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Old 09-21-2014, 09:18 PM   #1
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Default Guitar Playing and gear thread

Let's talk about playing and buying guitars/pedals/amps etc. in this thread...

I've been playing for a few years on just whatever I could afford which has generally been Made in China Fenders. The Squire lol
I need to buy something that doesn't sound like shit, but I'm still pretty poor any recommendations?

Also, what kind of practice regimen do you keep? Like an hour on Scales then an hour on Songs or.... ?

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Old 09-21-2014, 10:53 PM   #2
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There are some pretty good squires. The vintage 65 series comes to mind. Easy to upgrade pickups too.

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Old 09-22-2014, 12:15 AM   #3
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Ibanez makes some very nice guitars that don't cost too much.

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Old 09-22-2014, 09:50 AM   #4
bye june
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I play an Epiphone Les Paul 100, it sounds pretty good for a $250 guitar, it's not amazing.
My amp is a Marshall 1960 Lead 4X12 Cab with a Tube DSL 100H's pretty awesome. I put down some serious cash for it though... I've got a bunch of Boss pedals too, and one of those DigiTech whammy pedals. Most of this was bought when I still had a job...

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Old 09-22-2014, 10:13 AM   #5
Minion of Satan
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Yay! A gear thread!

My current setup is a Mexi Strat through a Vox AC15

My effects board currently looks like this:

Digitech Whammy ->
EHX MicroPog ->
EHX Double Muff ->
Boss DS-1 ->
EHX Lil Big Muff ->
Death By Audio Total Sonic Annihilation -> effects send ->
EHX Small Clone ->
MXR Phase 90 ->
Boss BF-3 ->
EHX Memory Boy ->
Boss DD-7 -> effects return to Total Sonic Annihilation -> amp

I just got the Death By Audio Flaming Lips' Space Ring Time Destroyer, which should be here on Wednesday (if UPS is right). The thing looks insane so I'm super excited for it!

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Old 09-22-2014, 01:29 PM   #6
The Omega Concern
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I don't GAS anymore (gear acquisition syndrome), so don't get me started. For practice I prefer Line 6 stuff cuz its easier. But if the need arises to actually care about tone and effects, I need someone around to say, "That sounds plenty good enough sir. Please step away from the gear and no one will get hurt."

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Old 09-22-2014, 02:55 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by soniclovenoize View Post
Yay! A gear thread!

My current setup is a Mexi Strat through a Vox AC15

My effects board currently looks like this:

Digitech Whammy ->
EHX MicroPog ->
EHX Double Muff ->
Boss DS-1 ->
EHX Lil Big Muff ->
Death By Audio Total Sonic Annihilation -> effects send ->
EHX Small Clone ->
MXR Phase 90 ->
Boss BF-3 ->
EHX Memory Boy ->
Boss DD-7 -> effects return to Total Sonic Annihilation -> amp

I just got the Death By Audio Flaming Lips' Space Ring Time Destroyer, which should be here on Wednesday (if UPS is right). The thing looks insane so I'm super excited for it!
This sounds pretty awesome even though I don't know anything about half that stuff.I didn't know there was a DOUBLE muff.

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Old 09-22-2014, 02:58 PM   #8
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I have a amp with a bunch of effect built in and also a chorus effect pedal and flanger effect pedal because I use those the most.

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Old 09-22-2014, 03:33 PM   #9
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I have a blue Washburn X which is a Seymour Duncan humbucker and buzz feiten tuning, it's great for those chunky and grungy riffs and stays in tune no matter what I throw at it. It was a bit noisy so I had someone wrap the pickups in foil or something, I can't remember exactly but it helped a LOT.

Picked up a Fender Deluxe Players Strat on Ebay. It sounds heavenly on clean or through a big muff. I have trouble keeping this one in tune, though. Removed the whammy bar.

I used to play through and amp but it's way overpowered for apartment playing. Recently got a Line 6 Pod.

Most cherished pedals would be my Carbon Copy Analog Delay and the Devi Ever (yeah I know) Silver Rose. I can do a lot with those two.

