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Old 05-25-2014, 05:05 PM   #1
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Default Do you guys think Billy's ever going to address what went down with Nicole and Byrne?

Or is it just going to be like how it was with Ginger and Lisa were nothings said about it... Similar to Kerry Brown too.

You would have figured that Byrne or Nicole would have at least commented already, but I'm pretty sure they must be under some sort of confidentiality agreement.

Anyways, seems odd that nothings been said about this yet. When the Pixies 2nd bass player got the boot there was all kinds of media coverage about it. Do journalists and people just straight up not care about the "new" Pumpkins?

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Old 05-25-2014, 05:07 PM   #2
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no one cares about the new pumpkins. it's billy billy billy and billy.
billy doesn't care about them
the media doesn't care about them
I don't care about them.
your mom doesn't care about them either.

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Old 05-25-2014, 05:14 PM   #3
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If Billy is the same old Billy, then probably in a few years from now he'll talk about how shitty they were to work with. He'll go on about how sophomoric Byrne was and what a mistake it was to hire him.

But that's just the cynic in me. Maybe he's turned a new leaf and/or had a genuinely positive experience with them, and instead he'll say nice things, like how that particular incarnation of the Pumpkins had the right vibe for that time and those records.

As to why the media isn't making a fuss, well it's not clear Nicole and Mikey are out of the band for good or just from the recording of this album. So what more can they say?

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Old 05-25-2014, 05:46 PM   #4
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The no "thank you" to kerry brown is still really shitty. The dude was his best bud, jeff should recognize this.

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Old 05-25-2014, 06:09 PM   #5
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When someone gets the juevos to ask him in person.

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Old 05-25-2014, 06:12 PM   #6
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Ginger and Lisa had their departures from the band announced, didn't they?

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Old 05-25-2014, 06:40 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by bye june View Post
When someone gets the juevos

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Old 05-25-2014, 07:34 PM   #8
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when is jeff getting kicked out?
I say 2015!

By 2015 the 2 new albums will be done with - not sold well.
by 2015 the reissues will released and done with (adore and machina will have not sold well at all - no one is going to want to do a zeitgeist or zwan reissue obviously)
I predict 2015 the pumpkins will be breaking up.
2020 "I want my band back" and billy starts again with new members again.

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Old 05-25-2014, 07:35 PM   #9
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Billy and Jeff is the new Billy and Jimmy.

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Old 05-25-2014, 07:56 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by T&T View Post
no one cares about the new pumpkins. it's billy billy billy and billy.
billy doesn't care about them
the media doesn't care about them
I don't care about them.
your mom doesn't care about them either.
You're probably right. I guess it's fairly obvious that it's just the Billy Corgan show now. I reckon that Mike and Nicole were simply looked upon as the current hired hands by the media as opposed to the "contributing band members" schtick that Corgan was always peddling.

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Old 05-25-2014, 08:00 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by CrabbMan View Post
As to why the media isn't making a fuss, well it's not clear Nicole and Mikey are out of the band for good or just from the recording of this album. So what more can they say?
It's pretty clear. Nicole and Mike have both reached out announcing that they were open for new gigs and what not... Or atleast Nicole reached out FOR Mike. And they're not recording with the band anymore. Seems pretty set in stone if you ask me. You'd figure someone in the media would see a story here and reach out to either Corgan or Nicole and Mike to get the scoop.

But as I mentioned, I guess it's just seen as a none-story

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Old 05-25-2014, 08:02 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Shallowed View Post
Ginger and Lisa had their departures from the band announced, didn't they?
I don't believe Corgan ever addressed it. I believe it came out later that Ginger was pregnant and every one kinda realized that that had been the reason behind her departure. I don't believe anything was ever said regarding Lisas departure.

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Old 05-25-2014, 08:18 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by fuzzyroes View Post
I don't believe Corgan ever addressed it. I believe it came out later that Ginger was pregnant and every one kinda realized that that had been the reason behind her departure. I don't believe anything was ever said regarding Lisas departure.
He made a whole announcement about how she wanted to focus on her family and that Mark Tulin would become the interim bass player until a more permanent replacement was found. As for Lisa, he has never mentioned her specifically, but there have been videos of her in the studio with Corgan, and he has stated that starting with Teargarden, he wanted the band simply to be the four members. He also mentioned that while a keyboard player was nice when needed on a particular song, more often the keyboard player just stood there or parts had to be made for them for the sole purpose of giving the keyboard player something to do.

