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Joey Goldberg 06-17-2020 05:23 PM

jean claude van damme i'm fine

buzzard 06-17-2020 09:46 PM

Jim-Claude White Van

MyOneAndOnly 06-18-2020 02:14 PM

one of my friends died. Looks like suicide. No warning.


MyOneAndOnly 06-18-2020 02:14 PM

Fuck this whole year!

Squish Squash 06-18-2020 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly (Post 4550570)
one of my friends died. Looks like suicide. No warning.


My condolences. This will be a very painful time obviously, but it is important for you to get help and support from those around you.

Squish Squash 06-18-2020 02:50 PM

I wish I had better advice and more comforting words to give here. I am not great at this and I apologize.

Disco King 06-18-2020 03:13 PM

Damn. I'm sorry.

MyOneAndOnly 06-18-2020 04:13 PM

Josh was not one of my closest friends, but I have known him for 5 years and he was very very close to a couple of people who are dear to me. After I came out and moved to DC he was one of the few people I knew who regularly checked up on me to see how I was doing. He and I like all the same soccer clubs. Three years ago he moved to Portland (we had a lot of mutual friends in Portland). But last year he and his wife divorced.

i had planned to catch up with him this spring. I had a visit to Portland planned for April or May. But that all went to hell when the virus hit

smashingjj 06-18-2020 04:43 PM

man that is rough. I'm sorry

reprise85 06-18-2020 05:03 PM

sorry to hear :(

LaBelle 06-18-2020 09:04 PM

That's terrible. My condolences

yo soy el mejor 06-19-2020 11:58 AM

has anyone ever done an at-home blood test? freaking out even though i used to be a freakin' phlebotomist.

yo soy el mejor 06-19-2020 12:00 PM

lol they included a butterfly shaped watermelon lollipop in the kit for my troubles and a recipe for gluten-free chocolate cake. >_>

any girls wanna check your thyroid?

MyOneAndOnly 06-19-2020 12:15 PM

I've done in home blood tests! I've been stuck so many times nothing phases me anymore

yo soy el mejor 06-22-2020 11:57 AM

free ASL lessons from Gallaudet University. wow. amazing!

yo soy el mejor 06-22-2020 04:42 PM

Coronavirus has me wanting to go vegetarian, so we're taking it slow and eating meatless foods M-Th. Just made some Swiss-chard and almond pasta...tasty as hell with all this lemon, red pepper flakes, garlic, and parm.

yo soy el mejor 06-22-2020 05:02 PM

i ended up enrolling in a class on to keep me on my studying/reading toes. i'm taking a certified course called Community Engagement: Collaborating for Change through the University of Michigan. i also considered Local Chess Coach certification through USCF, which I've wanted to do for the longest, but i don't think that's terribly useful right now.


Disco King 06-22-2020 05:47 PM

I saw that I could get a certificate or diploma in "data science" with only four or eight courses, respectively, at my university. I hear data analysis is hot right now. And since I want to do research eventually in graduate school but was stupid and never took a lot of research-methods courses or statistics, maybe this will both help me be employable and will help with the school thing.

On the other hand, I don't know how similar data-science is to the kind of statistics and research methods done in the social sciences. Like, do you do the same things, only working with much larger datasets and answering different sorts of questions? Or is it a different ballgame entirely? Also, I know I won't feel very fulfilled if all I end up using these skills for is market research or helping corporations analyze business trends or whatever. That sounds boring as shit. Being able to actually discover shit and do basic science sounds fun, though.

Disco King 06-22-2020 05:47 PM

I wish I were good at chess. There are probably non-human primates that could out-perform me.

yo soy el mejor 06-22-2020 06:32 PM

well, if you aren't currently in classes, you can check out what they got. a lot are self-paced and much less expensive than paying at your university so if it sucks a lot you can quit guilt-free or not have spent a lot of money. most certifications run between $49 and $300 bucks. >_>

Computer science for artificial intelligence certification from Harvard and only $260. OH LA LA!

Disco King 06-22-2020 06:39 PM

Hmm, I should look into that.

I don't know if I trust myself to stay on track in something outside of a more rigid school setting, but it's worth a try.

Disco King 06-22-2020 06:39 PM

I enrolled in two discounted online photography classes and missed most classes of one of them. The other one, I haven't even started.

