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slunken 06-26-2022 02:24 PM

I almost got a Dawson's Creek logo tattoo on my thigh around 2003 or 2004 that's how hard the show was hitting my psyche

slunken 06-26-2022 02:26 PM

I was going to get it right on the dead spot where I took a mean line drive while pitching as some kind of fucked up way to remember my youth? or something?

slunken 06-26-2022 02:28 PM

hmmm what other ways can i make this about me

Cool As Ice Cream 06-27-2022 04:36 AM

topleybird 06-27-2022 09:04 AM

I saw Dawson in a J Crew at the mall back in like... 2015, 2016, something like that. I did not approach him or his wife, but I wish I'd known how important the show was to you, slunken. I would have cornered him in the changing room and told him all about how you'd considered getting a DC tattoo in your dead zone or whatever and I'm sure he would have been really interested

In case it happens again could you describe the tattoo you were thinking of getting, like the show logo or those crazy kids' beaming faces or like what are we talking here

MyOneAndOnly 06-28-2022 07:34 PM

13 people shot yesterday here in Tacoma. Only one dead so far. Men get angry and they kill people with guns. Everyone has a fucking gun.

MyOneAndOnly 06-28-2022 07:36 PM

So happy I live in a country that has Health control and Gun care

slunken 06-29-2022 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by topleybird (Post 4596010)
I saw Dawson in a J Crew at the mall back in like... 2015, 2016, something like that. I did not approach him or his wife, but I wish I'd known how important the show was to you, slunken. I would have cornered him in the changing room and told him all about how you'd considered getting a DC tattoo in your dead zone or whatever and I'm sure he would have been really interested

In case it happens again could you describe the tattoo you were thinking of getting, like the show logo or those crazy kids' beaming faces or like what are we talking here

I really appreciate you for this - thank you god bless

slunken 06-29-2022 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by topleybird (Post 4596010)

In case it happens again could you describe the tattoo you were thinking of getting, like the show logo or those crazy kids' beaming faces or like what are we talking here

literally just the logo/typeface

maybe 3" across

i'm getting hyped up again fwiw

slunken 06-29-2022 08:56 PM

imagine being a loser that's addicted to digital misery tourism

slunken 06-29-2022 08:58 PM

not you dude i'm just typing out loud about something else

topleybird 06-30-2022 10:02 AM

Thank you for clarifying, and for introducing me to a new term I've looked up and still don't entirely understand

Does the digital part mean like going into a Boomer Facebook group to laugh at it, or is it still about visiting places like Chernobyl except you do it virtually or just like obsessively read about it

What's the deal, what exactly are people doing to earn our scorn

I will definitely pass on a description of your ever-closer-to-reality D'sC tattoo if I run into the man himself again

slunken 06-30-2022 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by topleybird (Post 4596185)
Thank you for clarifying, and for introducing me to a new term I've looked up and still don't entirely understand

It's a thing (IMO) for post-1999 culture to view things online knowing that it's going to piss them off.

We all do it to some extent.

Hey, it's called "keeping up with the news" am i right? :jayleno: (studio laughter)

topleybird 06-30-2022 05:53 PM

Ah, so kind of a broader version of "doomscrolling"?


slunken 06-30-2022 05:55 PM

yea kind of like doomscrolling but much more activated and pissed off instead of apathetic and looking for baby kitten videos

slunken 06-30-2022 05:58 PM

like, let's say you hate trans people so you sign up for a message board or a newsletter that's all about hating trans people so you in turn end up learning waaaaaay more about trans culture than any other regular person

(chill it's just an example)

that, to me, is digital misery tourism. just curating a constant feed of information of the thing you supposedly hate.

mxzombie 07-01-2022 10:22 AM

sounds sort of like hate-watching. i'm always snooping on my nasty neighbors through the window. i hate them so much, but i can't look away.

teh b0lly!!1 07-01-2022 11:02 AM

what's nasty about them?

yo soy el mejor 07-01-2022 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by mxzombie (Post 4596276)
sounds sort of like hate-watching. i'm always snooping on my nasty neighbors through the window. i hate them so much, but i can't look away.

yeah and i'm all like i h8 them too. i hate them so much i don't even want to look at them!

