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Old 06-25-2014, 05:50 AM   #91
Cool As Ice Cream
Just Hook it to My Veins!
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off topic, but now that we're talking ignoffo tape, spfreaks did a little interview with mark ignoffo recently:

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Old 06-25-2014, 06:05 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by marrs-guitar View Post
This is the best Moon Demo source

The bmaromar source but speed corrected
Thanks. I think we are looking for rips of the official release in addition to this, as per Shallowed's suggestion.

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Old 06-25-2014, 06:07 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream View Post
off topic, but now that we're talking ignoffo tape, spfreaks did a little interview with mark ignoffo recently:
Interesting read.

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Old 06-25-2014, 06:15 AM   #94
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Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream View Post
ah, wait, no. i don't have the cds. i have the shn files that were shared on the hub and stuff.
Starseed indicated that he thinks that SHNs shared on the hub were used to burn CDs for the RTS tree. I don't know if these are the same as what you have. I also have SHNs but the lineage in the info files are awful/non-existent.

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Old 06-25-2014, 12:50 PM   #95
Cool As Ice Cream
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Old 06-25-2014, 12:57 PM   #96
Cool As Ice Cream
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Old 06-25-2014, 01:39 PM   #97
Cool As Ice Cream
Just Hook it to My Veins!
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info files, for what it's worth.
3 Songs O' Rarities

01 - My Eternity (1988.xx.xx) <-- Possible studio demo
02 - She (unknown)
03 - My Dahlia (rehearsal) <-- Apparently from 1988

notes: Ripped from a CD that I had laying around. Apparently, these are sourced from a video called 25 songs o' pumpkins.
In My Dahlia, you can hear billy say "Where's Ron?" Possibly Ron Roesing?????
Enjoy it!


3-2/3-95 Chicago, IL

1) Mellon Collie + The Infinite Sadness
2) The Viper
3) -funky jam-
4) Tribute To Johnny
5) Porcelina Of The Vast Oceans
6) Rachel/XYU
7) Thru The Eyes Of Ruby (w/Billy bullshiting lyrics)
8) V-8
9) Rachel/XYU
10) The Black Rider>Die
11) USA
12) Zero
13) -blank-
14) The Boy
15) -talking-
16) -joke song-
17) -tuning/messing around-
18) -talking-
19) Zero (jokey blues version - "the zero strut")
20) -drum fixing- Where Boys Fear To Tread (tease)
21) -more drums-
22) USA
23) Cupid De Locke
24) USA
25) -talking-
26) -talking-
27) -talking-
28) Zero
29) -talking-
30) Zero
31) Zero
32) -talking-
33) -talking-
34) -talking - The Captain & Tenille, the government's experimentation with sound, and Flood's american slang.

Notes: Audio from a video shot by an MTV camera during the initial recording run-throughs
of MCIS with Flood over 2 days. From what i've heard the camera man was fired and took the tapes
he shot with them, hence this got out. Testing out the practice space, mostly jamming and run-throughs.
Recording portions of Zero so Flood can see how the room sounds. Quite me anyway.

Flaws: Pops and static from video occasionally.
title: adore demos
cds: 1
length: 42 min
quality: 10

tracks of this copy:

01: the other side (for martha instrumental)
02: chewing gum
03: the tale of dusty and pistol pete
04: annie dog
05: once in a while
06: do you close your eyes
07: my mistake
08: i need you around (blissed and gone)
09: batman 1 (the end is the beginning is the end)
10: batman 2 (the beginning is the end is the beginning)

A collection of Adore-era demos, which first popped up on ebay in late Jan/early Feb 2000.
Track 1 is labeled 'The Other Side'.
Track 4 is the same as the album version.
Track 8 is labeled 'I Need You Around'.
Tracks 9 and 10 are labeled 'Batman take 1' and 'Batman take 2'.

info (c) by
The Smashing Pumpkins
Adore B-sides

01 Lover
02 Let Me Give The World To You
03 Because You Are
04 Satellites
05 Without You
06 Joy
07 Blissed And Gone
08 Saturnine
09 Cross [cut]

01 Winterlong
02 Soot And Stars
03 Chewing Gum
04 Do You Close Your Eyes
05 My Mistake
06 Jersey Shore
07 Valentine
08 Waiting [cut]

PAu-1-699-154 05-01-2004 05:46 AM
Some songs no one (to my knowledge) knows about:

Without You
Cross (not the one on the SPFC)
Jersey Shore

Me and her
We get around
Never see much
Staring hard
Into the ground
Electricity for love

You know it's the end of all
You know this is the end
It's what you've been waiting for
Like a long lost friend
Attached by satellites
Attached by satellites
Attached by satellites
It's a long way down

You're an angel
I don't wanna go to heaven
You're an angel
I don't wanna go to heaven
You're an angel
I don't wanna go to heaven
You're an angel
I don't wanna go to heaven

Me and her
Get around
We always rock the bus
Each a tube inside the ground
Electricity for love

You know this is the end
You know it's the end
It's what you've been waiting for
Like a long lost friend
Attached by satellites
Attached by satellites
Attached by satellites
It's a long way down

You're an angel
I don't wanna go to heaven
You're an angel
I don't wanna go to heaven
You're an angel
I don't wanna go to heaven
You're an angel
I don't wanna go to heaven

Without You
We're tamed to be
The bumble bee
We're tamed to please
Our deep blue seas
The gin wheeze of everything

Without you
Within you
Beside you
Fell into
A bad dream
Without you
Without you

Let's aim to see
The deep blue sky
Let's aim to squeeze
The last drops out of life

Without you
Within you
Beside you
Fell into
The worst dream
Without you
Without you

I feel joy
I feel just
Like a boy
And now I
PLay with my toys

Nothing's really changed
I don't feel sad
you know I
Don't feel mad for my age
I'm happy just being

Someone just like me
In a way you will be
Any way in the world throws me down now
Now, world throws me right on down
and the world spills me right on down
world drains me right on down and

I feel joy
I feel just
Like a boy
And now I
Play with my noise
Nothing's really changed

I feel joy
I feel such
Happy joy
As a child I
Owned the noise
Nothing's smashing down

Happy just to be alive
Happy just to survive
Blows the tragedy down
World blows me right on down
World drains me right on down
World spills me right on down
Right on down and

Cross (yet another Cross...heh)

Climb a cross
A sea-filled cross
Climb above
The still water

Desperate to
Seek to way
Earn your chance
With golden harvest

Find my hand pressing in
Meant no feeling in
Just the distance calling
It's distance calling
It's distance calling

There is no wanting
There's no way across
There is no wanting and can't go on
In a world you'd understand
This is your moment
In a world of being
Shoulda been dead, left for dead
This distance calling
This distance calling
This distance calling

(cuts off early)

Jersey Shore

On the Jersey shore
Spend all our dimes
I was getting change
Back of my mind

Shooting blanks
In Jerseytown
We tunnelled in

What can we do?
There's life here for me
With a sweet young thing
And a cool, cool breeze

To the smokestack chime
We carry forth
Cinder child
And nights we forced

They are saints hovering
The last soul is carried
Let him go on a riverbed
God rest your soul
God rest this town

What shall we do?
There's life yet for me
With a sweet young thing
And a cool, cool breeze
Say a prayer for me

In the pinball din
Done with glow
Dream the Jersey shore
We kiss in here

I'm the Jersey shore
It's where I died
Hat in hand
My eyes to the sky


Let the horses run
You're deserting me
Catch the thread-bare strains
Of departing trains
Bound for the last goodbyes
Yet thought you'd think you'd know

You're sure you did your care
She was always there
For you to kick around
But now she's let you down
Now she's gone to stay
With the frost and pray
If God could hear her prayers
Would he care?

Valentine, heart of mine
Come and ease my worried mind
It's plain to see
I'm not so free
Valentine, heart of mine

And from a window
You spy her ghost
Laughing ground
And taking notes

It seemed to so easy
To put it down
And leave the wreckage
For someone else

Valentine, heart of mine
Take this blood
This broken vine
It's plain to see
I ain't so free
Valentine, heart of mine

You smell of hair
Everywhere you go
You see her lips
Where you're leaving notes

Oh, Valentine
She's never 'round
Leaves you cold to
Have and hold

Valentine, heart of mine
Come and ease my worried mind
It's plain to see
I'm not so free
Valentine, heart of mine.
Smashing Pumpkins
Billy's Gravity Demos


Disc 1:

01. Jellybelly
02. Ugly (Beautiful One)
03. Bullet with Butterfly Wings (w/ raw/early vox)
04. Weeping Willowly (No Escape)
05. To Forgive (To Forgive For Nothing Less)
06. Blast
07. Mouths of Babes (Descendo)
08. Pennies (And I Stumbled Onto You)
09. Dizzle
10. A/Ab/E/B/F#
11. Rings
12. So So Pretty (James' Complex Song)
13. With Longing
14. Love (Straight Ab)
15. Set the Ray to Jerry

Disc 2:

01. Galapogos (The Innocents)
02. Speed (A Drone)
03. Lucky Lad (Busy Downtune Bb/G)
04. Jackboot
05. New Wave A to G
06. A/B/G Drop A
07. Marquis in Spades (Glamey Glamay)
08. Walking Country
09. Tonight, Tonight
10. The Groover
11. Germans in Leather Pants (New Wave Echo)
12. Millieu (Pretty Drop A)
13. E-drone E/C#/A
14. The Aeroplane Flies High (Disconnected)

Label: (none)
ID: -
Track info: Disc 1:
Tracks 1-15: 1994 - Gravity Studios - studio, electric
Disc 2:
Tracks 1-14: 1994 - Gravity Studios - studio, electric
All tracks electric & instrumental, except Bullet with Butterfly Wings.