As for the reason why the media has not picked up on Mike and Nicole being out...well it's sad to say but as mentioned above, no one really cares. Most people lost interest when it became clear D'arcy and James were not involved with the Smashing Pumpkins anymore (or at least James; I think people would have been forgiving of a new bass player). Still, the band still got some mainstream attention and press when Jimmy was still around because it was known that Jimmy was a major component of the band's sound, and having half of the original lineup still wasn't bad. People stopped caring when Chamberlin left and Teargarden by Kaleidyscope was essentially a glorified Billy Corgan solo record. Someone earlier mentioned how Pixies got a lot of attention when they lost Kim Deal, hired Kim Shattuck, and then canned her. This was big because prior to this Pixies had ALWAYS been Black Francis, Joey Santiago, Kim Deal, and David Lovering. This much change in the band's almost thirty year existence was unprecedented. I guarantee that if Paz leaves or gets kicked out there will be close to no attention because it's not new anymore. With Smashing Pumpkins, we've had lineup changes, additions, and subtractions since Jimmy was first fired in 1996. Granted, in more recent years Corgan has sped up the revolving door a little more, but the idea that everyone in the band but Corgan is essentially expendable has been well established.

Billy went on and on about how Mike and Nicole were the new incarnation of the band and inspired him to reach new artistic heights, but I think 95% of us knew it was just a matter of time before they inspired Corgan's rage. Maybe if they had made it to 2014 or 2015, or even managed to get another album out, I might have been a little more ready to believe that Smashing Pumpkins had become a real bad again, but as it is, they were essentially the same as the 2007-2008 band, they just had the experience of being called in to record parts for Oceania. As for why they don't say anything, it's because staying silent benefits them no matter what happens. If Corgan never mentions them again, people will slowly forget them but at least their legacy in the band will be untarnished. If Corgan starts trashing them (which I promise you he will within the year) then silence will just make them look like yet another group of eager musicians who were unable to please Corgan the dictator.

Last edited by themadcaplaughs : 05-25-2014 at 08:25 PM.

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Old 05-25-2014, 08:29 PM   #14
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mike probably wants to do his own thing and not spend his 20s with some aging rock star in a band nobody really cares about anymore.

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Old 05-25-2014, 10:02 PM   #15
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Billy is SP now. whoever plays, records or produces with him is there at his whim.

The "media" doesn't give a shit.

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Old 05-25-2014, 11:32 PM   #16
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Yeah, it's not like newspapers report on bands anyway. At least nowadays.

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Old 05-25-2014, 11:55 PM   #17
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Very few remember their names. Sorry.

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Old 05-26-2014, 02:45 AM   #18
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Old 05-26-2014, 03:06 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Dade View Post
At this point with all the craziness going on in the studio, an official announcement of the other 2 members is probably the last thing he's worried about. I also agree with whoever said they are possibly under contractual agreement not to discuss it. If not then you would think that by now some facebook/twatter drama would have leaked out by them or somewhere who knows them.
Or there is no contractual agreement at all and they just think that it would hurt their business if they talked about it.
Think about a recent interview Nicole mentioned how awesome it is that the SP fan base embraces the music of The Cold and Lovely.

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Old 05-26-2014, 05:07 AM   #20
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Didn't Pajo refer to Billy as "the mafia" in terms of talking about what happened with Zwan?

James avoids it and only attacks Billy using sophisticated trolling tactics (playing Mayonaise etc)

And Jimmy didn't respond that time Billy called him out, "here is a perfect opportunity to bury Jimmy as a fucking liar."

Seems strange everyone is very careful about what the say about Billy once they've been cut off - I suspect they have contractual clauses forbidding them to do so and cannot be bothered with any legal action that would ensue, or there just too mature. Or perhaps he tells them it's all an act for PR and they're fine with it. It's irritating for fans that Corgan says whatever he wants about his old band mates, whereas they just stay quiet.

If Byrne and Nicole are out the band then the professional, respectful thing to announce it and thank them for their time with the band and wish them well, and help promote their side projects. That's what a decent human being would do. But this is Corgan, he's more concerned with some deer and his cats.

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Old 05-26-2014, 06:01 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Woody View Post
Didn't Pajo refer to Billy as "the mafia" in terms of talking about what happened with Zwan?
Not that I know of.

Here are some interviews I found >>>

Interviews with David Pajo:

The Voice interviewed Matt Sweeney recently. He related experiences with Billy Corgan talking trash about after Zwan ended. How was your experience being in Zwan?

