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Old 08-11-2023, 05:20 PM   #151
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windows down motherfuckers

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Old 08-11-2023, 09:35 PM   #152
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once helped my grandpa yank a calf out of it's mommy's pussy

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Old 08-11-2023, 10:10 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by redbreegull View Post
i just bought weed legally in Maryland. I've waited half my life. I blasted Geek USA on the way home
I think everyone at my crappy extended-stay hotel did the same. This place reeks!

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Old 08-13-2023, 07:09 PM   #154
yo soy el mejor
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tried to go afap in 5 minutes (did an 8:09 mile right before this) since i want to beat my time when i next run a 5K. obviously, this pace is not sustainable for me now but i think this counts as training to go faster?

last 5K (finished in 28:37) i was 139 out of 1719 females

frikkin 545 of 2921 people overall. p good, but not GREAT

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Old 08-13-2023, 10:11 PM   #155
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You are speedy! On my best day I could do 10 minutes but it's usually like 12.

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Old 08-14-2023, 07:55 AM   #156
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Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor View Post
tried to go afap in 5 minutes (did an 8:09 mile right before this) since i want to beat my time when i next run a 5K. obviously, this pace is not sustainable for me now but i think this counts as training to go faster?

last 5K (finished in 28:37) i was 139 out of 1719 females

frikkin 545 of 2921 people overall. p good, but not GREAT
Congrats! You were in the top 20% overall, that's gotta feel good. Is this the best you've ever been, or are you training to get back to where you were?

I used to be a keen runner but nowadays the shins and knees punish me a lot more than they used to. My cardio these days is power walking or short hikes.

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Old 08-14-2023, 09:27 AM   #157
yo soy el mejor
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i've been running off and on since high school where i did long-distance running. my best was getting 2nd in my district. I ran a lot in my early 20s and it slowly got less frequent but still ran on occasion. i joined a running club in 2014 but it was so far out of the way and i didn't stick with it. i ran during the pandemic at this tiny little elementary school track.

i've run the same 5k in chicago a couple times in the month of october. yesterday i found one on august 31th and september 30th that i plan to run prior to that one. i'm always on the look out for songs that are good for running. any favorites you remember? i really don't care about about the lyrics more than the cadence

there is a PeaceRunners club that meets every saturday morning at a park near my home but i've not made it out yet. it's a mix of it being too early and me being too anxious.

Last edited by yo soy el mejor : 08-14-2023 at 08:55 PM.

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Old 08-14-2023, 07:53 PM   #158
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my wife's asshole is ridden with pustules

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Old 08-14-2023, 08:07 PM   #159
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I couldn't ever get on with running groups. I used to go running with a couple of guys from work as we were all of a similar-ish level, and that was enjoyable, but they didn't keep it up for long.

We have Saturday morning "Parkrun" 5k setups, I gave them a go but hated the cliques, people looking at you because you weren't a day one member, or came with a friend they didn't know. It was uncomfortable for someone who just wanted to run and have people around. It depends on your local area and the kind of people that go, if they're inclusive and happy to chat to anyone then they're great initiatives for people. The two we tried weren't. In the end I got better at running alone and enjoying the time alone, destressing.

My go-to running music was pretty simple, usually just faster paced 90s-00s punk bands, Distillers, None More Black, Menzingers, Offspring, Banner Pilot, NOFX, stuff like that. Nowadays with the powerwalking I have a bit more capacity to listen, so I tend to go for podcasts or I take the opportunity to listen to new stuff.

Last edited by phang : 08-14-2023 at 08:12 PM.

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Old 08-14-2023, 08:30 PM   #160
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I can only exercise to sexually explicit pop music

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Old 08-15-2023, 07:48 AM   #161
teh b0lly!!1
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Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor View Post
i've run the same 5k in chicago a couple times in the month of october. yesterday i found one on august 31th and september 30th that i plan to run prior to that one. i'm always on the look out for songs that are good for running. any favorites you remember? i really don't care about about the lyrics more than the cadence

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Old 08-15-2023, 08:00 AM   #162
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Sorry but this probably kills it as a running song. Especially if it's sunset (Babe)

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Old 08-15-2023, 08:09 AM   #163
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That's really cool you're doing well with the running. Top 20% is a great result, certainly a good vantage point to progress from. I love that you push yourself to get better.

I always kinda wanted to get into running as a thing, but as was already said, it kinda has a lot to do with the type of people who do it around you and the practice course you have access to, that kind of thing. Running on a treadmill or navigating through the city is a hard no thanks for me. But once you have the right little forest or whatever you can take runs in, I could definitely see how it could be pleasurable to go for a run and turn off your mind and focus only on your breathing and the next step.

I've been playing basketball several times a week and totally in love with it too. Any activity that you can completely lose yourself into like that is the best meditation there is.

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Old 08-15-2023, 08:14 AM   #164
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Also this

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Old 08-15-2023, 02:19 PM   #165
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I got back yesterday from that music festival I went to with my sister and her boyfriend. It was pretty good. I enjoyed Johnny Marr's set, especially the five Smiths songs he did. For his own stuff he sang in his own style, but for the Smiths ones he sounded like Morrissey.

The lady from Faithless did a good DJ set, and we did a silent disco on the last night, which was a lot of fun. The food there was pretty good (lots of options) but quite expensive. Nice to be back home now, though, sleeping in a proper bed that's not inside a tent.

Last edited by Plasticine Rap Star : 08-15-2023 at 02:50 PM.

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Old 08-15-2023, 02:21 PM   #166
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Ashley Olsen had a secret baby and I'm like

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Old 08-15-2023, 03:03 PM   #167
yo soy el mejor
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Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 View Post
That's really cool you're doing well with the running. Top 20% is a great result, certainly a good vantage point to progress from. I love that you push yourself to get better.

