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Old 05-26-2014, 12:51 PM   #31
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Going to be hard to improve the band with Nicole and Mike gone. They were the best SP musicians to date....going to be hard to replace.

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Old 05-26-2014, 01:00 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Tootles View Post
Going to be hard to improve the band with Nicole and Mike gone. They were the best SP musicians to date....going to be hard to replace.

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Old 05-26-2014, 01:12 PM   #33
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absolutely not, he'll probably forget their names

or he'll make some kind of snotty comment in passing during an interview about how "other people have used this band as a springboard to great success"

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Old 05-26-2014, 01:14 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by SlingeroGuitaro View Post

if they were contracted and they probably were why did he take pictures with them they were no more in the band than that dead guy that died

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Old 05-26-2014, 01:41 PM   #35
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He doesn't talk shit about Lisa or Ginger. I bet mike and Nicole will be the same. Mainly because they were loyal employees, nor real band members.

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Old 05-26-2014, 01:48 PM   #36
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they were just another hole

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Old 05-26-2014, 02:15 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Tootles View Post
Going to be hard to improve the band with Nicole and Mike gone. They were the best SP musicians to date....going to be hard to replace.
It is pretty easily to replace nicole with a better bassist. Nicole was the best bassist in SP so far but she is not some super bass player. What she does is pretty average and basic and we haven't seen anything that suggest otherwise in the other bands she has been in.

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Old 05-26-2014, 02:20 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by juliana View Post
Still doesn't make sense to omit jimmy. I think it is telling.
It doesn't tell anything. It just shows he enjoyed hanging out with Paz and Matt more than Bill and Jimmy. They're not high school girls, just because he doesn't mention Jimmy doesn't mean he's attacking him or lumping him in with the "asshole".

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Old 05-26-2014, 02:40 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by juliana View Post
It is pretty easily to replace nicole with a better bassist. Nicole was the best bassist in SP so far but she is not some super bass player. What she does is pretty average and basic and we haven't seen anything that suggest otherwise in the other bands she has been in.
You can't resist can you

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Old 05-26-2014, 03:23 PM   #40
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she's right tho. nic played busier but not necessarily more musical. you know, like creating cool harmonies or bridging between sections uniquely.

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Old 05-26-2014, 04:18 PM   #41
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You never know, ginger could have been just as good if given the opportunity. She has technical the ability. Mark Tulin was pretty good too, really chill.

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Old 05-26-2014, 05:13 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by juliana View Post
It is pretty easily to replace nicole with a better bassist. Nicole was the best bassist in SP so far but she is not some super bass player. What she does is pretty average and basic and we haven't seen anything that suggest otherwise in the other bands she has been in.
didn't you write back in the day about how much you loved Nicoles bass parts?

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Old 05-26-2014, 05:15 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by themadcaplaughs View Post
He made a whole announcement about how she wanted to focus on her family and that Mark Tulin would become the interim bass player until a more permanent replacement was found. As for Lisa, he has never mentioned her specifically, but there have been videos of her in the studio with Corgan, and he has stated that starting with Teargarden, he wanted the band simply to be the four members. He also mentioned that while a keyboard player was nice when needed on a particular song, more often the keyboard player just stood there or parts had to be made for them for the sole purpose of giving the keyboard player something to do.

As for the reason why the media has not picked up on Mike and Nicole being out...well it's sad to say but as mentioned above, no one really cares. Most people lost interest when it became clear D'arcy and James were not involved with the Smashing Pumpkins anymore (or at least James; I think people would have been forgiving of a new bass player). Still, the band still got some mainstream attention and press when Jimmy was still around because it was known that Jimmy was a major component of the band's sound, and having half of the original lineup still wasn't bad. People stopped caring when Chamberlin left and Teargarden by Kaleidyscope was essentially a glorified Billy Corgan solo record. Someone earlier mentioned how Pixies got a lot of attention when they lost Kim Deal, hired Kim Shattuck, and then canned her. This was big because prior to this Pixies had ALWAYS been Black Francis, Joey Santiago, Kim Deal, and David Lovering. This much change in the band's almost thirty year existence was unprecedented. I guarantee that if Paz leaves or gets kicked out there will be close to no attention because it's not new anymore. With Smashing Pumpkins, we've had lineup changes, additions, and subtractions since Jimmy was first fired in 1996. Granted, in more recent years Corgan has sped up the revolving door a little more, but the idea that everyone in the band but Corgan is essentially expendable has been well established.

Billy went on and on about how Mike and Nicole were the new incarnation of the band and inspired him to reach new artistic heights, but I think 95% of us knew it was just a matter of time before they inspired Corgan's rage. Maybe if they had made it to 2014 or 2015, or even managed to get another album out, I might have been a little more ready to believe that Smashing Pumpkins had become a real bad again, but as it is, they were essentially the same as the 2007-2008 band, they just had the experience of being called in to record parts for Oceania. As for why they don't say anything, it's because staying silent benefits them no matter what happens. If Corgan never mentions them again, people will slowly forget them but at least their legacy in the band will be untarnished. If Corgan starts trashing them (which I promise you he will within the year) then silence will just make them look like yet another group of eager musicians who were unable to please Corgan the dictator.
Excellently put. I think you're absolutely dead on.

I didn't recall Billy making any announcement about Ginger though, but I likely just wasn't paying attention at the time.

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Old 05-26-2014, 05:16 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by scottytheoneand View Post
You can't resist can you
She's still butthurt about the Booze-cruise

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Old 05-26-2014, 05:25 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by fuzzyroes View Post
didn't you write back in the day about how much you loved Nicoles bass parts?
I do love them, even now. I don't know why I have to keep explaining this to you.
I don't have to think something is the best ever made to enjoy it, nicole is a good bassist but she isn't a brilliant bassist she isn't Trevor Bolder!

