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Old 09-29-2014, 12:56 PM   #31
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Well you can dial in certain aspects of the fuzz on different pedals, and then different fuzz pedals will have different qualities anyways.

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Old 09-29-2014, 02:01 PM   #32
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Also depends a lot on what color your guitar is

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Old 09-30-2014, 12:02 AM   #33
The Omega Concern
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Originally Posted by noyen View Post
25-35-45-55-75-95, but i've also used 14-18-26-44-68 as well as 24-34-44-56-72-84 - just depends on what sets i can find since for a long time (i haven't checked recently) it was hard to find sets of strings like the original. the larger gauges, especially 25-95 is quite floppy on the low end. the action on it is kind of hard to deal with all the time so i like to go with the smaller gauges. it sounds amazeballs most of the time. it's hard to play.

25-95's??? 68's, 84... good lorrrd. Dude, why don't you just start doing heroin. It's probably safer.

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Old 09-30-2014, 12:21 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by The Omega Concern View Post
25-95's??? 68's, 84... good lorrrd. Dude, why don't you just start doing heroin. It's probably safer.
25-95 is standard bass vi gauge. the smaller gauges take care of action problems and floppy buzzing. i don't get your heroin joke.

lizard people.

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Old 09-30-2014, 12:42 AM   #35
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I just like to think of it as a guitar, not a bass. In that context, those heavy strings are off the hook and its built to handle it. Strats do well with Zvex stuff btw...if you care to go to insane tone land. I had a nice Strat for awhile and the single coils on it with a Fuzz Factory was in the metal God tone realm and just a few tweaks away from an overpowering Creamy Dreamer like set-up.

Coming out of a full stack in a small room and it feels like your getting closer to the tone of creation. I think i had 13 -52's once and did it. Always wanted to use that set-up with the Baritone Strat, never have. It was like chasing the dragon in some ways...hence the heroin reference.

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Old 10-01-2014, 07:22 PM   #36
The exploding boy
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These are some of my guitars

Gretsch Nashville '67

Fernandes Vertigo

The others are a black and white Squier Strat and a black and white Aria Pro II FS (strat copy). so cheap shit really. I also have a Seagull acoustic and a Gibson Chet Atkins SST which is a semi acoustic but i play neither of those really as i don't like acoustic guitar pretty much at all. I inherited them though that's why i have them. I'd sell the Gibson if the finish wasn't so fucked up it's not even worth 400$ anymore (when technically it should be worth around 1300$)

Really while i should be playing the gretsch the most, i like the cheap Squier strat best i'm afraid.... I used to wonder why, then realised all the bands i like used cheap instruments in their beginnings (robert smith plays a sears guitar on Three imaginary boys for one). So i figure cheap guitar is the sound i've grown to like.

These are my basses.

As much as i can sorta play guitar i still prefer playing bass by far. I only decided to get passable on guitar all these years back so i didn't have to deal with guitar players who always want to throw some shit in like some jazz chords they've been learning. Like i'm supposed to give a fuck, nevermind like it.

I don't really play the Epi though, its the least comfortable bass i've ever tried and also it sounds very early 70's (obviously meant to) which is a sound i don't like. As soon as you turn the mudbucker on it's like the worst muffled distorted definition-less sound ever. I've been trying to sell it. It weighs a ton and the neck will hit the floor if you don't hold it. Still not sure why they make any instruments out of mahogany.

The Douglas is the prettiest thing i've ever owned. I've always wanted a black semi hollow like that and it took me years to find an affordable and yet good sounding one. This is as good as it gets unless i'd be willing to get a custom made. Ideally i'd like a bridge pickup too but what can you do... with a lot of fiddling i can get almsot any tone i like out of it

The Ibanez was bottom of the line, it's the first instrument i ever bought in 1996. It's also probably still to this day the best sounding bass i've played. for my money anyway. It is pretty much a fender in sound though, obviously with the J and P. It doesnt look like much but it looks worse seen vertically really.