I always kinda wanted to get into running as a thing, but as was already said, it kinda has a lot to do with the type of people who do it around you and the practice course you have access to, that kind of thing. Running on a treadmill or navigating through the city is a hard no thanks for me. But once you have the right little forest or whatever you can take runs in, I could definitely see how it could be pleasurable to go for a run and turn off your mind and focus only on your breathing and the next step.

I've been playing basketball several times a week and totally in love with it too. Any activity that you can completely lose yourself into like that is the best meditation there is.

And I especially agree with your last sentence. I was shitty at other sports like soccer (too many rules and I got bored) and basketball (too short) but with running the only rule was to go as fast as you can... in races anyway. when alone, just go as long as you can. just keep picking up a knee and you won't stop. running and working out in general are definitely replacements for meditation because i cannot sit still like that at all.

treadmills ARE boring. i stare at cracks in the wall and get lost in thought. i got a where's waldo poster to hang up in front of me though. i haven't put it up yet. i'd prefer a nice outdoor thing like you mentioned. when i lived in arlington, tx, my friend drew and i would go for runs in veteran's park. other than that, i've never had a running buddy or anything.

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Old 08-15-2023, 03:08 PM   #168
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Originally Posted by ilikeplanets View Post
Ashley Olsen had a secret baby and I'm like
no way!

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Old 08-15-2023, 03:09 PM   #169
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my mom has a fancy treadmill that takes her to world destinations while she runs

I can't get into it. I really need to start running again though

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Old 08-15-2023, 10:06 PM   #170
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On the one hand, I prefer treadmill running to outdoor running because a treadmill kinda forces you to be accountable. If I run outdoors, I'm liable to run slower than I actually can when running gets a little tough and uncomfortable. On a treadmill, if I set it to a certain sped, I have to run at that speed unless I actually change the settings. Also running outdoors, unless you're on a really good running path, you've often got to stop at crosswalks.

But on the other hand, running outdoors is a lot more stimulating than running in spot inside a room. The scenery changes, you can glance at people and animals and things to run by, and picking a lamppost or pebble up ahead as milestone to run past feels like a little achievement each time to reach it. It makes the time go by quicker. Whereas I feel every damn second of it if I'm running on a treadmill without a TV to watch the news or headphones to listen to a podcast.

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Old 08-15-2023, 10:53 PM   #171
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I like the treadmill more! I don't want to run over rocks and dirt, and I need AC or the fan the whole time. And a place to set my phone that isn't my pocket. I'm an indoor cat.

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Old 08-16-2023, 03:02 AM   #172
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My back is dodgy I need to see a physio

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Old 08-16-2023, 05:12 AM   #173
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I would say running on a treadmill with StarTalk Radio on is GOAT. But if I can't listen to/watch anything, then running outside is better than the treadmill.

For some reason, music doesn't suffice to make the treadmill more pleasant for me. It's gotta be something with actual talking, like the news or a podcast or a lecture/talk.

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Old 08-17-2023, 02:31 AM   #174
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I try to do 5km every day (outdoors) - I live in a rural area, so its mainly trail runs. Like DK I need to listen to podcasts, probably as a distraction - music is just too distracting, while a podcast takes me away from the actual physical nature of the running (for the most part).

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Old 08-17-2023, 08:36 AM   #175
teh b0lly!!1
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There's just no way I can use a treadmill without getting bored to death. Or lift weights only for the sake of lifting, for that matter. The idea of dudes slaving in windowless gyms, laying it thick on the biceps and chest while skipping leg day is comical to me. It's such a grim and joyless way to get a workout.

For me it HAS to be an actual activity that is fun and that I can enjoy for what it is without it being a chore. Be it swimming, basketball, boxing. It has to have A POINT. Then you can focus on alignment, form, technique, goals - whatever it is. But at least you're fully present with what you're doing. Punching clock and getting the reps in while tuning out and listening to podcasts is definitely not for me.

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Old 08-17-2023, 03:12 PM   #176
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I enjoy lifting and pushing myself to increase my numbers and lift more than I lifted last time. I was pretty chuffed recently to finally get my bench up to three wheels. Trying to get my deadlift up to five pizzas. Form and technique is definitely important for getting the movement pattern correct.

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Old 08-17-2023, 04:33 PM   #177
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I tried going to the gym regularly but it just never took. My main exercise now is all the walking I do. I have some light weights in my room, which I was doing every day at one point, but I've been letting that slip lately too. I think I need to get out running. I played a lot of sport when I was younger (mainly soccer and basketball, plus the 100m sprint in school) but I've done no sport now for years and years.

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Old 08-17-2023, 05:24 PM   #178
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i've had a hard time sticking to any exercise regimen, and generally don't eat enough to gain weight whether i want to or not. when i have attempted to build muscle it has worked to some degree, but i just don't have the appetite to feed myself enough calories to sustain anything but this stringbean figure i've had since i was a teen

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Old 08-17-2023, 05:48 PM   #179
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I used to be very skinny and not all that interested in food. It was only when I started a certain medication (and I don't want to go all over that again) that I became very interested in food and put on quite a lot of weight. I've pretty much got it under control now, but I know I should do more to stay fit and healthy.

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Old 08-17-2023, 09:03 PM   #180
yo soy el mejor
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Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 View Post
It has to have A POINT. Then you can focus on alignment, form, technique, goals - whatever it is. But at least you're fully present with what you're doing.
You can do all this with lifting weights. I LIKE lifting weights. I do get to focus on alignment, form, technique and goals. I think it's fun. It seems you can't put as much thought into your form when you're skrrting around playing basketball. Swimming is even less fun to me.

Last edited by yo soy el mejor : 08-17-2023 at 09:14 PM.

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