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Old 02-04-2002, 08:14 PM   #61
Posts: n/a

who wrote it?

Old 02-05-2002, 01:36 AM   #62
Posts: n/a
Red face

i forget, lemme check

beverly tatum. she's a bit too radical for me at times, but a lot of what she wrote in that book really gives a great view on racism.

Old 02-05-2002, 05:28 PM   #63
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by melancholia:

A totally agree...and I really think it's bullshit how people here automatically throw insults at you when they don't agree... calling someone an "ignorant fuck" just because they see things differently that you do, isn't really mature.
If I throw insults, it's because I was offended by your "opinion."

i'm not a racist...but i do believe that many minorities are.
It would help yourself if you just said there are racists everywhere, instead of singling out minorities.

As I've said before, I'm Irish... I wouldn't show up to an interview in a kilt anymore than a black person would show up in traditional african garbs... we all have cultural differences... but we keep them for the most part, at home.
I made the point about clothing as being symbolic of cultural pride and how it's entitled to everyone, not just minorities. When the hell did I mention people wearing traditional garments to work, school, etc.?

You don't see people of German decent walking around in don't see Dutch people walking around in wooden shoes... why? Because there are times and places for that. This is not a black-white issue. This is an everyone issue.
This is so beside the point I am not even going to comment on it.

But I'm not talking about how people dress. I'm talking about how in all of our strides for equality, we've made people even more separated. I mean, seriously... people are so bent on fucking political correctness that this conversation itself is offensive and taboo, even though the only intention is to have a discussion about something.
Yeah, I just sent the ACLU after you. So watch out!

Some people should lighten up... I've never seen and Asian person bitching about their "opression" and saying that they're excluded from America because Fridays doesn't offer chopsticks. So...why should black people bitch about how the fucking "gap" is marketing to them to make them more "white"? that is pure bullshit.
Man, oh man. Stop complaining about something that doesn't exist. Asians go to Fridays and they don't complain that there are no chopsticks. You know what else? Blacks don't go to the Gap and complain that they don't sell any FUBU gear. Go re-read Ian's post about clothing if you still haven't figured out why the Gap/Gucci, etc. can be seen as a disenfranchisement of cultures.

I know that in some parts of the country, racism still exists... but not here, not where I live...and I find it offensive to my culture, that holidays and months and concerts are given in the name of minorities, just because their skin tone is darker than mine.
Oh please. You live in NYC, right? Just because there are many ethnicities present doesn't mean it's some kind racial equality haven. Are you fucking blind and don't notice the socioeconomic divisions in your perfect lil' metropolis? The race issue is tied in to that. You seem to be arguing on the basis that America is some kind of racial utopia which isn't even worth discussing.

When I applied to NYU... they had a "minority orientation" in central park, 2 weeks after the "prospective student orientation"... why? are black students better? do they really need a special day just for them?

It's fucking skin color, get over it.
*sigh* And there's lots of baggage that comes with it, dear.

This isn't even about culture

...its about skin color... It also pisses me off how when I filled out my college aplications, I had to check a race... and there was no box for my race. Sure, they had "African American" with 50 sub-boxes to check off exactly where in Africa your line comes from... and they had "Hispanic" from 30 different countries...
30 different countries? I have never came across anything like that and I've filled many applications to various colleges. Usually they use that for statistical purposes anyway. You're beginning to exaggerate things; you're really irked by this issue aren't you? And you can't help but place a little of that anger on minorities, huh? Hm, I sense a little...racism? :x

But all they had for me...was a little box that said WHITE Well, that is insulting to MY fucking culture. I'm Irish/Italian/French/Spanish...well, where was my fucking "European Descent" box?
Once again, they put these things usually for statistical purpose. Minorities get a little more representation (a little, okay? not the exaggeration you're making) because we understand less about minorities and need to make more detailed analyses of them.

That's not equality anymore.
That's just a fucking survey!

