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Old 05-27-2014, 04:48 PM   #61
Shut the fuck up!
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Originally Posted by fuzzyroes View Post
ohhh yeah... What was it again? She hated Nicole because she's a lesbian who wouldn't refuse to play with her band in Russia or something?
it's because Nicole doesn't hate Monte enough

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Old 05-27-2014, 04:53 PM   #62
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Look at this a gang of stalkers.

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Old 05-27-2014, 06:31 PM   #63
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@Billy you probably already know but has to be said-the SP fan world, apart from the band, is very weird.
@Billy it became stunningly obvious that they didn't care very much about SP, just a stepping stone. Good Riddance!

Originally Posted by juliana View Post
He is just upset I am not bowing to nicole. He thinks I am a horrible person because I disliked that she used me as her scapegoat saying the only reason she defended monte is because she thought I was calling her hypocrite. Since Nicole was nice to me on the boat I should be happy with that and not be upset. Maybe he thinks I should beg for Nicole's forgiveness.

If someone is nice to you once then stabs you in the back later do you just ignore the knife in your back? To fans like scotty, yes you do... Because nicole is pseudo famous.

Originally Posted by juliana View Post
Please explain how she was kind to me? Talking to me isn't being kind. Coming to a chatroom isn't either.

I supported Nicole very strongly because she is a good bass player and I thought she was a good person. I promoted her and I defended her, I created a chatroom for her when she asked me too and I even stuck my neck out for her when she was being bashed on the oboard, again lead to the thread by her.

After all this she started following me on twitter, she said to me privately thanks for always having my back.

I thought it was cool but tweeted as normal.

It is no secret, that I dislike monte's ways. I am also highly against Monte's involvement with SP. I don't think a homophobe should be SP's mouth piece. I dislike that we had to get our SP news via Monte.

And so I would tweet about it, which is what I always did. Nicole took this as passive aggressive tweets towards her thinking we were calling her a hypocrite and went to her facebook and defended monte talking shit about gay people on netphoria. Which caused an uproar and SPuk and SPpics decided not to continue and to delete everything (sites). We accused Nicole of supporting a bigot.

Nicole had no idea what she was getting into nor did she think there was any history between monte and fans. She believed Monte was highly liked by SP fans which is why she continued to support his site with interviews and exclusives regardless of his hate of gay peeps.

To get SPpics to not quit, they told her the reason she wrote what seemed like something defending monte is because of my passive aggressive tweets to her and she thought after she made the statement supporting monte we would come to her privately and explain things. With me outcasted and to blame, everyone went back to normal.
So tell me again, how nicole is kind to me? Because she talked to me on the boat?
Sorry but kindness isn't speaking to someone. I am not star struck, a celeb talking to me doesn't make them kind. I also don't see her as a celeb either. Sorry, but talking to these band members doesn't complete me. Everything I have done has never been to get close to the band. If I wanted to be close to the band I would have kept my mouth shut.
How can anyone read this shit and not think that Juliana is absolutely bonkers?

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Old 05-27-2014, 06:33 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by Sammi View Post
Originally Posted by scottytheoneand View Post
it's because Nicole doesn't hate Monte enough
Lol, you've met Juliana, is she as bat shit crazy in real life as she seems online?

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Old 05-27-2014, 06:34 PM   #65
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"@Billy you probably already know but has to be said-the SP fan world, apart from the band, is very weird. "

Atleast Juliana has enough perspective to realize that she's "very weird".

Last edited by fuzzyroes : 05-27-2014 at 06:39 PM.

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Old 05-27-2014, 06:59 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by fuzzyroes View Post
Lol, you've met Juliana, is she as bat shit crazy in real life as she seems online?
No. Not at all. She's pretty cool.

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Old 05-27-2014, 07:07 PM   #67
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Srsly fuzzy STFU

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Old 05-27-2014, 07:07 PM   #68
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I am actually becoming concerned Fuzzy is stalking me. I have heard stories of people crossing the line on netphoria. He keeps turning the subject to me and not asking about what I am like in IRL.

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Old 05-27-2014, 09:32 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by T&T View Post
when is jeff getting kicked out?
I say 2015!

By 2015 the 2 new albums will be done with - not sold well.
by 2015 the reissues will released and done with (adore and machina will have not sold well at all - no one is going to want to do a zeitgeist or zwan reissue obviously)
I predict 2015 the pumpkins will be breaking up.
2020 "I want my band back" and billy starts again with new members again.
2016-2019 He is going to peruse a career in Resistance Pro as a wrestler and eventually WWE

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Old 05-27-2014, 10:07 PM   #70
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If someone here was asking someone else in a post here about what I'm like in person, I'd be a bit creeped out. Why is it important? Do you need to know so you can compare it t what she's like when you finally meet her?


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Old 05-28-2014, 10:02 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by fuzzyroes View Post
is she sexy

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Old 05-28-2014, 05:30 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by juliana View Post
I am actually becoming concerned Fuzzy is stalking me. I have heard stories of people crossing the line on netphoria. He keeps turning the subject to me and not asking about what I am like in IRL.
lol I guess that did seem a little creepy. You just give off this Monte sort of vibe where you'll like anything and everything Corgan puts out just because you're so crazy about the guy.

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Old 05-28-2014, 05:31 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by Shallowed View Post
If someone here was asking someone else in a post here about what I'm like in person, I'd be a bit creeped out. Why is it important? Do you need to know so you can compare it t what she's like when you finally meet her?

