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Old 12-29-2020, 12:44 AM   #1
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Default Pumpkins, Grammy Awards & Bono

Was reading the Sunday review of U2's album Zooropa the other day on Pitchfork (that whole Sunday classic album review thing they do makes for some interesting reads from time to time) and that review mentioned that Zooropa bested Pumpkins and more for a Grammy back in 1994.

Enter rabbit hole!

That led me to this page:

Insane that SP lost out for Best Alternative album in 94, 97 and 99. I love "Odelay" as much as the next guy, but come on - that over MCIS is a BIG reach.

Also, found this clip that I don't think I had ever seen or heard discussed despite now 25 years of obsessive viewing of everything related to SP ever. Don't think he's being facetious, it seems like a sincere, (pseudo?) self-disparaging compliment from Bono:

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Old 12-29-2020, 03:12 AM   #2
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Good detective work - I never heard that speech either. Yeah it’s all political anyway this Grammy, Rock and roll HOf, music biz shit, etc

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Old 12-29-2020, 05:14 AM   #3
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fuck the entire awards ceremonies

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Old 12-29-2020, 07:16 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Raskolnikov View Post
Was reading the Sunday review of U2's album Zooropa the other day on Pitchfork (that whole Sunday classic album review thing they do makes for some interesting reads from time to time) and that review mentioned that Zooropa bested Pumpkins and more for a Grammy back in 1994.

Enter rabbit hole!

That led me to this page:

Insane that SP lost out for Best Alternative album in 94, 97 and 99. I love "Odelay" as much as the next guy, but come on - that over MCIS is a BIG reach.

Also, found this clip that I don't think I had ever seen or heard discussed despite now 25 years of obsessive viewing of everything related to SP ever. Don't think he's being facetious, it seems like a sincere, (pseudo?) self-disparaging compliment from Bono:
Was that the one where he said "fuck up the mainstream"?

Bono's best speech was this one:

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Old 12-29-2020, 10:08 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Raskolnikov View Post
Don't think he's being facetious, it seems like a sincere, (pseudo?) self-disparaging compliment from Bono:

Bono was definitely a fan.
Among those attending the band's final shows in Europe were a bevy of international celebrities, including U2 singer Bono. "I'm kind of sad and a bit cross to see them pack it in," Bono said. "I was reminded how much their music moves me. Billy has that sort of fetal cry in his music, yet beneath all the thrash and search-and-destroy metal you find these beautiful snapshots that are very emotional. I told Billy, `What are you doing, letting this go?' This is a real group. The four personalities really balance each other. It's really hard to find a group like that. You can't make them. You have to grow them, and now one of the best is gone."

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Old 12-30-2020, 08:42 AM   #6
Forgotten Child
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Originally Posted by T&T View Post
U2 covered / quoted BWBW before (14:20)

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Old 12-30-2020, 11:25 AM   #7
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They thank Billy in the liner notes for All That You Can't Leave Behind. Billy mentioned it on Instagram some time ago. I actually enjoy that album (last U2 album I dug) and never knew that.

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Old 12-30-2020, 12:38 PM   #8
Joey Goldberg
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ATYCLB has its moments but is mostly too M.O.R. for me

Atomic Bomb at least goes all out in its embrace of full-on 2000s U2 bacchanalia

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Old 01-01-2021, 02:52 PM   #9
Joey Goldberg
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also, thanks for the timestamp Forgotten Child, but jesus christ was that concert recorded on a webcam or something, lol?

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Old 01-01-2021, 04:51 PM   #10
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Thanks to:

Sheila Roche, Trevor Bowen, Keryn Kaplan, Barbara Galavan, Candida Bottaci, Sharon Callaly, Cecilia Coffey, Donna Estes, Sharon Gallagher, Cillian Guidera, Susan Hunter, Sandra Long, Sally-Ann McKeown, Aislinn Meehan, Aoife O’Beirne, Suzanne O’Dea, Eileen Osborne, Avril Slevin, Amy Schmalz, Susie Smith, Gerry Watters, George Augusta, Anne O’Leary, Eva Thompson, David Toraya, Allen Grubman, Eric Gatoff, Artie Indursky, Gavin Friday, Simon Carmody, Guggi, Ann-Louise Kelly, Regine Moylett and RMP, Lindsey Holms, Nigel Sweeney, Marc Marot, Sharon Blankson, Karen Nicholson, Kim Brown, Samantha Joseph, Steve Turner, Marc Coleman, The Stankards, Sebastian Clayton, Tom Bennett and the World Online team, Brian Murphy and Joan Morrissey, Jeremy Joseph and all at De-Lux, all at Dreamchasers, David Landsman, James Jones, Crispin Evans, Jack Heaslip, Dennis Sheehan, Lindsey Sheehan, Inge Eulitz, Bob Koch, Steve Iredale, Anton Corbijn, Anja Grabert, Bel Canto Tine Verbeke, Melanie Ciccone, Caroline Sprinkel, Catherine Dempsey, Anthea Norman-Taylor, Ali, Jordan, Eve, Eli, Theresa, Suzanne, Ariane, David, Saoirse, Norman Hewson, Morleigh Steinberg, Sian, Levi, Hollie, Arran, Blue, Aislin,, Siobhan, Sammy, Carol, John, the 3 A’s, Mo, Spud and Marco, Dr. Carol Goldstein, Missy and Errol Brown, Richard Ford, Isaac Romanov, Naomi Campbell, Andrea Corr, Billy Corgan, Helena and Norman, Christy and Lian, Mick and Lizzy Jagger, John Panaro, Chantal O’Sullivan, Pete Evans, Sandy Robertson, Shailesh Gor, Jimmy Iovine, John Kennedy, Lucian Griange, Steve Matthews, Bernadette Coyle, Mark Crossingham, Max Hole, Jordan Schurr, Tom Whalley, Paul Kremen, Steve Berman, Brenda Romano, Lori Earl, Larry Solters (special press LA), Dylan White, Gerry Blackburn, Jeff McClusky, Jeff Pollack, Martin Wroe, Mo Sacirbey, Wim and Donata Wenders, Salman Rushdie, Seamus Heaney, Candice Hanson, Jonas Akerlund, Nicola Doring, Madame Yzerman, Evelyne Marroy, Didier Hamon, Nick O’Mahony, Gerry Moore, Gabrielle Burke, Liz O’Donnell, Enda Hughes, Seamus McGarvey, Donal Scannell, Joe Edwards, David Holmes, Paul Oakenfold, J Gibney and Sons, The Gilmores, Mark McAuley, James Mooney, Melanie Morris, Barry Slattery, Michael Cohl, Arthur Fogel, Joe Rascoff, Willie Williams, Flood, Howie B, Chris Blackwell and Mary Vinson, Brian McCue, Felim Dunne, Harry Crosbie, Mark “Spike” Stent, Cenzo Townsend, Leo Pearson, Dallas Schoo, Paul Allen and all on Meduse, David A. Stewart for early inspiration on Walk On, The Clarence for the late night and early morning service.

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Old 01-02-2021, 01:36 AM   #11
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Madame Yzerman...apparently he’s a RedWings fan too...

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