As for gear, well i kinda hate gear really. I hate turning knobs and plugging stuff and spending ridiculous amount of cash on it. I know i'm supposed to be into this shit but i could never be. Nowadays I tend to just plug into a DAW and use Amplitude or Guitar Rig for effects. I have four Boss pedals (chorus, flange, distortion and delay) and i pretty much never use them as i can get better results through these software.

Last edited by The exploding boy : 10-01-2014 at 07:29 PM.

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Old 10-01-2014, 07:25 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by The exploding boy View Post
white Aria Pro II FS (strat copy).
my first guitar was a blue one. still have it but it needs the jack rewired. it's beat to hell. played it for ten years in numerous bands before i upgraded.

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Old 10-01-2014, 07:28 PM   #38
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as far as sears guitars go im still on the lookout for the "perfect" 70s department store guitar. love those weirdo japanese models like airline, silvertone, harmony, kay, teisco, etc. played a bunch and owned a bunch but never kept one.

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Old 10-02-2014, 02:20 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by slunken View Post
my first guitar was a blue one. still have it but it needs the jack rewired. it's beat to hell. played it for ten years in numerous bands before i upgraded.
This was my first too. Well it was my grandad's and he gave it to my brother cause he had picked up guitar then i started messing around with it and later on when my brother stopped playing it became mine. It's still an alright guitar. Its not like i could sell it for more than like 50$ anyway so why bother. I did use it on a recording just this year.

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Old 10-03-2014, 04:20 AM   #40
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I actually had two of my guitars stolen a few months ago....

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Old 10-03-2014, 05:13 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by The exploding boy View Post
These are some of my guitars

Gretsch Nashville '67

Fernandes Vertigo

The others are a black and white Squier Strat and a black and white Aria Pro II FS (strat copy). so cheap shit really. I also have a Seagull acoustic and a Gibson Chet Atkins SST which is a semi acoustic but i play neither of those really as i don't like acoustic guitar pretty much at all. I inherited them though that's why i have them. I'd sell the Gibson if the finish wasn't so fucked up it's not even worth 400$ anymore (when technically it should be worth around 1300$)

Really while i should be playing the gretsch the most, i like the cheap Squier strat best i'm afraid.... I used to wonder why, then realised all the bands i like used cheap instruments in their beginnings (robert smith plays a sears guitar on Three imaginary boys for one). So i figure cheap guitar is the sound i've grown to like.

These are my basses.

As much as i can sorta play guitar i still prefer playing bass by far. I only decided to get passable on guitar all these years back so i didn't have to deal with guitar players who always want to throw some shit in like some jazz chords they've been learning. Like i'm supposed to give a fuck, nevermind like it.

I don't really play the Epi though, its the least comfortable bass i've ever tried and also it sounds very early 70's (obviously meant to) which is a sound i don't like. As soon as you turn the mudbucker on it's like the worst muffled distorted definition-less sound ever. I've been trying to sell it. It weighs a ton and the neck will hit the floor if you don't hold it. Still not sure why they make any instruments out of mahogany.

The Douglas is the prettiest thing i've ever owned. I've always wanted a black semi hollow like that and it took me years to find an affordable and yet good sounding one. This is as good as it gets unless i'd be willing to get a custom made. Ideally i'd like a bridge pickup too but what can you do... with a lot of fiddling i can get almsot any tone i like out of it

The Ibanez was bottom of the line, it's the first instrument i ever bought in 1996. It's also probably still to this day the best sounding bass i've played. for my money anyway. It is pretty much a fender in sound though, obviously with the J and P. It doesnt look like much but it looks worse seen vertically really.

As for gear, well i kinda hate gear really. I hate turning knobs and plugging stuff and spending ridiculous amount of cash on it. I know i'm supposed to be into this shit but i could never be. Nowadays I tend to just plug into a DAW and use Amplitude or Guitar Rig for effects. I have four Boss pedals (chorus, flange, distortion and delay) and i pretty much never use them as i can get better results through these software.