I was just imagining Juliana to be some sort of Monte like fanatic. I don't actually care. I think you guys read too far into things sometimes.

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Old 05-28-2014, 05:47 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by fuzzyroes View Post
lol I guess that did seem a little creepy. You just give off this Monte sort of vibe where you'll like anything and everything Corgan puts out just because you're so crazy about the guy.
You really can't see what a psycho you are being and a hypocrite too?? You are saying I have a monte vibe but you are asking people questions about what I am like in real life.

Anytime I make any kind of post you constantly make everything about me instead of the topic or what I said. It isn't normal dude, you are fucking scary!

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Old 05-28-2014, 06:49 PM   #75
This is a username crisis.
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I'm sick of topics being derailed by this shit. No one cares.

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Old 05-28-2014, 06:54 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by juliana View Post
You really can't see what a psycho you are being and a hypocrite too?? You are saying I have a monte vibe but you are asking people questions about what I am like in real life.

Anytime I make any kind of post you constantly make everything about me instead of the topic or what I said. It isn't normal dude, you are fucking scary!
I wasn't asking "people" "questions" about you, I commented to one guy whether you were actually as crazy as you appear to be online. You're the weirdo for reading so much into it to go as far to as worry that I'm "stalking" you. That's just insanity anyway you wanna crack it.

I'm sorry to rip on you, but it's funny when I've read your contributions to this forum where you're praising Oceania and the musicianship of the new members and then as soon as the all-mighty Corgan fires the bandmembers you're ragging on em to death, even going as far as apparently cutting them down directly to Corgan, that's just retarded behavior and I'm surprised no one else has called you out on it.

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Old 05-28-2014, 06:55 PM   #77
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He was 39

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Old 05-28-2014, 07:27 PM   #78
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what the fuck is fuzzy's avatar can anyone make it out

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Old 05-28-2014, 07:38 PM   #79
bye june
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Originally Posted by Trotskilicious View Post
what the fuck is fuzzy's avatar can anyone make it out
It looks like it's from an N64 game lol

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Old 05-28-2014, 07:38 PM   #80
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i really hate his and kreator's they're both impossible to make out

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Old 05-28-2014, 07:46 PM   #81
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your's is really weird

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Old 05-28-2014, 08:17 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by fuzzyroes View Post
I wasn't asking "people" "questions" about you, I commented to one guy whether you were actually as crazy as you appear to be online. You're the weirdo for reading so much into it to go as far to as worry that I'm "stalking" you. That's just insanity anyway you wanna crack it.

I'm sorry to rip on you, but it's funny when I've read your contributions to this forum where you're praising Oceania and the musicianship of the new members and then as soon as the all-mighty Corgan fires the bandmembers you're ragging on em to death, even going as far as apparently cutting them down directly to Corgan, that's just retarded behavior and I'm surprised no one else has called you out on it.
Because I have been discussing my dislike of nicole for a year now? And only you keep bringing it up for a year now, and most of all no one else cares!

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Old 05-28-2014, 08:33 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by bye june View Post
your's is really weird
it's incredibly weird and stand offish and creepy isn't it i should go back to how do you do fellow kids stevebuscemiredcap.jpg

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Old 05-28-2014, 08:35 PM   #84
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Yes it is

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Old 05-29-2014, 05:29 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by juliana View Post
Because I have been discussing my dislike of nicole for a year now? And only you keep bringing it up for a year now, and most of all no one else cares!
Maybe I'm mixing content up with the O-board as well. I just seem to recall you being this uber hardcore fan of the new lineup. I know you started to hate Nicole because of some Monte drama but I still recall you being big on the "Byrne-train"... Then as soon as Byrne gets fired (by looking at "Sammi's" post) you go running to Billy insulting the kid. It's sycophant behavior.

The whole drama you perceived with Nicole seemed to be insane and delusional too.

but s'all good. Just a little entertaining internet dialogue for me. Aint my business, and I guess I'm coming across like I care a fuck of a lot more than I actually do so I'll stop ragging on ya

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Old 05-29-2014, 05:38 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by Trotskilicious View Post
what the fuck is fuzzy's avatar can anyone make it out

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Old 05-29-2014, 08:18 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by fuzzyroes View Post
Maybe I'm mixing content up with the O-board as well. I just seem to recall you being this uber hardcore fan of the new lineup. I know you started to hate Nicole because of some Monte drama but I still recall you being big on the "Byrne-train"... Then as soon as Byrne gets fired (by looking at "Sammi's" post) you go running to Billy insulting the kid. It's sycophant behavior.

The whole drama you perceived with Nicole seemed to be insane and delusional too.

but s'all good. Just a little entertaining internet dialogue for me. Aint my business, and I guess I'm coming across like I care a fuck of a lot more than I actually do so I'll stop ragging on ya
The root exposed: As per usual, fuzzy is upset that mike byrne is a better drummer than he is and therefore will try to punish me for it because I supported mike. He is still mad from a post made in I think 2012 on the oboard.

Fuzzy's hate for byrne is personal, I wonder if he sent a drumming youtube to billy and the rejection & hate has ate away at him since.

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Old 05-29-2014, 09:52 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by Funbags View Post
I'm sick of topics being derailed by this shit. No one cares.
this x 1000. nothing like a bunch of nobodies self-aggrandizing

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Old 05-29-2014, 10:37 AM   #89
bye june
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Originally Posted by fuzzyroes View Post
this is what we really wanted to know

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Old 05-29-2014, 11:32 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by bye june View Post
Yes it is
is this better

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