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Old 07-27-2023, 01:15 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by ilikeplanets View Post
On a wholly unrelated note...what do you all set your thermostat to? I feel like 72 or 73 is great but I have some dissenters and want to know if my preference is popular.
Originally Posted by mxzombie View Post
Ours is at 74 these days but it gets cool for me so i'd rather bump it up to 75 or 76.
holy shit what is wrong with you hellions, 66-68 is the ideal temperature for humans. the nutritionist/sleep specialist told me so

but seriously I would be sweating my ass off at 74 degrees. my grandma wants it at like 76 and her skin is so thin she bleeds when she bumps the kitchen island

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Old 07-27-2023, 01:16 PM   #62
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maybe you should try volunteering

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Old 07-27-2023, 01:17 PM   #63
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btw I am a hot weather person to the core. But inside it should be cool

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Old 07-27-2023, 02:56 PM   #64
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I get goosebumps at 73F

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Old 07-27-2023, 02:58 PM   #65
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66F is insane. That's long sleeve weather

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Old 07-27-2023, 03:55 PM   #66
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I live in a country where we don't usually have thermostats and houses are very poorly insulated, in my house it's usually colder during the winter and warmer during the summer than outside.
On cold days my blanket is my best friend.

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Old 07-27-2023, 04:24 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by mxzombie View Post
I get goosebumps at 73F
you should get your iron levels tested

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Old 07-27-2023, 08:49 PM   #68
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I don't believe in that

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Old 07-27-2023, 11:18 PM   #69
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Old 07-27-2023, 11:35 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by redbreegull View Post
this sounds 1) like twin peaks and 2) anecdotal evidence is not admissible in the scientific process obviously. people love to see shit. I would say that reflects more on the nature of the human mind and imagination than on creatures walking among us
the human mind and imagination are not somehow separate from physical reality. the mind/matter divide is a false dichotomy. what is this string theory you speak of if not imaginary? matter is imaginary, imagination is material. science is based epistemolgoically in empiricism, ie the validity of human senses. but somehow humans sensing ghosts or apparitions or time warps or premonitons or whatever just doesn't count somehow?

also yes i think twin peaks gets closer to the answer than yer fancy telescopes do. precisely because it takes imagination seriously

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Old 07-27-2023, 11:44 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by ovary View Post
the human mind and imagination are not somehow separate from physical reality. the mind/matter divide is a false dichotomy. what is this string theory you speak of if not imaginary? matter is imaginary, imagination is material. science is based epistemolgoically in empiricism, ie the validity of human senses. but somehow humans sensing ghosts or apparitions or time warps or premonitons or whatever just doesn't count somehow?
this is correct but you are still indulging in instinct towards fantasy over anything that can be materially proven, which is an important difference

which is also why string theory is so criticized. but there's no mathematical models behind seeing a fucking ghost

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Old 07-28-2023, 01:08 PM   #72
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Fuck you guys.

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Old 07-28-2023, 03:43 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by Ihaguitar View Post
Fuck you guys.
That's an interesting point.

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Old 07-28-2023, 04:25 PM   #74
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i tend to trust an individual's actual immediate experience of earth as much as the math of some retard phds that can't tie their shoes

you keep falling back on labeling paranormal experiences "fantasy". what makes one experience of reality "fantasy" yet another not-fantasy?

the fantasy-fact divide is another false dichotomy. our experience of life *is* through imagination--it *is* fantastic. again, string theory is itself a fantasy!

paranormal entertainers usually do not decry or deny scientific knowledge. they have room for all of it. yet the skeptical scientific crowd is always quick to deny the validity of paranormal experience. you simple minded adolescent limp dick circle jerking secular cretins. may satan smite you in hell!!!

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Old 07-28-2023, 04:30 PM   #75
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matter is enchanted. suck my dick!

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Old 07-28-2023, 05:07 PM   #76
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Old 07-28-2023, 05:13 PM   #77
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If my flat gets cold I stick the heating on at about 25c-28c. When the weather is hot I open some windows.

I'd like to meet a space alien.

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Old 07-28-2023, 05:48 PM   #78
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82 degrees?! You ARE a space alien, because you clearly have zero hormones

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Old 07-28-2023, 05:59 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by ovary View Post
i tend to trust an individual's actual immediate experience of earth as much as the math of some [fuck you for using this word] phds that can't tie their shoes
You're driving on a two-lane highway, going 70 or so, with a passenger in the front seat and two in the back. Driving alongside you is a bus with about 100 people on it. Your passengers all suddenly scream that there are absolutely, definitely 1,000 people standing in your lane ahead and they're all going to be killed if you don't immediately swerve out of the way—i.e., into the bus, which will certainly be fatal for the vast majority of people involved in the collision. You don't see anyone standing in the road. Still, it's three versus one in terms of seeing them. What do you do?

