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Old 01-12-2002, 09:57 PM   #31
ava adore 13
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by THE MACHINA666:
And Courtney knew that w/ a divorce, she would have 50% of all his stuff. And 100% if he died.
and kurt wanted a divorce.

and it all worked out for courtney, didn't it. she has all of kurts money, she owns all of his songs. not to mention the timing of kurts death (a week before her album 'live through this' was released). she has made herself rich and famous off of kurt and his music.

[This message has been edited by ava adore 13 (edited 01-12-2002).]

Old 01-12-2002, 10:04 PM   #32
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by ava adore 13:
and kurt wanted a divorce.
Though that doesn't prove she killed him (of arranged his death).

It could be ALL coincidences...

On my own... when I need you...

Old 01-12-2002, 10:09 PM   #33
ava adore 13
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by THE MACHINA666:
Though that doesn't prove she killed him (of arranged his death).

It could be ALL coincidences...

i know. i don't think she DEFINITELY killed him (even though it may seem that way when i talk about this subject), but i think it is very possible.

i think SOMEONE killed him, though.

[This message has been edited by ava adore 13 (edited 01-12-2002).]

Old 01-12-2002, 10:20 PM   #34
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by ava adore 13:
i know. i don't think she DEFINATELY killed him (or had him killed), but i think it is very possible.

i think SOMEONE killed him, though.


Anyone heard his LAST song?

It's called "Over the mountain", but it has actually many titles (also You got no right)... Only live recording have been found of that song so far, by fans, and VERY FEW have heard the studio version of it.

Those people all agree that this song is AMAZING.

Courtney has the song now... she wanted to put out a box set for 2001 (10 years after Nevermind), then, w/ all the law suits again the remaining members of Nirvana, people doubt it'll even be out for the 10th anniversary of Cobain's death...

Oh well... who knows really...?

Here are the lyrics:

I would never bother you
I would never promise to
I would never bother you
I would never promise to
If I say that word again
I would move away from here
You won't be afraid of fear
You won't be afraid of fear
You won't be afraid of fear
I am walking in the piss
Always knew it would come to this
Things have never been so swell
And I have never felt so well
You know you're right
You know you're right
You know you're right

Whistle and I'll come inside
I no longer have to hide
Let's talk about someone else
She just wants to love herself
She moves away from here
She just wants to love herself
I won't move from here
You won't be afraid of fear
I won't move from here
You won't be afraid of fear
I am walking in the piss
Always knew it would come to this
Things have never been so swell
And I have never been so well
You know you're right
You know you're right
You know you're right
Maybe you're right...

Other lyrics exits, including those:

"I don't think I love you now..."

On my own... when I need you...

Old 01-12-2002, 10:28 PM   #35
ava adore 13
Posts: n/a

yeah, it's an amazing song. i've heard the live version...and i've heard about 15 seconds of the studio version (the version that was going to be in the boxset). even just judging by those 15 seconds you can tell it's a fantastic song.

Old 01-12-2002, 10:51 PM   #36
Angela Scalpel
Posts: n/a

yeah, I read one of the books that has all that info in it.

-I am convinced that the note was simply a retirement to the rock community. the handwriting changes on the last few lines that imply he is killing himself. coincidence? nah.

-I am also convinced that Courtney was involved in her former bassist's death. Kristen HAD NOT done heroin in months when she was found dead in her apartment. Eric Erlandson (Hole's guitarist) was the LAST person seen in Kristen's home. though they were good friends, Courtney and Eric were also pretty close.

god, I could go on, cause the book I read says so much. I have tons of opinions on the matter. but I will stop there.


I know I am failing
except it was the plan

Old 01-12-2002, 11:50 PM   #37
Helena Handbasket
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Angela Scalpel:
yeah, I read one of the books that has all that info in it.

-I am convinced that the note was simply a retirement to the rock community. the handwriting changes on the last few lines that imply he is killing himself. coincidence? nah.

-I am also convinced that Courtney was involved in her former bassist's death. Kristen HAD NOT done heroin in months when she was found dead in her apartment. Eric Erlandson (Hole's guitarist) was the LAST person seen in Kristen's home. though they were good friends, Courtney and Eric were also pretty close.

god, I could go on, cause the book I read says so much. I have tons of opinions on the matter. but I will stop there.

