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View Poll Results: Would you be interested in an updated b-sides and rarities collection?
Yes 99 88.39%
No 13 11.61%
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Old 10-12-2007, 12:43 AM   #1
Bobbin TB
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Default B-sides Compilation poll

Ok so there is ultra rare trax but it is mp3 sourced. not only that but outdated. i dont have everything but i got a few cd with rarities and b-sides. my question is how much interest would there be if i got everything together and kind of revamped a collection? kind of like the official sp b-side catalog but lossless and without all the fluff. prolly around 2-3 cds. and i would probably need help getting more sources for the songs.

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Old 10-12-2007, 02:08 AM   #2
sh sh shayne
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oh i voted yes, but when i saw it was lossless i take it back. Sorry just don't hear the diff expeically with my tiny hd

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Old 10-12-2007, 02:29 AM   #3
Minion of Satan
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Originally Posted by sh sh shayne
oh i voted yes, but when i saw it was lossless i take it back. Sorry just don't hear the diff expeically with my tiny hd

Wow, you do realize that you can convert them yourself, and even if you didn't want to a half hour after it's out someone will do it for you.

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Old 10-12-2007, 07:54 AM   #4
Brute Squad
oh for fuck's sake
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Originally Posted by sh sh shayne
oh i voted yes, but when i saw it was lossless i take it back. Sorry just don't hear the diff expeically with my tiny hd
You shouldn't complain about having a tiny hd these days.

I bought a Seagate 500GB SATA/300 drive for $119 last week at Circuit City.

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Old 10-12-2007, 09:31 AM   #5
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s'ok to complain if you're out of room on your IDE cable though.

man, I really need to buy a new PC.

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Old 10-12-2007, 09:34 AM   #6
Brute Squad
oh for fuck's sake
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Originally Posted by Skradgee
s'ok to complain if you're out of room on your IDE cable though.

man, I really need to buy a new PC.
Build one! It's cheaper!

Also, if you guys need any contributions, let me know. I still have the Smashing Pumpkins Vinyl Collection(SPVC) from years ago. Probably the best sources for vinyl that I've heard.

Last edited by Brute Squad : 10-12-2007 at 09:42 AM.

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Old 10-12-2007, 09:45 AM   #7
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Isn't there a compilation that has all of the SP remixes? I remember seeing a tracklisting a couple years ago. Does anyone know what the deal is with that?

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Old 10-12-2007, 10:07 AM   #8
Bobbin TB
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Originally Posted by Andrew Fogelsong
Build one! It's cheaper!

Also, if you guys need any contributions, let me know. I still have the Smashing Pumpkins Vinyl Collection(SPVC) from years ago. Probably the best sources for vinyl that I've heard.
yea the vinyl stuff will be hard. i have the starseed vinyl rips but im still missing a few so if you can send it to me please do. right now im really working on the list of what to *******. i think ill make a few compilations, one with just remixes (perfect, 1979, teitbite, etc) that may it will look prettier than mixing them with the other stuff. maybe one of all side project stuff. not quite sure. but there are some things that are definite.

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Old 10-12-2007, 10:17 AM   #9
Brute Squad
oh for fuck's sake
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Originally Posted by Bobbin TB
yea the vinyl stuff will be hard. i have the starseed vinyl rips but im still missing a few so if you can send it to me please do. right now im really working on the list of what to *******. i think ill make a few compilations, one with just remixes (perfect, 1979, teitbite, etc) that may it will look prettier than mixing them with the other stuff. maybe one of all side project stuff. not quite sure. but there are some things that are definite.
I'll have to rip that this weekend. You comfortable with downloading from an ftp?

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Old 10-12-2007, 10:31 AM   #10
Cool As Ice Cream
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can i get it too?

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Old 10-12-2007, 10:33 AM   #11
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i just recently made a data cd of all the raritites etc. stuff i had. ended up being like 119 songs or something i think

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Old 10-12-2007, 10:35 AM   #12
Cool As Ice Cream
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i think i have 99% of the stuff that was released on cd. so i don't really need a compilation like this, except for the vinyl stuff maybe. (i have the vinyls too, but not the transfers to cd.)
but i don't mind helping you out if you need something.