From a 100m cassette, given by BC to an online fan in April 2000 with instructions to "circulate these". Originally, it was supposed to be a 90m cassette with more recent material, but he screwed up the tape somehow, & dug this one out instead.
01. Glass' Theme
02. The Everlasting Gaze (Disco King)
03. Dross
04. Blue Skies Bring Tears (Arising! version)
05. If There Is a God
06. Le Deux Machina (Mike Garson version)
07. Heavy Metal Machine (Version I)
08. Here's to the Atom Bomb (cut)
09. Real Love
10. Money (That's What I Want) [Strong]
11. X.Y.U.
12. Once Upon a Time
13. Crestfallen
14. (untitled SD-era instr) (cut)

Label: (none)
ID: -
Track info: Tracks 1-9: Nov 1998 - Oct 1999 - Chicago Recording Company - studio, electric
Tracks 10-11: 1998/10/31 - Dodger Stadium; Los Angeles, CA, US - soundboard, electric
Tracks 12-14: (unknown) - studio demos

Length: ~62:00

BONUSTRACK: Black Oblivion...
The Smashing Pumpkins
xx-xx-88 "The Ignoffo Tape"

Source: STU>ANA-2>DATM
Conversion: Technics tape deck>DAT>DAT2WAV
Encode: wav's>FLAC


Disc 1
01. I Am One (4:19)
02. Bury Me (4:14)
03. Daydream (1:53)
04. Not Worth Asking (4:00)
05. Honeyspider (2:25)
06. Rhinoceros (5:25)
07. Snap (3:32)
08. Love (3:35)
09. C'mon (4:54)
10. Under Your Spell (3:56)
11. Jennifer Ever [Click Track] (3:32)
12. There It Goes [Cut] (4:23)

Disc 2:
01. There It Goes (5:36)
02. She (3:52)
03. My Eternity (5:55)
04. Oui Henri (5:07)
05. Spiteface (4:26)
06. Nothing and Everything (6:27)
07. Cinnamon Girl (2:37)
08. Time Has Come Today (4:05)
09. My Dahlia (3:41)
10. My Dahlia [Rehearsal] (4:17)
11. The Crystal Ship (2:47)
12. I Fall (5:58)


T12: Cut as per master

T1-3,5-6: 10/05/88 - Metro; Chicago, IL, US (slight analog noise in T1)
T4:11/23/88 - Metro; Chicago, IL, US [AUD>Reel2Reel>ANA-1>DAT-M]
T7,9: 1989 - Reel Time Studios
T8: 11/20/88 Last Exit, Chicago, IL [AUD>Reel2Reel>ANA-1>DAT-M]
T10-11: From "The Psycho Tape," an unseeded compilation of early Pumpkins material. Consider this a tease.
T12: 1988: Billy's Father's Home Studio [STU>ANA-2>FLAC]
* note how d2t05 isn't "oui henri", it is "bleed". but this is how it was originally shared. (the file is also called "oui henri".)

Kitty Kat (original mix)
Virgin promo cassette > CDR > EAC > Wav > Flac

Set list:

1. Kitty Kat (Original Mix) 4:30

This song was originally intended to be on the Pumpkins' 1993 album Siamese Dream, but it was pulled at the last minute. This song comes from a promo cassette distributed before the album's release. The mix is different from the later release of the song under the title "Hello Kitty Kat" on the "Today" single; the vocals are not distorted on this version.

The actual title of the song on the promo cassette was "Kitty Kat".

I received this in a trade back in 1995 from a guy who owned the cassette. Unfortunately, his cassette had become partially demagnetized, so the first 1:30 of the song suffers from an annoying whooshing/phasing. I have never found anyone with another copy of this, so as annoying as that "whooshing" may be, it's the best available copy.

************************************************** **
Feel free to encode this to MP3, upload to Porntube,
sing it in the shower, whatever.
************************************************** **
title: machina acoustic demos
cds: 1
length: 46 min
quality: 9

tracks and flaws of this copy:

01: if there is a god
02: blue skies bring tears
03: wound (if you wait)
04: les deux ex machina
05: vanity
06: glass & the ghost children
01:38 - skip (on all circulating copies)
07: autumn
08: drain
09: laugh
10: here i am
11: lover
12: let me give the world to you
01:45 - tape flub (on all circulating copies)
13: blue skies bring tears
02:31 - tiny click
14: speed kills
cut at the end (all circulating copies)


every flaw which is stated as "tiny" is nearly inaudible. i heard them only while really listening for them with my headphones on from the stereo, so you would most likely not hear them when listening in any other way.
Mashed Potatoes - 1994

CD 1:

Happy Fucking Valentines
Tristessa (live 92)
There It Goes (demo 88)
With You (demo 89)
Jesus Loves His Babies (outtake 91)
Stray Cat Blues [Rolling Stones] (live 90)
Snail (radio 91)
Bob Speaks
Window Paine (live 90)
Wave Song (demo 91)
Blue (acoustic 91)
Lie I Lie (live 89)
My Eternity (radio 88)
Jesus Is the Sun (demo 90)
Sookie Sookie [Steppenwolf] (live 90)

CD 2:

Slunk (live 92)
Rocket (live 93)
Under Your Spell (demo 88)
Honeyspider (live 90)
STP (demo 91)
Snap (demo 89)
Rhinoceros (live 93)
Let's Meet the Band
Bleed (live 88)
Opal (live 90)
Worship (live 90)
Drown (live 92)
Fat Man Blues (live 89)
Try to Try (live 90)
Venus in Furs [Velvet Underground] (radio 88)
WNUR interview (radio 88)

CD 3:

And from the West Side...
Girl Named Sandoz [Animals] (live 92)
365 (live 90)
Spaceboy (outtake 93)
The Joker [Steve Miller] (live 92)
Suffer (live 92)
Coming Attractions
Egg (demo 89)
Bury Me (live 92)
Moleasskiss (demo 92)
I Am My End (live 90)
My Dahlia (demo 88)
Vanilla (demo 89)
East (demo 88)
Kill Your Parents
Terrapin [Syd Barrett] (live 91)
Cinder (live 91)
Luna (acoustic 91)

CD 4:

Interview Nozems a Go-Go
Morning Jam (live 90)
I'm Free [Who] (live 90)
Jennifer Ever (demo 88)
Plume (live 92)
Disarm (live 93)
Siva (live 92)
Translucent (demo 90)
Not Worth Asking (live 89)
Over You (live 90)
Where's Vince? (outtake 93)
Smiley (acoustic 91)
Geek U.S.A. (live 93)
Crush (live 92)
C'mon (live 90)

CD 5:

Hello Kitty Kat (demo 92)
Nothing and Everything (demo 88)
Mayonaise (outtake 93)
Out of Focus [Blue Cheer] (live 92)
Offer Up (live 92)
Silverfuck (live 92)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer [traditional] (live 93)
Stars Fall In (demo 89)
Godzilla [Blue Öyster Cult] (live 90)
Bye June (live 92)
Spiteface (demo 88)
Daydream (demo 89)
I'll Never Change (live 90)
Infinite Sadness (outtake 93)

Label: (none)

Track info:

Disc 1:
Track 04: 1989 - Reel Time Studios
Track 13: 1989/03/16 - WZRD-FM Studios; Chicago, IL, US
Track 01: 1992/02/14 - Astoria Theater; London, UK
Track 07: 1992/01/15 - VPRO Radio; Hilversum, NL
Track 03: 1988 - Billy's father's home studio
Track 05: 1990 Dec - 1991 Mar - Smart Studios (Gish recordings)
Track 10: 1991 - Chicago Demos [?]
Track 14: 1990 - Chicago Demos [?]
Disc 2:
Track 06: 1989 - Reel Time Studios
Track 13: 1989 - Reel Time Studios (acoustic session)
Track 15: 1989/03/16 - WZRD-FM Studios; Chicago, IL, US
Track 02: 1993/07/26 - Tower Records; Chicago, IL, US
Track 03: 1988 - Billy's father's home studio
Disc 3:
Track 08: 1989 - Reel Time Studios
Track 13: 1989 - Reel Time Studios (acoustic session)
Track 14: The Smashing Pumpkins (tape)
Track 12: Light Into Dark (compilation)
Track 10: 1992 Spring - Soundworks
Disc 4:
Track 04: The Smashing Pumpkins (tape)
Track 08: 1990 - Chicago Demos [?]
Disc 5:
Track 08: 1989 - Reel Time Stuidos
Track 12: 1989 - Reel Time Studios
Track 02: The Smashing Pumpkins (tape)
Track 11: The Smashing Pumpkins (tape)
Track 01: 1992 - Chicago Studio [?]
Track 03: 1992 Dec - 1993 Mar - Triclops Sound Studios
Track 14: 1992 Dec - 1993 Mar - Triclops Sound Studios

All parenthetical notes are Billy's.

Tracks without parenthetical notes are stage banter.
"Opal" and "Worship" are run together as one track.
"Slunk" is the "Chump" version, and is labeled as such.


CD 1.000000: 01:03:15
CD 2.000000: 01:03:19
CD 3.000000: 01:02:55
CD 4.000000: 01:02:17
CD 5.000000: 01:01:33

Several copies given to friends of the band by Billy around 1993-1994.
mcis demos II:
ANA-L > DAT0 > CDR-0 > SHN (> CDR-1 when you burn it)
MCIS Demos III - Demos for D'arcy
Studio > ANA-L > CDR

(01) Stumbleine
(02) Jupiter's Lament
(03) Lily (My One and Only).
(04) To Forgive
(05) Bullet With Butterfly Wings
(06) Here Is No Why
(07) Galapogos
(08) Frantic Ab Groove
(09) Feelium
(10) God
(11) Marquis In Spades
MCIS Demos III (AKA Demos for D'arcy)

Restored by Max2Max 02/23/2007

Original notes (Thanks to the previous seeder, I don't remember his name...):
================================================== ==========================================

These demos were treed earlier this year as part of the Reel Time
Sessions tree. This rip is a lower generation than that which was treed.
It was copied onto DAT from the source tape and then transferred onto CD.
I've never heard the original treed version of this so I can't say how much better this sounds (if much at all).