What is the name of that book? Sounds interesting.

...I'll put the fire out with my splooge!

AIM - elegantsomething

Old 01-13-2002, 12:27 AM   #38
ava adore 13
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Angela Scalpel:
-I am convinced that the note was simply a retirement to the rock community. the handwriting changes on the last few lines that imply he is killing himself. coincidence? nah.
also, the lines that imply suicide (the ones in the different handwriting) are written AFTER he had signed it 'kurt cobain'.

Old 01-13-2002, 12:34 AM   #39
ava adore 13
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Helena Handbasket:
What is the name of that book? Sounds interesting.

i think Angela Scalpel is talking about the book 'who killed kurt cobain?' by ian halperin and max wallace. it's a very interesting book.

Old 01-14-2002, 03:36 AM   #40
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by ******:
A lot of SP fans are Hole fans as well and visa versa. In the highly unlikely case that Billy was the only one who actually knew that Courtney did it, he would be hesitant to testify, because it would fuck his career over.
Even if it would have an adverse affect on his career I don't think he would care- ie adore, machina, the break up of the pumpkins- those things lost him way more fans than pissing off a few hole fans would- besides, I don't think it would have any adverse affect on his career- quite the opposite- much more ppl hate courtney than like her, especially pumpkin fans, nirvana fans. ppl would love to hear someone else say something incriminating about courtney and to further idolize kurt- make him even more of the Christ image than he really is.

this being said, I highly doubt that what he knows is anything incriminating about courtney as I don't think he would protect her if he thought she killed him.


Old 01-14-2002, 03:51 AM   #41
Posts: n/a

there' sa bbc documentary called "kurt and courtney"

it's really good.

even if courtney didn't kill kurt/ or have somebody do it for her.

she was a psychodic bitch.. and still is.

Old 01-14-2002, 05:24 AM   #42
Posts: n/a

and kurt was already known to take insane amounts of heroin and walk away from it.
as someone who was a hardcore heroin addict for 5 yrs, i can tell you without hesitation that there is NO WAY IN HELL that he could have possibly done that much and then shot himself. i knew 20-yr H addicts, and none of them would even think about risking a dose that big.

Old 01-14-2002, 08:55 AM   #43
Helena Handbasket
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by teebo11:
there' sa bbc documentary called "kurt and courtney"

it's really good.

even if courtney didn't kill kurt/ or have somebody do it for her.

she was a psychodic bitch.. and still is.
Is it anything like "Sid and Nancy"?
Doesn't Courtney actually have a part in that movie? Weird.

Confidence is a preference for the habitual voyeur.

AIM - elegantsomething

Old 01-14-2002, 09:03 AM   #44
Posts: n/a
Red face

I did it, and I'd do it again.

Old 01-14-2002, 09:38 AM   #45
Posts: n/a

if you ever read the Grant files, you'll truly believe that Kurt was murdered. Grant is an PI who investigated the case... there were a fuck of a lot of screw ups... people have admitted that courtney offered them money to kill Kurt...I'm convinced.
That's the entire reason I HATE Courtney Love...
Wow... I've been having this same discussion since '95...


Old 01-14-2002, 12:04 PM   #46
Nate the Grate
Posts: n/a

that's gonna be one helluva Behind the Music

Old 01-14-2002, 01:05 PM   #47
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by teebo11:
there' sa bbc documentary called "kurt and courtney"

it's really good.

even if courtney didn't kill kurt/ or have somebody do it for her.

she was a psychodic bitch.. and still is.
i'm with ya on that one.

I am really bothered by how ademant she was about him being suicidal and no one else really was and how no one really called the rome incident a suicide attempt until after he had died.

and about the fingerprints on the gun-yea maybe they had to get it out of his hands but when the police do that theyre VERY careful not to mess up fingerprints and if he'd handled the gun then there probably would have been atleast ONE finger print on it somewhere-the smudges make it sound like someone wiped the thing off.

Old 01-14-2002, 02:01 PM   #48
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by i-hum-rocket:
as someone who was a hardcore heroin addict for 5 yrs,
HI ClinT!!!!!!!!

Bleh... we'll just never know...