I care how this world is making it harder to be white.

Bam! You finally admitted it! The world would be so much better if everyone acted white! If you don't see anything racist about that statement, then it's truly hopeless to get my point across to you.

If all minorites wanted was equality, why isn't there? Why is it that when a white person has a problem, it's always "Rich white bastards"
Okay, now you're just stereotyping minorities. Isn't a large majority of affluent people white anyway?

Why is it assumed that the only people who care about these issues are wealthy? I do not look down on anyone, black, white, asian...I don't care. I see people as people. It's that simple.
Good for you. A large number of minorities share the same view and agree with you. You tend to forget that.

Go ahead, call me an just don't fucking get it...because you're too dense even to understand another persons outlook.
I'm not going to try to understand your "opinion," because I already do. You made your point clearly. I live in the most multicultural city in the the most multicultural state in the most multicultural country. I come across people who share your views everyday, so don't start with this dense bullshit. If any one here is dense, it's you, for not even attempting to see my logic. And I seriously doubt you read any of the counterarguments to your opinion in this thread because you keep rehashing old ideas.

[This message has been edited by Mayfuck (edited 02-05-2002).]

Old 02-05-2002, 05:34 PM   #64
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by melancholia:
I care how this world is making it harder to be white.
Originally posted by melancholia:
I care how this world is making it harder to be white.
Originally posted by melancholia:
I care how this world is making it harder to be white.
Originally posted by melancholia:
I care how this world is making it harder to be white.
Originally posted by melancholia:
I care how this world is making it harder to be white.
Originally posted by melancholia:
I care how this world is making it harder to be white.
Originally posted by melancholia:
I care how this world is making it harder to be white.
Originally posted by melancholia:
I care how this world is making it harder to be white.
Originally posted by melancholia:
I care how this world is making it harder to be white.
Originally posted by melancholia:
I care how this world is making it harder to be white.

Old 02-05-2002, 05:38 PM   #65
doctor gonzo
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up

best thread ever.


Old 02-05-2002, 05:46 PM   #66
Smack Me In My Mouth
Posts: n/a

Oh, hey, it's this post again.

I see Julio, that crafty Latino, is once again persecuting the White Man. Give it up, man--melancholia has proved without a doubt that we have universal acceptance and "tolerance" in our society. I mean, why else would we have to check boxes when we apply to college? It's almost a shame. I miss the old status quo already.

Old 02-05-2002, 05:54 PM   #67
Posts: n/a

Old 02-05-2002, 06:04 PM   #68
Posts: n/a

It has been officially verified by Julio that meloncholia is a dumbshit.

Do you even know what it's like for life to be 'hard'? I mean, something worse than having the Banana Republic running out of Khakis in your size. Has anyone in your family been enslaved? Have you ever been oppressed by people simply because of your race? Have you ever been grossly stereotyped to the point where people won't trust you or give your proper wages? Have you ever been turned down for a job because of the color of your skin? Until any of these things happen on a regular basis, shut the fuck up about how life is becoming oh so hard because you are caucasian.

Old 02-05-2002, 07:33 PM   #69
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by ******:
shut the fuck up about how life is becoming oh so hard because you are caucasian.
I don't want to get into some big debate here, but before you say that with any ounce of sincerity, it may be a reality that isn't that far away. This is just food for thought, so please do not take it as arguing one way or the other...

According to United Nations statistics, the current birth and death rate of people of European descent in America compared to the birth and death rate of minorities is so overmatched by the latter that by sometime in the next 20-30 years people of European descent will be passed up by the minorities that exist now. It's not just the birth rate, though. The overwhelming immigration plays a big part, too, especially when several million or so of those are illegals.

So, realistically, if birth rates don't change, and our immigration policy remains so ragged, American will no longer have people of European descent as a majority sometime around 2035.

I don't take issue with any of this, it just seemed like something that might spark more discussion--as I think those who even see this as worrisome have only domestic policy and poor border control to blame, but it's something worth noting.

