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Old 07-29-2014, 08:06 PM   #211
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Machina electric demos??
Not sure if i have ever heard of these, ...I know the Acoustic Demos.
or is this a joke related to the current Leaks
if not, any info in these/links?

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Old 07-29-2014, 10:37 PM   #212
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Yeah, it's about the current leaks. but it ain't no joke! There's electric demos out there somewhere, dammit, and they ought to be part of this collection.

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Old 07-29-2014, 11:04 PM   #213
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[quote=magikarp99;4080467]Files uploaded to hosting sites never last long. The current plan is to create torrents I believe. But maybe we could use some web seeds, or seed boxes or something.

Shouldn't a Dropbox or similar with enough space for demos be do-able?
and shouldn't they last for as long as that account is active?

Im not fully in the know about all the forms of online storage, but files should last forever/unless you take them down.

an alternative is having several people with dropbox links with a few demos each?
or i suppose a torrent world work, but i do see a torrent being something not lasting that long, as it will need constant people seeding it.

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Old 07-30-2014, 02:21 AM   #214
Cool As Ice Cream
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dropbox/sendspace/mediafire/megaupload/what-have-you can all get contacted by the record label or a related organisation, and be asked to take the copyright protected content down.

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Old 07-30-2014, 02:25 AM   #215
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Online storage sites are more susceptible to takedown notices, and they certainly don't last forever. Torrents will last as long as there are members of the community willing to seed, and as easy as it is to seed.

And I don't think it would be appropriate for there to be any money changing hands--I think it should simply be one fan sharing with another.

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Old 07-30-2014, 02:51 AM   #216
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torrents are worth a shot. if it doesn't work out for some reason, we can still look at other options.
i can see it working with torrents: even if the seeds disappear at some point, a lot of people will have everything, so it shouldn't be too hard to find people to reseed, especially on here.

and if more stuff shows up, we can always add torrents to the canon.

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Old 07-30-2014, 07:00 AM   #217
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yeah torrents are easy, could be best way to go. easy to re-seed, and like you said, it will easily spread better quality stuff out there. allowing for more people on here to get copies, and/or help with more seeding in future

so how far have we got? whats needed still, will this happen is stages? or are you waiting for 1 large torrent?

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Old 07-30-2014, 07:21 AM   #218
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we're not going for one large torrent.
individual torrents are easier to handle, and apparently it's possible to pack different torrent files in a zip, for the people who want everything in one go.
the zip can always be updated once more stuff is added.

how far we've got:

i guess we could already start with what we have. i wouldn't know how to do this magnet stuff though.

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Old 07-30-2014, 08:02 AM   #219
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oh cool!,
I had a look at the list, nice stuff to start with,
Also, not sure if it helps, but I have also found on my HDD:
MSOTS Rough mixes (6 tracks)
MSOTS Premasters (8 tracks)
Both are in Wav and Flac, but have no notes on them.

and i have a bunch of the SPUN soundtrack stuff, but it all varies in quality,

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Old 07-30-2014, 08:20 AM   #220
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i think i have those msots rough mixes and premasters too. will have to have a look.

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Old 07-30-2014, 12:20 PM   #221
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Originally Posted by waz View Post
oh cool!,
I had a look at the list, nice stuff to start with,
Also, not sure if it helps, but I have also found on my HDD:
MSOTS Rough mixes (6 tracks)
MSOTS Premasters (8 tracks)
Both are in Wav and Flac, but have no notes on them.

and i have a bunch of the SPUN soundtrack stuff, but it all varies in quality,
Oh cool! I have/had those somewhere, not got them in full to hand anymore I don't think, so that's great.

The MSOTS rough mix and premaster were shared on Netphoria together over FTP, which I think is how they came into mass circulation. But, they did not come from the same source. When shared on Netphoria, I don't think they came with any sort of info or lineage.

It would be great if you could give more details on your SPUN files and the MSOTS files.

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Old 07-30-2014, 04:56 PM   #222
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Just wanted to throw something out there, regarding file sharing sites. I realize that torrenting is the preferred method (I think, from what I've read) and that file-hosting sites are generally unreliable. Is anyone familiar with google drives?

One free account gives you 15GB of storage and it would only be a matter of sharing the link(s) to the folder(s). I'm sure that, between a few different people, all the material could be shared between a few different folders. They needn't be personal google accounts either. Ones can be created specifically for this. The flakiness factor is still there - someone could shut down a folder just as easily as they could not seed.