The book HEAVIER THAN HEAVEN is pretty good, should I mention. It goes deep into the life of Cobain. The author had the right to peek into Kurt's diaries, letters he's never sent, etc...

It's a bit depressive, but it's highly enjoyable...

On my own... when I need you...

Old 01-14-2002, 02:56 PM   #49
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by numberthirteen:
I thought this mystery was already solved in the court of public opinion

public opinion is uneducated and full of bias

Old 01-14-2002, 03:06 PM   #50
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Helena Handbasket:
Is it anything like "Sid and Nancy"?
Doesn't Courtney actually have a part in that movie? Weird.

I've never seen sid and nancy, but the bbc documentary has a lot of good insights to courtney's past. they do interviews with her X boyfriends who all claim she's crazy, they do mutiple interviews with her dad who also claims she's crazy... he also says that she was having an affair with billy corgan while cobain was in rehab.

he also does an interview iwth el duce

el duce was later killed about a week after the interview.

the documentary also has an interview with the last babysitter to work for the cobain family... she left the job about a week or so before he died because she couldn't take the houshold fighting over the will and other things like that. Aparently also there is suspiscion that courtney turned frances bean off of kurt by ruining her image of her. she used to love her dad, but the babysitter said the last time he came home to see her she was scared of him for som ereason.

also, the documentary contains interviews with journalists assulted by courtney. this one young book writer recieved many answering machine messages in which her life was threatened by kurt and courtney respectively. at one point they talk about paying somebody to have her killed.

lots of proof that if anything else, courtney is crazy.

go watch the documentary. it's great.

I wish i could move the stars for you....
Watch them fall and sparkle fade into the sea

Cause if the stars would fall for me...
Then surely you would too

LJ aim: hopeforvicki

Old 01-14-2002, 03:33 PM   #51
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Nate the Grate:
that's gonna be one helluva Behind the Music
Courtney owns 1/4 of the Nirvana name... and she refuses to allow a Behind the Music on Nirvana... mostly because she knows some of this shit would come up.


Old 01-14-2002, 05:09 PM   #52
Posts: n/a

I'd like to point out that courtney's father said she was having an affair WITH EVAN DANDO at that time. he met dando, yadda yadda when he went to visit her, they were sleeping in the same hotel bed and so on. courtney kicks dando out and calls kurt. her father says that that was the closest he had been to kurt.

i was also reading grants case files where he says the press was saying courtney was greiving in seattle when in actuality she was calling grant from arizona and bragging about sleeping with corgan three weeks after kurts death. so i went to SPFC (i was ticked and curious) to see what citys SP had been playing in in that span of time and they weren't in AZ. actually they were heading to europe if i recall. SP weren't in arizona until august of that year.

Dinner ready is Pizza?!

Old 01-14-2002, 05:20 PM   #53
Posts: n/a

and what exactly happened to El Duce? how'd he die? details?

Dinner ready is Pizza?!

Old 01-14-2002, 05:22 PM   #54
Posts: n/a

el duche was an alchoholic... supposedly, he killed himself jumping in front of a train...

though i don't believe that either...he knew too much.

and i also heard that kurt was having an affair with Holes old bass player (i forget her name)... but then she died of an overdose in her bathtub...


Old 01-14-2002, 05:59 PM   #55
Posts: n/a

heh. i wonder what would happen if someone made a post about this on the hole board and Courtney saw it. . .

Old 01-14-2002, 06:01 PM   #56
Posts: n/a

she'd send someone after you... *shudder*

actually, to be honest, with the whole Billy vs. Courtney during Celebrity Skin thing, I thought he'd be the next to go... she's fucked up like that.

Old 01-14-2002, 06:26 PM   #57
Red Wine Cage
Posts: n/a

Dude,okay,one thing I don't get:

When was this 'suicide'/retirement letter written?

Did he just decide one day to take heroin and write out a bunch of drivel about quitting?

Did someone come over as he was writing the letter and give him lots of heroin?

Maybe I'm not being clear with my ?'s...

"You're living in the past,man!You're hung up on some clown from the sixties,MAN!!"


