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cork_soaker 05-06-2019 06:25 PM


MyOneAndOnly 05-06-2019 07:50 PM

Flying back to Michissippi this weekend for my nephew's wedding. Going to see my mother on mum's day too.

D. 05-06-2019 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by D. (Post 4507269)
I have a question that I didn't want to make a new thread about: what is the website where you can put in a URL so that it doesn't give the website a page view count?

It's for websites you maybe want to read an article without giving them that sweet clickbait money. I thought it was something like donotclick or...?

quoted for new page. please someone help me out hereee

FoolofaTook 05-06-2019 08:43 PM


teh b0lly!!1 05-06-2019 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by D.

I have a question that I didn't want to make a new thread about: what is the website where you can put in a URL so that it doesn't give the website a page view count?

It's for websites you maybe want to read an article without giving them that sweet clickbait money. I thought it was something like donotclick or...?
excellent question. i would like to know about this too

i often don't click for spite

yo soy el mejor 05-07-2019 08:05 AM


Cool As Ice Cream 05-07-2019 09:18 AM


FoolofaTook 05-07-2019 09:35 AM

I found it:

Your welcome.

Mals Marola 05-07-2019 09:40 AM

^ yeah that's it

what're y'all checking up on kimani shortbread dot com or something?

smashingjj 05-07-2019 10:20 AM

Nah, it's cool. There will always be people who don't appreciate my music, I am bringing something new but some people just want what they already know.

FoolofaTook 05-07-2019 10:24 AM

Don’t you love it when the good guy in a movie sticks it to the bad guy with a one-line zinger that shows him who is boss? We cheer at those moments, applauding the wit of the good guy who finally has the upper hand. I feel like this passage, in which Jesus gives it to the Pharisees and tells them what’s what, is similar to the climax of a movie when the hero verbally spars with the villain.

yo soy el mejor 05-09-2019 11:12 AM

oops wrong thread

Elphenor 05-09-2019 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by smashingjj (Post 4507425)
Nah, it's cool. There will always be people who don't appreciate my music, I am bringing something new but some people just want what they already know.

lol metal

FoolofaTook 05-09-2019 12:34 PM

I'd like to see you say that to the face of a grim and halberd-wielding Abbath Doom Occulta!

yo soy el mejor 05-10-2019 02:41 PM

Shit. This week I scheduled an interview for next week at another job (even though I already have one) and I want both jobs. The one I have now is as a research asst and I work from home except for random meetings.

The other job is as an re-entry coordinator for a community-based mentoring program for 12 - 24 year olds who are either 1) gang-involved youth on probation, or 2) "at-risk" (this phrase is dumb) youth referred through local schools and community agencies.

It's a collaboration between three organizations. I would partner with parents, community groups, and the other two organizations to set up the kids up for re-entry and to reduce recidivism. I'd also coordinate detention facility visits.

But the job I have now gives me the kind of professional mentoring I've never had before (I'm the only fucking employee). It seems pretty valuable. WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO

FoolofaTook 05-10-2019 03:10 PM

Will you be utilizing Sharter Typology in your mentoring?

ovary 05-10-2019 03:44 PM

Sounds like you'll make more connections in the professional scene by taking the re-entry coordinator. And a real job in the "industry" usually sounds better on a resume than "research assistant." Professional experience > professional mentoring (usually). But I don't know what your situation is obviously.

I do know that grad school is a big fucking shit-hole bull-shit ripoff, unless you're already rich and well-connected.

cork_soaker 05-10-2019 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by MyOneAndOnly (Post 4507378)
Flying back to Michissippi this weekend .

in two hours, perchance?

yo soy el mejor 05-10-2019 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4507702)
Sounds like you'll make more connections in the professional scene by taking the re-entry coordinator. And a real job in the "industry" usually sounds better on a resume than "research assistant." Professional experience > professional mentoring (usually). But I don't know what your situation is obviously.

I do know that grad school is a big fucking shit-hole bull-shit ripoff, unless you're already rich and well-connected.

Ya. The place I am doing research for is rolling out a workforce development program at a K-8 school school for the parents of students using two-generational approach (2Gen if you're nasty). And one of their potential partners is the place where I am interviewing (I found the job on my own before getting the one I have now).

I have a lot of non-profit experience, but not a lot of personal connections. You're right that on the one hand I'd get more industry experience with the reentry role. But with my research position, I'll get a chance to interview parents and help design the entire project including evaluations. And I did get to meet some bigwigs...the lady I work for is rich as shit and her husband's investing company funded her start-up.

Even though I have NPO experience, I've never been involved in creating a program from scratch. Might be helpful to know what's needed since I'd love to start my own one day. But I really like direct service, too. If I weren't in school full-time I could work both jobs.

yo soy el mejor 05-10-2019 07:15 PM

One huge deal is the with the reentry program, 75%+ of my coworkers would black and brown people. Would be a nice change.

MyOneAndOnly 05-10-2019 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by cork_soaker (Post 4507709)
in two hours, perchance?

flew into Detroit this afternoon

cork_soaker 05-12-2019 12:55 AM

your arms = tired!

D. 05-12-2019 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4507415)


Originally Posted by teh b0lly!!1 (Post 4507392)
excellent question. i would like to know about this too

i often don't click for spite


Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream (Post 4507416)

I just found it. It was donotlink but apparently it is no longer online. And it was debatable if it even worked properly in the first place.

MyOneAndOnly 05-16-2019 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by cork_soaker (Post 4507791)
your arms = tired!

not too tired to fly back on Sunday

vixnix 05-20-2019 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4507696)
Shit. This week I scheduled an interview for next week at another job (even though I already have one) and I want both jobs. The one I have now is as a research asst and I work from home except for random meetings.

The other job is as an re-entry coordinator for a community-based mentoring program for 12 - 24 year olds who are either 1) gang-involved youth on probation, or 2) "at-risk" (this phrase is dumb) youth referred through local schools and community agencies.

It's a collaboration between three organizations. I would partner with parents, community groups, and the other two organizations to set up the kids up for re-entry and to reduce recidivism. I'd also coordinate detention facility visits.

But the job I have now gives me the kind of professional mentoring I've never had before (I'm the only fucking employee). It seems pretty valuable. WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO

How did the interview go?

vixnix 06-03-2019 06:55 AM

I am drowning at school. taking a 500-level paper in a subject that I have not studied at 100-level or any other level...was a really bad choice.

ilikeplanets 06-03-2019 02:56 PM

i'm surprised there weren't prerequisites for that. good luck?

vixnix 06-03-2019 03:24 PM

Thanks. It’s social science, rather than quantum I guess they figure anyone can pass. Which is true. It’s just passing with good grades that is a problem :(

Have you given any more thought to further study?

ilikeplanets 06-03-2019 04:29 PM

I'm sure you'll manage a better grade than you think. And the tot will start preschool in fall 2020, so I think that's when I'm either doing work or school, or both. There's a few things going on that require me to be there with her 100% of the time right now anyway, so if things go well everything should get rolling at the same time. I'm sure working for it! :)

ilikeplanets 06-03-2019 04:33 PM

Actually, my entire family is planning on moving out of here around that time, so it really should be a dynamic year. I'm cautiously optimistic.

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