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Disco King 08-21-2022 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4599541)
What is a good tinypic alternative? I apparently haven't tried to post a picture in ages..

Imgur is the image-hosting site I use.

Access it from Firefox so they can't force me to make an account or anything.

ilikeplanets 08-21-2022 08:38 PM

Okay. Every time I try imgur I can't seem to find a way to upload anything, so I'll see if the Firefox trick works. Thanks!

Cool As Ice Cream 08-22-2022 07:24 AM

yo soy el mejor 08-22-2022 12:54 PM

didn't get fired, but i did get written up---she said her hands were tied and they kinda had to move forward when the consultant complained. my boss wasn't upset, but said she was thinking about it all weekend and that she was afraid i would quit lol

i talked about the best way of apologizing/moving forward and she said she was impressed but not surprised by my humility and how i was handling this situation. i decided i should write an apology to the group and consultant separately and call it a day. can't rub my nose in it forever.

ilikeplanets 08-22-2022 01:20 PM

I'm hoping you feel okay with that outcome. Not knowing is usually the worst part. As long as you think your boss will continue to have a good opinion of you, then this seems like the best case scenario, aside from the consultant admitting they're terrible upon reflecting on your comments, of course.

ovary 08-22-2022 01:35 PM

that happened to me once. i'm not typically a confrontational person but this vendor showed up to my work at like 7 in the morning when we opened and started loudly spouting this conservative nonsense and i told him to shut the fuck up and then my boss intervened.

then that afternoon the vendor came all the way back out to my work to apologize to me lmao. i wasn't there luckily

yo soy el mejor 08-22-2022 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4599561)
I'm hoping you feel okay with that outcome. Not knowing is usually the worst part. As long as you think your boss will continue to have a good opinion of you, then this seems like the best case scenario, aside from the consultant admitting they're terrible upon reflecting on your comments, of course.

totes. i was anxious leading up to meeting with my boss and turns out she was nervous, too. but, if she's good with me, then i'm good! i kept my two public apologies short and sweet and said even though my comment being visible was not purposeful, nothing makes it right and i regret being a disruption to the meeting. it won't happen again, etc.

sadly, the consultant probably think she needs to talk to me--i'll apologize in person (I offered this), but i sure as shit am not gonna sit around while she sits on her high horse and tells me how to act and what to consider going forward. that's the whole reason i cannot stand her ol' preachy ass.

my boss said this morning the consultant told her last week she did not want to be at any other meeting i would attend (wish i could remember what i said!). i told my boss it was probably a good time to mention my expectations of the group didn't match the reality and i probably should have said something instead of stewing for the last several weeks and misdirecting my frustration. none of our meetings have the same collaborative tone of other work meetings and it's 100% that woman.

all's well that ends well.

MyOneAndOnly 08-24-2022 01:19 PM

Anybody working from home and using a mouse jiggler on their workstation?

yo soy el mejor 08-24-2022 01:45 PM


mxzombie 08-25-2022 11:21 AM

thank god my employer doesn't monitor my activity that way. i'm expected to log a minimum number of hours each day, but it doesn't necessarily matter when during the day i do that work.

ilikeplanets 08-25-2022 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly (Post 4599630)
Anybody working from home and using a mouse jiggler on their workstation?

I need one. I finish my quota in like 1-2 days and have the rest of the week to fill, since my contract requires far more hours than it takes me to complete the work.

ilikeplanets 08-25-2022 01:39 PM

Although first I'd need a mouse!

MyOneAndOnly 08-25-2022 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4599668)
I need one. I finish my quota in like 1-2 days and have the rest of the week to fill, since my contract requires far more hours than it takes me to complete the work.

I just ordered one.. from Amazon. And I work for Amazon. Does that mean they know I'll be using it?

ilikeplanets 08-25-2022 02:24 PM

Big Bezos is watching

slunken 08-25-2022 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4599541)
What is a good tinypic alternative? I apparently haven't tried to post a picture in ages..


just set everything to private

reprise85 08-26-2022 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4599669)
Although first I'd need a mouse!