01. Stumbleine
02. Jupiters Lament
03. Lilly (my one and Only)
04. To Forgive
05. Bullet with Butterfly Wings
06. Here is No Why
07. Galapogos
08. Frantic Ab Groove
09. Feelium
10. God
11. Marquis in Spades

================================================== ==========================================

* On MCIS Demos III - Demos for D'arcy 1994-09-xx Studio > ANA-L > CDR, noise reduction is used and not for the better IMHO, some tracks are i mono too.
* On this release, no noise reduction, EQ or compression. Only pitch and volume correction with sound forge.
* All tracks except 9 and 10 also appear on MCIS Demos I but here with an A sound :-)
* Track 9 is the full version of Feelium. A clip of Feelium can be heard in Pastichio Medley.

Details :

1. pitch shift + right channel volume correction + normalize
2. pitch shift + right channel volume correction + normalize
3. pitch shift + right channel volume correction + normalize
4. pitch shift + right channel volume correction + normalize
5. pitch shift + right channel volume correction + normalize
6. pitch shift + right channel volume correction + normalize
7. pitch shift + right channel volume correction + normalize
8. pitch shift + right channel volume correction + normalize (mono on Studio > ANA-L > CDR, stereo here !)
9. pitch shift + right channel volume correction + normalize (mono on Studio > ANA-L > CDR, stereo here !)
10. pitch shift + right channel volume correction + normalize (mono on Studio > ANA-L > CDR, stereo here !)
11. pitch shift + right channel volume correction + normalize (mono on Studio > ANA-L > CDR, stereo here !)
Smashing Pumpkins
Moon Demo Tape

Source: Virgin In-House Promo Cassette > Sony TC-K630ES > R-09(unity gain, 24/48)
Original editing: Audacity (amplified, spliced tape sides together), r8brain (downsample/dither), CDWave (split)
Additional editing: WAV file in Adobe Audition (speed fixing, a few tape blips fixed, volume balancing, etc)
> CDWave (splits, cutting some dead space, etc) > Flac Frontend

01. Honeyspider (alt.)
02. (interlude #1)
03. With You
04. Egg
05. (interlude #2)
06. Rhinoceros (alt.)
07. Bye June
08. Stars Fall In
09. Daughter
10. (interlude #3)
11. Daydream
12. (interlude #4)
13. Psychodelic

All credits to bmaromar for the original tape and rhinowing for the transfer and share.

The original release ran a little too fast so my main intention was too fix this, a few extra tweaks ended up being tackled too.
Sounds as good as we're likely to get!

SOURCE: Original Demo Tape > CDR > EAC > FLAC

I transferred the original demo tape to CDR a long time ago.
Here is additional info courtesy of and the liner notes:

Self-released tape sold at early shows for $5.
J-card has lyrics for "Daydream" and a photocopied picture of the band. The picture is hand-colored with pink magic marker. All spellings of song titles are from the sleeve.
The title "Stars Fallin" is a misprint; the correct title is "Stars Fall In".

Additional info from inside the sleeve:

billy corgan - guitars, lead vocal
james - guitars
darcy - bass
jimmy chamberlin - drums

PRODUCED by Billy Corgan
ENGINEERED by Mark Ignoffo
At Reel Time Studios

Mark also plays organ

All songs by Corgan except Stars fallin by Corgan/Iha and daughter by Corgan/Wretzky (c) 1989 the smashing pumpkins

eternal thanks to: chris, bob, cuz, vince, tory, nick, ian, and the cabaret metro.
extra eternal thanks to the patient mark ignoffo.
1988 - Nothing Ever Changes
NEC: Ana-L>CDR-M>Cool-Edit>CDR-M (Asselin)>CDR-2>SHN

01. The Vigil
02. Nothing and Everything
03. Holiday
04. Cross
Pisces Iscariot + Friends

ANA-M > SBlive > SHN > WAV > editing (steinberg freefilter) > SHN

* the discs you burn will effectively be CDR-0
* each disc is just over 50 mins, they're from opposite sides of a 100min tape
* Mayo is cut (as it is on the tape)
* steinberg freefilter is what Starseed used to do the EQ mirroring.. which is why the PI songs sound nearly identical to the CD versions.
* "it's got a few pops and tape jumps, but overall it's pretty damn sweet" - Starseed
side a: UAA
side b: UGA
01. Egg
02. Bury Me
03. Bye June
04. Cinamon Girl
05. C'mon
06. Daughter
07. Daughter (extended)
08. Daydream
09. East (alt)
10. Honey Spider
11. Honey Spider (alt)
12. Honey Spider (alt heavy)
13. I am One
14. Love
15. Not Worth Asking
16. Psychodelic
17. Rhinoceros
18. Rhinoceros (alt)
19. Snap

01. Stars Fall In
02. With You
03. Waiting for you Now
04. Fat Man Blues (abandoned) - Fat Man Blues (tease) - Fat Man Blues (1st half)
05. Fat Man Blues (2nd half) - Bleed (tease)
06. Bleed (2 false starts) - Bleed
07. She (2 false starts) - She (abandoned) - Vanilla (multiple teases)
08. Vanilla
09. My Dahlia (2 teases) - My Dahlia (abandoned) - My Dahlia (abandoned) - (jam tease) - Fat Man Blues (tease)
10. Waiting
11. Sun (abandoned w/teases) - Fat Man Blues (tease) - Stray Cat Blues (multiple teases)
12. Stray Cat Blues
13. I am One Pt.2

Reel Time Sessions Bonus Tracks

BONUS TRACKS: three bonus tracks were tacked to the end of disc 2 for those who
participated in the tree of this material. Time has Come Today is from Last Exit,
11-20-88 Chicago. Jennifer Ever is the same version found already in circulation,
but with only a single guitar track (no drums, etc). Nothing + Everything comes
from an unknown date and venue in 1989.
The Smashing Pumpkins
"Sequence IV" 31 May 1995
ANA-? > DAT > CDR-? > WAV [EAC] > WAV [WaveLab, FreeFilter] > SHN

Known flaws: "twinkling" / crappy treble
dropout in Muzzle at 1:04
pops in Porcelina

In an attempt to make Sequence IV (a rough mix of MCIS' "Dawn to Dusk")
remotely listenable, I ran each track individually through FreeFilter
against its MCIS counterpart. It sounds a hell of a lot better, but it
didn't fix the clipping or the annoying 'twinkling' that probably
resulted from injudicious noise reduction.

I adjusted the preamp (I assume it was pre?) before applying the filter
in order to prevent clipping from the EQ process. I also adjusted the
volumes afterwards in an attempt to maintain the relative loudness of
each track on the disc. Some of the tracks seem a little bass-y, but
what the hell.

With that out of the way, I think this is an interesting listen. Several
of the tracks are nearly finished, but quite of the few tracks are
noticeably different. In general, some subtle instrumentation on the
final mix is more noticeable, and several of the instrumental takes are
slightly different.

::shrug:: Love it or leave it... hope I didn't screw anything up.

- ivor the engine driver

Total Time: 60:55
1. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
2. Tonite Tonite
3. Jellybelly
4. Zero
5. Here Is No Why
6. Bullet With Butterfly Wings (no vocals)
7. To Forgive
8. Fuck You
9. Love
10. Cupid De Locke
11. Galapagos
12. Muzzle
13. Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
14. Lily
15. Take Me Down
but i guess we're not including this version of sequence 4...

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Old 06-25-2014, 01:55 PM   #98
Cool As Ice Cream
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does anyone have the originally shared files for "sacred and profane tour soundboard compilation"?

i see the zomb has a version that's sourced from a bootleg. (the bootleg must've been sourced from the original files.)

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Old 06-25-2014, 02:04 PM   #99
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Even if the circulating version of Sequence IV is awful. We should still share that unless we can't get a better copy. Dave Asselin has a better on DAT, and in the past has actually offered to lend his collection to those who can make high quality copies, so perhaps we should chase this up.

I haven't gone through all of what you posted yet. But something to note is that you appear to have the very first transfer of MCIS Demos III which circulated, and an altered copy of the lower gen transfer which was circulated afterwards. I have the unaltered lower gen. It would be interesting to see how the two transfers compare.

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Old 06-25-2014, 02:26 PM   #100
Cool As Ice Cream
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Originally Posted by magikarp99 View Post
But something to note is that you appear to have the very first transfer of MCIS Demos III which circulated, and an altered copy of the lower gen transfer which was circulated afterwards. I have the unaltered lower gen. It would be interesting to see how the two transfers compare.
here's the SHN set:

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Old 06-25-2014, 02:40 PM   #101
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The fingerprints for the SHNs don't appear to be correct. I'm not familiar with shntool I'm afraid, but perhaps they are SHA1 sums instead of MD5?

That said, from the first list, things you have that I don't:
  • 3 Songs o rarities
  • Adore Demos II Tape Sides
  • Moon Demo tape Original

Things that match/can be verified as good in your collection:
  • Ignoffo Tape (distributed with FFPs, and matches my copy)
  • Kitty Kat (distributed with MD5, and matches my copy)
  • Quiet and Other Songs tape sides (matches my FFPs)

Unverifiable, as I don't have a good copy to compare with:
  • MCIS Demos I
  • Moon Demo tape Original (I think we were looking for this)

  • MCIS Demos III restored
  • Speed corrected Moon tape

  • Machina Acoustic Demos (my FFPs are different)

Machina Acoustic Demos source file:
billy 4 or 8-track master ---> analogM (billy) ---> CDR master (billy) given to Eric Weinrich (NHL) --> me.
transferred with EAC, configured correctly for offset.

