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Old 12-22-2020, 07:54 PM   #31
A tiresome edgelord
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but you like the music?

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Old 12-22-2020, 07:55 PM   #32
Joey Goldberg
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Old 12-22-2020, 08:44 PM   #33
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Gish: cheap incense
Siamese Dream: the open road
MCIS: anything and everything
Adore: windshield wiper fluid on ice and car heat turned way up
Machina: disappointment (in life)
Reunion era: Linda Strawberry

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Old 12-23-2020, 12:45 PM   #34
Just Hook it to My Veins!
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real answers

Gish - patchouli and moth balls. the stuffy scent of a thrift store opening to a warm day in the park. pollen, floral fragrance, and old fabric

Siamese Dream - the smell rising off hot asphalt in the summer, ice cream and fast food, the peculiar scent when you walk from the heat into a well air-conditioned building

MCIS - the diesel vapors of a schoolbus as you step out and walk home in the first light snow of the season, the mustiness of a sweater you haven't worn since last year, a meal of roast chicken, peppermint, and slightly-slept-in linens

Adore - the petrichor of a damp day in early spring, exhaust fumes, the smell of wet soil and decaying foliage, the wood paneling in an old house, the pages of old books, and a lit iron stove

Machina - the strange scent of an office building hallway, evergreen and cloves, the sterile dead air of a hospital, hot apple cider and warmed wine, cinnamon

Machina II - the metallic smell of blood, rubbing alcohol, the crispness of a clear cold night, scorched plastic, peppercorn, the seats of a new car, the salty odor of tears dried on one's face

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Old 12-23-2020, 02:51 PM   #35
full of longing
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never would’ve imagined that chicken would appear even once. and yet we’re up to two chickens already (albeit for different albums)

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Old 12-23-2020, 04:23 PM   #36
A tiresome edgelord
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chicken in my heart

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Old 12-23-2020, 05:40 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by redbreegull View Post
real answers

Gish - patchouli and moth balls. the stuffy scent of a thrift store opening to a warm day in the park. pollen, floral fragrance, and old fabric

Siamese Dream - the smell rising off hot asphalt in the summer, ice cream and fast food, the peculiar scent when you walk from the heat into a well air-conditioned building

MCIS - the diesel vapors of a schoolbus as you step out and walk home in the first light snow of the season, the mustiness of a sweater you haven't worn since last year, a meal of roast chicken, peppermint, and slightly-slept-in linens

Adore - the petrichor of a damp day in early spring, exhaust fumes, the smell of wet soil and decaying foliage, the wood paneling in an old house, the pages of old books, and a lit iron stove

Machina - the strange scent of an office building hallway, evergreen and cloves, the sterile dead air of a hospital, hot apple cider and warmed wine, cinnamon

Machina II - the metallic smell of blood, rubbing alcohol, the crispness of a clear cold night, scorched plastic, peppercorn, the seats of a new car, the salty odor of tears dried on one's face

my original reaction to this post was to say that i learned a new word today (petrichor), but upon reading the whole thing, i've got to say that reading this was like a quick flash of scenes (kind of like those in run lola run), where we zoom through redbreegull's life and see him grow up

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Old 12-24-2020, 01:04 AM   #38
full of longing
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also two mentions of petrichor on page one, both also for adore

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Old 12-24-2020, 04:40 PM   #39
Just Hook it to My Veins!
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Originally Posted by wHATcOLOR View Post
my original reaction to this post was to say that i learned a new word today (petrichor), but upon reading the whole thing, i've got to say that reading this was like a quick flash of scenes (kind of like those in run lola run), where we zoom through redbreegull's life and see him grow up
I left out all the obscene stuff

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Old 12-31-2020, 01:23 AM   #40
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Kind of strange how my initial thoughts seem to align with the majority here. So this is probably redundant but here's my take:

Gish - old coats and T-shirts, cement floors, incense, bong water, unwashed hair. Smokeshop vibes.

Siamese Dream - crisp air in a high elevation, grass, rocks, fog machines. Outdoor summer vibes.

MCIS - sharpies, metal, gunpowder, hair dye. College/factory vibes.

Adore - dusty velvet, vinyl, wood, roses. Abandoned concert hall vibes.

Machina - cardboard boxes, cold glass, fire, sun-warmed air. Attic vibes.

Machina 2 - bleach, rust, blood, sweat. Insane asylum vibes.

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Old 12-31-2020, 04:14 PM   #41
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Cyr smells like farts and santorum

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