It had its ups and downs, you know, like any band. But on a dumber, more dramatic scale.

Can you share any fond moments of being in a band with Billy Corgan?

Getting to hang out with Paz and Matt!

Do you regret being in Zwan?

No way!!!

Will Zwan ever reunite?

I thought they did...?

AVC: Do you think reverting to metal was also a reaction against your experience in Zwan?

DP: Yeah. Zwan really did put a sour taste in my mouth, as far as music goes. I don't want to talk too much shit about Billy, but… He really does know how to beat the sound and life out of music. I just wanted to do something that wasn't money-oriented or art-oriented.

Interview with Matt Sweeney:

It must have been a trip being in Zwan with Billy Corgan.

That guy was super into Skunk - he was seriously our biggest fan. Back in the day, I got off on a great foot with him. I met him before he was famous then we fell out of touch. Then we did Zwan and I hate to be negative but I wish it would have turned out differently...whatever you read or hear about him, it became more like that. There was a time when Corgan was really fun to work with and open. It's not up to's between him and his maker. I don't want to trash the dude although he's trashed me.

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Old 05-26-2014, 08:47 AM   #22
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Is Billy Corgan as big of an asshole as people make him out to be?

That's a tough question. I don't know if I can confirm it or deny it. I know what I can do. Let's just say I know bigger assholes.

Are you happy it's over?

I think everybody's happy that it's over. You know, there's so much dirt I want to spill, but I can't. Not now. I'll have to wait a couple of years - when I'm safe from the mafia.

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Old 05-26-2014, 10:19 AM   #23
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Can you share any fond moments of being in a band with Billy Corgan?

Getting to hang out with Paz and Matt!
Notice Pajo didn't say Jimmy. So, something seems fishy. If he said everyone but Billy it would make more sense corgan was as awful as he is saying but omitting Jimmy makes me think Pajo was a douche too.

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Old 05-26-2014, 10:25 AM   #24
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I imagine Jimmy would be the most fun guy in Zwan to be around. He knows how to party. Remember that Anthony Kiedis journal entry about Jimmy when the Pumpkins toured with the Chili Peppers? Jimmy was life of the party. But maybe since he cleaned up he's not as much fun to be around.

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Old 05-26-2014, 10:48 AM   #25
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Jimmy comes across as chill and fun still. Which makes me think Pajo is a real douche. Maybe billy got all psycho when they only wanted to do drugs and fuck around or when billy found out pajo was fucking strawberry.

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Old 05-26-2014, 10:54 AM   #26
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Wasn't Zwan pretty much the equivalent of Them Crooked Vultures? A supergroup with the same singer and drummer from the more established famous band.

Josh Homme wasn't a tyrant like Corgan though. And that's why Them Crooked Vultures didn't fall apart.

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Old 05-26-2014, 11:26 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Catherine Wheel View Post
I imagine Jimmy would be the most fun guy in Zwan to be around. He knows how to party. Remember that Anthony Kiedis journal entry about Jimmy when the Pumpkins toured with the Chili Peppers? Jimmy was life of the party. But maybe since he cleaned up he's not as much fun to be around.
you mean back when they all did heroin?

Originally Posted by Catherine Wheel View Post
Wasn't Zwan pretty much the equivalent of Them Crooked Vultures? A supergroup with the same singer and drummer from the more established famous band.

Josh Homme wasn't a tyrant like Corgan though. And that's why Them Crooked Vultures didn't fall apart.

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Old 05-26-2014, 12:28 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Catherine Wheel View Post
I imagine Jimmy would be the most fun guy in Zwan to be around. He knows how to party. Remember that Anthony Kiedis journal entry about Jimmy when the Pumpkins toured with the Chili Peppers? Jimmy was life of the party. But maybe since he cleaned up he's not as much fun to be around.
Jimmy seemed to give off a vibe of 'too old for this shit' during Zwan. He probably didn't hang out with Pajo/Sweeny/Paz that much. I think he was married and had a kid at this point, too.

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Old 05-26-2014, 12:30 PM   #29
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Still doesn't make sense to omit jimmy. I think it is telling.

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Old 05-26-2014, 12:35 PM   #30
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Is Billy Corgan as big of an asshole as people make him out to be?

That's a tough question. I don't know if I can confirm it or deny it. I know what I can do. Let's just say I know bigger assholes.
I have always believed this, billy is shitty but there are WAY WAY worse than him in the music biz, many just have a better "wrestling persona".

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