I almost always play acoustic all that being said, I have the same black Takamine that Springsteen plays.

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Old 09-22-2014, 04:08 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Elphenor View Post
This sounds pretty awesome even though I don't know anything about half that stuff.I didn't know there was a DOUBLE muff.
The Double Muff is actually not at all what it sounds like it is! It's actually an overdrive pedal. But more specifically, it's meant to replicate the 60s OD sound, in which they'd just use a razor and slash the speaker cone in their amp to get the rough, dirty sound but not completely fuzzy sound. I love it, it has lots of tonal character to it... especially when combined with other things.

For the other stuff, the Whammy and the MicroPOG are both types of pitchshifters; DS-1 is a really basic garagey distortion pedal; Lil Big Muff is a newer model and more compact Big Muff that in my opinion sounds much like the green Slovitek Big muff, which was my favorite; the Total Sonic Annihilation is hard to explain, but it randomly fucks with your signal to yield insane and unpredictable results, but it won't work alone, it needs other pedals to do it; The Small clone is a chorus pedal, what Cobain used on "Come As You Are"; MXR 90 is phaser; BF-3 is a flanger; the Memory Boy is an analog delay, and the DD-7 is a digital delay, both have their own subtle differences; finally the Space Ring Time Destroyer which is en route is like three ring modulators in one, with tremolo and bitcrusher properties.

Last edited by soniclovenoize : 09-22-2014 at 04:23 PM.

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Old 09-22-2014, 04:23 PM   #11
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I recently built a mini-board to house a new project I'm working on:

any instrument >

POD 2.0 >

Boss BD-2 Blues Driver>
Boss TR-2 Tremelo>
Boss RV-3 Reverb/Delay >
Jamman Solo >

any amp

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Old 09-22-2014, 04:26 PM   #12
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Sonic what do you think about the mini-pog? What do you use it for?

I kind of want one but I've always figured the larger POG would be the way to go but it takes up too much real estate. Haven't gotten an opportunity to actually play with either.

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Old 09-22-2014, 04:46 PM   #13
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I love the MicroPOG, I use it a lot. 98% of the time, I use it to get an "organ" sound. I then match it up with the Small Clone to get a faux spinning Leslie sound as well. You are right, the MicroPOG is less versatile than the actual POG, but it's more compact, and I sorta just use it for that "organ" sound, so it suits me fine.

I also use it to begin an effects chain when I play bass in a completely new band I'm in. It's meant to jump the bass signal up and octave, and the wet signal goes through it's effects and to a guitar amp, and the dry bass just goes to a bass amp. That way, I can play both bass and "guitar" simultaneously.

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Old 09-22-2014, 05:16 PM   #14
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I guess yea I was curious if it did more than just up and down a couple/few octaves. i was wondering if the micro would still let me get organ or piano or keyboard or uke/banjo or flute sounds from it. keyboard sounding stuff.

i still use a digitech synth wah for an envelope lol

like i can dial up a few different organ/synth sounds with what i've already got (also utilizing phasing and chorus and delay) but was wondering how versatile the small POG actually is. My research has told me that it's fairly limited and wouldn't be much of an improvement with what I have. There's just no way I would ever buy A POG or a HOG they're so huge.

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Old 09-22-2014, 05:49 PM   #15
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Yeah the MicroPOG isn't so good to get the flute sounds, that's more for the larger POG. As I sai,d I was just looking for a specific sound, and just utilize it for that.

It can do an alright 12-string sort of sound.

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Old 09-22-2014, 06:00 PM   #16
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I really want to start accumulating more pedals and stuff and get a unique set-up going but I don't know where to start.

I really like clean 80's style tones rather than anything Metal-ish. Like distortion and feedback is great but I don't usually like the "heavy" sound.

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Old 09-22-2014, 06:02 PM   #17
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Usually I just acoustic and I legit know how to play but I really want to move to a mixture of electronic and traditional sounds.