14 tracks.

skip in Gl+tGC is on the master.

billy cuts songs.

I think it sounds like mine has a better lineage.

Do you have a source file for MCIS Demos I, or the original Moon Demo tape? I don't see it.

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Old 06-25-2014, 02:47 PM   #102
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I've got a speed corrected version (self-created) of the MCIS Rough Mix sourced from bmaromar's tape that I'll seed on zomb

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Old 06-25-2014, 02:49 PM   #103
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Do we want to share speed corrected versions or original unaltered editions? I would say it is best to share the original.

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Old 06-25-2014, 03:17 PM   #104
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i believe the shntool md5 is the same calculation as flac fingerprints. they look at the audio content.
the old md5 checksum files that came with shn sets, are wholefile md5 checksums.

all shn sets above also come with md5 files. i've checked them all, and they were all fine. (i didn't share those md5 files, as i thought they were of no use.)

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Old 06-25-2014, 03:27 PM   #105
Cool As Ice Cream
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Originally Posted by magikarp99 View Post
  • Machina Acoustic Demos (my FFPs are different)

Machina Acoustic Demos source file:
billy 4 or 8-track master ---> analogM (billy) ---> CDR master (billy) given to Eric Weinrich (NHL) --> me.
transferred with EAC, configured correctly for offset.

14 tracks.

skip in Gl+tGC is on the master.

billy cuts songs.

I think it sounds like mine has a better lineage.
you're right.
i found that source too. it's a set of shn files.

Last edited by Cool As Ice Cream : 06-25-2014 at 03:32 PM.

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Old 06-25-2014, 03:27 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by magikarp99 View Post
Do we want to share speed corrected versions or original unaltered editions? I would say it is best to share the original.
Wouldn't it be best to share the optimal versions? I mean the original files that are shared are done so with the uploader/sharer believing that the songs are at the correct pitch/speed after all.

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Old 06-25-2014, 03:31 PM   #107
Cool As Ice Cream
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i'm a bit confused about the md5 checksums from trader's little helper (shntool).
so these don't match the flac fingerprints? (none?)

EDIT: i was being silly. i selected the wrong type of checksum in trader's little helper. i was calculating the wholefile md5 checksum. let me re-run all of this. (i'll include that better lineage of machina acoustic demos.)

EDIT 2: also for the flac files i selected the wrong type of checksum. i selected ffp (which just reads the checksum from the flac file's header). now re-ran with "st5" option, which re-calculates the flac fingerprints, looking at the actual audio file content.


Last edited by Cool As Ice Cream : 06-25-2014 at 03:50 PM.

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Old 06-25-2014, 03:37 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by magikarp99 View Post
Do you have a source file for MCIS Demos I, or the original Moon Demo tape? I don't see it.
mcis demos I:
set of files comes with a EAC log file. so i assume it's ripped directly from the bootleg cd. there's no "info" file though.

i also found an incomplete bootleg of this set of demos:

original moon: "SOURCE: Original Demo Tape > CDR > EAC > FLAC
I transferred the original demo tape to CDR a long time ago.

Last edited by Cool As Ice Cream : 06-25-2014 at 03:46 PM.