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Old 10-12-2007, 11:18 AM   #13
Bobbin TB
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CAIC, do you have a list of the cds you have?

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Old 10-12-2007, 11:39 AM   #14
Cool As Ice Cream
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i don't. but i could make one.

what kind of songs do you want to include?
everything that's not on the main releases? would you include b-sides that didn't make it on pisces iscariot, such as dancing in the moonlight, for example?
or would you use another rule to decide what to include and what not?

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Old 10-12-2007, 11:50 AM   #15
Bobbin TB
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Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream
i don't. but i could make one.

what kind of songs do you want to include?
everything that's not on the main releases? would you include b-sides that didn't make it on pisces iscariot, such as dancing in the moonlight, for example?
or would you use another rule to decide what to include and what not?
yea dancing in the moonlight is a big one. i still need to make a list but its mostly all the single b-sides plus compilation contributions (drown, jackie blue, etc.). but if you could get me a list id appreciate it.

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Old 10-12-2007, 12:23 PM   #16
Cool As Ice Cream
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some smashing pumpkins releases that could be of interest:
lull(slunk/bye june)
peel sessions (siva/smiley)
cherub rock (that karaoke thingy)
today japan (apathy's last kiss)
disarm (dancing in the moonlight)
rocket (never let me down)
1979 mixes (vocal mix/instrumental mix/moby mix/cement mix)
teitbite (the end.../the beginning.../the ethers tragic/the guns of love disastrous)
teitbite the remixes (5 diff. remixes)
teitbite fluke remixes promo (1 additional remix)
ava adore (once in a while/czarina)
perfect (summer/daphne descends kerry b mix)
perfect (5 diff. remixes)
siyl (speed kills)
still becoming apart(hope/mayonaise acoustic/apathy's last kiss)
untitled (try alt./age of i early)
tarantula (death from above/zeitgeist)
that's the way (daydream/stellar)

other stuff:
light into dark (my dahlia/sun)
absolute middle of nowhere (i am one 7" version)
20 explosive... (jackie blue)
singles soundtrack (drown)
no alternative (glynis)
family christmas in your ass: kevin and bean (rudolph the red-nosed reindeer)
onxrt: live from the archives vol 3 (rocket live)
sweet relief II (sad peter pan)
a very special christmas vol 3 (christmastime)
guitars that rule the world vol 2: smell the fuzz (ascendo)
ransom soundtrack (rats, worms, spiders, lizards, worms pt 2, squirrels with tails)
means to an end (starchildren-isolation)
iommi (black oblivion)
new order - get ready (turn my way)
some brazilian promo cd (teitbite nu-wave batcave remix)
launch cd-rom (bullet live)

live in chicago 23.10.95
live at cabaret metro 10-5-88

i probably forgot some.

edit: add live x vol 6 (age of innocence live) to the list.

Last edited by Cool As Ice Cream : 10-12-2007 at 04:53 PM.

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Old 10-12-2007, 12:30 PM   #17
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a top quality vinyl transfer of the albums would be an awesome contribution also...

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Old 10-12-2007, 12:34 PM   #18
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you mean taking all the rarities/bsides and sticking them on one giant zip file? yeah I'd be down for that.

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Old 10-12-2007, 12:44 PM   #19
Vanity Must Die
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I have the extensive vinyl collection that collectspumpkins made a few years back. Think it's five discs of stuff, but I'm not sure if I have any more than three.

Dunno the tracklisting either.

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Old 10-12-2007, 12:44 PM   #20
Vanity Must Die
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Originally Posted by Vanity Must Die
I have the extensive vinyl collection that collectspumpkins made a few years back. Think it's five discs of stuff, but I'm not sure if I have any more than three.

Dunno the tracklisting either.
and then i realised by 'a few years back' i meant seven years ago.


time fucking flies, eh?

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Old 10-12-2007, 12:50 PM   #21
Oblivious Virgin
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I'm jumping in here. I am currently in the process of reorganizing my collection and I really like this idea....