Old 01-14-2002, 07:46 PM   #58
Posts: n/a

Courtney was obviously taken by sid and nancy as the whole thing seems like a glorified kurt and courtney (the ppl, not the movie). also you can tell courtney thought she would make a better nancy than the person who played nancy- and she probably would've, but there's something about her being gross looking that would've been lost if courtney had of played it. Even if you think courtney is ugly, you'll agree that she's 1,000 times hotter than nancy in the movie.

Originally posted by teebo11:

they do interviews with her X boyfriends who all claim she's crazy, they do mutiple interviews with her dad who also claims she's crazy... he also says that she was having an affair with billy corgan while cobain was in rehab.

the documentary also has an interview with the last babysitter to work for the cobain family... she left the job about a week or so before he died because she couldn't take the houshold fighting over the will and other things like that.

also, the documentary contains interviews with journalists assulted by courtney.

lots of proof that if anything else, courtney is crazy
and that there are lots of people that hate her. I also think they were the type of ppl that would say anything to get on camera. No one he interviewed had any credibility, most were drug addicts, and courtney's dad was so uncredible the film maker wonders outloud whether anything he says is true.


Old 01-14-2002, 10:53 PM   #59
Posts: n/a

HI ClinT!!!!!!!!
huh? my name isn't Clint....

as for Kurt's retirement letter: he was tired of playing verse-chorus-verse stuff, and he was going to leave the grungr scene and start an experimental group. he wrote a goodbye letter because he felt that most of his old fans wouldn't listen to what he wanted to start doing.

Old 01-14-2002, 11:38 PM   #60
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by PhantomFM:
Courtney was obviously taken by sid and nancy as the whole thing seems like a glorified kurt and courtney (the ppl, not the movie). also you can tell courtney thought she would make a better nancy than the person who played nancy- and she probably would've, but there's something about her being gross looking that would've been lost if courtney had of played it. Even if you think courtney is ugly, you'll agree that she's 1,000 times hotter than nancy in the movie.

and that there are lots of people that hate her. I also think they were the type of ppl that would say anything to get on camera. No one he interviewed had any credibility, most were drug addicts, and courtney's dad was so uncredible the film maker wonders outloud whether anything he says is true.

they all werent drug addicts-there were journalists with SAVED messages that Courtney had left on their answering machines-threatening to either kill them or sue them for saying stuff about her she didnt like. There was even a former babysitter who was talking about how she was scared of Courtney.


Friend (of the nanny): "She's really scared. She's always been afraid to talk about this."

Broomfield: "How long was she the nanny?"

Friend: "Um, 4 or 5 months. They go through nannies like people go through cleaners."

Broomfield: "Really ?"

Friend: "Yes."

Broomfield: "And she's really frightened?"

Friend: "Yes"

Broomfield: "What is she frightened of ?"

Friend: "Courtney."

Broomfield now talks about the nanny: "She had become very depressed and withdrawn following her time at the house (Kurts house) just before Kurt died. I asked her what was so strange in those last weeks."

Nanny: "There was just way too much will talk. A few different times. Major will talk. Just talking about his will and..."

Broomfield: "What kind of points?"

Nanny: "Courtney talking about his will and... I mean what a thing to talk about.” (Nervous laugh.)

Broomfield: "And was this just sort of prior to his...."

Nanny: "Yeah, I mean the month that I was up there was like, I came home for a what? A week? and then he died. I had quit for like, a week."

Broomfield: "Why did you quit?"

Nanny: "Because I couldn't stand it up there.”(nervous laugh.)

Broomfield: "And what did you think of Kurt himself?"

Nanny: "Ummm..."

Broomfield: "I heard he was a very caring father."

Nanny (nodding in agreement): "Yes, more caring than he was let to be.”(nervous laugh.)

Friend: "What do you mean?"

Nanny: "She just totally controlled him... every second that she could."

Broomfield: "What do you think he wanted?"

Nanny: "To get away from Courtney. And I think he just didn't have a way because..... (trails off).

Honestly, i find most of those druggies more credible than courtney anyways given her record-she will do or say ANYTHING to get what she wants and anything to make herself look good(shes proven that with releasing false info to the press, etc.) She fucking did heroin when she was pregnant-now, im skeptical to trust anyone who's addicted to heroin but anyone who does it while pregnant is a severely fucked up person.


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