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FoolofaTook 01-01-2020 01:28 PM

Flaming Globes, Tainter of Threads, Soiler of Messageboards, and dearly beloved of Edward Norton!

smashingjj 01-01-2020 05:26 PM

I just stepped into a turd that my beloved cat left for me in the kitchen

with my bare foot, that is

FlamingGlobes 01-02-2020 08:20 AM

Ram27 01-05-2020 11:01 AM

in which i bitch about my job:

One of my managers is the most nitpicky, shitty, rule following cunt. First words out of her mouth to me most times our shifts unfortunately coincide are ‘can you restock the soda cooler’

This is an irritating, pointless, slightly challenging task with a priority of like -8 because who the fuck cares. Today she gets pissed at me cause she asked me to do it 3 times. Like I have my actual job to do and literally no one cares about this. ‘Why is this so urgent?’ I ask. ‘Because it’s bugging me!’ ok.*

Closing drivers at our store have to sweep and mop the lobby. Every other manager on a shitty night will say to not worry about it. Dis bitch wants everything perfect always. Tonight she went on and on about how there was a straw wrapper under a table and a bit of dirt, noting that I clearly didn’t give a shit. Spot on. I don’t. She said she won’t close the store with a crew member slacking off. Like we’re in the fucking military or some shit. Like any soul in the fucking world cares about the condition of a pizza shop floor.*

12:30 AM she asks me to take out the trash in the lobby. I have to be back in like 10 hours because my GM, in his words, ‘screwed up’ and scheduled me to open after a late weekend close.*

I’m calling off the next time I have a shift with her fuck this shit.*Also I came in this morning and apparently she fucking left a note that I was slacking off. Like yes I fucking was I had to be back in like 10 hours fuck you

reprise85 01-05-2020 11:52 AM

That's par for the course in retail, it seems like. My manual has 10 hours as minimum turnaround, so totally cool under corporate guidelines.
We have a new manager I really dislike. He's just kind of a prick. But he's also a very big dude (bigger than I ever was by 100+ lbs and I was over 400), and I wonder if I'm doing some projection about myself onto him. But I'm only there once a week, so who cares. This has nothing to do with your story, sorry.

ilikeplanets 01-10-2020 10:26 PM

Some of the old CorningWare I have is listed for $9000 on Ebay. If i see anyone actually paying that I'm about to make $18,000. Stupid.

FlamingGlobes 01-10-2020 11:19 PM

Are we still saying 'cunt' in 2020?

FlamingGlobes 01-10-2020 11:19 PM

Asking for a friend.

FlamingGlobes 01-10-2020 11:21 PM


wHATcOLOR 01-15-2020 03:05 AM

guys! this past weekend i saw on spotify that stabbing westward had some new music (first time in about 20 years) and i thought.. hey, i liked them when i was 20, i wonder if they are doing any shows. so lo and behold, there were doing a record release show in hollywood, just a few miles from where i am. it was only $15 and i didn't have any other plans, so i decided to go and see if maybe it'd be enjoyably nostalgic, and if it wasn't, i figured i'd at least hear some good riffs.

it was so bad! seriously, it was terrible.

set aside for the moment the violent melodramatic self-loathing at the center of all their songs, which i'll admit i enjoyed for a time in my 20s, but now i find kind of embarrassing... set that aside. the sound was terrible. the guy's guitar wasn't even audible. so it was really just vocals and drums and some synths (once they got those working) and no f'ing riffs! it was so bizarre, they should figure that out in advance.

also, it was at this "goth club". i was thinking, there is virtually no way to distinguish between the performers and the audience, as their attires were so similar. in fact, maybe like 20 minutes before they went on, i saw a dude walking by with a metal bucket of beers and thought, that looks just like the singer.. or maybe not, there are 10 guys within sight that looks remarkably similar. (it was him)

i considered leaving after 2 or 3 songs because of how bad it was, plus it was quasi-outdoors (under a tented area of the club, so there was a ton of smoke getting into my clothes, etc.. several people near me left. but i thought, let me stick it out and see if they can get this together. they really didn't though. but tons of people appeared to be really into it. it was confusing. i was glad to have brought earplugs with me. and they did play a lot of the songs i had hoped to hear, but still. oh well, good for a laugh.

FlamingGlobes 01-15-2020 10:31 AM

That's about what I would expect from a Stabbing Westward show in 2020. I checked out their new music. It's awful. Some things are best left in the past.

FlamingGlobes 01-15-2020 10:32 AM

Yesterday was one of the hardest days I've had in the bank, and ironically, the person who showed me the most kindness and respect was an elder gentleman in a bright red TRUMP 2020 hat.

Crazy world we're living in.

buzzard 01-15-2020 02:04 PM

Freeze his account.

Old people are vulnerable and every vote counts.

topleybird 01-15-2020 02:29 PM

"Thank you for treating me so nicely, Harvey. I'm going to see to it that you can't get your medicine."

ovary 01-15-2020 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by FlamingGlobes (Post 4527500)
Yesterday was one of the hardest days I've had in the bank, and ironically, the person who showed me the most kindness and respect was an elder gentleman in a bright red TRUMP 2020 hat.

Crazy world we're living in.

my wife and her friend were driving through nowhere at dusk last week and some goats were in the road so they drove up to the nearby house and an old guy comes out and is all "oh dagnabit they're out again thanks you ladies for letting me know" all kind and nice and polite and he had a huge handmade plywood sign in the yard that said "trump 2020: make liberals cry again"

FlamingGlobes 01-15-2020 09:05 PM

Gosh, I can't wait to get old.

FlamingGlobes 01-15-2020 09:06 PM

Logan Paul 2060

run2pee 01-15-2020 10:07 PM

Lol these smiley old fuckers and their unconditional love for their yeti-pubed cartoon of a president

Shallowed 01-16-2020 12:08 AM

haha goddem

Shallowed 01-16-2020 12:09 AM

bet you thought you could take him down just like that huh

Shallowed 01-16-2020 12:09 AM


myosis 01-16-2020 01:24 PM

are people genuinely surprised that trump supporters can be nice, polite and respectful?

topleybird 01-16-2020 01:27 PM

[thinks about every Trump supporter I've ever met]

…extremely yes? Especially if Flobes happened to be something other than a cishet white guy?

FoolofaTook 01-16-2020 02:52 PM

You really think people who hate others aren't nice?!?

FlamingGlobes 01-16-2020 03:00 PM

You really hate people who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who hate those who are nice to others who 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FlamingGlobes 01-16-2020 03:01 PM

Anyway, I'm not surprised. There are shitty people and good people from all walks of life. Just noting how the only person who was nice to me on a particularly difficult day was a very proud, vocal Trump supporter.

FoolofaTook 01-16-2020 03:05 PM

have you seen midsommar? cos i swear to god the d-bag bf looks like your identical twin.

FlamingGlobes 01-16-2020 03:29 PM

FoolofaTook 01-16-2020 03:32 PM

See? Your faces are an exact match.

You can pm me nudes to confirm the rest of your bodies.

FlamingGlobes 01-16-2020 03:47 PM

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