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Old 02-07-2002, 12:28 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down you fucktards who think that film school gives you more right to have an opinion....

on a movie..

shut the fucking hell up, christ...

Old 02-07-2002, 12:31 AM   #2
if there is a llama
Posts: n/a

I concur.


Old 02-07-2002, 12:34 AM   #3
Posts: n/a

this was probally directed at me so i feel the need to respond.

being alive give me the right to have an opinion. Film school just makes my opinion more informed. if you have some sort of problem with that you can fuck right off

i'm trying not to move
it's just your ghost passing through

Old 02-07-2002, 12:37 AM   #4
Posts: n/a

actually, it's mostly machina 666, but oyu included. yes you can have a fucking opinion, but when people are talking about movies and you make it seem like what you say is the end all be all corect opinion to have on a movie, just because you have the education, i want ot kick you in the balls.

i mean, yeah, there are technical aspects etc that DO contribute to a good or bad movie, but sometimes the story or the acting or something retarded can make a movie very good. it's like art. people like to make it seem like there are rules, but there AREN'T.

*kicks you in the balls*

Old 02-07-2002, 12:38 AM   #5
Posts: n/a

you can ALL fuck off! nyeh nyeh nyeh!!!


Old 02-07-2002, 12:48 AM   #6
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Ammy:
actually, it's mostly machina 666, but oyu included. yes you can have a fucking opinion, but when people are talking about movies and you make it seem like what you say is the end all be all corect opinion to have on a movie, just because you have the education, i want ot kick you in the balls.

i mean, yeah, there are technical aspects etc that DO contribute to a good or bad movie, but sometimes the story or the acting or something retarded can make a movie very good. it's like art. people like to make it seem like there are rules, but there AREN'T.

*kicks you in the balls*
Hey, you stupid twat, where did you see me talking about FILM SCHOOL concerning ME???

Thanx for pointing the obvious, but if I shit on your head, do you think this art is worth just as much as Picasso's painting?

Being educated in a subject DOES make you realize a few good things. If you think a guy like Spielberg, w/ Duel, is just as lame as some weird fuck student film where the editing is about non-existant, the soundtrack is made out of shaking corn flakes boxes, and that even the director hated w/ all his guts, than you gotta have to get your head fixed. That simple.

Me, first of all, NEVER admitted the ONE film I thought that was the worst. Not even that weird fuck student flick where the editing is about non-existant, the soundtrack is made out of shaking corn flakes box, that even the director hated w/ all his guts. Hope you got that at least??

Old 02-07-2002, 12:51 AM   #7
Posts: n/a

i wasn't reffering to you recelty, i just seem to remember you being the one always using that as your reason that what you say goes. i appologize if i have the wrong name, considering that i do not know you myself, but i am almost positive it was you.

and i did say that, that learning the shit that is good and bad about films does make you more educated, but some fucking times, even if the cinematography or sound or something is fucking shit, the movie is still good.

Old 02-07-2002, 12:58 AM   #8
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Ammy:
i wasn't reffering to you recelty, i just seem to remember you being the one always using that as your reason that what you say goes. i appologize if i have the wrong name, considering that i do not know you myself, but i am almost positive it was you.

and i did say that, that learning the shit that is good and bad about films does make you more educated, but some fucking times, even if the cinematography or sound or something is fucking shit, the movie is still good.
It was me, yeah. But I don't need to back myself w/ the fact that I studied Cinema at College, University, on my way to have a certificate in scenarisation/screenwriter, won Festivals in Quebec, made a film that is in France in Festivals, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. Common sense is what I use.

To think that Spielberg made the "most horrendous flick of ALL TIME" w/ Duel, that there is just NONE worst than this one, is an absurdity in itself.

Not because it's Spielberg, but because no one can really say what IS the worst film (it could be, but I sure as fuck don't think so) of ALL time.

And you don't need to be an educated filmmaker fuck like me to realize that.

To hate a film is one thing.

To claim it's worst in the world (of ALL TIME) is another whole ballgame.

The End.

Old 02-07-2002, 01:01 AM   #9
Posts: n/a

Film school is just masturbation--and an irrelevance. I'd hate to think I payed that much to know a little about what I could've learned from a book and a little experience...

[This message has been edited by tweedyburd (edited 02-06-2002).]