Sick guitars man. Looks like you got a nice little jam space too, you any good at those keys?

I like jamming out on my Squire strat too. I think ultimately because it's just so damn easy to play because the necks so small on it and I think the frets are a little smaller than usual.

Theres actually people out there who put new pick-ups in their squire and use em as their main guitars.

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Old 10-03-2014, 08:26 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by fuzzyroes View Post
Sick guitars man. Looks like you got a nice little jam space too, you any good at those keys?

I like jamming out on my Squire strat too. I think ultimately because it's just so damn easy to play because the necks so small on it and I think the frets are a little smaller than usual.

Theres actually people out there who put new pick-ups in their squire and use em as their main guitars.
I'm not that good at "those keys" no. I guess the most complex thing i can play is like..Mellon collie or something (the song) which is dead simple. I didn't really practice past the first like 4 months, i picked up keys about a year ago. I just wanted to be able to add simple lines to my songs.

Though i do write synthpop type stuff now but recording isn't like playing in a live setting. You don't have to be that good and it's more about textures than playing difficult parts. Also the keyboard in the pic is a piece of shit. Like beginner type stuff. It's part of the gear I inherited it when my grandad died (who had a proper home studio) but if i hadn't had it i wouldn't have picked up playing keys so i'm grateful for it. I have a 61 keys midi controller now. I looked at vintage synths for a while ( i love 80's synthpop and 80's electronic soundtracks like Goblin, Vangelis, that kind of stuff) but the decent ones were out of my budget range and with synth software nowadays you can do all that stuff anyway.

This is the latest instrumental i wrote (not really finished there's a few things that need changing and improving) and the first to be all synth. Even the beat i played on keys though really the "snare" sounds ridiculously thin and i want to change it. It takes a while to get going, ideally there will be voice on it at some point (not by me).

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Old 10-03-2014, 08:30 AM   #43
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Speaking of voice does anyone have decent experience with mics for voice?

I've been looking at buying a Rode NT1

Which is kinda above my budget at 300$ but i want to get something that's above decent and i hear it's pretty good. But if anyoen has suggestions...

I own a Blue Snoball USB mic but it turns out it's pretty much shit for singing. that or i suck at figuring out how to make it sound good. It picks up so much noise.

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Old 10-03-2014, 11:41 AM   #44
bye june
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Originally Posted by Poots View Post
I'm one of those guys who never sells any piece of gear. I've sold one guitar in my life just because the guy kept hounding me about it and I never played it. I'm always amazed by guys who can let go of gear. I'm afraid I would regret it forever.
I know what you mean...sometimes I'll think about getting rid of one or replacing one but then I'll immediately be like "man I'll miss that one too much if I sell it."

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Old 10-03-2014, 11:45 AM   #45
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I was recently given two guitars for free, one electric Fender and one acoustic with a shitty paint job.

They're both pretty terrible cheap guitars so I'm thinking about smashing them for a music video or something. Is that bad? The acoustic one is ulgy and sounds really bad...I wouldn't feel bad about destroying it for a cool video.

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Old 10-03-2014, 04:18 PM   #46
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I looked it up, most sites dont have it avilable but it was 300$ USD when it was. The NT1 is 269 (i meant 300$ canadian). Of course that's only about like 31$ difference so not a deal breaker. On paper it seems pretty similar i have to say. I was attracted by the Rode because i read it us one of the quietest mic in its price range. the shure seems to boast about very low self noise too. Maybe it's a crapshoot between the two. I'll see if i can get a Shure cheaper on ebay, but i'm probably still settled on the Rode for now.