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Old 06-25-2014, 03:41 PM   #109
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ffp of all:
5c144e1968317e2439988b46255e35d4  [shntool]  3 Songs O' Rarities\01 - My Eternity.flac
fc7f3adf58defd861b623d101752cde1  [shntool]  3 Songs O' Rarities\02 - She.flac
1474470947772c093e7219c692169c9f  [shntool]  3 Songs O' Rarities\03 - My Dahlia (rehearsal).flac
34e2b1c9cf912a54c13e38b25bf8a2ba  [shntool]  666\01 - Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness.shn
c72cff6c0d36abf237d792082dd01164  [shntool]  666\02 - The Viper.shn
8561292168b01e179753cd9388d8f7cd  [shntool]  666\03 - funky jam-.shn
910271cab84cdd04acd635e8da2d7747  [shntool]  666\04 - Tribute To Johnny.shn
2757f947d817837e836cb92dd62c5a3e  [shntool]  666\05 - Porcelina Of The Vast Oceans.shn
7e21708992c36cbd81fb53fbdab552d7  [shntool]  666\06 - Rachel_XYU.shn
28ae68e978fecf606a4fa6dbfc5be907  [shntool]  666\07 - Thru The Eyes Of Ruby (w_Billy bullshiting lyrics).shn
717324dcdffd89b87a71cf1ba40f0676  [shntool]  666\08 - V-8.shn
60e9314ffe89024a71ab51a79c669fdc  [shntool]  666\09 - Rachel_XYU.shn
7edff605879fbe41e307e904b7820513  [shntool]  666\10 - The Black Rider_Die.shn
257985e606a0bf3d4c50970e63601096  [shntool]  666\11 - USA.shn
db06184af8dca42d985399f429157a6d  [shntool]  666\12 - Zero.shn
1b7a7617ec7dbf8528bd56319d6fee55  [shntool]  666\13--blank--.shn
f4e7f99b12082992281f442332a21a19  [shntool]  666\14 - The Boy.shn
cfb23819d6a02ade4b7f4b30bf1a8f75  [shntool]  666\15 -talking-.shn
99baa2f1a754555308aea03478556541  [shntool]  666\16 -joke song-.shn
ef346e0c31d59a6fac3ab7e6ef448c13  [shntool]  666\17 -tuning_messing around-.shn
e252e0db72415e94a1ceaa3a90a0a8d4  [shntool]  666\18 -talking-.shn
f29378a4d33c354dd2af2b570bd1996b  [shntool]  666\19 - Zero.shn
c6f55b6a897446e3b8b83828aff7a825  [shntool]  666\20 -drum fixing-.shn
58ffaade89f2c2da5b42cc1e747f26d7  [shntool]  666\21 -more drums-.shn
e987353d4be630e46b1da3e551fc888f  [shntool]  666\22 - USA.shn
22945b0f32f6df0e4645c7bf55280b67  [shntool]  666\23 - Cupid De Locke.shn
0d1fe1f374ec0009833441ee836106eb  [shntool]  666\24 - USA.shn
1cf1b190211c331139f7f6d0484d0225  [shntool]  666\25 -talking-.shn
2cc222beb810e3f6c5604df1f5a18bfb  [shntool]  666\26 -talking-.shn
3e8d5f9098380a372f071bd3119cbc1f  [shntool]  666\27 -talking-.shn
b2e81ca659a2a6a0758abeea113af8fc  [shntool]  666\28 - Zero.shn
e689b20e3a7bc86957e49c8bc2c7f8dc  [shntool]  666\29 -talking-.shn
4af2ca502dad13f3474d7182667d5e5b  [shntool]  666\30 - Zero.shn
08aea10a8b7adf2fdba0249e01873c72  [shntool]  666\31 - Zero.shn
cfad03bad8b6f9613c235438c1b31594  [shntool]  666\32 -talking-.shn
8301a3aced7d4cef055f1f90e17f83a6  [shntool]  666\33 -talking-.shn
394747c4689d34c18165e0f1c1f9ed93  [shntool]  666\34 -talking-.shn
1f21d579e9d899515743cc4c963c4995  [shntool]  Adore Demos I\01. the other side (for martha instrumental).shn
a3a6bf7615711fe85e0f5b52f9306239  [shntool]  Adore Demos I\02. chewing gum.shn
979ba309370c61fbd487f81075ceb02b  [shntool]  Adore Demos I\03. the tale of dusty and pistol pete.shn
3f93d4b2e2614949cea1f3ad5981c1cc  [shntool]  Adore Demos I\04. annie dog.shn
638c1c554fa4bf21accb82f9d69ce1e8  [shntool]  Adore Demos I\05. once in a while.shn
d20c07c185dead99a161985c592205f7  [shntool]  Adore Demos I\06. do you close your eyes.shn
1375511c3354d69a37db25293b1aa85b  [shntool]  Adore Demos I\07. my mistake.shn
dcf73a642dda69d7ce68997b048704d4  [shntool]  Adore Demos I\08. i need you around (blissed and gone).shn
1a940b974d5725d33ca6b5e5cf6c837c  [shntool]  Adore Demos I\09. batman 1 (the end is the beginning is the end).shn
e23ca57d3e469b7235e955e66f839957  [shntool]  Adore Demos I\10. batman 2 (the beginning is the end is the beginning).shn
84c850b271507499dc9ec478809e1603  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\01 - Lover.flac
eaf93f519ec3d0bc6b87762361a05d88  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\02 - Let Me Give The World To You.flac
5c723cf451fefa8d19d180fd133d7c84  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\03 - Because You Are.flac
da2554345a52c2db6f31ee885731299c  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\04 - Satellites.flac
b147e14bfbbc3c1b9dda4410d3570665  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\05 - Without You.flac
3b2310cb77e703da802a6fb0f2843668  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\06 - Joy.flac
ffb312e9485cea2129b8c1b55851f746  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\07 - Blissed And Gone (cut).flac
35a18bd28ac9f261d63d0d4c134abb53  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\08 - Saturnine.flac
a2a1c633fc90654f11febd55ee8271a4  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\09 - Cross (cut).flac
66d0a2ad796a4e93a4849291327139a3  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\10 - Winterlong.flac
59486c7f3f1d496f16b38f765c1e08a9  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\11 - Soot And Stars.flac
0b54c459cbe13d420c91f65b85a932ea  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\12 - Chewing Gum.flac
8faddc656db322b2f7223d58c267e1f4  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\13 - Do You Close Your Eyes.flac
47beb0a622d099fa87c11b0f2963e821  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\14 - My Mistake.flac
9afe2f7c26ce920576243f24bf1c63d5  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\15 - Jersey Shore.flac
4fd5cebb0145dbc92552c9e8bfba2370  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\16 - Valentine.flac
0ce9ebff9954bb245e200dc89bf0ab66  [shntool]  Adore Demos II {StArSeEd}\17 - Waiting (cut).flac
e3836f8a461ecbfec6d67a50d6fb150e  [shntool]  Adore Demos II\side a.flac
9148d2b11fcf9aa834162479f11956e5  [shntool]  Adore Demos II\side b.flac
3331c7f9c1181dcd7231e6dba7646910  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\01 - Jellybelly.shn
ed2c09b6ac8d336bfb4e1e22de2950a2  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\02 - Beautiful One.shn
3762191a27d83c5953ce94b1612e3557  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\03 - Bullet with Butterfly Wings (vox).shn
7dbe4aea283396c5d4db967bf02bd8b8  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\04 - No Escape.shn
a97c57bedf3d4468bf5e2f4d80e2f0a8  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\05 - To Forgive For Nothing Less.shn
ca07fa93a8e16e305f61cc799f32acf6  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\06 - Blast.shn
c9cfd826e143c3fc2cb592e34397ef84  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\07 - Descendo.shn
8260ce0fbcd53e3861069aa9132a4b84  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\08 - And I Stumbled On To You.shn
65335ef801bde0a9d728a2fbad18612b  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\09 - Dizzle.shn
7535b34f634325e9c3f544c6635435bb  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\10 - A,Ab,E,B,F#.shn
f8183c14bc4e6c836a45f8d09a1646da  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\11 - Rings.shn
b37185afadd1226a08652362528b4a74  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\12 - James' Complex Song.shn
b73a64bf7a373ff7d92d6927e9f3a981  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\13 - With Longing.shn
5e08930ac3cd158b7591ed827fcfbc83  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\14 - Straight Ab.shn
f165fd8b580a95551eb9b94567d90b45  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\15 - Set the Ray to Jerry.shn
d6b7dd894a514302763de6cd80c37a87  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\16 - The Innocents.shn
3b84d36d330f23d4c0a4da45fcfd1f9b  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\17 - A Drone.shn
93b523639fd391c11df17681a29c33cb  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\18 - Lucky Lad .shn
f31912e5a424d9b13e08bd540d80d022  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\19 - Jackboot.shn
ecbf4f2f97e97d08ca63ba1b4ce04207  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\20 - New Wave A to G.shn
be76896946a4b9fe0663b4c5e53bf860  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\21 - A,B,G Drop A.shn
4cf2aae99355b36a7b074dcde06234af  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\22 - Glamey Glamay.shn
d148f2e98c74b904a121d20cfe93cd15  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\23 - Walking Country.shn
83785100c68a2522d61f9e6fc95ead1b  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\24 - Tonight, Tonight (in C).shn
d3e8604098d78dc59069d860d4960d80  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\25 - The Groover.shn
d86ed40f788e6405a2e15901fcde96e1  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\26 - Germans In Leather Pants.shn
795d4439d33c9f9201c27966809e1268  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\27 - Millieu.shn
218f008830b7ccdf250b41de70f58bd3  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\28 - E-drone E,C#,A.shn
eaa85e9e22a870f891eed2ec1408742a  [shntool]  Billy's Gravity Demos I\29 - Disconnected.shn
0d9f81a5afee6322f11d376d1173462a  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\01. glass' theme.shn
ef4841b54ee94be9ced9253323c8267f  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\02. disco king (the everlasting gaze).shn
7f8356e39af1bab10e19d9879b7cedcb  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\03. dross.shn
dc4a51aa793a6769c388ee6f3607addd  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\04. blue skies bring tears (version 1).shn
1ba44011c3e3149c4d801bda7b3df4ad  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\05. if there is a god.shn
f78088105f235ad122a3195b4b047600  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\06. le deux machina.shn
ed7332c7ecee9b52692af0d4c5742064  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\07. heavy metal machine.shn
9bbd1823d0735b6c6b97507749a968f5  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\08. here's to the atom bomb.shn
180cf38580f9f2065255d66310e4b097  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\09. real love.shn
68ed80a5b6d5e0bf472c7e8b47198fdb  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\10. money (98.10.31).shn
c370f188b965d1cc875d646af32b106a  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\11. xyu (98.10.31).shn
2effd86de3ebe401e8e924957cc6d980  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\12. once upon a time.shn
a74195a21a726418da63d625d5787faf  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\13. crestfallen.shn
1aff11ef90cddd5fa4c55ddf3270b413  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\14. unknown instrumental.shn
f44401c0bca2e83f547bf860f1a185a8  [shntool]  Friends and Enemies of Modern Music\20. firewall.shn
a027adee377ff67c7e929f77b20e9d7d  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D1T01 - I Am One.flac
ca29ecabaa199f56cc2797344b9b3c05  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D1T02 - Bury Me.flac
8cd379b5fa52527db0446c94f0972f85  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D1T03 - Daydream.flac
0b52ab5a96facc05d2671722cd4892c8  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D1T04 - Not Worth Asking.flac
8d86a28ef294510b925400a1db8a1a7f  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D1T05 - Honeyspider.flac
61481e772e699c1bcf37433140e8e378  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D1T06 - Rhinoceros.flac
1b3567019b242038cc548e7cfb3aa405  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D1T07 - Snap.flac
a8209c5bb011570c4658b684bb4986fc  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D1T08 - Love.flac
800cfd1be46bdbccbd69a74109c9e89b  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D1T09 - C'mon.flac
04c30666871acbb2ce9af55f239112fe  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D1T10 - Under Your Spell.flac
194f3aa3329c660ad5b59c3aad22a897  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D1T11 - Jennifer Ever (Click Track).flac
7febbef15760bd919bfc003195089a9d  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D1T12 - There It Goes (cut).flac
6a2c45a73104452575d7f614fa0c8e3e  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D2T01 - There It Goes.flac
d2c5c8bf88bd2782b32f1b7f278b6688  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D2T02 - She.flac
31e90dc2d4e409b4952917880788eb81  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D2T03 - My Eternity.flac
16c654750e5e8ab516fd928ea8b48837  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D2T04 - Oui Henri.flac
6436fe8422353b96f4eb3064eae45ca1  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D2T05 - Spiteface.flac
0c43b3d4da65cd30ce3630d9742d1e1e  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D2T06 - Nothing And Everything.flac
bbb3ececda48d1581f8ab95bee7d4ed1  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D2T07 - Cinnamon Girl.flac
f0e20186ec0dff7688e96d7efd93c3fb  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D2T08 - Time Has Come Today.flac
2a87a53578fb4f90c588a7b98df63ab8  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D2T09 - My Dahlia.flac
