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Old 08-28-2018, 12:13 PM   #1
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Default Hum - Working on a new album & Matt's upcoming Living Room tour

Originally Posted by August 20th 2018
While we’ve all been anxiously awaiting new material (I’ll get to that in a moment) and the imminent reissue of DiH, I just wanted to follow up with everyone on what I know from a source close to the band.

First off, the album. It’s been 80% tracked. All guitars, bass, and drum parts are complete, and Matt has done about 25% of the vocals. He’s never been a touted singer and for this release, he’s put extra attention and work into his vocal performance, hence why vocals have been taking the better part of a month.

Now comes the tough news to break. As I informed this sub in March, there was Fall/Winter plans for touring/supporting the new record, however in late June, Tim was diagnosed with skin cancer and has since undergone surgery to remove the cancerous cells. Doctors believe they have removed all of it before it entered his body, with final check ups coming soon. This tragic news has unfortunately put a hold on the tour, and may delay the album as well so that they can properly circuit/promote it.

Matt has decided to do a northeast “living room” tour to prepare for a future tour, which news broke of this week.

I know you’re all really eager for new Hum, and I do promise it will come (and it fucking slays might I add), but please keep in mind the situation at hand and the sensitivity of everything at hand.

The Downward is Heavenward reissue is still coming, and very soon at that, so keep an eye out on the earth analog page.
Great update from Tim Lash - "Clear"

Matt recently did a solo open mic show at a spot in Tolono, IL warming up for a Living Room Tour through Undertow.

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Old 08-28-2018, 01:47 PM   #2
Zer0 Hour
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Nice! I was thinking of posting something about Hum the other day. I was listening to them for the first time in a while and it dawned on me how much they sound like SP if Iha had been the lead singer instead of Billy. Glad they are releasing some new material.

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Old 08-29-2018, 09:24 PM   #3
House of Bread
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Got to see them a couple years ago at St. Vitus and they sounded perfect. Love 'em so much.

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Old 09-03-2018, 08:56 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Zer0 Hour View Post
it dawned on me how much they sound like SP if Iha had been the lead singer instead of Billy.

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Old 09-20-2018, 03:27 PM   #5
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Matt's solo tour - Tickets on sale September: September 20 @ 2pm (Central Time)

Thursday, November 1 – Indianapolis IN – CONFIRMED
Friday, November 2 – Columbus OH – CONFIRMED
Saturday, November 3 – Grand Rapids MI – CONFIRMED
Thursday, November 15 – Channahon IL – CONFIRMED
Friday, November 16 – Chicago IL – CONFIRMED
Saturday, November 17 – Skokie IL – CONFIRMED
Thursday, November 29 – Glen Carbon IL – CONFIRMED
Friday, November 30 – St Louis MO – CONFIRMED
Saturday, December 01 – Carbondale IL – CONFIRMED

Wish I could make it down to Chicago but I highly doubt that's going to happen.


And now I can’t wait to share it with you. So, if you’re into it, I will pack up my ’99 Saab with my shitty nylon string guitar, my sadness, some songs from my band Centaur, a few covers, and lots of new songs I have written just for this purpose (which you will be one of the first to hear), and I will come to your house and I will absolutely break your heart too. Yours if you want it.

Sincerely, mt

PS: In the interest of full disclosure, I am likely not including any Hum songs in this performance. I’ve decided might be best to keep that music with the band.

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Old 09-20-2018, 03:31 PM   #6
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looking forward to new material. i definitely have a soft spot for these guys

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Old 09-21-2018, 12:36 PM   #7
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Downward is Heavenward reissue includes 3 b-sides.

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Old 10-05-2018, 12:07 PM   #8
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Hum Completing First New Album In 20 Years

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Old 10-06-2018, 07:52 AM   #9
bye june
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I can't wait

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Old 10-06-2018, 10:25 AM   #10
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So, maybe we'll see this come...February?

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Old 10-10-2018, 09:32 PM   #11
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Nice! Hum rule

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Old 10-10-2018, 10:09 PM   #12
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laradelocke rules!!!

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Old 12-11-2018, 06:00 PM   #13
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Hi friends. Just wanted to let you know I'll have a few pallets of DiH vinyl re-issues departing California for my house tomorrow. I'll post here when they arrive and when I got my ducks in a row to start processing orders. But just know that I'll be accepting and shipping orders well before Christmas and that there will be no scarcity of records. If you have a question, it's likely I will answer it here with a post in the coming days. So check back. Or come see me at the Loose Cobra tonight or tomorrow night. My shift starts at 6:00 cst. Cheers! -mt

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Old 12-20-2018, 12:13 PM   #14
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I usually add "Boy With Stick" to the start of You'd Prefer An Astronaut and it turns a great album to even more amazing one.

Find it odd they included it on Downward reissue as it was on singles from YPAA, but hey if more people hear that amazing b-side the better.

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Old 01-02-2019, 01:45 PM   #15
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Made the trip to Tolono on Sunday

Watched the end of the Bears game, had some of Matt's chili. It was pretty fun. Talked to the man himself, he's not sweating the FB trolls. Got back after 10 so can't wait to crank this thing up on the stereo today.

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Old 09-18-2019, 03:12 PM   #16
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Got a ticket to see Matt on his solo acoustic living room tour next week. Kind of bummed to see so many tickets left for a bunch of the shows though as I'm sure he's getting money together for his solo album due out Spring 2020.

Minneapolis has the most tickets sold by a long shot besides the first of two Portland shows. Mpls loves you Matt.

Rough mix of a song from the upcoming album.

New Hum late 2019 and Matt solo early 2020? Both albums out early 2020? This is nuts but I'm certainly into it.

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Old 07-13-2020, 09:03 AM   #17
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This was posted on the 8th.

"Recently digitalised footage of Hum playing on the 10th final episode of the Jon Stewart Show. Looked awhile for this, only a few copies exist online, so I hope you all enjoy! Sorry for the watermark."

"Since I sent the request for this episode to be digitalised, they've actually archived the entire shows series, so if you want, you can go back and watch all the musical acts!"

"I think the watermark is just so they can be recognised as the oringal source. Also, amoung other things, the University of Georgia are part (or oversee idk) the Brown Media Archive, a collective of smaller archives. They have most/all of the entire Jon Stewart Show on VHS, maybe it was just something people used to record and later have for people to borrow from their library? Idk, im just grateful they took the effort to digitise for me."

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Old 07-01-2021, 02:08 PM   #18
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R.I.P. Bryan St. Pere

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Old 07-02-2021, 12:05 PM   #19
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Old 07-02-2021, 04:52 PM   #20
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Old 07-03-2021, 11:10 PM   #21
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Wow, fuck.

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Old 07-05-2021, 09:39 PM   #22
House of Bread
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Been on a huge Hum bender since I heard the news. Absolutely awful

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