Shallowed 06-22-2020 07:18 PM

lol imagine doing photography

MyOneAndOnly 06-22-2020 07:18 PM

i started Vietnamese lessons last month. But had to pause cause I am working too much and just needed a break. I"m restarting lessons in a week.

yo soy el mejor 06-22-2020 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4550937)
I wish I were good at chess. There are probably non-human primates that could out-perform me.

my problem is i win too much

Disco King 06-22-2020 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Shallowed (Post 4550945)
lol imagine doing photography

Hey m8, you're not allowed to use a camera, you probably just photograph food and stuff!

Elphenor 06-27-2020 09:05 AM

I have a new gf

and this one is nice to me

Cool As Ice Cream 06-27-2020 09:09 AM

what is her problem?

ilikeplanets 06-27-2020 10:11 PM

Brought my little puppy home today so I'm in a great mood. We'll see if that remains true after tonight! :)

buzzard 06-27-2020 11:06 PM

You two are super cute together. We're all really happy about this unexpected development, though I think it'd be best if you kept the cutesy pet names to a minimum.

Ram27 06-28-2020 12:43 AM

i know netpho isn't therapy but alas

so in terms of sobriety and shit i've been doing fantastic since February. graduated my IOP program of 3 months [only 2 of us were left from the 10 that started] and did a bunch of self improvement in therapy. got a job i like, started a class, got better at guitar

and last week i completely fucked it. missed work and didn't do any of my schoolwork.

BUT i did bang out the essay i had to do this week in an hour just now. and called my boss like 'so sorry i missed work' and he said he'll try to do the paperwork to rehire me and shit. but i just tried to play silverfuck on guitar and couldn't get the 16ths note right cause my picking motion is fucked [but i was able to double the snare roll in the cherub outro?]

and withdrawals aren't fun so i have this anxious/depressed/wanna die thing going on

i can't think of a cheeky emoji to end with

reprise85 06-28-2020 01:20 PM

sorry ram :(

it's ok to mess up. you got dis

FoolofaTook 06-28-2020 01:48 PM

cheer up rambro. look:

ovary 06-28-2020 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Elphenor (Post 4551372)
I have a new gf

and this one is nice to me

pics or it didnt happen

FoolofaTook 06-28-2020 09:40 PM

Disco King 06-28-2020 10:26 PM

How goth is she?

LaBelle 06-29-2020 10:40 AM

Just found out a friend and their mom both had Covid and are still recovering.


yo soy el mejor 06-29-2020 11:13 AM

sounds more like an acquaintance

Disco King 06-29-2020 11:56 AM

I just read something about how it's apparently unhealthy to do all of your activities and spend your entire day in your room.

I spend all day in my room and only really go downstairs when my mom goes to work because being around my folks has always made me feel uneasy, like I always have to be on guard. Before the pandemic, I think the gym served as something to always have to do outside the house so that I wouldn't have to hang around on days that I didn't have work or school. I haven't been doing that or seeing friends.

There's no room to do home exercises in my room, but I don't like doing them where members of the household can watch me. I don't even really want to go downstairs so that I can exit the front door and go for a run. I don't really know why.

And I haven't been productive in my room, either. Not motivated enough to write/record songs like I always tell myself I will. Literally just browse the internet all day until my day off is over and it's time to go back to work.

I don't know what to do. It's 11 AM, and I've been sitting in bed doing nothing for hours now.

This is literally evey day that I'm not at work now.

I'm a lazy piece of nothing and I hate my life.

run2pee 06-29-2020 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Disco King (Post 4551488)
I just read something about how it's apparently unhealthy to do all of your activities and spend your entire day in your room.

I spend all day in my room and only really go downstairs when my mom goes to work because being around my folks has always made me feel uneasy, like I always have to be on guard. Before the pandemic, I think the gym served as something to always have to do outside the house so that I wouldn't have to hang around on days that I didn't have work or school. I haven't been doing that or seeing friends.

There's no room to do home exercises in my room, but I don't like doing them where members of the household can watch me. I don't even really want to go downstairs so that I can exit the front door and go for a run. I don't really know why.

And I haven't been productive in my room, either. Not motivated enough to write/record songs like I always tell myself I will. Literally just browse the internet all day until my day off is over and it's time to go back to work.

I don't know what to do. It's 11 AM, and I've been sitting in bed doing nothing for hours now.

This is literally evey day that I'm not at work now.

I'm a lazy piece of nothing and I hate my life.

Nah, it’s a global pandemic everyone is losing their feathers right now

Be nice to yourself, there’s no one else like you. And i, for one, like u just the way u are

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