3a477c1c2b67fa92e7a3565f1c286cba  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D2T10 - My Dahlia (Rehearsal).flac
c89446b8c0da99635b28dc48bc163900  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D2T11 - The Crystal Ship.flac
9f54096d311f363dbc7fdaed9b4236d8  [shntool]  Ignoffo Tape\D2T12 - I Fall.flac
2b7f799a8b20c4b764c933abfa24461c  [shntool]  Kitty Kat (original mix)\01 - Kitty Kat (original mix).flac
256ac3fa3fb3dc9e79bb2d43eec17520  [shntool]  Machina Acoustic Demos\track01.shn
d957b507a229832715e754a38ad115bc  [shntool]  Machina Acoustic Demos\track02.shn
bae78f5780837425602e162bfe894b38  [shntool]  Machina Acoustic Demos\track03.shn
66a5d6d81fa9df8094c231fa3f739bbc  [shntool]  Machina Acoustic Demos\track04.shn
1b69405f84b17d8ed7e5b46451178051  [shntool]  Machina Acoustic Demos\track05.shn
39aa58e4c7faf66237421ad271ea565e  [shntool]  Machina Acoustic Demos\track06.shn
a456a07d10099fd47e8a013e56999386  [shntool]  Machina Acoustic Demos\track07.shn
3563f1ed3bc8a9c9836a88fa41ca9515  [shntool]  Machina Acoustic Demos\track08.shn
06b7afd57941b0698baba7308895ae8d  [shntool]  Machina Acoustic Demos\track09.shn
00906708b2f7b0f49b1c3a980d198aa9  [shntool]  Machina Acoustic Demos\track10.shn
b330f004c0b57bdd7fa41c30a5f7c7ad  [shntool]  Machina Acoustic Demos\track11.shn
bd967850115a62d28eb975b22e80038b  [shntool]  Machina Acoustic Demos\track12.shn
f3e8999ec3a701379a74b8c915f080f9  [shntool]  Machina Acoustic Demos\track13.shn
a3de0f5f206fa7a31b7753075911d40d  [shntool]  Machina Acoustic Demos\track14.shn
92425f2a15524104a8aed79d66f7a0c7  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T01 Happy Fucking Valentines.shn
26e9969e10966daa5b46d404c804b05b  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T02 Tristessa (live 92).shn
3645babfd158e8eb5a2e172666bf6e25  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T03 There It Goes (demo 88).shn
f12d69dc1ccbf5b20a357d1e4492a916  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T04 With You (demo 89).shn
0cc3219a9747965aec5c6b089e4ec5e3  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T05 Jesus Loves His Babies (outtake 91).shn
4c9582b6680f6f832cff08b85713c1d5  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T06 Stray Cat Blues [Rolling Stones] (live 90).shn
c8907f218ee989cc80c78c0999a1c067  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T07 Snail (radio 91).shn
c95a7415b66d44149dfa24b1faa490c5  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T08 Bob Speaks.shn
49554a84a8a0aa8ee565143051a1973d  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T09 Window Paine (live 90).shn
57c838925e87c9a4105be4619d4de70c  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T10 Wave Song (demo 91).shn
91f8d76a77e521dfa1a5501022daaa2e  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T11 Blue (acoustic 91).shn
50fbfb0a11d67ce4440dc8fcfa7aa82f  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T12 Lie I Lie (live 89).shn
5ed9201048b7d21fb3f2166d139cdba9  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T13 My Eternity (radio 88).shn
e251e7ef76adb023e3375e0bee54f1df  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T14 Jesus Is the Sun (demo 90).shn
3bac590567bba06e02c81b0a909f7d7e  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T15 Sookie Sookie [Steppenwolf] (live 90) (fixed).shn
f7f332f68b66e5b81d77ce1c2c476967  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 1\D1 T15 Sookie Sookie [Steppenwolf] (live 90).shn
210b0e00cbbe98a71109f2b6ef6f4551  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T01 Slunk (live 92).shn
db385bb592d6b41dae655c09ac43c1ee  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T02 Rocket (live 93).shn
eec5d64ba6497ae7660a3017b04456af  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T03 Under Your Spell (demo 88).shn
6a1119623ec97705200983d95bf5886a  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T04 Honeyspider (live 90).shn
6dab06588aca2239bf2020503edac916  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T05 STP (demo 91).shn
d164fec519f8b4ba97cc1e63637a5976  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T06 Snap (demo 89).shn
4c907217e707da118090114e01451433  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T07 Rhinoceros (live 93).shn
8ad732c075d7695f933b378ade2eea37  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T08 Let's Meet the Band.shn
2b9d887d29e259994f810d6a24e7d845  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T09 Bleed (live 88).shn
51ce5e1baf26cd2c7c56c66118042978  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T10 Opal-Worship.shn
8101304a7ad6bc7a0fa0069c04bba633  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T11 Drown (live 92).shn
d6867fd8326d6e5a91c7a7b35b597c29  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T12 Fat Man Blues (live 89).shn
741fc674584374c97e7c6daebe60fee2  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T13 Try to Try (live 90).shn
237d89715856984f405e3829540f09e2  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T14 Venus in Furs [Velvet Underground] (radio 88).shn
1f14ab625a33c83cbe63d3f9d927af19  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 2\D2 T15 WNUR interview (radio 88).shn
0ca9717e1f3458b5e4f054a9a5a7735b  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T01 And from the West Side....shn
1c91e3542f24bad60e863242568fd181  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T02 Girl Named Sandoz [Animals] (live 92).shn
7eae1cd03b16d3abb51f114673aef10b  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T03 365 (live 90).shn
695ba17d192ef5527f0bc94c7ea73c8b  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T04 Spaceboy (outtake 93).shn
a380c95bdc5e15213d2f2a83cb2cfe33  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T05 The Joker [Steve Miller] (live 92).shn
f50189d11e1689eef864fb5dd13310f9  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T06 Suffer (live 92).shn
19ed080fd0c25364775f9d34e2c00383  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T07 Coming Attractions.shn
2e461bb5a847423125a90ff072ce51eb  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T08 Egg (demo 89).shn
3bcf47a9ef600449eb0fdd752e27b261  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T09 Bury Me (live 92).shn
b0be2c770f37690819e2d30bf710852a  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T10 Moleasskiss (demo 92).shn
eaf8e7e524b02031b72e7bc75936cf32  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T11 I Am My End (live 90).shn
3727cc30403953b66338d47017685de7  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T12 My Dahlia (demo 88).shn
dea185b1bcbe08ca66f4c272eb80af22  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T13 Vanilla (demo 89).shn
6dedcfc27bedf887161839250a5ad71b  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T14 East (demo 88).shn
a8d09892b25c65550c1cda946cbd2d57  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T15 Kill Your Parents.shn
1fe7f498bf57a244e5aceae4049b6490  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T16 Terrapin [Syd Barrett] (live 91).shn
53b1a2dbe14c034116d4057ad37fed96  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T17 Cinder (live 91).shn
fb22a5aaddd4fcffec377ad82a4dfb23  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 3\D3 T18 Luna (acoustic 91).shn
df5603d92af1d373efbb8b3ad07ee70f  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T01 Interview Nozems a Go-Go.shn
bce51b1197c086caea007c1f51982a41  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T02 Morning Jam (live 90).shn
6251d6fefea94157cbd11d08b96730cd  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T03 I'm Free [Who] (live 90).shn
71bd73c97e600fcd8ef29ba7743c39e6  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T04 Jennifer Ever (demo 88).shn
f0c9ae778359120e8159c2ced6730b4c  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T05 Plume (live 92).shn
33bcc4f5cebce9116e8b74221b386d94  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T06 Disarm (live 93).shn
b634146e191610f72e8b413e2e739f13  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T07 Siva (live 92).shn
38b1f73ee7b70bf68cbcac8f6ba8f481  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T08 Translucent (demo 90).shn
fc7e2ced959a135582af4113d7b60dde  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T09 Not Worth Asking (live 89).shn
5b51fa3c812bc73b9a48ddb6a5ff8f05  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T10 Over You (live 90).shn
3f3cf07b95212e9076dcc139e4b5afec  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T11 Where's Vince (outtake 93).shn
061f9b5e4a5f35ec833ad5157e0cca06  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T12 Smiley (acoustic 91).shn
60a863e4c6fe0b558aa9ec8427b1f436  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T13 Geek U.S.A. (live 93).shn
277e926270d416a6591e577053eae6bd  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T14 Crush (live 92).shn
dc054273862505e17114e82080ba8cae  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 4\D4 T15 C'mon (live 90).shn
5fbf38393479924222eb5764549d5fd5  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 5\D5 T01 Hello Kitty Kat (demo 92).shn
6782e4e2b94221371e0e8e9fa46669df  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 5\D5 T02 Nothing and Everything (demo 88).shn
4fe453b86e2c8bf4ef41c7e34bf3c28e  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 5\D5 T03 Mayonaise (outtake 93).shn
284718506ca3cbea9f5b1216e1e94bc2  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 5\D5 T04 Out of Focus [Blue Cheer] (live 92).shn
f469eb283dd5db63020a2acb2d056654  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 5\D5 T05 Offer Up (live 92).shn
17fff8ac7c14348a41d2bf031d2d2ea5  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 5\D5 T06 Silverfuck (live 92).shn
8859fbe1e545f163a6c6e9e05f9c926d  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 5\D5 T07 Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (live 93).shn
54120a8ddf59e232ba5176680ca68204  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 5\D5 T08 Stars Fall In (demo 89).shn
10bf77b805f283d168c593e384ef93aa  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 5\D5 T09 Godzilla [Blue Öyster Cult] (live 90).shn
b0417e67f41b0f71f04693fe0b6da16a  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 5\D5 T10 Bye June (live 92).shn
6dd8ec72d73e877f4cc5721b2f895d24  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 5\D5 T11 Spiteface (demo 88).shn
202b7d634c422ac60e485ab503d89959  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 5\D5 T12 Daydream (demo 89).shn
ddf612d7f436adba16b2ff30214e288b  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 5\D5 T13 I'll Never Change (live 90).shn
c30e7f4622e07b34ae138965b5cf87bb  [shntool]  Mashed Potatoes\Disc 5\D5 T14 Infinite Sadness (outtake 93).shn
7362ff789b9011be81973f41b8bbc9dd  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 01 - Stumbleine.flac
3aa99f398a9140acb9cf7135b7355788  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 02 - Jupiter's Lament.flac
502cd3cc606ef6f19357f1aa1f0e254a  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 03 - Lily.flac
855d35e2b8ed91ecd474c02f2d4aa956  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 04 - To Forgive.flac
d94696af30fd82a00d46e8b717568b3f  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 05 - Bullet With Butterfly Wings.flac
8567051808a3b97adcab0721c9b27294  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 06 - Here Is No Way.flac
fd7df410e78bc8fa6255bc8fdf892648  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 07 - Galapogos.flac
ee16443d3bfe49ce6f2c0a1de0b22c49  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 08 - Frantic Ab Groove.flac
90735c5f88d42469e026767c348db50b  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 09 - Autumn Nocturne.flac
3a06572525487335f1e3079cf1d21ecf  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 10 - Blank.flac
f73fc7a2051735359b4f4814de839d97  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 11 - Rotten Apples.flac
ec58aa536215dcd2e408a3875d14c59d  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 12 - Ugly.flac
667b91ce54fb9ce539e5c3b94eb577c2  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 13 - Wishing You Were.flac
f6a9df394ca12433a5a25c4131b610a6  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 14 - Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness.flac
039c3545e376c52053382f52818b35c5  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 15 - Meladori Magpie.flac
e9fe664cc81e3c46fd1d093eb71c472b  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 16 - Thirty-Three.flac
d4c9bea9d8e2c94f6af7fd6b57fed89b  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 17 - Beautiful (Ropey Lopey).flac
d9f5bd85ce8567864ed18fbfc7d37363  [shntool]  MCIS Demos I\The Smashing Pumpkins - 18 - Marquis In Spades.flac
332690a1e2fb47f624006ff22b68bbfe  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\01 - Bullet With Butterfly Wings.shn
0be55f489a46b1447f8b80fc267c3ee2  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\02 - Set The Ray To Jerry.shn