Just an idea for an option...

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Old 07-30-2014, 05:18 PM   #223
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So what is meant by "good lineage" for Gravity Demos or FAEOMM? I have files of these, but without any accompanying text files (though not from CD), is that the same as what's generally out there?

And as far as google drives or whatnot, I don't see a problem with trying it out and keeping these links up along with the magnet torrent links. The only issue is that then it becomes *somebody's* responsibility to keep them uploaded to the site, rather than *everybody's* responsibility to seed.

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Old 07-30-2014, 11:36 PM   #224
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the ZWAN Rough Mixes i have are in Wav, and file names are:


The Pre-masters are pretty much the same, in WAV also:


I'm sure many people still have these, but if you need then like i said I have in both WAV & Flac.

as for the SPUN OST, it all stuff from a torrent ages ago, but i think Linda strawberry shared some on her site years ago, so there are clean versions out there of a handful of the tracks, but all are in mp3.

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Old 07-31-2014, 04:36 AM   #225
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Originally Posted by CrabbMan View Post
So what is meant by "good lineage" for Gravity Demos or FAEOMM? I have files of these, but without any accompanying text files (though not from CD), is that the same as what's generally out there?
These were originally circulated as part of Triple Tree. Versions that currently circulate either have no text file, or a text file that contains no information regarding lineage. What we are looking for are either of the following: the original files used to burn the CDs (may have been shared on the hub), or an accurate rip of one of the Triple Tree CDs.

Originally Posted by waz View Post
the ZWAN Rough Mixes i have are in Wav, and file names are:


The Pre-masters are pretty much the same, in WAV also:


I'm sure many people still have these, but if you need then like i said I have in both WAV & Flac.

These were shared here in FLAC IIRC. Do you remember where you got the WAV files from, did you transcode them yourself? I think these are the only copies that circulate en mass.

Originally Posted by waz View Post
as for the SPUN OST, it all stuff from a torrent ages ago, but i think Linda strawberry shared some on her site years ago, so there are clean versions out there of a handful of the tracks, but all are in mp3.
As far as I know, most if not all of the MP3s out there are transcoded from the M4A files that got leaked (I think on Blamo). A bad rip of a Spun promo CD rip with a few tracks in FLAC is also out there, but there are so many blips and errors it's unlistenable.

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Old 07-31-2014, 04:42 AM   #226
Cool As Ice Cream
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i guess for the zwan rough mixes and premasters, we best compare some shntool checksums.

is there anything on your list that i still have to upload/send your way, magickarper?

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Old 07-31-2014, 04:49 AM   #227
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Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream View Post
i guess for the zwan rough mixes and premasters, we best compare some shntool checksums.

is there anything on your list that i still have to upload/send your way, magickarper?
Spun M4As?
Potentially the MSOTS premasters and rough mixes.
Psycho Tape 2 Disc DVD?
Any of the Marked Demos?

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Old 07-31-2014, 05:07 AM   #228
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what about pi+friends? do you have that one?

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Old 07-31-2014, 05:27 AM   #229
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Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream View Post
what about pi+friends? do you have that one?
I don't think so. I need that too.

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Old 07-31-2014, 06:31 AM   #230
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No idea where i got them (ZWAN Premasters / Rough Mixes), was around 2005 I think, could have been a trade, or those downloads, i have no idea, but they sound pretty much the same quality.

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Old 07-31-2014, 09:01 PM   #231
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Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream View Post
what about pi+friends? do you have that one?
I have the following PI+F:

Pisces Iscariot + Friends
ANA-M > SBlive > SHN > WAV > editing (steinberg freefilter) > SHN

* the discs you burn will effectively be CDR-0
* each disc is just over 50 mins, they're from opposite sides
of a 100min tape
* Mayo is cut (as it is on the tape)
* steinberg freefilter is what Starseed used to do the EQ
mirroring.. which is why the PI songs sound nearly identical to the
CD versions.
* "it's got a few pops and tape jumps, but overall it's pretty
damn sweet" - Starseed

A1 Soothe
A2 Frail and Bedazzled
A3 Plume
A4 Whir
A5 Blew Away
A6 Pissant
A7 Hello Kitty Kat
A8 Obscured
A9 Landslide [Nicks]
A10 Starla
A11 Blew Away
A12 Girl Named Sandoz [Animals]

B1 La Dolly Vita
B2 Spaced
B3 Not Worth Asking
B4 Honeyspider
B5 Daughter
B6 Hope
B7 Never Let Me Down [Depeche Mode]
B8 Siva (acoustic)
B9 Slunk (Chump)
B10 Blue (acoustic)
B11 Jazzin'
B12 I Am One (live)
B13 Mayonaise (acoustic)

I'm not sure if that's the best lineage available.