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Old 10-03-2014, 05:18 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by fuzzyroes View Post
Theres actually people out there who put new pick-ups in their squire and use em as their main guitars.
i mentioned this earlier. if you find a squire that you like the neck of it's the best deal in town for a great guitar. i like the feel of the vintage squire series telecasters.

about 6 months i passed up on one of those "vintage" line of squire teles but it had a killer pickup upgraded on it. guy only wanted i think $140 for it w/hsc i still think about it from time to time. my next purchase is definitely going to be that when the time comes.

what i hate is havling, for instance, a crummy bass in a case that rarely gets played and is only used once in a while for recording and then 3 different mediocre keyboards instead of one great one.

i have a gretsch electromatic that i never play casually. just recording once in a while. i can't sell it either so it's just taking up space and hopefully accruing value as the years pass. owning that guitar really makes me want to join a rock band as a rhythm guitarist. it's a great axe it's just not quite cut out for the type of playing i do everyday or am exploring in my solo work (frippertronics). then because i have it and rarely play it i feel like i'm neglecting it. ugh

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Old 10-03-2014, 05:22 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by bye june View Post
I was recently given two guitars for free, one electric Fender and one acoustic with a shitty paint job.

They're both pretty terrible cheap guitars so I'm thinking about smashing them for a music video or something. Is that bad? The acoustic one is ulgy and sounds really bad...I wouldn't feel bad about destroying it for a cool video.
i'm curious...

can you post pictures of the guitars

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Old 10-04-2014, 09:34 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by slunken View Post
i mentioned this earlier. if you find a squire that you like the neck of it's the best deal in town for a great guitar. i like the feel of the vintage squire series telecasters.
I actually use one of those Squire Telecaster "California Vibe" basses. I got it set up and it plays really well. You can't really replace the pickup though, as it's a special unique single pickup meant to get that 60s Motown bass sound.

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Old 10-04-2014, 12:16 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by slunken View Post
i'm curious...

can you post pictures of the guitars

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Old 10-04-2014, 12:37 PM   #51
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Thise dont look fucked enough for smashing. Lol at the flames though.

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Old 10-04-2014, 12:42 PM   #52
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Yea but they sound terrible.

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Old 10-04-2014, 12:58 PM   #53
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I'd sell them before I wrecked them. That's just me doe.

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Old 02-07-2015, 07:44 PM   #54
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thinking about picking up a voodoo labs pedal power 4x4. pretty boring purchase.

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Old 02-08-2015, 06:45 PM   #55
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anyone know much about the clone guitars and which knock offs are the best? i'm in the market for an electric guitar but my budget is only about 200 now. seen some tele knockoffs on ebay in the 300 range. would like something gretsch or jaguar in style though.

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Old 02-08-2015, 07:29 PM   #56
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Probably don't buy those from china...which most of them are.

I considered getting a knockoff Gibson EB-2 bass forever two years ago because the body looked fantastic. what i heard bout chinese knockoffs is...usually the body is fine. It's the electronics they skimp on. A lot of people who know their shit buy a chinese knock off then change the electronics. If you have knowledge of this shit it can be worth it..on the other hand, you'll sitll have to get some decent pickups unless you have some lying about.

Also about knockoffs, there's some shameless knockoffs that actually will have brand names on the headstock. I hear that customs are aware of those and often times won't let them in. Which means you waste the money and get nothing. Anyway it goes without saying anyone actually using brand names for their knockoffs are probably so morally wrong that their instruments must be all kind of awful.

do you know rondomusic? They have instrument ranging from like 80$ to 600$

(there's a jaguar knockoff on that page)

Their knockoffs have a good reputation and are really cheap. The semi hollow bass to the far left i posted above is from rondo. For the price i paid (400 but the shipping was very high because i'm in canada AND they wouldnt send it without a case which i also had to buy...great case actually for the price), i'm very happy. They're american but what they actually do is they DO buy knockoff bodies (well not JUst knockoffs some are original i think, like my bass is close to an eb2 body wise but isn't exactly an eb-2) from chinese factories but put their own electronics in.

I can't guarantee you'd like it but it's worth looking into. You could possibly find reviews.

For jaguar though, you could go with squier no? Probably would be better than any knockoff.