Old 02-07-2002, 01:03 AM   #10
Posts: n/a

i actually wasn't pointing out what movie you said what about, i couldn't give a shit less, it's the arrogance that gets me. and actually, entienne (sorry if i spelled that right) was the only one that brought it up at all in the last thread, but it's been done in the past, i'm sure you know hat i'm reffering to, and i remember it and decided it annoyed me an dposted about it.

don't get me wrong, i still like both of you, but AAAAAHH!!!! *kicks you in the balls again*

Old 02-07-2002, 01:05 AM   #11
Posts: n/a

My uncle wrote "Kung Pow: Enter the Fist."


All Star Powerup Music. The one, true way to goodbye depression.
AIM- JetsPartTwo

Old 02-07-2002, 01:09 AM   #12
Posts: n/a

i think you guys have it backwards. being educated kinda skews up your views of movies because movies are made by film-educated people to entertain non film-educated people. So then wouldn't the opinion of the viewer be more important than the opinion of the persons who made it? Just how I see this argument. then again, opinions ARE opinions.

I sold my halo back in April

Old 02-07-2002, 01:15 AM   #13
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Ammy:
i actually wasn't pointing out what movie you said what about, i couldn't give a shit less, it's the arrogance that gets me. and actually, entienne (sorry if i spelled that right) was the only one that brought it up at all in the last thread, but it's been done in the past, i'm sure you know hat i'm reffering to, and i remember it and decided it annoyed me an dposted about it.

don't get me wrong, i still like both of you, but AAAAAHH!!!! *kicks you in the balls again*
I read that, and I now certain that you had just no fucking clue exactly where you were going w/ all this thread. You could've kept it on the actual film thread.

Way to go.

I don't talk about making chocolate chip cookies. You know why? Because I don't know SHIT about making chocolate chip cookies.

But I talk about Cinema.

Etienne can think Duel's the worst flick of all time. I don't agree+think it's a ridiculous thought. Period.

You don't like me, you don't know me, right?

This thread makes me look like a tense fuck. Oh wait, I am a tense fuck.

Good bye.

*goes eat a chocolate chip cookie*

Old 02-07-2002, 01:19 AM   #14
Posts: n/a

woh the hell ever knows where a thread is going? i had a though so i posted it, and then, obviously i said things so my point did not at all get across as i ment it, and i revised what i said because, yes some of it was pointed out wrong, good arguing, being able to accept different ideas and or when you are wrong. anyway, yes, i won't ask you about cookies, i understand your passion with movies and i admire it, and i do not dislike you, the honestly sometimes you are arrogant (hypocricy IS my middle name.. wait, Lea is..) and i guess that was my point.

i'm hypocratic. (if that's a word)
and arrogance is annoying as fuck.

yup. can i have a cookie?

[This message has been edited by Ammy (edited 02-06-2002).]

Old 02-07-2002, 01:21 AM   #15
Posts: n/a
Red face

*raises hand* I LIKE COOKIES!!!

Old 02-07-2002, 01:27 AM   #16
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Ammy:
actually, it's mostly machina 666, but oyu included. yes you can have a fucking opinion, but when people are talking about movies and you make it seem like what you say is the end all be all corect opinion to have on a movie, just because you have the education, i want ot kick you in the balls.

i mean, yeah, there are technical aspects etc that DO contribute to a good or bad movie, but sometimes the story or the acting or something retarded can make a movie very good. it's like art. people like to make it seem like there are rules, but there AREN'T.

*kicks you in the balls*

do you realize how hipoctitical that is?
so me expressing my opinion in some way hurts you but you can flame me and say my opinion dosent mean anything. And yes movies are art, and jsut like paintings i might hate van gough and you might think he is god, the point is your opinion dosent mean more than mine jsut like mine dosent mean more than yours. and getting pissed cause someone asked my why i though my opinion was valid and i told him, is jsut pointless.

i never really disliked you but your starting to sound like shutterbugg.

i'm trying not to move
it's just your ghost passing through

Old 02-07-2002, 01:32 AM   #17
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by THE MACHINA666:

To think that Spielberg made the "most horrendous flick of ALL TIME" w/ Duel, that there is just NONE worst than this one, is an absurdity in itself.

alow me to kinda take ammys sode for one second.
you argument is biased based on the simple fact that we where posting in the worse movies of all time thread, your a hipocrite jsut for defending yourself.

i still think your cool though

and i partaly agree with what suck suck said,

and Ammy just to add a point, if you have no taste, all the film school in the world isnt gonna help you tell a bad movie from a good one

Old 02-07-2002, 01:35 AM   #18
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Etienne:
all the film school in the world isnt gonna help you tell a bad movie from a good one
Meanwhile, a degree in literature. . .

