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Old 04-06-2006, 01:21 AM   #75
Location: i'm from japan also hollywood
Posts: 57,805

Originally Posted by sleeper
i mean, ok, let me just practice some much needed concision and settle this all with a simple question: do you think its ever appropriate to 1nclude race into humour? if yes, give me an example of a tasteful, wholesome, safe racist joke or joke that has some kind of racist colour to it. where do you draw the line, if you draw it at all
My best friends are Chinese, Italian (dark sicilian) and Mexican, with myself also being Mexican. Every now and then we make cracks on our own or each other's ethnicities. I think I would draw the line depending on who your audience is and who you are. None of you are my friends and no one else here is friends with each other so I think A line is drawn somewhere here.

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