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Old 01-25-2002, 06:52 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Post Black Hawk Down

Black Hawk Shit. It was a degraded Saving Private Ryan, which wasn't that good either. Good action, but craptacular dialogue, cheesy acting, and missing pictures, made this movie an average blockbuster - it should've been released in the summer. Black Hawk Down is the third movie I've seen lately that is getting Oscar buzz - the third that I've thought were mediocre at best (the other two being Mullholland Drive and A Beautiful Mind). Having seen Amelie, The Royal Tenenbaums, and Vanilla Sky recently also, the absurdity is becoming almost overwhelming. The Man Who Wasn't There is next on the list, but if that's a disappointment, I'll have to take out a box office clerk with a 32 oz., 5 lb. Coke to relieve my frustration...

ps - Anybody see In the Bedroom? - what did you think?

Old 01-25-2002, 07:00 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

my only grip is that it was historicly inaccurate. In reality they were rescued by air force paratroopers. Decent flick but not great


Old 01-25-2002, 07:15 AM   #3
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by PkPhuoko:
my only grip is that it was historicly inaccurate. In reality they were rescued by air force paratroopers. Decent flick but not great

How does it compare to "Behind Enemny Lines" ?

Old 01-25-2002, 07:22 AM   #4
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Slunk:
How does it compare to "Behind Enemny Lines" ?

I personally think it's better. The dialouge seemed more suiting and despite the small inaccuracy with the air force it's pretty much true to every other aspect.

I'd say watch it. It's not gonna be on your top 10 list but it's a decent movie.


Old 01-25-2002, 07:27 AM   #5
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by PkPhuoko:
I personally think it's better. The dialouge seemed more suiting and despite the small inaccuracy with the air force it's pretty much true to every other aspect.

I'd say watch it. It's not gonna be on your top 10 list but it's a decent movie.

I probably will. It's a Ridley Scott movie so I would have some interest regardless of how bad it is.

That other movie though, behind enemy lines, it look soooo bad from what I've seen on the trailers. Too Gung-ho, especially with Gene Hackman

Old 01-25-2002, 10:14 AM   #6
Posts: n/a

I thought it was a good movie *shrug*.

-Life is so strange
-The stars fall in
AIM: Jaggie67
All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed.

"I would like to thank you, for taking a ride on the Infinite Sadness Express. Departure time always arrival time never....We are and always will be the Smashing Pumpkins..."

Old 01-25-2002, 10:33 AM   #7
doctor gonzo
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up

you can't go wrong with "The Man Who Wasn't There". it's awesome...


Old 01-25-2002, 11:25 AM   #8
Posts: n/a

I have not seen this movie so can't judge on the propaganda label, but the rest is good to take into consideration if you are going to have opinions that involve the worth of someone's life. I'll post the rest up somewhere else for people who actually read things that are longer than a paragraph.

This movie is a blatantly racist attempt to create support among the U.S. public for a new war against Somalia. According to the Bush Administration, Somalia is at the top of the Pentagon's list of countries to be the next major target of the so-called "war against terrorism."

In his review of "Black Hawk Down," New York Times movie reviewer Elvis Mitchell wrote that the movie "converts the Somalis into a pack of snarling dark-skinned beasts . it reeks of glumly staged racism."

What actually happened in Somalia in 1992-93?

On December 12, 1992, the U.S. sent 28,000 soldiers into Somalia under the cover of the United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM) in what they said was a "humanitarian mission" to bring food to starving people. The invasion came when a several-year drought that had taken tens of thousands of lives was actually abating. At the time, the evening news showed images of thousands of starving Somalis. What people didn't see was U.S. troops - not delivering food - but instead engaged in daily gun battles and bombing raids in heavily populated neighborhoods. In ten months, more than 10,000 Somalis died as the U.S. engaged in aggressive military action against those who resisted.

Resistance among Somali women, men and even children to the foreign troops became widespread. The Somali people have a long and proud history of resistance. They fought for the freedom of their country from Italian, French and British colonialism - and they resisted the U.S. attempts to recolonize their country.