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Old 07-28-2023, 06:09 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by ilikeplanets View Post
82 degrees?! You ARE a space alien, because you clearly have zero hormones
Probably closer to 25c then, and only when it gets really, really cold. I've got a complicated relationship with temperature maybe.

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Old 07-28-2023, 06:57 PM   #81
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ac temp is 68-72, maybe 74 if its not humid.

i left the world of central ac so at least i'm using less energy now

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Old 07-29-2023, 01:21 AM   #82
Disco King
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Originally Posted by redbreegull View Post
My understanding, from watching hundreds of hours of PBS space time, was that string theory is generally accepted among astrophysicists because the math works correctly, even if it's not testable. In string theory we live in 4 dimensions but there are other dimensions that are "curled up" that we do not experience on the classical scale (animals, planets, galaxies).

I thought the big challenge that no one has been able to solve is how to make string theory compatible with Einstein's relativity, because they both work but seem to be incompatible with each other mathematically. BTW it's crazy to think Einstein's theories are a century old and there hasn't been much more significant progress beyond the theoretical at explaining certain things about the fundamentals of existence.
It's quantum mechanics and general relativity that are both successful theories that seem to explain their respective domains very well, but don't seem to be compatible with each other. String Theory is meant to harmonize the two.

The big challenge with String Theory is being able to generate testable predictions. The experiments needed to test it require such high amounts of energy that it hasn't really been practically possible yet.

I think the successes come from how well it can replicate statements from quantum field theory in a different language without using quantum field theory. But I think most physicists see quantum loop gravity as more promising than String Theory right now.

Originally Posted by redbreegull View Post
I think it's also generally accepted that there could be other realities which are stacked against ours, and (I don't totally understand this part) when you look at all the dimensions including the truncated ones, those realities could literally be millimeters away from us. But obviously they would be inaccessible and we could never test it.

Cue discussion on loop quantum gravity and the holographic universe
I'm no expert, but I don't think the idea that "there could be other planes of reality stacked on top of ours" is "generally accepted." I think it's considered highly speculative right now, like, a cool thing to think about. But I don't think there are really scientific principles that lead us to believe that this should be the case.

My understanding of the holographic universe is that it's based on the holographic principle regarding black holes. All the relevant information to describe a black hole is encoded on its event horizon. You only need to know about the surface of the region to say everything there is to know about that three-dimensional volume.

Likewise, it seems that for big regions of space containing a lot of energy, it is possible to make a description of that entire volume just by describing it's surface. In other words, all of the information is encoded on its surface. Like a hologram, a flat image projecting a three-dimensional one.

Originally Posted by ilikeplanets View Post
I have watched dozens of those videos, too. Which has probably shaped my understanding in a big way, but not enough to succinctly express my suppositions. I never thought that those higher dimensions were considered crackpot, but it can be easy to get swept away in the possibilities, I guess. Since from what we understand now, there seem to be huge incompatibilities between the different viewpoints in physics and without more information we don't know if there's one missing piece or we are just totally off track in multiple ways.
The idea of extra compactified dimensions isn't "crackpot," I wouldn't say, but just doesn't seem to have enough evidence or fruitfully make predictions since the time it's been proposed for the consensus to really by behind it, is my understanding.

"Crackpot" is more like Timecube or quantum mysticism or homeopathy. String Theory is more "serious non-insane scientists are definitely into this, but most of them think it's not going anywhere and we should pursue something else now."

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Old 07-29-2023, 01:26 AM   #83
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This is a video that goes through the history of the academic attitude toward string theory. I think Sabine Hossenfelder also has a video critique on string theory. I'll see if I can find that later.

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Old 07-29-2023, 01:38 AM   #84
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+++ Cool, I'm extremely interested in this, thanks

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Old 07-29-2023, 04:52 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by ovary View Post
paranormal entertainers usually do not decry or deny scientific knowledge. they have room for all of it. yet the skeptical scientific crowd is always quick to deny the validity of paranormal experience. you simple minded adolescent limp dick circle jerking secular cretins. may satan smite you in hell!!!
science is based on empirical evidence bro. come on. great claims require great evidence and some dude saying I saw a ghost is not great evidence. people have invented imaginary sky beings, anthropomorphized the earth and the weather, had revelations in the desert, committed genocide for ideology, construed false memories, burned witches, and voted for donald trump

an experience being "real" to someone is not the same thing as an experience that is able to be substantiated by physical evidence. the idea that something is materially legitimate because someone experienced it is nonsense. you're just trying to broaden the definition of "real." I saw a ghost in the house of James Madison's chief slavemaster. Can I explain it? No. Does that mean it was materially real in the universe outside my mind or that there isn't another explanation we haven't thought of? Harder no. There's a reason science does not seek to acknowledge these questions, because that would be like using a saw when you need a hammer. It's literally the job of scientists to be skeptical of things which are unprovable through empirical examination because that is the nature of the tool. Also, people who are true adherents of the scientific method and not people who treat science as an ideology (like yourself) would forwardly acknowledge that lack of proof does not mean lack of existence, but until there is something to be tested, at least theoretically, it's simply a bunch of stuff that science is not concerned with