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Old 07-31-2014, 11:13 PM   #232
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sounds good to me

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Old 08-01-2014, 01:29 AM   #233
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Originally Posted by CrabbMan View Post
All the stuff that's not on Or if can't host magnet links they should be here. Like as a replacement to the sphub. Or is that still around?

Originally Posted by magikarp99 View Post
Update. Bold means I have the best circulating source, bold and italics means someone else in this thread has it.

Pumpkins list:
Adore Demos II: Leaked on Netphoria in 2007 as WAVs/FLACs
Quiet And Other Songs: Leaked on Netphoria in 2007 as WAVs/FLACs
Adore Demos I: CD-R on Ebay in 2000, bought and treed via CD-Rs
Gravity Demos: Given out by Billy in 2000, then treed by 34 as part of Triple Tree
Friends and Enemies of Modern Music: Given out by Billy in 2000, then treed by 34 as part of Triple Tree
Machina Acoustic Demos: Billy 4 or 8-track master ---> analogM (billy) ---> CDR master (billy) given to Eric Weinrich -> whoever released it
Mashed Potatoes: < 10 CDs distributed by Billy. Eventually uploaded to the Hub in full as SHN; inferior partial copy from ANA circulates, owned by Simon Coyle
MCIS Demos I: RTS tree; (Billy's Home Demos bootleg is supposedly an inferior copy) Does this exist outside Billy's home demos?
MCIS Demos II: Appeared on Ebay in 2000, circulates as ANA-L > DAT0 > CDR-0 > SHN
MCIS Demos III: ANA > DAT > CD-R (inferior version was part of RTS tree) This was on RTS tree
Pisces Iscariot + Friends: ANA > SHN??
Reel Time Sessions: STU>DDC-1>SHN
Sequence IV: Courtney Love ANA > Onaric ANA? > John Mulhausen (applied NR) > CD-R / SHN
Courtney Love ANA > Onaric ANA? > Dave Asselin DAT (uncirculated)
Machina Premaster: Leaked on Netphoria in 2007
Virgin B-Sides Promo Tape: ANA cassette from Ebay, owned by bmaromar, distributed by rhinowing in 2009
MCIS Rough Mixes: ANA cassette from Ebay, owned by bmaromar, distributed by rhinowing
666 Tape: PRO > VID-2 > CD-R
Nothing Ever Changes: Ana-L>CDR-M>Cool-Edit>CDR-M (Asselin)>CDR-2>SHN Unknown lineage copy with much better frequency response
Gish Basement Tape: On Pisces Iscariot reissue. Also on Pumpkin Seeds bootleg, did this circulate in any other form? Do we have a copy direct from the ANA?
3 Songs O' Rarities: VID>SHN Psycho tape rip
Gish Rough Mix: ANAM (studio)>ana (cassette)>DAT>DC1>CDR
Sacred + Profane SBD Compilation: Triple tree , in need of copy with good lineage
TSP/Moon Demo: Best version is an ANA cassette from Ebay, owned by bmaromar, distributed by rhinowing in 2009
TSP Officially Released Demo Tape Rip: Released ANA tape rip
Moon Officially Released Demo Tape Rip: Released ANA tape rip - I have the one on What, is this the best?
Drown 8-Track Demo: SPRC
Drown Demo Tape: (is this the best source? ignoring SPRC) promo cassette>ANAx>CDRx>remaster>CDR2>WAV>FLAC
Ignoffo Tape: STU>ANA-2>DATM
Pistachio Medley MP3(s?): ???>MP3 - that In the Arms of Sheep MP3

666 Tape Vid: MTV Employee > Don Dowdy VHS(-0/1 presumably) > DVD
Psycho Tape / AKA 25 Songs O' Pumpkins Vid: 2 disc version
Fruit Bat Salad Vol. 1 Vid: AUD VHS(3)>Standalone DVD>DVDr(3)
Fruit Bat Salad Vol. 2 Vid: AUD VHS(3)>Unknown>DVDr(3)

Zwan list:
Premasters: Leaked, and then shared en mass via FTP on netphoria
Rough mixes: Leaked, and then shared en mass via FTP on netphoria
SPUN OST: M4A and terrible FLAC rip

Billy Corgan list:
TheFutureEmbrace Premaster???: CD>MP3 Dubious, do we want to incIude this?

