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Old 05-11-2014, 03:44 AM   #74
The exploding boy
Minion of Satan
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Originally Posted by pavementtune View Post
We won't agree there.
I don't call someone who self-published their writing online and is bad at it an author. They write.
As I don't call everybody in a band a musician - they make music.

And this "yo play guitar chicks love it" is just... if that's the main reason to learn an instrument and I can spot it, I'll be the cunt who silently laughs at you.

Yeah. Personally I stated playing because it made me jealous that I wasn't the one creating music that moved people. Sure at one point you do consider the notion that it MIGHT be attractive to girls, but i never ever thought man if i write a good song, or if i learn to play this, girls will really dig me. usually people who think like that end up in bands where the bandleader tells them what to play and they rarely play that well (though one must not underestimate the length some guys are willing to go to impress girls...) OR they play in just cover bands.

I mean there's probably somewhere where i draw a line for what constitutes a musician but i'm very lenient. For example i've known people who were in noise bands...hard for me to call these guys musicians. They randomly hit their instruments.... But you know, i dont know, Kurt Cobain to pick the cliche common example of a mediocre guitar player, he was a musician in my mind. And a guitarist too for that matter. Just because he couldn't shred it or play various styles doesn't make him not a musician. Making music IS being a musician.

Maybe you need to differentiate between trained or skilled musician and just musician then.

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