What about:

Stigmata Sound Track:
7. Identify - Natalie Imbrugla
8. Identify (Dust)/1,000,000 Voice
9. Pop Pop/Await/Reflect (Pretty)
10. Reflect (Clouds)/Truth Listen
11. Of Square Waves/Random Thought
12. Reflection/Possession
13. Reflect (Gray)/Of Sine Waves
14. Distrbnce (After Sckhausen)/Reflect (Pause)/Orah
15. Sustain/Identify (Affectation)
16. All Answers Revealed/Reflect (Devotion)
17. Purge/10,000,000 Voices/Reflect (Purity)/Identify (Peace)
18. Reflect (Time)/Tree Whispers

And from:

Troublizing (Ric Ocasek):
The Next Right Moment - BC Guitars - Matt Walker Drums - Melissa Auf der Maur Bass, Vocals
Crashland Consequence - BC Keyboard, Vocals and Production - Melissa Auf der Maur Bass, Vocals
Situation - BC Guitar and Production - Matt Walker Drums - Melissa Auf der Maur Bass, Vocals
Fix On You - BC Guitars and Production - Matt Walker Drums - Melissa Auf der Maur Bass, Vocals
People We Know - BC Guitars, Keyboard,Vocals and Production - Matt Walker Drums
Asia Minor - BC Guitar,Vocals and Production - Melissa Auf der Maur Bass, Vocals

If I think of any others, I will chime in again


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Old 10-12-2007, 02:42 PM   #22
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I recall trying to download SPVC over dial-up. . . never did finish getting it, so I'd love to get another chance at that.

And the b-sides compilation would be cool; very cool. I mean, sure, I've got them in mp3 format, and have most of the tracks on the actual singles, but that's all up in a box in my closet. so yeah, way cool to have lossless copy available on my hard drive.
Honestly I'm not so interested in the remixes or the tracks where Billy is just a special guest, but I suppose if all tracks would be available for download separately we might as well just go for broke.

In general I'm not for the sharing of lossless material, but I'm not gonna go and buy 20 Explosive Dynamic Super Smash Hit Explosions just for the 1 kick-ass track.

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Old 10-12-2007, 04:19 PM   #23
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I'd give my left nut if billy re-recorded many of his older demos.

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Old 10-12-2007, 04:38 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by MisterSquishyHalo
I'd give my left nut if billy re-recorded many of his older demos.
yeah, jennifer ever will be great with the thousand b0lly chorus overdubed

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Old 10-12-2007, 04:51 PM   #25
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I'll keep my left nut kthxbi

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Old 10-12-2007, 04:58 PM   #26
Cool As Ice Cream
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i agree that the side stuff such as stigmata or new order shouldn't be added to the compilation. once you start adding those, it becomes endless.
the remixes would also make the compilation hard to digest.

i don't know about the ransom tracks. it wasn't released under the name of the pumpkins, but they used to play some of these live.

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Old 10-12-2007, 05:14 PM   #27
sh sh shayne
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what is the baker demos?
untroo alert or what?

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Old 10-12-2007, 05:18 PM   #28
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just make a pile of as much of it as possible
let people pick and choose what they want...
my Compilation of Miscleanous songs is I have looks like this:

1989 - My Dahlia [Light into Dark]
1989 - Sun [Light into Dark]
1991 - Jackie Blue [20 Explosive Dynamic Super Smash Hit Explosions]
1993 - Drown (un-cut) [Singles OST]
1993 - Glynis [No Alternative]
1994 - Never Let Me Down Again [Depeche Mode Comp]
1994 - Spaceboy [NME Magazine Tape]
1995 - Infinite Sadness [Mellon Collie Vinyl]
1995 - Pumpkin [Tricky sample]
1995 - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer [No Toys For O.J.]
1996 - Ascendo [The Guitars That Rule The World]
1996 - Eye [Lost Highway OST]
1996 - Sad Peter Pan [Sweet Relief II]
1997 - Christmastime [A Very Special Christmas 3]
1997 - Space jam [1997-01-08]
1998 - When I Was Born I Was Bored [Shudder to Think]
2000 - Hope [Still Becoming Apart]
2000 - Mayonaise (Acoustic) [Still Becoming Apart]
2005 - Tilt [Billy Corgan - The Red Room Vol. 04]

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Old 10-12-2007, 05:22 PM   #29
Cool As Ice Cream
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Old 10-12-2007, 05:27 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by redbull
yeah, jennifer ever will be great with the thousand b0lly chorus overdubed

need a new producer

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