In the beginning of the military intervention in 1992, Colin Powell, at the time the chairman of the Pentagon's Join Chiefs of Staff, called the invasion a "paid political advertisement" for the Pentagon at a time (less than a year after the end of the so-called Cold War) when Congress was under growing pressure to cut the war budget. Powell opposed calls that that money be used instead for jobs, education, health care, housing and other social needs, and instead sought to maintain the $300-billion-plus military budget.

In reporting on the U.S./UN Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM), the human rights organization Africa Rights stated that troops "have engaged in abuses of human rights, including killing of civilians, physical abuse, theft . Many UNOSOM soldiers have also displayed unacceptable levels of racism toward Somalis ." These abuses included opening fire with machine guns against unarmed protesters, firing missiles into residential areas and outright murder [of] civilians, including many youth. The report states "UNOSOM has become an army of occupation."


Old 01-25-2002, 11:47 AM   #9
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Unless:
This movie is a blatantly racist attempt to create support among the U.S. public for a new war against Somalia.
You, and the reviwer from NYT are both just fucking morons. That's the biggest bunch of bullshit that I have ever heard. I have read the book, seen the movie and also known soldiers who were involved in Somalia and the actions depicted in Black Hawk Down were some of the most heroic in the history of the US military. For those so inclinced, why not check into the story of Master Sergeant Gary Gordon and Sergeant First Class Randall Shughart who were the first two soldiers awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously since the Vietnam War. They were noted as two of the most capable sinpers in our forces in Somalia and as noted in the book and movie, died as heroes, fending off huge crowds of armed Somali militia to protect their fallen comrade. Not to mention the 17 other soldiers who were killed in action in Somalia. And before you even start to bitch about the over 1000 dead Somali militia, let me remind you that they were the cause of the American involvement. They were starving their own people! It was genocide on a massive scale and we came in and saved thousands of lives. Not to mention that it is now known that Aidid was financially backed by bin Laden and that many of the militia who fought in the early 90's were al queda trained. I'm tired of all the anti-American sentiment here just for the sake of being against America. Learn the fucking facts before you just start badmouthing people who were bigger men than you could ever dream to be.

-Life is so strange
-The stars fall in
AIM: Jaggie67
All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed.

"I would like to thank you, for taking a ride on the Infinite Sadness Express. Departure time always arrival time never....We are and always will be the Smashing Pumpkins..."

Old 01-25-2002, 12:08 PM   #10
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Unless:
According to the Bush Administration, Somalia is at the top of the Pentagon's list of countries to be the next major target of the so-called "war against terrorism."

Um... we just made big diplomatic agreements with Somalia. They want to be our next 'Northern Alliance buds' to fight against radical Islamics.

Old 01-25-2002, 12:11 PM   #11
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by liarsclub:

ps - Anybody see In the Bedroom? - what did you think?

I saw it a few weeks ago and its effect is still re-occuring to me. Tom Wilkinson gives the best performance of this year and as good as any other year.

