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Old 09-11-2024, 03:33 PM   #1
Disco King
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Default Are There Any Bands Whom You've Dived Into as Deeply as You Did SP?

You know, not just listening to the studio albums, but getting obsessive about b-sides and rarities and demos and different live iterations of songs? Knowing their corpus more intimately than you know your own body?

I can't think of any I have, but that's because my brain got stupid and it's been hard for me to internalize music for the past fifteen years, so no matter how many albums I listen to, they don't really "stick" in my head, and the only stuff that does is this one band I got really into back when it was still easy to have music make me feel things. I am sure there are plenty of artists just as worthy of me knowing their random unreleased demo versions of songs with different working titles from the finished track, but I am incapable of growing as a person.

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Old 09-11-2024, 03:45 PM   #2
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probably not, maybe the beatles are the closest

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Old 09-11-2024, 03:45 PM   #3
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The Cure, probably

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Old 09-11-2024, 04:37 PM   #4
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Pink Floyd, Beatles

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Old 09-11-2024, 05:24 PM   #5
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Prince, Aphex Twin, both share with Corgan a total obsessive pursuit in the creation of music so there's a really deep back catalogue to get stuck into

King Gizz probs the closest modern version

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Old 09-11-2024, 05:51 PM   #6
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No, SP by far for me. Except i was definitely into the Hootie and the Blowfish Live VHS that i had where they play Highway love song by Alice in Chains

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Old 09-11-2024, 05:54 PM   #7
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“Only wanna be with you” working title was “Only Wanna Do the Dew” but they couldn’t get the license and the rest is history

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Old 09-11-2024, 06:04 PM   #8
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SP is probably band I have obsessed over the most, but part of that is because they do have basically a discography's worth of b-side type material, and most bands simply don't have that. There are probably a few other bands I would obsess over to a similar degree if the b side material was more available.

I think the only band that would rival them is Nine Inch Nails. I've seen both bands live whenever they come to my area, have traveled a considerable distance to see each band in the past, and own physical copies of every major release and many minor releases. The thing that gives SP the edge here is that NIN's surplus material is more in the line of remixes than b-sides, and I usually don't care that much about remixes, whereas SP's b-sides can rival their main material in many cases. Trent and Atticus' film score work and side projects are better than the solo material related to SP, however.

The Cure and Pearl Jam also come pretty close, too, but I've never seen PJ and have only seen The Cure twice. There were a few bands at earlier times in my life that would have once met that degree of fanaticism, but SP, NIN, PJ, and The Cure are the bands that feel like my all-timers; I like them all just as much or more than I did when I was a kid.

There are plenty of bands that I love, and I have gotten over the inclination to think much about "favorites" and just try to appreciate things for what they are.

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Old 09-11-2024, 08:44 PM   #9
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i know JC's hihat clicking better than i know my own knob

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Old 09-11-2024, 10:07 PM   #10
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Radiohead is a big one for me. In their earlier years they had quite a decent pool of b-sides to explore, this kinda dried up by the early 2000s but was likely due to them holding onto the songs to rework for future albums instead. They regularly attempted songs in the studio over multiple eras, so there are apparently many early studio versions of songs (that the band wasn't happy with) that will never see the light of day.
For example, there was a recent leak (just this year!) of a very unique Motion Picture Soundtrack from the OK Computer sessions, full band, completely unlike the Kid A studio take or even the early acoustic live versions. I listened to this on repeat like an obsessed teenager when it appeared.

There are also some smaller or lesser known bands/artists I would love to deep dive into if it were possible.

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Old 09-11-2024, 11:48 PM   #11
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SP1, Zwan, Sufjan Stevens and Big Thief for me. I'm probably less knowledgeable about SP1 than Zwan and Sufjan, actually - I've listened to SP1 more than any other artist, but I only got into them in 1998 a few months before Adore, so I wasn't actually there from the beginning. I know all their releases and most b-sides, but I don't have a thorough knowledge of their live output (I'm only familiar with about 25 choice live recordings).

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Old 09-12-2024, 12:54 AM   #12
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I'm really obsessed with this band called Polyphia, and I also really like Twenty One Pilots. I've also seen both bands live in the past year, which is kinda cool.

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Old 09-12-2024, 04:12 AM   #13
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Nirvana was my “it” band before discovering SP

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Old 09-12-2024, 04:29 AM   #14
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I will tell you if you promise not to make fun of me.

