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Old 02-07-2002, 05:50 AM   #61
The Maverick
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Fathoms (unadored):
PINICAL of bandness which = Godzilla 2000

Saving Silverman
1. wasn't Godzilla 2000 SUPPOSED to be stupid (i've never seen it and i'm not sticking up for it, but that was my impression...). and if so, doesn't that make it at least semi-ok?

2. saving silverman. i agree with everything else you said but.... i loved this movie. now, i din't love it in a "best movie ever, move over godfather" way. but i deffinately felt some of the "dumb & dumber love". yes it was stupid, pointless, etc. but that was the intention.... with crude and (rarely, i know) witty hummor along the way.
(don't make me take away your masturbation priveledges)
and jack black rules. (except in "Shallow Hal" which blew... are you sure you didn't mean Shallow Hal???)

one other thing, while i enjoyed Saving Silverman, i agree... it did not deserve that much writting in defense of it. sorry.

j o e

::stumbles in drunkenly::
Hey everybody, where did Mary go?
Where did Mary go?
And where's my only cigarette? Please think for me, I can't bear to...
I'll just lie here for a while, Wet myself, wet my bed-- I've readied it all for her, you know Clean sheets, incense, and lots of fluffy pillows-- Now soiled....
And where's my cigarette? Did you check the bathroom?... The bathtub?... She sleeps there sometimes.... Water cleanses, you know, washes dirt away, makes new.... Maybe she... maybe she... maybe she... maybe... Maybe she swam away....
::exits drunkenly::

Old 02-07-2002, 05:52 AM   #62
The Maverick
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by nevermind:
i've never seen Hairspray, but i agree:

j o e

Old 02-07-2002, 06:07 AM   #63
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Etienne:
nothing duel jsut fucking sucked
Dude, Duel did not fucking suck.

Old 02-07-2002, 08:15 PM   #64
The exploding boy
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Red face

Originally posted by MisterSquishyHalo:
Umm, has everyone forgot about the pile of shit that was 'Howard the Duck?'

Some people namd pretty good nominees. TOmb raider is probably the last really shitty movie i've seen. Batman and robin is also up there in crappiness. I mean, what's different about those movies is that they're sorta big budget movies that still suck. I agree with fathoms though, there are different degrees of shittiness for movies. And those who thought the fifth element was awful probably didn't see it as it was spposed to be seen, not serious for a minute. It doesn't pretedn to be, it doesn't take itself seriously at all. I don't think it's great or anything, but it's surely not the shittiest movie ive seen.

Old 02-07-2002, 08:54 PM   #65
Mark LeDrew
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by T.G. Clown:

she's not worth it
I agree completely. I'm a big Joan of Arc fan but this movie was just horrible. Milla Jovovich is a really piss poor actor. At least John Malcovich was in it. And the dialogue was all wrong.

If anyone's interested in seeing a good movie about Joan d'Arc, check out the 1999 mini-series starring Leelee Sobieski. It's out on DVD.


"In the mud, on your knees
Trying hard not to please
Anyone, all the time
Being a rebel's fine
But you go all the way to being brutal"

Old 02-07-2002, 09:18 PM   #66
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Originally posted by frail_and_bedazzled:
ut everyone's forgetting plan nine from outer space. i mean, come on!
yteah, it's bad, and slow and horribly made and painful to watch, BUT IT'S MAKING FUN OF MORMONS!

Old 02-07-2002, 09:18 PM   #67
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Ammy:
yteah, it's bad, and slow and horribly made and painful to watch, BUT IT'S MAKING FUN OF MORMONS!

no wonder it offended you.

[This message has been edited by nevermind (edited 02-07-2002).]

Old 02-07-2002, 09:31 PM   #68
Posts: n/a

No no. You guys are STILL listing some that at least have cheesiness value. The worst movie I've ever seen is The Green Mile. Stretched out. Shoddy attempts at tugging on the emotional strings. Horrible fx (the things flying out of that guy's mouth). Novel black guy as a big dumb happy creature. Annoying Forrest Gump references. *shudders*

Old 02-07-2002, 09:53 PM   #69
Fathoms (unadored)
Posts: n/a

Trust me, anyone who's seen Godzilla 2000 would put it on they're top 5 list of worst movies ever without hesitation. Of course, when the hell has they're ever been a GOOD Godzilla movie?

Others I forgot to mention in the mere badness catagory = X-men, Galaxy Quest (Though like Saving Silverman I only put it on for five minutes before deciding the hour and half of my life would be much better used photographing household appliences.] I know What You Did Last Summer is another good choice.

I actually like some of these movies that have been mentioned. The Fifth Element does have lots of annoying charactors but I've watched it 4 times without wanting to vomit. It's a decent popcorn flick. The Messenger is really stupid, but Milla's over-acting is the only thing that keeps it interesting throughout. I used to hate Armageddon until the last time I watched it, it's not bad. And The Green Mile doesn't have that strong of a story I suppose, but the storyTELLING is what makes it good.

And in terms of cheesiness, bad acting, bad storyline, bad everything the top five list of worst movies ever should definately ******* LEFT BEHIND


Old 02-07-2002, 10:58 PM   #70
The exploding boy
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Red face

Funny that two of the movies mentionned in this thread are Luc Besson movie. It's true though, the guy does suck.