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Old 07-29-2023, 04:56 PM   #86
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and if your attitude is like Hume, that we can't truly know any sort of reality, that's fine, I agree with that, but it eventually boils down to a defeatism of knowledge and even will to seek knowledge, like Gorgias in ancient Greece saying nothing is real, and even if it was real we couldn't know it, and even if we could know it we could never communicate it, and then giving your life savings to Athens to build a statue of yourself for your great work.

there's no utility in living the "truth" of that viewpoint except to be contrarian and to tell people their efforts to try to understand existence should just be halted because it's all in vain

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Old 07-29-2023, 04:57 PM   #87
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aren't you supposed to be a posthumanist?

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Old 07-29-2023, 05:00 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by Disco King View Post
It's quantum mechanics and general relativity that are both successful theories that seem to explain their respective domains very well, but don't seem to be compatible with each other. String Theory is meant to harmonize the two.

The big challenge with String Theory is being able to generate testable predictions. The experiments needed to test it require such high amounts of energy that it hasn't really been practically possible yet.

I think the successes come from how well it can replicate statements from quantum field theory in a different language without using quantum field theory. But I think most physicists see quantum loop gravity as more promising than String Theory right now.

I'm no expert, but I don't think the idea that "there could be other planes of reality stacked on top of ours" is "generally accepted." I think it's considered highly speculative right now, like, a cool thing to think about. But I don't think there are really scientific principles that lead us to believe that this should be the case.

My understanding of the holographic universe is that it's based on the holographic principle regarding black holes. All the relevant information to describe a black hole is encoded on its event horizon. You only need to know about the surface of the region to say everything there is to know about that three-dimensional volume.

Likewise, it seems that for big regions of space containing a lot of energy, it is possible to make a description of that entire volume just by describing it's surface. In other words, all of the information is encoded on its surface. Like a hologram, a flat image projecting a three-dimensional one.

The idea of extra compactified dimensions isn't "crackpot," I wouldn't say, but just doesn't seem to have enough evidence or fruitfully make predictions since the time it's been proposed for the consensus to really by behind it, is my understanding.

"Crackpot" is more like Timecube or quantum mysticism or homeopathy. String Theory is more "serious non-insane scientists are definitely into this, but most of them think it's not going anywhere and we should pursue something else now."
you're totally right about general relativity and quantum mechanics, I needed the refresher and I have a better understanding after rewatching the videos I posted.

I think I also wasn't clear about stacked realities, I meant it is accepted that their hypothetical existence does not BREAK physics, not that it's accepted that they exist

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Old 07-29-2023, 05:03 PM   #89
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And yes, the idea of the holographic universe did come from the debate over whether black holes have "hair" (information which cannot be destroyed plastered on the surface of the singularity). That doesn't necessarily mean that our universe, if holographic, is on a black hole but it does mean it's being projected from a 2-D surface of a singularity, which makes sense cause the universe as we understand it evolved from a singularity. Are there other kinds of singularities beyond black holes? No one know

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Old 07-29-2023, 06:09 PM   #90
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It's not so much the "surface of the singularity" as "the surface of the event horizon." The event horizon is much larger than the singularity, which is inside of it. For example, an intermediate-mass black hole might have an event horizon with a radius equal to the radius of Earth, though the singularity inside would be (almost?) infinitesimal. That is, if "singularities" are even real in the real world and aren't just an artifact of where our flawed theories break down. Singularities cannot really be said to have surfaces because they are conditions under which gravity is so intense that spacetime itself loses meaning.

Even horizons aren't the only kind of cosmological horizon in astrophysics. You've also got the Hubble horizon (the boundary between particles that are travelling slower than and faster than light relative to us due to the expansion of the universe, though some of these particles may still be observable because light is reaching us from before those particles were travelling so fast relative to us) and the particle horizon (the boundary between particles that we can detect and particles too far and moving too fast for us to ever detect). A horizon is pretty much a three-dimensional surface, like a bubble surrounding anything. Just like how the event horizon is the boundary between particles that we can detect and particles that we can't because they can't escape a black hole's gravitational pull. I think the idea behind the holographic universe is that for any boundary containing enough energy within, it seems all the information about everything within is encoded or "projected onto" its surface.

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