09ca5ab6fbecc61f710ce1ee4f00fbd8  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\03 - So Very Sad About Us.shn
4046aab843646469a52c7d382038b388  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\04 - Jellybelly.shn
93ce49a90fde1f9be152b1c226df503b  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\05 - Mouths Of Babes.shn
442fd274ba849c6de60c8fb75d9e195d  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\06 - Here Is Not Why.shn
aa8dd253d1d3ae0e5edb6e13e7c905cd  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\07 - God.shn
5169ee7f65c36420af798d4c59823cdc  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\08 - Love.shn
daa5852b3141b5614ef12f58068b7085  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\09 - Wishing You Were.shn
14389b2f2693d57d7e79446efada65e8  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\10 - Tonight, Tonight.shn
10a6711514f5b9da7a8bd80f5e67e04e  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\11 - Methusela.shn
522926e4a0231e216d93c3225ff20e92  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\12 - Depresso.shn
0fe93362dbf9e604daa2b1b04a8e1c27  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\13 - Zero.shn
32c566a56abbe44e5d81b72773b0e9ba  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\14 - Zero.shn
2eba33a7cabd63c85e28e2ddf9b27a37  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\15 - Here Is Not Why.shn
c674593afb9c2834dcd169573669b162  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\16 - Cherry.shn
9c6592a0321b4fa2dd7c5b109b36385a  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\17 - Beautiful.shn
30bb6dad9b6682af439a5d454b1d4752  [shntool]  MCIS Demos II\18 - Unknown.shn
edc5ae5c5e17ffb2e3656f4e134b6007  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III (restored)\Track01.flac
f3cf1b49eb684a948724317b470b446d  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III (restored)\Track02.flac
ea310aa086deaf694f4ad7aaaa527e74  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III (restored)\Track03.flac
41be090a0c45f2af585743c6e9ffc4bd  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III (restored)\Track04.flac
1987c25aae933965dff7125c3c650427  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III (restored)\Track05.flac
889529cfb774a2f562f4703bcd8aaa3e  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III (restored)\Track06.flac
d6e44891ca4b65b90d6eb2b50a70dfa4  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III (restored)\Track07.flac
f8c1fd0129cf73afb80b436860c815c8  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III (restored)\Track08.flac
5c938c35d3f587d1811a534fd39a55b6  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III (restored)\Track09.flac
a8a934760d87da55e48b1f14fb88d30e  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III (restored)\Track10.flac
9efa2386455c53303437055a3634185e  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III (restored)\Track11.flac
b42383c3b4f1df75b9284d576a383a49  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III\(01) Stumbleine.shn
bfcec5066d931739b72333f30586b65c  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III\(02) Jupiter's Lament.shn
f03af49cd37a0e7d712ccd31dcb5a295  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III\(03) Lily (My One and Only).shn
e93c84719a40862a34c9a7d89fa42f6d  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III\(04) To Forgive.shn
f0acf30eea737d7fb644f52fa2c1ddca  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III\(05) Bullet With Butterfly Wings.shn
1aab23bac099edc17adbbf6cd269a5b8  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III\(06) Here Is No Why.shn
555f605bd6b0ab6f891cd02f8093855f  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III\(07) Galapogos.shn
88d482b25fa307759dfaa8a33312e4d5  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III\(08) Frantic Ab Groove.shn
c70face32b062b6845d6758902442efe  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III\(09) Feelium.shn
0833ca0cef5e304f13d0b2cfaba66a4b  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III\(10) God.shn
f61d511f79c4f3310d1749e8bf4b4ab3  [shntool]  MCIS Demos III\(11) Marquis In Spades.shn
d093bf8b3208b8f5e936170f2e4ae1a8  [shntool]  Moon (original tape)\Smashing Pumpkins - Moon Demo - 01 - Honeyspider (alternate).flac
ca95a8497e0bb7cc89d52d94e2fde17a  [shntool]  Moon (original tape)\Smashing Pumpkins - Moon Demo - 02 - Spoken Word (pt. 1).flac
c79a5b17b0a80de0830436b745c27043  [shntool]  Moon (original tape)\Smashing Pumpkins - Moon Demo - 03 - With You.flac
9d732d43168bbc504397c3a7669df95e  [shntool]  Moon (original tape)\Smashing Pumpkins - Moon Demo - 04 - Egg.flac
91842abd4f2f5fbd547237f1fe048f90  [shntool]  Moon (original tape)\Smashing Pumpkins - Moon Demo - 05 - Spoken Word (pt. 2).flac
e85523a8650d9f065cc513d40d2097ec  [shntool]  Moon (original tape)\Smashing Pumpkins - Moon Demo - 06 - Rhinoceros (alternate).flac
c876686ee346d543383558f45712f508  [shntool]  Moon (original tape)\Smashing Pumpkins - Moon Demo - 07 - Bye June.flac
f785e368ed72e477c4e961f81e0d7f88  [shntool]  Moon (original tape)\Smashing Pumpkins - Moon Demo - 08 - Stars Fall In.flac
b7afef75607a4c4d019ba42823e1038a  [shntool]  Moon (original tape)\Smashing Pumpkins - Moon Demo - 09 - Daughter.flac
f04cf38996beae92bf8e8fba77f26a16  [shntool]  Moon (original tape)\Smashing Pumpkins - Moon Demo - 10 - Spoken Word (pt. 3).flac
a86eb613b82496a6ba415919adc714cb  [shntool]  Moon (original tape)\Smashing Pumpkins - Moon Demo - 11 - Daydream.flac
fb95d32aee320b8f5cf9fac05dd1f088  [shntool]  Moon (original tape)\Smashing Pumpkins - Moon Demo - 12 - Spoken Word (pt. 4).flac
f9c34976503011e873345c0f453d1607  [shntool]  Moon (original tape)\Smashing Pumpkins - Moon Demo - 13 - Psychodelic.flac
ca9ba4f0be4e3194c0a5dc95840a02a4  [shntool]  Moon\01 - Honeyspider (alt.).flac
8012b28644f74e72de4c897ce95da531  [shntool]  Moon\02 - interlude #1.flac
f002907b1f6206be83d7553eaad5cc04  [shntool]  Moon\03 - With You.flac
edb5d0eedf0411f38f112358372e1911  [shntool]  Moon\04 - Egg.flac
8458364ad24e49c87377b3ba38f24a67  [shntool]  Moon\05 - interlude #2.flac
090ee8eda6e8943b6a18188f78c11e44  [shntool]  Moon\06 - Rhinoceros (alt.).flac
16c4b0757a55abbc7722022ba5dbbaba  [shntool]  Moon\07 - Bye June.flac
2c13b3a10845ac7d4bafc814d08e877a  [shntool]  Moon\08 - Stars Fall In.flac
a4aa790335ff5fd82655fea9bd5bbaeb  [shntool]  Moon\09 - Daughter.flac
0182363a4875c43d4e0ef5a8976ef742  [shntool]  Moon\10 - interlude #3.flac
5c13ed7240d7ab93617e34ac9d61d371  [shntool]  Moon\11 - Daydream.flac
5ccafb0a1eb5ba06a87f517b6d5846fc  [shntool]  Moon\12 - interlude #4.flac
3dfe21821272f22011186dd182451375  [shntool]  Moon\13 - Psychodelic.flac
ffc2269f5d9b1d9de366f58974ed5e2f  [shntool]  Nothing Ever Changes\01 - The Vigil.shn
d8116485edcf504f6692c36a03331766  [shntool]  Nothing Ever Changes\02 - Nothing + Everything.shn
4228149e16e28532beccf4793da9c56f  [shntool]  Nothing Ever Changes\03 - Holiday.shn
df99030b63a1469afc68f81c0e96089a  [shntool]  Nothing Ever Changes\04 - Cross.shn
a77757182cfa15d01dd543ade9f33076  [shntool]  Pisces Iscariot + Friends\Pisces Iscariot + Friends CD1.shn
e9545df9fe2ab5d6fb2ae6c139d6f8b2  [shntool]  Pisces Iscariot + Friends\Pisces Iscariot + Friends CD2.shn
3645950bd27f189352eb8283d1574a0d  [shntool]  Quiet and Other Songs\side a.flac
c4601cdbeffe45ee75b87499e36028ce  [shntool]  Quiet and Other Songs\side b.flac
d4558aa16f7019e39b521633f4316fd7  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Bonus Tracks\Bonus Track 01 - Time Has Come Today.shn
9a72ef3d0f708463ee14baa8b5157290  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Bonus Tracks\Bonus Track 02 - Jennifer Ever (Acoustic).shn
07a701df0909756eeedd0bcfa0eb70e9  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Bonus Tracks\Bonus Track 03 - Nothing and Everything.shn
e9dcd93cda9941a83ecafa3b72940992  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(01) Egg.shn
ac72dd7cc95a136129786dbfa2b1b8d3  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(02) Bury Me.shn
e33f589f61bb09991283e1d271eac318  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(03) Bye June.shn
c24b0a94011125e0037b7f174d7938a5  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(04) Cinnamon Girl (Neil Young).shn
67a48c41e07c8bce0c98804fe8941329  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(05) C'mon.shn
d43e1f5bb3e1f26b5343ed4aecef5b39  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(06) Daughter.shn
24bf4108127bf92ec71d11272733df34  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(07) Daughter (extended).shn
6a4c8419445e30363bfc57d0ea3fef86  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(08) Daydream.shn
019aeeed721b887760538548d0891e75  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(09) East (alternate).shn
8e7bc924b0abba92a3a1bfbabf8728e6  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(10) Honeyspider.shn
cdffd48a68e64b1ba32d64ea26deefd2  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(11) Honeyspider (alternate, heavy).shn
a3bb2c0ab62b9785de392b6fa8b6fe14  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(12) Honeyspider (alternate).shn
76b35a361546257e95da25c83c76b476  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(13) I Am One.shn
82d7daf75da88ee7e183a5fd2d069e9e  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(14) Love.shn
8ef7ce7fc950a37018ae8ab2d3da4cba  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(15) Not Worth Asking.shn
961cac95c972721970c21483cd46527e  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(16) Psychodelic.shn
30bc8ab74509b323399147c6c0629b9a  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(17) Rhinoceros (early, organ).shn
76107db12d45c962a145dd86c9b470ce  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(18) Rhinoceros (alternate).shn
59f8891295a8adc7938f6a2102319c3f  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 1\(19) Snap.shn
a5c40b635459736efd1e1176d65ea568  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 2\(01) Stars Fall In.shn
7f139c6f6ededb0c79411cea21ba7ca1  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 2\(02) With You.shn
76f30c1f9d374519c7e8026881b3b00b  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 2\(03) Waiting For You Now.shn
5e8b76d2626db31b802a2d60389d3ff0  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 2\(04) Fat Man Blues (abandoned, tease, 1st half).shn
5d5da6ca5111ba347d36dfc793d24692  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 2\(05) Fat Man Blues (2nd half) - Bleed (tease).shn
76918c97a41b61fafe783e43db56641e  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 2\(06) Bleed (2 false starts) - Bleed.shn
830cc62858b646de227081d68e2bb8dc  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 2\(07) She (2 false starts) - She (abandoned) - Vanilla (tease).shn
862c10e78e631e5f4672cb0d2cd2a1a5  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 2\(08) Vanilla.shn
4a0ad0e0024db7859da13da9de0ac4e5  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 2\(09) My Dahlia (2 teases) - My Dahlia (2 abandonments, jam tease) - Fat Man Blues (tease).shn
bd41a50907452c1a2dd5abd3c4c1477e  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 2\(10) Waiting.shn
d04b069a32f3e572737052c647bf7975  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 2\(11) Sun (abandoned, teases) - Fat Man Blues (tease) - Stra.shn
adb51bb28b2073bd8a76e162eaaae722  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 2\(12) Stray Cat Blues.shn
f1ccf097a49ea8864e7110c4912a9dad  [shntool]  Reel Time Sessions\Disc 2\(13) I Am One Part II.shn
0e06c758f589b1544eb4e7a99cf60543  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t01.shn
d612d2180b6f2c5b7cf98844d257ea8d  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t02.shn
48d27050a3ecda57e1b12b925ad2a4cc  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t03.shn
1d552e28ca9411a1fb538128a4c6b86e  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t04.shn
314e23dd2bfd6473ffc0f1a6684751e6  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t05.shn
71a7e2631462c1b4b109520a0e7ac468  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t06.shn
0d0d740eadfa9edcde6dd6623aa28e75  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t07.shn
e2e1bbda3fb25c1e8e03411c056f9870  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t08.shn
ce03d7748039e4459422fad96b43996d  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t09.shn
06722c46c08500a7db925bd2f4f7b67e  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t10.shn
6298a720695cb444e9f120f0a3ed8413  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t11.shn
b3e3f997fff17a82f9509cdf780662ba  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t12.shn
77f0c4e9fe8e5097552bc6565594dc1d  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t13.shn
75fcea10060c5241c19f688ed54a1a27  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t14.shn
88c57e3d514a60f6e2e941fbc6d04871  [shntool]  Sequence IV\sp-sequence4-EQ-t15.shn