Old 02-07-2002, 11:43 PM   #71
Posts: n/a

Rock n roll high school

Old 02-07-2002, 11:45 PM   #72
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by albanystudent:
Rock n roll high school
ha, that fuckin ramones song...funny shit.

iwannarocknrollhighskool...forever..and ever..

ha, what the fuck?

Old 02-07-2002, 11:47 PM   #73
Posts: n/a

even if you like the ramones, you're gonna find it to be a nightmare. actually, maybe it's worse for the fans.

Old 02-08-2002, 12:41 AM   #74
raindrops + sunshowers
Posts: n/a

Mortal Kombat: Annihalation.

Old 02-08-2002, 01:05 AM   #75
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Cactuar:
Freddy got fingered.

No contest. Definetely the worst movie ever.
Definatly no plot, but tom green is funny as shit..

Rock On..

- I use music as some kind of weird salvation to get away from life... -
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Old 02-08-2002, 01:37 AM   #76
Posts: n/a

The Road to Welville god it was so bad.

Old 02-08-2002, 03:33 AM   #77
Kumar Littlejeans
Posts: n/a

Saving Silverman shouldn't be on here. It is somehow saved by the line "we ate her". If any movie from the Amanda Peet cannon should be on here it would have to be Whipped.

Old 02-08-2002, 03:38 AM   #78
Posts: n/a
Red face

Originally posted by raindrops + sunshowers:
Mortal Kombat: Annihalation.
Sweet mother of aborted Jesus, why did you have to remind me that I watched this movie?

Old 02-08-2002, 04:16 AM   #79
Posts: n/a


Old 02-08-2002, 03:51 PM   #80
The exploding boy
Posts: n/a
Red face

It's sad that a collaboration between Bono and Wim wenders would end up so bad. Then again it shows once more that singers and musicians should stick to waht to best.

Old 02-09-2002, 03:58 AM   #81
Posts: n/a

Double Trouble...blah

Old 02-10-2002, 01:22 AM   #82
Posts: n/a

you guys are all naming bad movies, but movies that arent even close to being the worst... almost anything from the 80's at least qualifies...

Old 02-10-2002, 01:29 AM   #83
Posts: n/a

I'm gonna go with either citizen kane or the thin red line. Two very over-rated and very boring movies.

I'm hotter than the crack you're cookin' up, heat up!

Old 02-10-2002, 04:43 PM   #84
The exploding boy
Posts: n/a
Red face

I saw a Silence of the lamb "parody" last night called silence of the ham. Well that's at least the shittiest "comedy" i've ever ever seen. My god it was so incredibly dumb and unfunny i can't even explain it....

Old 02-10-2002, 04:54 PM   #85
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by FearFactory:
I'm gonna go with either citizen kane or the thin red line. Two very over-rated and very boring movies.

You have to put Citizen Kane in context, though. A film like this, in 1940 (41?), was unheard of. The way the cinematography is made, the shots, editing, etc. Today, you wonder why is this film is so often quoted, but back then, it was about the first stepping stone for a cinematographer's role (and editor), and a turning point in film history.

And acted wonderfully.

Old 02-10-2002, 04:56 PM   #86
Random Female
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Thumbs down

Gummo never should have been made.


Old 02-10-2002, 04:59 PM   #87
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by THE MACHINA666:
You have to put Citizen Kane in context, though. A film like this, in 1940 (41?), was unheard of. The way the cinematography is made, the shots, editing, etc. Today, you wonder why is this film is so often quoted, but back then, it was about the first stepping stone for a cinematographer's role (and editor), and a turning point in film history.

And acted wonderfully.

Good points. I just sit back and think "GOD! HOW BORING IS THIS?" We had to watch that shit in 12th grade. I should have stayed home sick that week.

I still stand by my thin red line vote, though.

I'm hotter than the crack you're cookin' up, heat up!

Old 02-10-2002, 05:00 PM   #88
Posts: n/a
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Originally posted by Random Female:
Gummo never should have been made.


I'm hotter than the crack you're cookin' up, heat up!

Old 02-10-2002, 05:02 PM   #89
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by FearFactory:
Good points. I just sit back and think "GOD! HOW BORING IS THIS?" We had to watch that shit in 12th grade. I should have stayed home sick that week.

Yeah, I had the same problem the first time I watched Truffaut's 400 blows.

Old 02-10-2002, 06:00 PM   #90
The Maverick
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Random Female:
Gummo never should have been made.

Gummo sucked. it was stupid. pointless. shitty. etc.

but gummo was fuckin' funny.

Fawkin' queer ass rabbits! Smells like queers... smells like *****! i hate rabbits!

j o e

::stumbles in drunkenly::
Hey everybody, where did Mary go?
Where did Mary go?
And where's my only cigarette? Please think for me, I can't bear to...
I'll just lie here for a while, Wet myself, wet my bed-- I've readied it all for her, you know Clean sheets, incense, and lots of fluffy pillows-- Now soiled....
And where's my cigarette? Did you check the bathroom?... The bathtub?... She sleeps there sometimes.... Water cleanses, you know, washes dirt away, makes new.... Maybe she... maybe she... maybe she... maybe... Maybe she swam away....
::exits drunkenly::


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