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Old 05-26-2014, 05:59 PM   #46
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I think I am going to cry again....been doing way too much crying lately. Hoping for something happy happenings with the band soon.

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Old 05-26-2014, 06:00 PM   #47
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And for heavens sakes....GIVE ME MY FUCKING ADORE ALREADY!!! sorry

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Old 05-26-2014, 06:31 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by juliana View Post
I do love them, even now. I don't know why I have to keep explaining this to you.
I don't have to think something is the best ever made to enjoy it, nicole is a good bassist but she isn't a brilliant bassist she isn't Trevor Bolder!
It just seems like your tone regarding the old members has turned overtly negative now that they're not associated with Corgan anymore. I mean, previously you appeared to be one of their biggest fans here.

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Old 05-26-2014, 06:34 PM   #49
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She hates Nicole

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Old 05-26-2014, 07:23 PM   #50
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did you guys know that Paz's sister was in House?

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Old 05-26-2014, 07:59 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by fuzzyroes View Post
It just seems like your tone regarding the old members has turned overtly negative now that they're not associated with Corgan anymore. I mean, previously you appeared to be one of their biggest fans here.
I have explained several times my issues with nicole are personal. I have felt this way for over a year. You have also been bitching about this over a year also. Please explain again how it is new?

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Old 05-26-2014, 08:33 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by fuzzyroes View Post
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah I love juliana, I keep trolling her, only way to get her attention, only post on netphoria to some how get her to notice me, blah blah time to write a manifesto

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Old 05-26-2014, 08:41 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by fuzzyroes View Post
It just seems like your tone regarding the old members has turned overtly negative now that they're not associated with Corgan anymore. I mean, previously you appeared to be one of their biggest fans here.
Dude you're fucking creepy, you've kept tabs on how your crush felt about something so you can bring it up later like "AHA! Do me the pleasure of explaining your change of feelings to me!"

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Old 05-26-2014, 08:50 PM   #54
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I've explained it several times, he just keeps saying the same thing. It has been a year now of him saying this.

Love is suicide, Fuzzy!

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Old 05-27-2014, 01:22 PM   #55
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Wait, do we have any evidence that Byrne and Nicole won't be the touring players for these records?

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Old 05-27-2014, 01:32 PM   #56
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Well they are begging for a new touring band on the internet...

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Old 05-27-2014, 03:37 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Shallowed View Post
Dude you're fucking creepy, you've kept tabs on how your crush felt about something so you can bring it up later like "AHA! Do me the pleasure of explaining your change of feelings to me!"
Just trying to earn some E-Cred, brother.

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Old 05-27-2014, 03:41 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by juliana View Post
I've explained it several times, he just keeps saying the same thing. It has been a year now of him saying this.

Love is suicide, Fuzzy!
Not really... It's just that I'd imagine if one was to love Oceania so much that they like it more than MCIS that their opinion wouldn't be: "Ahhh screw Mike and Nicole, they're easily replaceable"

Last edited by fuzzyroes : 05-27-2014 at 06:38 PM.

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Old 05-27-2014, 03:42 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by scottytheoneand View Post
She hates Nicole
ohhh yeah... What was it again? She hated Nicole because she's a lesbian who wouldn't refuse to play with her band in Russia or something?

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Old 05-27-2014, 04:42 PM   #60
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@Billy you probably already know but has to be said-the SP fan world, apart from the band, is very weird.
@Billy it became stunningly obvious that they didn't care very much about SP, just a stepping stone. Good Riddance!

Originally Posted by juliana View Post
He is just upset I am not bowing to nicole. He thinks I am a horrible person because I disliked that she used me as her scapegoat saying the only reason she defended monte is because she thought I was calling her hypocrite. Since Nicole was nice to me on the boat I should be happy with that and not be upset. Maybe he thinks I should beg for Nicole's forgiveness.

If someone is nice to you once then stabs you in the back later do you just ignore the knife in your back? To fans like scotty, yes you do... Because nicole is pseudo famous.

Originally Posted by juliana View Post
Please explain how she was kind to me? Talking to me isn't being kind. Coming to a chatroom isn't either.

I supported Nicole very strongly because she is a good bass player and I thought she was a good person. I promoted her and I defended her, I created a chatroom for her when she asked me too and I even stuck my neck out for her when she was being bashed on the oboard, again lead to the thread by her.

After all this she started following me on twitter, she said to me privately thanks for always having my back.

I thought it was cool but tweeted as normal.

It is no secret, that I dislike monte's ways. I am also highly against Monte's involvement with SP. I don't think a homophobe should be SP's mouth piece. I dislike that we had to get our SP news via Monte.

And so I would tweet about it, which is what I always did. Nicole took this as passive aggressive tweets towards her thinking we were calling her a hypocrite and went to her facebook and defended monte talking shit about gay people on netphoria. Which caused an uproar and SPuk and SPpics decided not to continue and to delete everything (sites). We accused Nicole of supporting a bigot.

Nicole had no idea what she was getting into nor did she think there was any history between monte and fans. She believed Monte was highly liked by SP fans which is why she continued to support his site with interviews and exclusives regardless of his hate of gay peeps.

To get SPpics to not quit, they told her the reason she wrote what seemed like something defending monte is because of my passive aggressive tweets to her and she thought after she made the statement supporting monte we would come to her privately and explain things. With me outcasted and to blame, everyone went back to normal.
So tell me again, how nicole is kind to me? Because she talked to me on the boat?
Sorry but kindness isn't speaking to someone. I am not star struck, a celeb talking to me doesn't make them kind. I also don't see her as a celeb either. Sorry, but talking to these band members doesn't complete me. Everything I have done has never been to get close to the band. If I wanted to be close to the band I would have kept my mouth shut.

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