[This message has been edited by tweedyburd (edited 02-05-2002).]

Old 02-05-2002, 09:32 PM   #70
Posts: n/a

******... i'm not caucasian... my grandfather was spanish (not as in Spain) as in Puerto Rico. My mothers last name is Aguilo'... her side of the family speaks Spanish...

and by saying "understand what i'm trying to say" doesn't fucking mean to agree with me... but you don't have to act like a prick when I don't agree with your opinion.

Yes, I do live in a place where racism is pretty rare. I'm not saying that there is no racism...I'm saying that it's pretty rare.

Colleges ask about race because they want to ensure that their college doesn't get called racist when they don't allow the "right" percentage of minorities in. Same thing in the fucking workplace... if you hire a white guy over a minority...they'll fucking sue. regardless of who was more qualified.

it happens everywhere. a guy is speeding, he gets pulled over...if he's white, that's OK...if he's's racial profiling. give me a break... i hear about this shit all the time...

History and society should not be dictated by what you look like, it should be dictated by what you contribute.

Minorites are in history books... everywhere... just open your eyes and look.

Every single group has been discriminated against... Catholics, Protestants, Pagans, Jews, Irish, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Blacks.

...but why is it only some groups who complain about it? my grandmother has told me fucking stories about how she wasn't allowed to go to the catholic school just because she was Italian... she's not screaming about her "oppression".

I feel lucky that I was born looking "whiter" than my grandfather, maybe I've avoided all the "oppression" that you claim that you have... but i know of lots of people who agree with me... and they're not all white.

200 years of oppression is NOTHING compared to what the Jews had (2000 years) 200 years of oppression is NOTHING compared to what the Native Americans endured... and these groups don't ask for special treatment...

Neither does the "white" majority...which is really just a mix of other cultures. It's not us-against-them...

Those "ghettos" you speak of Julio, have been inhabited by countless generations of "white" people, Jews have lived in ghettos too...except they were shot in theirs.

What the hell is wrong with "mainstream america"? why do you have to resist so fucking much? Every other culture has gotten used to what you need to do to succeed in this country.

You don't need reparations...everyone has gotten some crap in their lives... you don't need anymore than any other cultural group

BET and non-black concerts *is* promoting segregation...if you want it to stop...stop it yourself.

Old 02-05-2002, 09:33 PM   #71
Posts: n/a

******... just because you don't agree, doesn't mean that you have to act like a prick about it...seriously.

by the way Julio, you're way cooler on AIM.

Old 02-06-2002, 12:24 AM   #72
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

Originally posted by Black jellie bean:
I hate when people play it like a trump card,
while in tight jams,
also I hate how because they're the minority, they get to be racist, giving them more initial rights than everyone else
puff daddy or p diddy (or what ever the fuck he is) does a concert to support the african americans who died on 9-11,
If someone tried to pull a concert for the white people who died the fucking race flag would be up and that would be the end of it.
we're all fucking human
I don't see the point of this shit
*I know that I'm half being hipicritical

heres a clue, go tell someone who gives a fuck.

Old 02-06-2002, 12:30 AM   #73
Posts: n/a

I'm not going to try to argue with you anymore, Jenn. You've made it clear by regurgitating the same thing you posted on the first page that you don't care to refute or acknowledge points I made in this thread and that you have no inclination to absolve your ignorance

Originally posted by melancholia:
by the way Julio, you're way cooler on AIM.
I'm cool when I talk to you on AIM, but I'm no longer cool when I disagree with you. Dense? Netphoria, you make the call!

[This message has been edited by Mayfuck (edited 02-05-2002).]

Old 02-06-2002, 04:43 AM   #74
Saturday Night Siva
Posts: n/a

Hands down the best quote in this thread.

"even though i had to kick his ass a few times cause he had a penchant fro getting drunk and smacking his wife, he was good people"


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