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Old 06-25-2014, 03:43 PM   #110
Cool As Ice Cream
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Originally Posted by magikarp99 View Post
Do we want to share speed corrected versions or original unaltered editions? I would say it is best to share the original.
if the original runs fast or slow, why not share the improved version?

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Old 06-25-2014, 04:05 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream View Post
mcis demos I:
set of files comes with a EAC log file. so i assume it's ripped directly from the bootleg cd. there's no "info" file though.

original moon: "SOURCE: Original Demo Tape > CDR > EAC > FLAC

I transferred the original demo tape to CDR a long time ago.

Hmm. We have to be careful with MCIS Demos I, as there are multiple transfers floating around.

I think that Moon demo tape rip is the one on What. Sounds like it could be pretty good, I haven't got it.

Originally Posted by marrs-guitar View Post
Wouldn't it be best to share the optimal versions? I mean the original files that are shared are done so with the uploader/sharer believing that the songs are at the correct pitch/speed after all.
Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream View Post
if the original runs fast or slow, why not share the improved version?
A few issues here. How do we know what speed is correct for every tape? The MCIS Demos III restored version that circulates, is speed corrected to match the original transfer, but do we know if the original transfer was the correct speed? Maybe neither are precisely the correct speed.

What if Billy introduced the errors on the actual recording on the original tape, then the error wouldn't be with any subsequent transfers. If we're going for definitive archival copies, we should preserve the issues (tape hiss, pops and clicks, speed issues). Even if Billy recognises these errors and speeds corrects in the official releases, the correction would still be a guess, so we couldn't just sync to that either.

Speed alteration is a lossy process. If we discover a few years down the line it was wrong, then we can't undo it losslessly, we have to use the original unaltered transfer. If we really want to do speed correction, the lossless way to do this is to change the file to use a non-standard sampling rate.

That said, speed corrections are great, and you should share it on ZOMB. But I don't think we should treat them as the definitive versions.

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Old 06-25-2014, 04:12 PM   #112
Cool As Ice Cream
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Originally Posted by magikarp99 View Post
That said, from the first list, things you have that I don't:
  • 3 Songs o rarities
  • Adore Demos II Tape Sides
  • Moon Demo tape Original
3 songs:
adore demos II:
moon original tape:

i'm surprised i didn't find any other sources for the moon tape. i thought i had more.

mcis demos I: this probably isn't the "original" set of files. i think this is something i found when i was looking for the demos more recently, and this was all i found, besides that other incomplete source.

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Old 06-25-2014, 04:14 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by magikarp99 View Post
  • MCIS Demos III restored
but doesn't the info file claim that it's a serious lineage upgrade? if that's true, then the "restored" version should also be considered, i think.

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Old 06-25-2014, 04:29 PM   #114
Cool As Ice Cream
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so, does anyone have:
- mcis demos I
- the sacred and profane tour soundboard compilation
- other rips of the moon demo tape
- better source for sequence IV

what about the other early tapes? smashing pumpkins demo tape? "gish basement tape"? what else is there? (and are they worth being included?)

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Old 06-25-2014, 04:53 PM   #115
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Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream View Post
but doesn't the info file claim that it's a serious lineage upgrade? if that's true, then the "restored" version should also be considered, i think.
Someone else uploaded the lineage upgrade, that circulates (and I have it) without any "restorations". Somebody took the original and "restored" it, and then circulated that too.

Here is the source file for the original.

Demos for D'arcy (AKA MCIS Demos III)

These demos were treed earlier this year as part of the Reel Time 
Sessions tree. This rip is a lower generation than that which was treed. It was copied onto DAT from the source tape and then transferred onto CD. I've never heard the original treed version of this so I can't say how much better this sounds (if much at all).

01. Stumbleine
02. Jupiters Lament
03. Lilly (my one and Only)
04. To Forgive
05. Bullet with Butterfly Wings
06. Here is No Why
07. Galapogos
08. Frantic Ab Groove
09. Feelium
10. God
11. Marquis in Spades
A quick comparison of the two suggests that the first higher gen transfer probably also had noise reduction.

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Old 06-25-2014, 05:24 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by magikarp99 View Post
Someone else uploaded the lineage upgrade, that circulates (and I have it) without any "restorations". Somebody took the original and "restored" it, and then circulated that too.

Last edited by magikarp99 : 08-21-2014 at 04:58 AM.

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Old 06-25-2014, 05:28 PM   #117
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Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream View Post
- the sacred and profane tour soundboard compilation

Also part of triple tree.

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Old 06-25-2014, 06:10 PM   #118
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Originally Posted by magikarp99 View Post
If we really want to do speed correction, the lossless way to do this is to change the file to use a non-standard sampling rate.
That's how I've done it (if I understand you correctly).

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Old 06-25-2014, 07:40 PM   #119
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Originally Posted by marrs-guitar View Post
That's how I've done it (if I understand you correctly).
To be clear, I mean that the sample rate is set to another frequency, note that this means that the audio is not resampled. Any FLACs you distribute will not be at 44.1Khz or at 48KHz, they will be at a non-standard frequency.

If you do this correctly, only the metadata in the FLAC file will be changed. You should be able to compute the fingerprint for the audio data on the original and the speed corrected versions and they should match perfectly. If the fingerprints don't match, then you haven't done it correctly.

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Old 06-26-2014, 04:21 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by magikarp99 View Post
Things that match/can be verified as good in your collection:
  • Ignoffo Tape (distributed with FFPs, and matches my copy)
  • Kitty Kat (distributed with MD5, and matches my copy)
  • Quiet and Other Songs tape sides (matches my FFPs)
comparing more fingerprints that were posted in this thread...

sequence IV: the shn set doesn't match the flac set, except for track 15.
i've also got that flac set, and the info file mentions that track 15 is missing, even though it is actually there. so clearly someone must've completed the flac set with a re-encoded track 15 from the shn set. (the fingerprints prove this.)
we should check if the flac set is the same as the shn set (if, for example, someone has burned the first 14 tracks on a cd-r and then ripped it to flac), or if it's a different source, maybe less processed.

mashed potatoes: matches, except for:
- d1 t01 happy fucking valentines
- d1 t08 bob speaks
- d2 t08 let's meet the band
- d3 t01 and from the west side...
- d3 t15 kill your parents
well, that's annoying. i'll look into this.
someone also added a d1 t15 sookie sookie [steppenwolf] (live 90) (fixed).shn to the shn set. not sure what has been fixed. maybe a glitch or something?

mcis demos II: no match.

machina acoustic demos: no match, except for track 4. weird.

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