Old 01-25-2002, 12:14 PM   #12
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Jaggie:
You, and the reviwer from NYT are both just fucking morons. That's the biggest bunch of bullshit that I have ever heard. I have read the book, seen the movie and also known soldiers who were involved in Somalia and the actions depicted in Black Hawk Down were some of the most heroic in the history of the US military. For those so inclinced, why not check into the story of Master Sergeant Gary Gordon and Sergeant First Class Randall Shughart who were the first two soldiers awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously since the Vietnam War. They were noted as two of the most capable sinpers in our forces in Somalia and as noted in the book and movie, died as heroes, fending off huge crowds of armed Somali militia to protect their fallen comrade. Not to mention the 17 other soldiers who were killed in action in Somalia. And before you even start to bitch about the over 1000 dead Somali militia, let me remind you that they were the cause of the American involvement. They were starving their own people! It was genocide on a massive scale and we came in and saved thousands of lives. Not to mention that it is now known that Aidid was financially backed by bin Laden and that many of the militia who fought in the early 90's were al queda trained. I'm tired of all the anti-American sentiment here just for the sake of being against America. Learn the fucking facts before you just start badmouthing people who were bigger men than you could ever dream to be.
OH Lord here it comes. Before you get your little ego in a twist why don't you first read the first part again where I said I have not seen this movie so I have no opinion on the propaganda label. Also no, the article is not complete bullshit but when u read it it in your head spouts up images of American Flags burning. No one is putting down "individuals" with heroic efforts and causes, but critisizing the gov't for its strategies is by no means "anti-american" but pro-american future suggestion. I don't agree with everything we are doing in the Middle East or have done but because of our pick-up stick method I think alot of it is necessary. But I'm willing to bet if I saw the movie Black Hawk Down it would present the situation alot more black and white, good vs. bad, than it really is. I prefer not to get confused between whats necessary, a quick move and whats riteous. I honor and respect the people who risk their lives to help others but their reasons for doing it are not always the reasons why they are there. Now for once can't someone just cut/paste an article that doesn't have the rockets bursting in air mood that presents all americans as perfect while it presents all the interferences as evil scum. Also this is an article so leave me out of it, if I wanted you to judge me but what I write, than I'd write it myself but yea I enjoyed this article so that much you know. And you don't know anything else about me, so don't assume that I do things for the sake of sakes or that you know what I would and wouldn't risk my life for. FACT is you don't so lets keep this out of being a personal attack. I haven't attacked you yet, called you names, or attacked even just your opinions. You started by assuming I was anti-american and pretending to know me well enough to call me names and judge my worthiness. Damned if i want people like you making decisions about the "proper" course of the world.


Old 01-25-2002, 12:16 PM   #13
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by tweedyburd:
Um... we just made big diplomatic agreements with Somalia. They want to be our next 'Northern Alliance buds' to fight against radical Islamics.
Well lifes a chess game. But sorry that doesn't seem like a wonderful thing that symbolizes peace and prosperity. Its a little muddy.


Old 01-25-2002, 12:31 PM   #14
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Unless:
OH Lord here it comes. Before you get your little ego in a twist why don't you first read the first part again where I said I have not seen this movie so I have no opinion on the propaganda label. Also no, the article is not complete bullshit but when u read it it in your head spouts up images of American Flags burning. No one is putting down "individuals" with heroic efforts and causes, but critisizing the gov't for its strategies is by no means "anti-american" but pro-american future suggestion. I don't agree with everything we are doing in the Middle East or have done but because of our pick-up stick method I think alot of it is necessary. But I'm willing to bet if I saw the movie Black Hawk Down it would present the situation alot more black and white, good vs. bad, than it really is. I prefer not to get confused between whats necessary, a quick move and whats riteous. I honor and respect the people who risk their lives to help others but their reasons for doing it are not always the reasons why they are there. Now for once can't someone just cut/paste an article that doesn't have the rockets bursting in air mood that presents all americans as perfect while it presents all the interferences as evil scum. Also this is an article so leave me out of it, if I wanted you to judge me but what I write, than I'd write it myself but yea I enjoyed this article so that much you know. And you don't know anything else about me, so don't assume that I do things for the sake of sakes or that you know what I would and wouldn't risk my life for. FACT is you don't so lets keep this out of being a personal attack. I haven't attacked you yet, called you names, or attacked even just your opinions. You started by assuming I was anti-american and pretending to know me well enough to call me names and judge my worthiness. Damned if i want people like you making decisions about the "proper" course of the world.