Old 02-07-2002, 01:35 AM   #19
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Ammy:
woh the hell ever knows where a thread is going? i had a though so i posted it, and then, obviously i said things so my point did not at all get across as i ment it, and i revised what i said because, yes some of it was pointed out wrong, good arguing, being able to accept different ideas and or when you are wrong. anyway, yes, i won't ask you about cookies, i understand your passion with movies and i admire it, and i do not dislike you, the honestly sometimes you are arrogant (hypocricy IS my middle name.. wait, Lea is..) and i guess that was my point.

my hypocratic. (if that's a word)
and arrogance is annoying as fuck.

yup. can i have a cookie?
I've been called arrogant. It must be true. But I fail to see it. I bring my points, points that I believe in. I try to talk about things I know best. Defending my points/P.O.V. seems to make people believe that I am an arrogant piece of shit (aka fucktard - I've seen this one somewhere, too).

So be it.

You sure you don't want my recipe for chocolate chip cookies? Even though they kinda look like a Picasso painting when they're done.

Old 02-07-2002, 01:36 AM   #20
Posts: n/a
Red face

Originally posted by Ammy:
the honestly sometimes you are arrogant (hypocricy IS my middle name.. wait, Lea is..) and i guess that was my point.

i'm hypocratic. (if that's a word)
and arrogance is annoying as fuck.
if you read the rest of the thread, i ended up conceeding that i was basically attacking arrogance, and being quite hypocritical about it.

Originally posted by Etienne:

do you realize how hipoctitical that is?

Old 02-07-2002, 01:41 AM   #21
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by THE MACHINA666:
I've been called arrogant. It must be true. But I fail to see it. I bring my points, points that I believe in. I try to talk about things I know best. Defending my points/P.O.V. seems to make people believe that I am an arrogant piece of shit (aka fucktard - I've seen this one somewhere, too).

So be it.

You sure you don't want my recipe for chocolate chip cookies? Even though they kinda look like a Picasso painting when they're done.

i'm in the same boat, maybe i'm just lashing out like i get lashed at *shrug* sorry, i ment the post as sorta a joke, just cause it was annoying and stuff, i do hold by that it is annoying still

i would love your recipie, cookies are cookies!

IM me yo? Ammification.

Old 02-07-2002, 01:42 AM   #22
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Etienne:

alow me to kinda take ammys sode for one second.
you argument is biased based on the simple fact that we where posting in the worse movies of all time thread, your a hipocrite jsut for defending yourself.

and Ammy just to add a point, if you have no taste, all the film school in the world isnt gonna help you tell a bad movie from a good one
Agreed. The thread was made to be light-hearted. I sometimes hate a film so hard that I say "worst piece of shit ever made", too.

Even though you and I both know that can't be true.

Duel grew older, yup, but if what you said is true, and you had 3 years of film school, Duel CAN'T be the worst film you ever watched.


Old 02-07-2002, 01:47 AM   #23
Posts: n/a

Sorry Ammy. AIM and I don't mix quite often, unfortunately.

But it was nice talking to you.

Old 02-07-2002, 01:56 AM   #24
Posts: n/a

im glad that it is at least sometimes possible to have a debate on netphoria without it all turning to flames. i still think you guys are cool.

AIM silverspaceboy

Old 02-07-2002, 02:00 AM   #25
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Etienne:
im glad that it is at least sometimes possible to have a debate on netphoria without it all turning to flames. i still think you guys are cool.

AIM silverspaceboy
It's still early in the night, anything can happen.

Haw haw!

Old 02-07-2002, 02:01 AM   #26
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by THE MACHINA666:
It's still early in the night, anything can happen.

Haw haw!

i spoke too soon noooooooooooooooooooooooo!

i'm trying not to move
it's just your ghost passing through

Old 02-07-2002, 02:03 AM   #27
Posts: n/a

*maniacle laughter*


i think it's a slow night in the netpho.

Old 02-07-2002, 02:08 AM   #28
Posts: n/a

Ok this thread is gay now.


np: Billie Piper - Because we want to.


Old 02-07-2002, 02:11 AM   #29
Posts: n/a

yur the gay one, yur gay!!!

Old 02-07-2002, 02:15 AM   #30
So very sad about me
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by SuckSuckStyle:
*raises hand* I LIKE COOKIES!!!
*hands you a Frosty Lemon cookie*

You want to sleep with common people like me


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