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Old 01-15-2002, 12:01 AM   #151
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by thewatchmaker:
Because if you are snapping at someone because they are joking around, you don't use a word like asinine. It makes you look like an arrogant prick.
What the fuck? Who do you think you are calling people 'arrogant pricks'? Fuck, man. Get of your soap box and put your thesaurus down. Calling them a 'pretentious asshole' would have sufficed perfectly, but because you're such a fucking smartass, you couldn't help but try to make yourself look clever. Fucking hell. I hate shitfucks like you.

< /sarcasm>

get out of here.

[This message has been edited by ****** (edited 01-14-2002).]

Old 01-15-2002, 12:30 AM   #152
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by ******:
I'd hate to pick and pry, but isn't this how you 'flip-flopped'?

No, it never actually happened, but we had a few very worrisome scares.

The fear of your future going down the toilet brings a whole new perspective when you actually are faced with the possibility, not to mention the unfortunate life the child would be in for.

Old 01-15-2002, 12:36 AM   #153
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Mark LeDrew:
Jesus, you're STILL talking about this? Seems like an awful lot of trouble for a fetus.
Well, that's what I told your mother.
It didn't seem to stop her though.
Pro-abortion all the way, baby!

Yes... I am reality_check. Yes, I lost my account. Fuck off.

Old 01-15-2002, 12:53 AM   #154
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by netphorian:
I'm sorry, but this needs to be made clear.

The next time you have an abortion, you tell me how it went, okay? I heard it feels really good when they stick needles in your cervix and pry it open with machinery, then shove a sharp tube up there and poke around. Apparently the scraping of your insides with sharp objects is the best part. Lying in a pool of your own blood creates a really nice atmosphere for sex! (think: your balls, a staple gun, and a meat grinder.)

I just don't understand that mentality. You plan on getting an abortion as much as you fancy the idea of getting pregnant in the first place. The blaringly obvious truth is that we can't stop people from having sex, we can't make them use contraceptives, and we cannot assure them that the contraceptives they use will always protect them from disease and pregnancy. Since we cannot do that, we can't take away the right to abortion.

Good point.

...but, shouldn't people think about all of that before they have sex?? Why don't we just limit casual sex a little? I'm not experienced in this area (heh), but what good comes from it? If someone thought about everything that could happen as a result of casual sex, they'd be less likely to do it.

So maybe stupid chicks should just stop getting pregnant.


I don't care

Old 01-15-2002, 12:58 AM   #155
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Eulogy:
Good point.

...but, shouldn't people think about all of that before they have sex?? Why don't we just limit casual sex a little? I'm not experienced in this area (heh), but what good comes from it? If someone thought about everything that could happen as a result of casual sex, they'd be less likely to do it.
You have much to learn grasshopper.

Old 01-15-2002, 12:58 AM   #156
Posts: n/a
Red face

Maybe, just maybe, people shouldn't have sex unless they actually want a child.

I know that's never going to happen, and that it's a very extreme thought...but really...I think it makes sense

...but that could just be because I'm a fucking idiot (I am leaving myself completely wide open...heh)

Old 01-15-2002, 12:59 AM   #157
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Eulogy:

...but, shouldn't people think about all of that before they have sex??

perhaps, but there is and always has been a very large difference between "should" and "is."


Old 01-15-2002, 01:01 AM   #158
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Eulogy:

...but, shouldn't people think about all of that before they have sex?? Why don't we just limit casual sex a little? I'm not experienced in this area (heh), but what good comes from it? If someone thought about everything that could happen as a result of casual sex, they'd be less likely to do it.


Yes... I am reality_check. Yes, I lost my account. Fuck off.

Old 01-15-2002, 01:02 AM   #159
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by ******:
Originally posted by Eulogy:

You have much to learn grasshopper.

Thank you, Captain Obvious!

Old 01-15-2002, 01:06 AM   #160
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Eulogy:

Thank you, Captain Obvious!
At least you take it in stride. That's admirable.

Old 01-15-2002, 01:11 AM   #161
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up

Well, Eulogy (I think it's time I retired on this topic...jeez), I have no problem with people who have different opinions from me. You admit that you really don't know much about the topic at hand, and that's not common for someone to admit, so I commend you for that. Yet you still have an opinion on it, right?

Well, maybe that's the problem here. It's people who have opinions on things they really don't know much about that are imposing restrictions through laws. Simply because they personally don't agree with it.


Old 01-15-2002, 01:17 AM   #162
raindrops + sunshowers
Posts: n/a

I think the real problem is that chicks just get in the way.


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