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Old 02-08-2015, 07:45 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by The exploding boy View Post
Probably don't buy those from china...which most of them are.

I considered getting a knockoff Gibson EB-2 bass forever two years ago because the body looked fantastic. what i heard bout chinese knockoffs is...usually the body is fine. It's the electronics they skimp on. A lot of people who know their shit buy a chinese knock off then change the electronics. If you have knowledge of this shit it can be worth it..on the other hand, you'll sitll have to get some decent pickups unless you have some lying about.

Also about knockoffs, there's some shameless knockoffs that actually will have brand names on the headstock. I hear that customs are aware of those and often times won't let them in. Which means you waste the money and get nothing. Anyway it goes without saying anyone actually using brand names for their knockoffs are probably so morally wrong that their instruments must be all kind of awful.

do you know rondomusic? They have instrument ranging from like 80$ to 600$

(there's a jaguar knockoff on that page)

Their knockoffs have a good reputation and are really cheap. The semi hollow bass to the far left i posted above is from rondo. For the price i paid (400 but the shipping was very high because i'm in canada AND they wouldnt send it without a case which i also had to buy...great case actually for the price), i'm very happy. They're american but what they actually do is they DO buy knockoff bodies (well not JUst knockoffs some are original i think, like my bass is close to an eb2 body wise but isn't exactly an eb-2) from chinese factories but put their own electronics in.

I can't guarantee you'd like it but it's worth looking into. You could possibly find reviews.

For jaguar though, you could go with squier no? Probably would be better than any knockoff.

awesome, thanks for the response. yeah, i am actually okay with messing with internal electronic components and stuff. i do a lot of soldering and projects like that.

ill def check out rondo music. looks like stuff im looking for.

you're right about the squires. they play fine. its just something about it in my head with branding i need to get over. i'd be fine with some wild name/no name guitar but for some reason squire's have never impressed me in the past. ive heard they have all gotten better and the difference between usa and squire isnt so large now. it's the made in japan fenders that are actually really well made. at least in my experience.

thanks dude. exactly what i was lookin for.

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Old 02-08-2015, 08:33 PM   #58
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I'm anti branding too. Well what i mean is...there's so many people willing to pay ridiculous amounts of cash to get brand names when sometimes the difference is so slight in quality. Or they're not serious enough about music or play well enough that it should really make a difference (id probably have to ******* myself in those). I mean they don't realise that PART of the reason for the much higher price IS the brand name. Like a 800$ Gibson is rarely twice as good as a 400$ Epiphone. You have to factor the brand into the price. Personally ill play anything, any knockoff bullshit, if it sounds and plays alright to my ears. I don't care about the brand. But for some it's like, if it doesn't say fender or gibson they won't be seen with it...

Ultimately with cheaper instruments though, unless you can find reviews or try it for yourself before buying, it's always gonna be a BIT of a crapshoot. As long as you're aware of that.. But you can always resell. You'r already ahead of me if you can mess with electronics. I have no patience for this shit and never learned anything of the like.

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Old 02-08-2015, 08:56 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by noyen View Post
anyone know much about the clone guitars and which knock offs are the best? i'm in the market for an electric guitar but my budget is only about 200 now. seen some tele knockoffs on ebay in the 300 range. would like something gretsch or jaguar in style though.
the squier "classic vibe" tele is an awesome guitar. you can get them used for dirt cheap (under 200) and it's easy to upgrade the pickups.

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Old 02-08-2015, 09:01 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Poots View Post
I've always though I needed something like that too. I just use the 1Spot thing which works perfectly and only costs $20 or something, but for some reason I think I need to spend $200 on something that does exactly the same thing.
i run both into the front of the amp and into its stereo fx loop. it's an older amp too and i use a lot of effects with digital clocks. that said, the one spot was useless for me (i was able to successfully power about 1/3 of my board)

i was disappoint when i got there because while they are in stock at the warehouse they aren't in the actual store yet so they had to have it shipped. ugh.

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