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Old 09-22-2014, 06:04 PM   #18
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jaguar baritone custom aka jaguar bass VI custom

yamaha magicstomp
kaoss pad 4
total sonic annihilation
eh small clone 4600
alesis nanoverb
ni guitar rig 5

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Old 09-22-2014, 06:27 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Elphenor View Post
I really want to start accumulating more pedals and stuff and get a unique set-up going but I don't know where to start.

I really like clean 80's style tones rather than anything Metal-ish.
Buy a used solid-state amp (i'm thinking 80s/90s fender or even peavey) and a cheap chorus pedal to mate with the flanger.

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Old 09-22-2014, 06:33 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Elphenor View Post
I really want to start accumulating more pedals and stuff and get a unique set-up going but I don't know where to start.

I really like clean 80's style tones rather than anything Metal-ish. Like distortion and feedback is great but I don't usually like the "heavy" sound.
I think you might be looking for a Small Clone.

Originally Posted by noyen View Post
total sonic annihilation

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Old 09-22-2014, 06:45 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by soniclovenoize View Post
it's a special pedal for me because my friend julia gave me two when she agreed she would produce a few record projects for me, and i built her two noise machines, a jacked up atari punk machine and a 16 step sequencer noise machine i hacked together. she was foh engineer for suicide, wire, yeah yeah yeahs, slint, mogwai, caribou, the knife, m83, etc.. just tons of people. when she died this year i met up with stuart from mogwai and gave him and the rest of the band some gifts, including the other pedal and some other things. so he has one now. i wonder if they'll end up using it on any future recording.

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Old 09-22-2014, 09:17 PM   #22
The Omega Concern
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Originally Posted by noyen View Post
jaguar baritone custom aka jaguar bass VI custom

What size strings you got on that monster? I always wanted to play one through a Zvex Fuzz Factory and a full stack. I figure it could reach steroid level of a creamy Siamese Dream tone.

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Old 09-22-2014, 09:46 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by The Omega Concern View Post
What size strings you got on that monster? I always wanted to play one through a Zvex Fuzz Factory and a full stack. I figure it could reach steroid level of a creamy Siamese Dream tone.
25-35-45-55-75-95, but i've also used 14-18-26-44-68 as well as 24-34-44-56-72-84 - just depends on what sets i can find since for a long time (i haven't checked recently) it was hard to find sets of strings like the original. the larger gauges, especially 25-95 is quite floppy on the low end. the action on it is kind of hard to deal with all the time so i like to go with the smaller gauges. it sounds amazeballs most of the time. it's hard to play.

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Old 09-22-2014, 11:45 PM   #24
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Re-stringed all my guitars today

Dat new string sound tho

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Old 09-23-2014, 09:35 AM   #25
bye june
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Boss SD-1 Super Overdrive - that's my main distortion, I'd like to get a Big Muff soon
Boss CH-1 Super Chorus - my main effect
Boss BF-3 Flanger - my main effect before I got the chorus
Boss MT-2 Metal Zone - I use this mainly for finger tapping stuff
Boss PH-3 Phaser
DigiTech Whammy V - A whammy pedal if you don't have a tremolo arm, I like bending harmonics it's really fun.

Turn em all on at once and let the noisefest begin

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Old 09-25-2014, 06:06 PM   #26
Minion of Satan
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Got my Space Ring Time Destroyer the other day. It's fucking AWESOME.

It was also signed by The Flaming Lips on the bottom, which is dumb because I usually velcro my pedals, so now I have to choose if the pedal should be secured to my board or if I should keep a semblance of resale value...

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Old 09-29-2014, 05:14 AM   #27
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Can someone tell what kind of effects are being used on the guitar here:

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Old 09-29-2014, 09:43 AM   #28
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Just sounds like a fuzz pedal.

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Old 09-29-2014, 10:36 AM   #29
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It sounds so clean like just a solid block of guitar rather than the distortion I hear with most "fuzzy" sounding stuff idk

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Old 09-29-2014, 10:37 AM   #30
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I mean the riff is super simple but pointless on my acoustic lol

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