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Old 02-19-2021, 05:48 PM   #1
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Default Song Exploder

do you guys watch / listen to this? for context, it started out as a podcast, and they now make some episodes for netflix, and the concept is they will talk to an artist about a song they made and get into the motivations, the sounds, etc. they'll have all the various tracks isolated and go through interesting elements you might not have noticed, and it's generally just really cool to hear the artist do a deep dive on a song

i've listened to the podcast here and there, and last night checked out two episodes on netflix: The Killers - When We Were Young and Nine Inch Nails - Hurt

they were both really excellent.

AND! it made me think, what songs from SP would you want to see?

i think Tonight, Tonight would actually be really great. they always pick better-known songs.

they had Flood and Alan Moulder in the Killers episode.

anyhow, just curious if folks here like this podcast / netflix series, and what songs you would want to see the most?

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Old 02-19-2021, 06:54 PM   #2
Joey Goldberg
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i love it, them actually getting access (& playing) most of the individual stems of each song is fantastic

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Old 02-19-2021, 07:42 PM   #3
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ur dad's a dong exploder

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Old 02-19-2021, 08:15 PM   #4
Joey Goldberg
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i'm going to kill you

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Old 02-19-2021, 09:00 PM   #5
Minion of Satan
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Haven't heard of this but I always enjoy the What Makes This Song Great series that Rick Beato does. Even if the song isn't one I like they're still generally pretty interesting. I'm not even sure if I like Rick Beato but it's fun to see him get really excited about a song too you know? And when it is a song I like I almost always end up with an enhanced appreciation for it. I feel like watching these videos has encouraged me to develop more attentive listening habits. I guess I don't really want to listen to music like that all the time though. I'm sorry what was the question?

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Old 02-19-2021, 09:01 PM   #6
Minion of Satan
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Oh, SP songs. Probably Hummer. Definitely an SD song. While it's not my favorite SP record it feels like the most interesting one production-wise

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Old 02-19-2021, 09:02 PM   #7
Minion of Satan
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Hmm I don't know maybe not tho? Maybe let's hear all those Galapagos layers? I don't know

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Old 02-19-2021, 09:23 PM   #8
Joey Goldberg
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Pug or Ava pls

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Old 02-20-2021, 09:46 PM   #9
House of Bread
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I really like the Podcast, but honestly only really listen to episodes for artists that I'm already at least somewhat into. As far as Pumpkins songs go, I'd love to hear an episode for a Machina track. This is purely because of all the fucking layers of noise that are going on on most of the tracks. I'd love to hear all the layers of the chorus separately in The Everlasting Gaze.

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Old 02-21-2021, 05:02 PM   #10
Joey Goldberg
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that was kinda my logic behind choosing those two Adore ones, when the mono mix came out even just hearing that heightened little bit of electronic percussion was a minor revelation, would love to hear what else was hiding in the "nether regions" of those mixes

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Old 02-22-2021, 05:57 AM   #11
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Something from Machina or something like Widow Wake My Mind. WWMM because he was obviously hopeful and trying really hard but it didn't work at all and it'd be interesting to get some insight into what he was trying to do.

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