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Old 09-22-2020, 02:55 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by GreenDogGlynis View Post
Trust me, when Cyr dropped I was disappointed, I was really hoping James returning would at least for a time give way to a more foundational SP, but it looks like that's not happening. I never listened to Oceania or Monuments a ton because of how Billy was trashing James and Darcy back then. I'm pretty much cool with Billy putting out whatever music he wants, its always been how he talked about James and Darcy that turned me off from the new records. Now that some time has passed since both Oceania and Monuments were released, I do find myself enjoying those records and feel like I better understand what he was going for with them.
one and all was stuck in my head today. it fucking rocks, especially with jimmy

feel this is appropriate to repost given the theme of this thread:


so they've never done an OC track with jimmy, right? he can cover Tommy Lee's parts but not Mike's? I guess it wouldn't fair the word?

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