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Old 11-12-2008, 06:48 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by ChristHimself! View Post
to be honest that was a bad example because it's not really a tough to answer question

but the fact you had to ask if anyone caught it is a good example - he need to answer these sorts of questions in an easily available area on their site
yeah i wasn't trying to undermine your point here. i don't feel like these are urgent questions, and i've been happy with the band mostly ignoring their fans' demands. it's only recently that billy seems to have some half-hearted interest in gaining a better understanding of the fanbase. so if he honestly wants that, at least he should understand why many people do feel this urgency. i think a lot of his views of the fans have merit, but he also overgeneralizes a lot. either take whole steps towards that better understanding or just don't even bother.

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