they're generally bad neighbors. loud dog. loud kids. husband sings so loudly and he sucks. he has dumb little legs, too. never shovel in front of their house in winter but are swift to steal parking spaces others clear out. had a fuck session on their back porch with a third party a few minutes after saying hello to us...i think our presence and knowing they were being heard was a real turn on for them which makes me so grossed out because i did not consent to being used like that. ugh, and they get groceries delivered even though they have a car. basically, they suck.

slunken 07-01-2022 05:41 PM


teh b0lly!!1 07-03-2022 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4596295)
yeah and i'm all like i h8 them too. i hate them so much i don't even want to look at them!

they're generally bad neighbors. loud dog. loud kids. husband sings so loudly and he sucks. he has dumb little legs, too. never shovel in front of their house in winter but are swift to steal parking spaces others clear out. had a fuck session on their back porch with a third party a few minutes after saying hello to us...i think our presence and knowing they were being heard was a real turn on for them which makes me so grossed out because i did not consent to being used like that. ugh, and they get groceries delivered even though they have a car. basically, they suck.

dang that sounds gross.

neighbor issues get me where I live. literally and figuratively and technically

teh b0lly!!1 07-03-2022 06:40 AM

perhaps THE GREATEST TV SHOW INTRO OF ALL TIME will cheer you up a little

teh b0lly!!1 07-03-2022 06:42 AM

I'm 100% willing to go to war saying this music is as ripping as top tier Smashing Pumpkins

teh b0lly!!1 07-03-2022 06:44 AM

show might as well open with Whir

Cool As Ice Cream 07-04-2022 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4596295)
he has dumb little legs, too.

UGH! what a horrible man!

ilikeplanets 07-08-2022 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4594776)
I have a dental appointment next month, after a literal year of the dental office canceling my appointments with no notice. The last time, which was back in April, I was informed they no longer even had a hygienist and to try back in a couple of months. I was able to switch networks through my insurance because that is not gonna work for me. I haven't had many dramatic dental appointments, luckily, which I partially attribute to my rigorous hygiene routine, so I loathe the thought of missing an appointment by this much.

So, I had that dental appointment and they didn't even clean my fucking teeth. Since I'm a new patient there, after ALL the bullshit at my old practice, I had to have a "new patient appointment" which was just x-rays and the dentist telling me I don't have cavities. They are booked for cleanings until February 2023. Someone canceled next month, thank God, and I should finally get a cleaning and can move on from this saga of insanity. What happened to hygienists?! If I could tolerate the thought of cleaning strangers' teeth, I guess I'd have great job security. I hate the healthcare system.

MyOneAndOnly 07-08-2022 04:20 PM

FDA/ADA guidelines for Dental X Rays are once every 3 years, and most insurance won't pay for them now if billed more than every 3 years. But dentists make a LOT of money on them, so they pressure patients to pay for them.

My old dentist got really angry 5 years ago when I told him I didn't want Xrays. I hadn't had a cavity in 10 years and have no other dental healthy issues. So there was no reason for him to take Xrays and charge me hundreds of dollars.

I don't know whether being a New patient really matters. Dentists should be able to request your most recent Xrays from your previous Dentist.... but I've never heard any dentist ever actually do that

ilikeplanets 07-08-2022 06:21 PM

Yeah, I brought up requesting the X-Rays from the other practice and was fed some bullshit about them needing to do their own. My insurance will pay for it yearly, so fine. I also haven't had any cavities except once in my life as a teen, but if I'm not paying out of pocket I don't care if they take pictures. Just hire enough fucking hygienists so I can get my teeth cleaned without having to wait 8 months from when I call.

slunken 07-08-2022 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4596295)
husband sings so loudly and he sucks.


and they get groceries delivered even though they have a car. basically, they suck.

the first thing kind of rules but yea the second thing is deplorable.

the biggest thing that turned me off during covid were these work from home slugs who would order door dash multiple times a day and get groceries delivered and post online about how it's "so easy to just stay at home"

if you have the means it's very easy to just digitally order this little slave to bring you the treats that you crave and pretend you were "doing the right thing" by staying at home.

get fucking real.

very laughable behavior for anyone even remotely in touch with real working class people.

buzzard 07-08-2022 08:15 PM

Shinzo Abe finding release from his crippling diarrhea IN HELL, anybody?

I wonder if there are any other assassinated Abes out there.

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