You don't need any hardware. Easy to use an autohotkey script. Assuming they don't monitor the programs you're running.

ilikeplanets 08-26-2022 06:47 PM

No, they don't.

reprise85 08-26-2022 06:48 PM

download autohotkey, right click desktop create new script, paste this


#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#SingleInstance Force
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen


Static toggle := False
delay := 1000
toggle := !toggle
SetTimer, RandomMouseMove, % (toggle ? delay : "Off")

x := Rand(0, A_ScreenWidth)
y := Rand(0, A_ScreenHeight)
spd := Rand(1, 10)
MouseMove, % x, % y, % spd

Rand(min, max){
Random, rand, % min, % max
Return rand
run it

F1 toggles it on/off

it will be in your system tray and you can right click to close it.

windows only but I'm 100% sure you can find a compiled program for whatever OS. btw i stole this from reddit and didn't make it myself

can also change F1 to some other key if you want pretty easily

ilikeplanets 08-26-2022 09:48 PM

What would I be using besides Windows, that's complicated enough. This sounds perfect because I literally sit there with my queue open and just click to keep it active since I (accurately) speed through all my work on the first day or two of the assignment. Regretfully that usually happens at 4 AM. So if I can do less then I fucking will.

yo soy el mejor 08-27-2022 12:21 PM

y'all so bad

ilikeplanets 08-27-2022 01:48 PM

It's just an easier way to do what I'm already doing. Which is really sad, yeah. I need a job that doesn't want me to work slower, I've never even heard of that.

vixnix 08-28-2022 09:15 AM

Procrastinated all weekend and chose to cook and clean and help my kids with their schoolwork rather than do my own. Finally handed in a half-assed job on my university assignment at 11:48pm tonight (was given an extension to “the end of the weekend”)

Study is the one thing I do for myself, I don’t get why I procrastinate so much with the assignments. It’s not like I’m doing them for anyone else

reprise85 08-28-2022 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4599787)
y'all so bad

there's a ton of social media-related jobs evaluating content that pay shit but assume things take way longer than they do.

they could pay more, update their timing guidelines, and fire people if they can't meet productivity. but they are getting paid based on how much labor they provide to google/facebook/etc and how long it takes, so they have no incentive to do this. instead, they pretty much force people to play them this way because no one wants to cut their own hours and make less. so everyone plays this game that shit takes 3x longer than it does and workers have to find creative solutions to do other work at the same time as this work so they can make a decent living. i quit my job like this last year and was making 11/hr and took maybe 25-50% of the time they required to do the tasks depending on task. i would have much rather made 20/hr and had half the hours and not had to act in a way that feels shady. but middlemen are gonna middlemen

it's so fucking stupid

ilikeplanets 08-28-2022 02:06 PM

I just don't understand why they would want people to accomplish less. That goes against all logic. So I spend 75% of my work week literally wasting time so that I don't work "too fast."

ilikeplanets 08-28-2022 02:10 PM

The official reason is that the slow pace is supposed to emphasize quality, but all my performance reviews have kept me in "excellent/elite" status and I work 4x faster than what I'm contracted to. It is definitely stupid, but I'm completely dependent on the schedule flexibility. I wish more jobs offered that.

reprise85 09-02-2022 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4599808)
I just don't understand why they would want people to accomplish less. That goes against all logic. So I spend 75% of my work week literally wasting time so that I don't work "too fast."

essentially they want to bill the client for more time for the same work

and if the client asks for metrics on how long things take, the statistics match what the the middlecompany claims (your employer)

ilikeplanets 09-02-2022 05:55 PM

I just want to work for actual Facebook, no shame

MyOneAndOnly 09-08-2022 01:33 PM

who will be the lucky one to post the Queens death thread?

What will the thread title be?

MyOneAndOnly 09-08-2022 01:34 PM

who will be the lucky one to post the Queens death thread?

What will the thread title be?

MyOneAndOnly 09-08-2022 01:35 PM

The monarchy is a cancer, btw

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