First off, I never said you were anti-American, because as you said, I don't know you. I said there was a lot of anti-American sentiment on these message boards, which was propagated by your post. I called both you and the reviewer morons because in my opinion you are. I am not one of those blind patriots that has no clue as to the truth of military history. I know what went down in Somalia and I know the reasons why. I called you a moron because in a post about a movie depicting the heroism of soldiers in Somalia you had the gall to post an idiotic review that condemned the movie as racist! And you really should see the movie because it's not what you think. It doesn not even attempt to pass judgement on our reasons for being there. It is simply a recounting of the grunt work of the soldiers. It sheds light onto what it is like to actually fight in a war, the relentless horror. So before this even goes further, we should be on levbel ground. Go see the movie and then come back and say shit. Even better, go read the book, it's more complete.

Old 01-25-2002, 01:05 PM   #15
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Jaggie:
First off, I never said you were anti-American, because as you said, I don't know you.
Thats good, I'm not.
Originally posted by Jaggie:
I said there was a lot of anti-American sentiment on these message boards, which was propagated by your post. I called both you and the reviewer morons because in my opinion you are.
Yes there is a lot of sentiment on the subject everywhere. But whats moronic is the assumption that any of them are BLIND pro-american or anti-american posts. It effects us all. You are generalizing as people do with democrats and republicans. don't be so quick to clump people off. In my opinion you are a self-riteous small picture lover, but I mean you at least could be wrong. Sorry I don't claim to be high enough to not retaliate cheap shots with cheap shots but neither are you so nothing lost, nothing gained.
Originally posted by Jaggie:
I am not one of those blind patriots that has no clue as to the truth of military history. I know what went down in Somalia and I know the reasons why. I called you a moron because in a post about a movie depicting the heroism of soldiers in Somalia you had the gall to post an idiotic review that condemned the movie as racist!
Don't feel the need to declare that you aren't. Remember, I didn't call you a moron. I can easily see how this movie (that i haven't seen) would appear racist if it doesn't not present the average somalian individual accurately, but can't just that yet. It is presenting obviously the average American who is heroicly fighting. I wander how different it would be presented from the average Somalian who is heroicly fighting. But maybe you can tell an idiot really well, I could judge your educated opinion in comparison with this man's educated opinion alot better if i knew if he would refer to you as an idiot.
Originally posted by Jaggie:
And you really should see the movie because it's not what you think. It doesn not even attempt to pass judgement on our reasons for being there. It is simply a recounting of the grunt work of the soldiers. It sheds light onto what it is like to actually fight in a war, the relentless horror. So before this even goes further, we should be on levbel ground. Go see the movie and then come back and say shit. Even better, go read the book, it's more complete.
I just might see it. One thing that has come out of this, since I am at least trusting that you have insight into the figurative history of these events, is that I think i might be able to go see it and have it be alittle more special than your average good guy/ bad guy movie. I understand it being about the grunt work of soldiers. Which is funny because that has nothing to do with what the article you are so hot about is critisizing. It does NOT critisize the American soldiers. If it did I probably wouldn't have found it interesting at all. Since I respect them and know them. I wouldn't want to read something that seemed to deteriorate the worth of my friends and family. I'm sure I will come back and say something about it if i see or read it but don't bother replying if you have already decided it will be shit. We can just let this conversation stand because that is has valid as its gonna get.


Old 01-25-2002, 01:10 PM   #16
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Jaggie:
Learn the fucking facts before you just start badmouthing people who were bigger men than you could ever dream to be.
Oh just so we can get to know eachother at all. I don't dream to be a man at all, because I'm female. But invalid, I'd bleed to death just the same as any man if my life would make an outcome better.


Old 01-25-2002, 01:25 PM   #17
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Unless:
Well lifes a chess game. But sorry that doesn't seem like a wonderful thing that symbolizes peace and prosperity. Its a little muddy.

Way to back up and punt.

Old 01-25-2002, 01:26 PM   #18
Posts: n/a

The way I see it, 19 American heroes died as just that, heroes. 10,000 Somali militia, who I will reiterate were killing their *own* people by starving them, died as savage cowards. I am not ignorant enough to believe that innocents didn't die as well. It is more than unfortunate that innocent civilians died. But I don't believe that this movie is racist because it doesn't show the side of the Somali militia. You have to remember, this isn't a fictitious story. It truly happened and the book was written from interviuews from equal amounts of Americans and Somalis. Yes that's correct, both points of view are portrayed in the book. Even with both points of view, I can objectively say that the Somali militia men were savages who prayed on their own to further their "cause".

