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Practice your stick spins
Your drum stick spins
no definitely beat off
thank you fellows for replying as always. gig went down a storm, the band before us was this really pretty jazzy post rock duo, i bought a cassette from them. we played our set to maybe 10? people but people seemed into it, compliments and all. it's trippy how you can see their faces in a small room |
i did jerk off too
So, I'm recently unemployed. I would prefer part-time work because I am working on my thesis and will also be teaching tutorials as a teaching assistant in the Fall Semester. I am comfortable working full-time until the end of summer, but once September hits, I don't believe I'll be able to finish my thesis work on time or be able to get to the university to run tutorials if I have to work full time.
But because unemployed people can't be picky in this economy, I've been applying for both full- and part-time jobs. I had a screening interview today for a job. I feel like if I admit that I won't be working full-time from September to December, I won't get hired because they'll look for somebody who meets their requirements. But I also feel like if I spring it on them later and either have to quit/get fired two months into a job after they've given me job training or haggle with them to let them reduce my hours, I'll burn a bridge with this company and have a reputation for being unreliable at best and duplicitous at worst. If this were just some service sector job, I would not care about angering them by getting some paycheques and then dipping. But this is an industry I intend to work in after I graduate. The specific company is very intertwined through the whole industry. Part of their work is disbursing wage-subsidy grants to people working in the environmental sector. I could just wait for a position that is compatible with my intentions, but I'm moving soon, have little savings because my parasite roommate cleaned me dry (whole other story), and need a job right away. The interview I had for a part-time position yesterday didn't go so well, I don't think. Don't have any other interviews lined up. What course of action would you take? |
get two part-time jobs and then quit one in september
i've been applying for jobs since the end of march; i got laid-off which officially makes me an adult. i have a lil job search spreadsheet that use for role details (pay, who it reports to, hybrid/remote) and remember where i applied and and when. it doesn't help me get a job, but being organized reduces a lot stress for me.
i had two interviews last week---one for a 10-month education policy fellowship and one working directly with community college students. i'll know mid-july but just today i was invited to interview for a role right up my alley but it's for july 13th so the timing sucks. can i tell those places to wait until i know the outcome? how? |
I've been working 2 part time jobs online for years, and one of them unceremoniously terminated my contract despite years of what they've considered excellent work and being promoted to auditor. No notice, just ousted. Luckily my other contract is teeming with work and I've just doubled up there. But it really has highlighted the downside of having no contacts or security with this type of work. If it happens again, I'm going to have some scrambling to do.
I'm no expert, but unless you are so much more qualified than all the other applicants that the job is willing to wait on you, I would think that they would just select an applicant who can start when they want. I might just take the jobs if I get them and then quit and take the one I like better if I found out you got that. But only if I know that I won't be fucking myself over by doing so (do these employers have a lot of influence on your future opportunities?) If you do ask them to wait, don't tell them it's because you're waiting to hear from a job you like better. They don't want to be your second choice or safety blanket. Say it's because some important obligation came up (a funeral out of town, maybe), and you can't start until after a certain date. Quote:
if it is a company in your industry i'd be honest in the interview. finishing a thesis will sound good to them.
i am feeling better but can't drink milk with the antibiotic and i lovvveee millllkkk currently eating a mayo heavy falaffel sandwich that sat in my car all day |
That sounded disgusting even before you mentioned the potential food poisoning.
Why the fuck would you ruin a falafel with mayo? |
because i'm a white boy
I think mayo is much more trashy than dairy!
A friend of mine has an older brother who takes his spoon right to the mayo jar, and just the thought of that gives me sensory overload. Ew!!
Yea mayo is some dumb shit as well… it’s a condiment for xenophobic people to use because they’ve never heard of Guac
The Mayo-eating ones are even worse than the ones who appropriate guacamole as if it's for them.
What's even worse is thinking that eating guacamole makes you an adventurous eater
i can't stand anything with dill either but that's my own psychosis |
That's me with sage. Yuck.
this kid who sat at my lunch table in high school notoriously hated mayo and one day this other kid comes up to him with a slice of bread with mayo and slaps him in the face with it and my dude vomited profusely
I don't hate mayo, but its uses are limited. a light dose of mayo is still good on a burger imho
recently though if I'm eating a burger I like a bit of guac and some sweet baby ray's barbecue sauce, SOUR ass garlic dill pickles, and some potato chips |
I got no beef with mayo. It's not my favourite but it serves its purpose well enough.
yeah yesterday i asked for light mayo on a turkey sandwich. i had no idea what to eat. it's better as an ingredient though. i like mustard and bbq sauce more.
my grandpa called mayonaise "slick 'em" (slickem)
i keep that joke alive every Thanksgiving when we're all making ham sammies out of the leftovers |
I never understood how people eat burgers with ketchup, mustard, and mayo all together. |
Yeah im gonna need you all to develop more self confidence or something so you don’t feel the need to consume mayonnaise drenched bread any longer
y'all can't shame me out of liking mayo. it's a fucking sauce chill out. let me live
got a fun game to play with your spouses. squirt some shampoo in the toilet and pretend you don't know what it is
it's given us something to talk about for like a week
People can like eating what they like. Just don't do it around me.
No, I take issue with anyone consuming ketchup, mustard, and mayo on the same sandwich.
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