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Old 02-05-2021, 01:42 AM   #98
reprise85's Avatar
Location: I'm faced with so many changes that I just might change my face
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Alright so as others have said, abuse affects people differently and it can sometimes take years for people to even realize that not only were they abused, but that it was a deliberate attempt by someone else and they are in fact a psychopathic, or at least very fucked up, person.

I stayed with my ex who was a literal child molester (he told me) from 14-19 years old and then I never told anyone for almost something like 4 years after I left that he had so much as said a bad thing to me let alone all the fucked up shit he did that I am still not over 15 years later.

Being in a dynamic as a young person with a rich older man (and yes 36 -> 18 counts) really fucks up your brain. Expectations by the media to appear as some kind of strong person who was on even heels with crazy ass Marilyn Manson over years is very hard to break with even when you decide you want to.

Talking to people about abuse is very fucking hard and people are also not always all bad. Perhaps she did enjoy being with him in some respects and was compartmentalizing the bad times as much as possible. Plus, you know, knowing that when you did tell people would take anything you did that showed affection to the person at any time as evidence that you are manipulating the situation because you're some washed up bitch trying to make money only makes you, I assume, push it off even more.

In conclusion, stop thinking you know anything about long term abuse with people in an extreme power imbalance if you've never gone through it, or even if you have, because it's like a cult of 2 and no one who was not there can really understand. It is very unlikely that this information is false and coming into it from the lens of let me find anything that happened that contradicts that MM was a complete piece of shit and/or let me find anything positive Wood said about him over the years as proof that she is lying is the wrong thing to do. Believe victims, no one wants to talk about this shit

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