You call me self-righteous which is defined as "narrow mindedly moralistic." And yes, I may be moralistic, but by no means am I narrow minded. I lived through the events and I read the book and I understand the point of view of both sides. That said, I firmly believe in the American involvement in Somalia. If this was an argument about Iraq, where even I would concur that a good part of the American involvement had to do with oil interests, than I wouldn't be so steadfast in my position (though I would have gladly fought for my country if asked to do so or if the need arose). But Somalia is a poretty clear cut example of the need for American intervention. Yes, it was a civil war. Yes it didn't directly affect our country or our citizens. But it did challenge the human rights of the innocent civilians of Somalia. And we couldn't sit back and watch Europe circa 1940's happen all over again. I again refer back to calling you a moron (which I stand by). I believe you are educated and present your opinion intelligently. But I also believe that you are severly misguided and misinformed about the events in Somalia. This was proven to me when you thought it important to post such refuse as the article from the NYT. I find it absolutely ludicrous that an educated person, such as Mr. Mitchell, would actually believe in the "the U.S. attempts to recolonize their country." Where is his info? What would ever indicate any kind of attempt to recolonize Somalia by America? It is this kind of misinformed, idiotic, and plain out moronic statement by which I base my opinion of calling you and the reviwer a moron. Him for writing it, you for endorsing it.

[This message has been edited by Jaggie (edited 01-25-2002).]

Old 01-25-2002, 01:27 PM   #19
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Unless:
Oh just so we can get to know eachother at all. I don't dream to be a man at all, because I'm female. But invalid, I'd bleed to death just the same as any man if my life would make an outcome better.

And I appologize, I wasn't saying that you should be more man-like but was referring to the phrase of "being a man" which in your case wouldn't apply. I'll re-phrase it to having more guts.

Old 01-25-2002, 01:39 PM   #20
Posts: n/a

i cut/paste the article, that included one quote by Mitchell. He didn't write the article, all though that isn't clear by the way I cut and paste it I'll admit. It's actually funny enough from the Society of Philosophical Study of Marxism. So the only thing we can really assume about Mitchell's point of view was that he thought the Somalian's were visually portrayed in film inaccurately. I admitted that I can't say that since I have not seen it. I posted a quote that I said I could not agree with. At least this moron never posted an opinion based on something she claimed to know and didn't. I'll see the film, I'll at least have an opinion on the portrayal of Scott's generalizations. I like alot of movies based on very serious situations that are not historically accurate so I'm not anal about it either. Most movies based on books are just that, based. I might see it and like the film and still agree with the quote. We will see. but good grief, have a nice day.


Old 01-25-2002, 01:40 PM   #21
Posts: n/a

enemy down.

Old 01-25-2002, 01:42 PM   #22
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Jaggie:
And I appologize, I wasn't saying that you should be more man-like but was referring to the phrase of "being a man" which in your case wouldn't apply. I'll re-phrase it to having more guts.
Haha, well its hard for me to tell sometimes. For some reason in chat rooms and message boards people assume I'm a boy, dunno why. But I got plenty of guts I can tell you, sometimes they spill out at inappropriate times. I can be a real chicken about some very weird people things, but im not a coward.


Old 01-25-2002, 01:44 PM   #23
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by liarsclub:
Black Hawk Shit. It was a degraded Saving Private Ryan, which wasn't that good either. Good action, but craptacular dialogue, cheesy acting, and missing pictures, made this movie an average blockbuster - it should've been released in the summer. Black Hawk Down is the third movie I've seen lately that is getting Oscar buzz - the third that I've thought were mediocre at best (the other two being Mullholland Drive and A Beautiful Mind). Having seen Amelie, The Royal Tenenbaums, and Vanilla Sky recently also, the absurdity is becoming almost overwhelming. The Man Who Wasn't There is next on the list, but if that's a disappointment, I'll have to take out a box office clerk with a 32 oz., 5 lb. Coke to relieve my frustration...

ps - Anybody see In the Bedroom? - what did you think?
Agreed. Altough if you compare it to crap like Pearl Harbor, it's a sure hit classic.