The Marked list:
The Marked Demo Recordings Mar 85 - Jan 87: ???
The Marked Aug '86: uncertain lineage (possibly ANA-2 > CDR-?)
The Marked Sept - Oct '86: ???
The Marked Attic Rehearsal (1986): ???
The Marked Joliet Tape: I have (ANA-1>CDR) CDR-4, it looks like there is an ANA-1>CDR-M circulating though
The Marked unknown tape: ???

So what we currently need is:
  • Gravity Demos with good lineage
  • FAEOMM with good lineage
  • Sacred + Profane SBD tour comp with good lineage
  • MCIS Demos I - we don't even have a good commerical bootleg rip of this. Does a non-commercial source exist?
  • Rips of TSP and Moon official demo tape releases
  • Drown demo tape rip
  • Gish Basement Tape - does this exist outside the Pumpkin Seeds bootleg?
  • Psycho Tape 2 Disc DVD (can't find my copy)
  • MSOTS Rough mixes
  • MSOTS Premasters
  • Spun OST M4As (can't find all of them)
  • All of the Marked demos
Is there anything else we're missing on these lists?
Do we want to incIude that awful Spun FLAC rip? I say we omit it.
What about the dubious TFE MP3 "premaster"? I say we omit this too.
Maybe someone from has something from this list that's still needed?

I'm not sure if I fully understand the concept. No official SBDs, right?
Could those maybe be collected for another torrent? I'm thinking of the releases from livesmashingpumpkins, like the White Crosses EP.
I haven't paid attention for a long time, are those still available somewhere?

Last edited by pavementtune : 08-01-2014 at 01:41 AM.

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Old 08-01-2014, 02:06 AM   #234
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Originally Posted by pavementtune View Post
Maybe someone from has something from this list that's still needed?
I think that guy has most of his stuff in mp3's only, i could be wrong though.

Originally Posted by pavementtune View Post
I'm not sure if I fully understand the concept. No official SBDs, right?
Could those maybe be collected for another torrent? I'm thinking of the releases from livesmashingpumpkins, like the White Crosses EP.
I haven't paid attention for a long time, are those still available somewhere?
The archive is not allowed to share anything thats on official releases, its all part of copyright, only things someone has taped as part of their open taping policy.
Demos can not go up there, but i think billy allows demos to be shared through traders, but the archive has it's own rules.

I believe in essence that anything that is offical and the band/record company still makes money off and is still in print is simply a no-go.

I'm looking forward to upgrading some mp3's of demos and such or things i have lost over the years, keen to listen to them in flac/wav / highest quality possible.

Bring it on

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Old 08-01-2014, 02:13 AM   #235
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Yea I know can't do this, that's why I thought if you guys are collecting stuff that's not on there, maybe we could compare who has what.

Livepumpkins is gone, I don't know if you can actually purchase the White Crosses EP anywhere.
It was a gift for those who were at the shows, digital only, nobody is making a profit of it (if I'm not mistaken), so I'm not sure if it would be okay to circulate it again or not.

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Old 08-01-2014, 02:39 AM   #236
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it's not about what's ok or not. anything goes. and everything will get its own torrent.

we're also doing this to get the "full" sources of the demos. (on zomb, for example, they leave songs out if that recording was also released.)
if we didn't want the officially released tracks, for whatever reason, we might as well just torrent everything on zomb.

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Old 08-01-2014, 02:42 AM   #237
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sorry to go off topic, but does someone know what happened to, or if those releases are still available somewhere else?

Last edited by pavementtune : 08-01-2014 at 02:52 AM.

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Old 08-01-2014, 02:57 AM   #238
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it looks like they're still available.

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Old 08-01-2014, 03:15 AM   #239
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Failed at finding it, shame on me. Thanks for the link!

(Redbull, next time I'm messing up some pages, I could also edit the links if you want?
That's the date where Glow on the White Crosses EP came from, for example.

Last edited by pavementtune : 08-01-2014 at 03:21 AM.

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Old 08-01-2014, 03:16 AM   #240
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i have all the flacs, if you'd be looking for something.

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