)
10. Mouths Of Babes (3:46)
11. Tribute To Johnny (2:33)
12. Marquis In Spades (3:17)
13. Pennies (2:29)
14. Ascendo (4:06)
15. Meladori Magpie (2:44)
16. Rotten Apples (3:04)
17. Jupiter's Lament (2:32)
18. Medellia Of The Gray Skies (3:11)
19. Blank (2:55)
20. Tonite Reprise (2:41)
21. Infinite Sadness (3:44)

* Tracks 1, 7: 1979 (Mixes) CDS (1996)
* Tracks 2-6: The Aeroplane Flies High (CD2): 1979 (1996)
* Track 8: The End Is The Beginning Is The End (The Remixes) CDS (1997)
* Tracks 9-13: The Aeroplane Flies High (CD3): Zero (1996)
* Track 14: The Guitars That Rule The World, Vol. 2: Smell The Fuzz (1995)
* Tracks 15-20: The Aeroplane Flies High (CD4): Tonight, Tonight (1996)
* Track 21: Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness LP (1994)

Tracklisting (CD6)
1. The Last Song (3:55)
2. The Aeroplane Flies High (Turns Left, Looks Right) (8:36)
3. Transformer (3:29)
4. The Bells (2:19)
5. My Blue Heaven (3:22)
6. Christmastime (3:17)
7. Sad Peter Pan (5:11)
8. When I Was Born, I Was Bored [Shudder To Think] (1:28)
9. The End Is The Beginning Is The End (5:10)
10. The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning (5:02)
11. The Ethers Tragic (2:47)
12. The Guns Of Love Disastrous (4:11)
13. The End Is The Beginning Is The End (Stuck In The Middle With Fluke Instrumental Mix) (6:45)
14. Perfect (Perfecto Dub) (7:01)
15. 1979 (Instrumental Mix) (5:20)

* Tracks 1-5: The Aeroplane Flies High (CD5): Thirty-Three (1996)
* Track 6: A Very Special Christmas 3 (1997)
* Track 7: Sweet Relief II: Gravity Of The Situation (1996)
* Track 8: First Love, Last Rites OST (1998)
* Tracks 9-12: The End Is The Beginning Is The End CDS (1997)
* Track 13: The End Is The Beginning Is The End (Fluke Remixes) 12'' Promo (1997)
* Track 14: Perfect (Remixes) CDS (1998)
* Track 15: 1979 (Mixes) CDS (1996)

Tracklisting (CD7)
1. The End Is The Beginning Is The End (Stuck In The Middle With Fluke Alternative Mix) (5:41)
2. Perfect (Nellee Hooper Mix) (4:15)
3. Czarina (4:43)
4. Once In A While (3:33)
5. Summer (3:14)
6. Daphne Descends (Kerry B Mix) (3:53)
7. Perfect (Electro Breakbeat Mix) (6:04)
8. Rats [Billy Corgan] (3:06)
9. Worms [Billy Corgan] (4:17)
10. Spiders [Billy Corgan] (3:34)
11. Lizards [Billy Corgan] (3:11)
12. Worms, Pt. 2 [Billy Corgan] (4:39)
13. Squirrels With Tails [Billy Corgan] (5:20)
14. The End Is The Beginning Is The End (Hallucination's Gotham Ghetto Beats) (6:18)
15. Perfect (Electro Breakbeat Dub) (5:57)

* Tracks 1, 14: The End Is The Beginning Is The End (The Remixes) CDS (1997)
* Tracks 2, 7: Perfect (Remixes) CDS (1998)
* Tracks 3-4: Ava Adore CDS (1998)
* Tracks 5-6: Perfect CDS (1998)
* Tracks 8-13: Ransom OST (2006)
* Track 15: Perfect 12'' (US) (1998)

Tracklisting (CD8)
1. The End Is The Beginning Is The End (Rabbit In The Moon's Melancholy & The Infinite Madness Mix) (9:29)
2. Perfect (Perfecto Mix) (7:02)
3. Speed Kills (5:17)
4. Hope (3:38)
5. Eye (4:54)
6. The End Is The Beginning Is The End (Hallucination's Nu-Wave Batcave Mix) (7:09)
7. Mayonaise (Acoustic) (4:31)
8. Real Love (4:10)
9. Untitled (3:54)
10. Try, Try, Try (Alternate Version) (4:20)
11. Age Of Innocence (Early Version) (4:14)
12. The End Is The Beginning Is The End (Rabbit In The Moon's Melancholy & The Infinite Dub) (7:52)

* Track 1: The End Is The Beginning Is The End (The Remixes) CDS (1997)
* Track 2: Perfect (Remixes) CDS (1998)
* Track 3: Stand Inside Your Love CDS (2000)
* Tracks 4-5, 7: Still Becoming Apart (2000)
* Tracks 6, 12: The End Is The Beginning Is The End 12'' Promo (1997)
* Track 8: Greatest Hits (CD1): Rotten Apples (2001)
* Tracks 9-11: Untitled CDS (2001)

Tracklisting (CD9)
1. The End Is The Beginning Is The End (Rabbit In The Moon's Infinite Radio Edit) (5:14)
2. Lucky 13 (3:10)
3. Because You Are (3:46)
4. Slow Dawn (3:12)
5. My Mistake (4:00)
6. Here's To The Atom Bomb (4:26)
7. Sparrow (2:56)
8. Waiting (3:48)
9. Saturnine (3:49)
10. Rock On [Essex] (6:06)
11. Winterlong (4:59)
12. Soot & Stars (6:39)
13. Blissed & Gone (4:47)
14. Perfect (Nellee Hooper Instrumental) (4:14)
15. Number Of The Beast [Zwan] (4:18)
16. Freedom Ain't What It Used To Be [Zwan] (4:05)
17. Nobody 'Cept You [Zwan] (4:13)
18. Autumn Leaves [Zwan] (2:21)

* Track 1: The End Is The Beginning Is The End (The Remixes) CDS (1997)
* Tracks 2-13: Greatest Hits (CD2) Judas O (2001)
* Track 14: Perfect (Remixes) CDS (1998)
* Tracks 15-16: Honestly CDS (2003)
* Tracks 17-18: Lyric CDS (2003)

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Old 01-10-2008, 10:28 AM   #30
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I guess that I was looking for an indication of where

* Missing: Drown (Edit) from the "Drown CDS Promo"
Rocket (Live Tower Records, Chicago 23-07-1993 from "ONXRT: Live From The Archives Volume 3"
Hello Kitty Kat (Alternate Mix) from "Siamese Dream (Advnanced Cassette Promo)"
Perfect (Puff Daddy MP Mix) from "Perfect (Puff Daddy Remixes) In-house CD-R"
Perfect (Puff Daddy Vocal Up Mix) from "Perfect (Puff Daddy Remixes) In-house CD-R"
Perfect (Puff Daddy Instrumental Mix) from "Perfect (Puff Daddy Remixes) In-house CD-R"

were supposed to fit into the listing. I suppose if they were not included in the original, there's no telling where they're supposed to be included eh?

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