But all in all, there's nothing much there. Great visuals, as expected from Scott (and Brukheimer (sp? whatever his fucking name)), but empty on many levels.

Are you working on a new film, buddy?

[This message has been edited by THE MACHINA666 (edited 01-25-2002).]

Old 01-25-2002, 01:45 PM   #24
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by killtheyouth:
enemy down.
ha? when does that ever happen


Old 01-25-2002, 01:45 PM   #25
Posts: n/a

Oh, and I'm not even going to read the two arguments developing here, but I will say that the whole 'it's a racist' film angle is tired and obvious criticism of the kind that plagued Heart of Darkness years after Conrad wrote it. The nature of the narrative does not inherently ******* the characterization or plight of the opposition because its perspective is one and the same throughout, namely Marlow's (or in the case of BHD, the American soldiers). It's unfortunate, but it's the specifics of war situations that you don't care to characterize or understand the person who is shooting the bullets wizzing by your head. And the perspective of the American soldiers is the one the film is about, so all that quasi-intelligent criticism about the film being 'racist' is irrelevant.

Old 01-25-2002, 01:49 PM   #26
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by tweedyburd:
Oh, and I'm not even going to read the two arguments developing here, but I will say that the whole 'it's a racist' film angle is tired and obvious criticism of the kind that plagued Heart of Darkness years after Conrad wrote it. The nature of the narrative does not inherently ******* the characterization or plight of the opposition because its perspective is one and the same throughout, namely Marlow's (or in the case of BHD, the American soldiers). It's unfortunate, but it's the specifics of war situations that you don't care to characterize or understand the person who is shooting the bullets wizzing by your head. And the perspective of the American soldiers is the one the film is about, so all that quasi-intelligent criticism about the film being 'racist' is irrelevant.
I have not seen it. But just for opinions sake, if you have, do you think someone who has no ********** knowledge of the subject would get an innaccurate impression of the somalian people? Because if you would say it would give you misconceptions in riteousness than I would say it is not irrelevant, because most people have not read the book.


Old 01-25-2002, 01:50 PM   #27
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Unless:
I have not seen it. But just for opinions sake, if you have, do you think someone who has no ********** knowledge of the subject would get an innaccurate impression of the somalian people? Because if you would say it would give you misconceptions in riteousness than I would say it is not irrelevant, because most people have not read the book.
I don't know why that word came up in ****'s its "back ground"


Old 01-25-2002, 02:12 PM   #28
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by tweedyburd:
Way to back up and punt.
u talkin about me or the US? strategy all strategy


Old 01-25-2002, 02:17 PM   #29
Posts: n/a

Well when I went to see this movie I had a choice of seeing either Black Hawk Down or Snow Dogs, obviously I picked Black Hawk Down.

I walked into the movie with extremely low expectations thinking it would probably be a horribly bad U.S. propaganda film(which is was to some degree).

However over all I thought it was a pretty good movie, I think I actually enjoyed it more than Saving Private Ryan.

3 stars maybe...........

Old 01-25-2002, 02:19 PM   #30
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Andrew_Pakula:
Well when I went to see this movie I had a choice of seeing either Black Hawk Down or Snow Dogs, obviously I picked Black Hawk Down.

I walked into the movie with extremely low expectations thinking it would probably be a horribly bad U.S. propaganda film(which is was to some degree).

However over all I thought it was a pretty good movie, I think I actually enjoyed it more than Saving Private Ryan.

3 stars maybe...........
I still have not seen Saving Private Ryan and have heard so many different opinions about that film its rediculous. I'll see it one day but I'm not in a hurry. Since Shindler's List my expectations of Saving Private Ryan might be a bit too high.



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