Pearl Jam is the only other band that comes close. However, I find other Pearl Jam fans to be a bit odd as they lack a certain… cynicism toward life. So, here is dwell. (YEERRROWW!!)(<—-— Eddie Vedder impersonation)

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Old 09-12-2024, 05:44 AM   #15
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Of course. SP aren’t the only band. Nor are they the only band with a deep discog or good b-sides.

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Old 09-12-2024, 06:14 AM   #16
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NIN and Nirvana

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Old 09-12-2024, 07:09 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by jommyfive View Post
I will tell you if you promise not to make fun of me.

Pearl Jam
Fucking hell. This isn't a laughing matter. It's a banning offence.

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Old 09-12-2024, 09:52 AM   #18
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see my name

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Old 09-12-2024, 02:35 PM   #19
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Tom Petty
Pearl Jam

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Old 09-12-2024, 03:14 PM   #20
jimmy drevpile
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No other band like SP.

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Old 09-12-2024, 04:11 PM   #21
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SP was the first band that I ever obsessed over to an absurd degree. Simply for the reasons others have stated here. They are the only band that have this seemingly unending plethora of recorded material that is actual substantially good music. The only band that I have found close would be early Muse. They have tons of material that never made it onto albums.

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Old 09-12-2024, 04:48 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by AveryLoren View Post
SP was the first band that I ever obsessed over to an absurd degree. Simply for the reasons others have stated here. They are the only band that have this seemingly unending plethora of recorded material that is actual substantially good music. The only band that I have found close would be early Muse. They have tons of material that never made it onto albums.
Muse was so fucking good up until The Resistance, which was an alright album. I still can't figure out what the fuck happened.

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Old 09-12-2024, 04:58 PM   #23
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the beach boys (brian wilson pet sounds, smile dennis wilson....

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Old 09-12-2024, 09:15 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by ninsp View Post
Muse was so fucking good up until The Resistance, which was an alright album. I still can't figure out what the fuck happened.
Agreed. They are really phoning it in now. It feels like they have made the same 'they are out to get us/ we will defeat them' album a few times in a row now. Its embarrassing how bad they are now. I remember their bsides such as 'Map of your head' being more interesting than most bands singles.

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Old 09-13-2024, 03:43 AM   #25
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No but most other bands don’t have so many non album songs either.

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Old 09-13-2024, 04:15 AM   #26
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I mean, most of the bands I'm into, I'm into because I did a deep dive. Or I did a deep dive because I was into them and then I was INTO them if ya get me.

You can't be "into" a band and be all like "oh yeah I hear they have some other songs out there but I'm not bothered to find t****. Then you're just a casual fan.

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Old 09-13-2024, 06:52 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by eviltimeban View Post
I mean, most of the bands I'm into, I'm into because I did a deep dive. Or I did a deep dive because I was into them and then I was INTO them if ya get me.

You can't be "into" a band and be all like "oh yeah I hear they have some other songs out there but I'm not bothered to find t****. Then you're just a casual fan.

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Old 09-13-2024, 09:48 AM   #28
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No. And I've tried. But the b-side material and live shows provide so much that other bands don't and couldn't, at least within the emotional registers that makes SP special to me.

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Old 09-13-2024, 12:00 PM   #29
Janis Jopleybird
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For me, it's not even about b-sides or concert recordings or whatnot, it's just the sheer fucking amount of trivia I know about SP that separates them from other bands I love. The other day I was thinking about which MII version I should suggest a friend download, and I found myself imagining giving him a monologue for like twenty minutes about the differences. I could tell you which pedals were used on various albums even though I've never used a pedal. I can think of like 20 inside jokes about this band, and its fanbase, off the top of my head. I remember what Billy's AOL address was, decades ago. I can't say this shit about any other band, even though I haven't listened to SP on an even semi-regular basis for a very, very long time.

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Old 09-13-2024, 12:10 PM   #30
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I think this is because I got obsessed with them as a teen, and I was just, like, vacuuming up any info I could get. And being part of some sort of community was really appealing. (And apparently still is.) There are bands/artists today I love so much more, but the old and decrepit version of me just doesn't really give a damn about that sort of trivia about them. I don't need to gush about them to a bunch of people. I just enjoy the music.

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