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Old 08-17-2020, 09:48 AM   #84
Shut the fuck up!
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Originally Posted by Squish Squash View Post
Are you aware Obama started something like 5 new conflicts/wars? Why are we in Syria? Who put us there?
Trump has tried to withdraw troops a few times I believe and been met with resistance. I can’t believe you’re making me defend him, but if you’re going to ignore reality, I’ll have to.
Trump is wreaking havoc all over the world. He hasn't pulled the US out of the "wars" he said he would end (Afganistan, Iraq, etc. the US military is still there). He's pushing the US more and more toward war with Iran. He has isolated the US from our closest allies. He has created a cold war with China that could easily escalate into military conflict. He has called for expanding Guantanamo. He is praising and coddling the worst dictators in the world. He's colluding with Putin to aid the destruction of our electoral system. He's operating hundreds of concentration camps. Etc etc etc

The idea that he is somehow less bad at colonialism or war or murder or death than Obama is ridiculous. The reality is that this guy is a monster who is conducting genocide and ethnic cleansing on a massive scale.

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