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Old 12-12-2020, 11:50 PM   #1
TuralyonW3's Avatar
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Default Butch Vig on Siamese Dream (new interview)

“Siamese Dream is probably the album I have recorded the most guitars on. I mean, a song like Hummer, at some point, probably had 50 or 60 guitar parts on it. And we had to be really focused when we were layering all those, to make sure that each sound fit in with the other layers. You can’t just start piling one on top of the other, 10 guitar tracks with the same tone, it’s just going to sound like mud. So we got really good at figuring out how to find frequencies in a particular guitar track and blend that with another frequency. It was time-consuming, but I think the record sounds really good as a result because it does sound really big, but very focused. You can really hear the tones.

“Billy Corgan is a pretty badass guitar player – he’s really, really talented, and he also always had a really good understanding, sonically, of what he was going for.”

Even so, both Corgan and Vig kept themselves open to new ideas, and when one presented itself by accident, seized upon it.

“The engineer at the studio, Mark Richardson, had a weird lap steel guitar that had this little button you could flick, and it was a distortion unit. I asked him if he could take it out, so he took the thing apart and took out was this tiny little box and we started using that for some of the overdrive. Billy still has it. And it just had this most insane buzz, it just would kind of stir your brain right up. But it had a really narrow focus too, and we used that on a lot of the lead solo parts on Siamese Dream, because they just had a real specific frequency. And it was just something that happened to be at the studio, and then we discovered it and ended up using it.

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Old 12-13-2020, 12:52 AM   #2
seasonal depression
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Location: cafe de la danse
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this is very cool

if only they let james play that lap steel for spaceboy and disarm

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Old 12-13-2020, 03:46 AM   #3
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slide version of spaceboy exists

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Old 12-13-2020, 04:11 AM   #4
seasonal depression
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Location: cafe de la danse
Posts: 11,824

oh yes! i am aware. it should've made the record instead of the mellotron version

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