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Old 04-23-2006, 09:19 PM   #150
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Originally Posted by sleeper
i joking about the abandoning thing, that word was said tongue in cheek. the rest was from borat

i knew i was treading on thin ice with the serial killer analogy, just because of the connotations it obviously has which i didnt exactly intend, and evidently you got mislead by them. i wasnt implying the act of serial killing is at all akin to the act of choosing to have faith, but that here is just a hard, clear example of some aspect of someone (deeds and choices do always count towards a person) that cant ever be changed through discussion to the point that the fundamental point of it is erased. the analogy was hazy and the same ends couldve been serviced better with something else, but it still works for my point, which is that not all aspects to people are entirely malleable or user-defined (if you will) and that there are certain facts that are, while mutable to a degree, never really totally erasable. incontrovertible is the right word for it

and this was in response to the idea that you cant judge someone for being, say, a christian because not all christians are identical and their beliefs are always somehow idiosyncratic and personal or whatever. thats true, im accepting, but however idiosyncratic, they couldnt ever be enough to change that hard core of it (which is what im criticizing)

this is apart from this main strand to this talk, but i have to stop and object to this idea that being a christian and attending a church is at all comparably benign to something like AA or whatever. let me just, learning the lessons of your misunderstanding of my analogy (my fault for that, ok), and try and identify exactly what youre saying: the role or purpose these things serve when it comes down to it, on a practical, day to day basis, is similar to that of most other places people go for help or interaction or guidance or feelings of community or companionship or whatever. that its all pretty inconsequential and harmless, if not actively good for the person or society. right? well not only does religion, like you said, deal with everything of someones worldview, as opposed to what a chess club or something would do, and do so to a degree that i think is unique to religion, but it deals with much greater questions. i really dont like your equating religion-like things and religion, or behaviour that is religious-like to actually religious behaviour, or belief that is religious-like... and so on. there are such core differences that eliminate these comparisons, not least of which because of the point that comparison seems to be making within the context of your argument, which is that, basically, it is not right to specifically criticize religious people in such a way, when what youre criticizing also exists everywhere else. not so. for one, religion deals with the supernatural, which necessarily connotes faith. a radical feminist is still held within the bounds of reality (at least in way that a similarly radical religious person couldnt claim to be). any claims she would be making, or just the validity of anything she is doing or saying, pertain to the objective state of things, and they could be disproved or proved or whatever. religious belief, on the other hand, is totally unimpeachable. always and forever, no matter what. nothing at all can ever unseat it. with something like this involved, even the most devout and dogmatic of feminists or communists cant be compared. there are so many other levels to this, so many more things id like to bring up against this comparison, but ill mention this one more idea, just because i came across it recently and wouldnt mind sounding it off you, (maybe a tad presumptuous of me, pardon my poor manners). it was from this paragraph:

i just like this idea that a wider personal effect to accepting religion exists, that making that choice (choosing to put faith above reason or reality (on some level at some point this is always done, i think)) has a kind of chilling effect throughout. it alters the nature of the debate within the person. their worldview is coloured by such a thing, the same way someone who vigorously held themselves accountable to reason and evidence and whatever would have their view of everything and anything effected. ok im having trouble expressing this idea. to just try with brute force to weasel this idea out of my head, let me put it one more way: it raises the stock of "faith" and lowers the stock of "reason" across the board.
i mean, let me ask you: who would you feel more comfortable around: a religious person or a fundamentally irreligious person? by comfortable i mean safe and i intentionally didnt specify a specifc religion. i bet anything youd pick the irreligious person. and why? i think this is good way to pose it

ok im reading as i reply and i see you say that you think there is significance in religion itself. im not going to erase everything i wrote though, even though a lot of it was founded on the assumption that you kind of felt the opposite

but i absolutely do think its right to place judgement on people for being religious. this idea is the whole focus of this discussion. if we first accept that we are able to (that it has some objective basis (which, it seems, we agree that it does) and that we, as humans, are, in general, capable of doing that) then its just about the right judgement. judging well. i wouldnt take any points off somone who is just innocent or naive, like, for instance, some kid that says he believes in father christ or some shit, so it clearly is not just about someone being "religious" and that automatically meaning xyz, it is of course more variable than that. but the example person in my mind was always someone mature, aware, and responsible, who knowingly and honestly makes that choice, which is why i ruled out that thing you said before about "how do you know if they actually believe?" we really can only assume my example person for this to work, i think

see but here it is again. A) whatever freedoms it allows or whatever its character, its still a Religion and, being a religion, has that hard core i was talking about that cant be reduced any further.
Okay, well I think you hit on what I was saying about halfway down, that I wasn't talking about Religion with a capital "R," but people who call themselves religious and the way they relate to it. I don't think this is something you can discount even if it's not your main point; I think it's absolutely relevant. I don't think that Religion is the same thing as a chess club or a feminist group and wasn't implying that it was, but the fact remains that there are plenty of religious people (varieties of Protestant especially) who treat it this way. I think another thing you're missing about what I'm saying is that religion isn't just something that people choose, it's something that people actively create and define...that's why we have like a million offshoots of Christianity and why there will always be faith groups tolerant enough for practically anyone. I'm not saying it's a good or a bad thing, I'm just saying that throughout history people have bent and added to the rules of various religions to suit their own interpretations and their own views, that religion is not this separate entity, it's something that people have had a large hand in maintaining. And sure religion has been used politically for manipulation and coercion of various kinds, but you can't on the one hand criticize people for taking the choice of being religious and on the other hand blame Religion for various problems in society...this phenomenon is a problem, no shit it is, and I would like to see it stop as much as you, I'm sure, but I think your way of looking at it muddies the actual problem.

As far as your question about feeling comfortable with a religious person or a fundamentally irreligious person, I would feel most comfortable with the person who was the least fundamentally disposed in actuality in whatever sense. I would feel safer with my Muslim friend who I've known since grade school or my Methodist friend from college who are very tolerant and pragmatic people, than I would with, say, a bloodthirsty racial nationalist who was of no religious persuasion whatsoever but had a problem with the way I looked. Statistically speaking, you're right, my chances of landing someone who hated me would probably be greater if I picked a religious person, but I don't think either of us is interested in discussing odds or chances while we're having a primarily theoretical discussion here.

I certainly don't see how it's "absolutely right" to place judgment on people for being religious. Maybe you could explain what you mean or why you feel this way because beyond logical discussion, I just don't feel it at all. I don't know what kind of a world you live in but I live in one where I can meet and talk to or work with someone for years and never know if they are religious because they never mention it. The most blatantly fundamentally irreligious person I know these days is a guy who is very bitter and angry about the world and makes HIS worldview that the human race is full of jackasses and therefore he has every right to be a jackass to everyone else. He has problems with gay people and black people and anyone who makes more money than he does and he voices this openly. I realize that this isn't exactly relevant to the discussion either, but it's just the give you an idea of where I'm coming from. In reality, the lines are blurred considerably, and I speak partially from personal experience.

Last edited by Lie : 04-23-2006 at 10:15 PM.

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