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queenoftheswine 03-08-2019 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4501681)
My cat was begging for potato chips and I was distracted and didn’t really think about it because I was doing some heinous reading for Uni and then before I knew it, the inevitable happened, and there I was, about to knock on my parents’ bedroom door and call out Mum, Dad, the cat threw up and then I realised fuck. I’m 39. Nobody is coming to help me, I have to clean up this fucking cat spew all by myself

Fucking millenials.


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4501705)
When I was your age and lazy about school, I did myself everyone a favor and dropped out. There are better ways to spend your time than going to school to avoid doing work and getting lousy grades because of it.

This kind of stuff lessens the value education, which is silly to do because it costs so much--for most people. And not liking a class is not an excuse to be lazy, especially when other people are relying on you to do your work.

What effect do you expect this to have on them? Have you thought of the possibility that they might just lol and carry on being useless? I've never had any hope in people actually getting their shit together when it comes to group work.

Elphenor 03-08-2019 12:58 PM

group work made me anxious in elementary school and it still makes me anxious today

because sometimes you have to "pick your group"

this actually led to a case in high school where I ended up with no group at all and just took a Zero for a project

Elphenor 03-08-2019 01:00 PM

and also last time I did a group project I did a whole additional project by myself as a back up just in case anyone flaked

no faith, no chances

ilikeplanets 03-08-2019 04:22 PM

In college I did most of the work myself in group projects because I did not trust anyone else with my grades. In high school I was the flake.

vixnix 03-08-2019 05:14 PM

I have group work, but I’m in a group with an international PhD student from Brazil who is on sabbatical from his law practice, an international student from Delhi, and a Maori student from a local iwi who is very invested in the coursework. I’m the flaky sleep deprived mother returning to work, who didn’t manage to finish the week’s readings and checks her phone every five minutes to see if her teenage son has arrived on campus from his after school trombone lesson yet

Doesn’t feel that great surprisingly

vixnix 03-08-2019 05:15 PM

We’ve had one week of lectures and I’m already very behind and thinking about dropping out

Yay for vixnix, the flake loser millennial dropout

yo soy el mejor 03-08-2019 05:40 PM

this girl walked up to me at walgreen's and told me i had a warm aura and wanted to read my palm for $60. girl, please. get off my aura. all talkin' about venmo and whatnot like i have a smartphone and would be willing to pay if only it were just a little easier to do so. pshaw.

ilikeplanets 03-08-2019 05:57 PM


ilikeplanets 03-08-2019 06:04 PM

double del

Catherine Wheel 03-08-2019 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4501741)
this girl walked up to me at walgreen's and told me i had a warm aura and wanted to read my palm for $60. girl, please. get off my aura. all talkin' about venmo and whatnot like i have a smartphone and would be willing to pay if only it were just a little easier to do so. pshaw.

This is your cue rbg. You pay that phone bill she’s all yours. And you can have beautiful half Latino / half Jewish babies with her. Don’t sleep on this. She’s talking about her period in here too. Hint hint

Catherine Wheel 03-08-2019 07:01 PM

I’m paying several different phone bills at the moment so I’m not interested

yo soy el mejor 03-08-2019 07:07 PM


your reading comprehension skillz are da worst. ain't nobody need no phone bill paid.

FoolofaTook 03-08-2019 07:14 PM


Catherine Wheel 03-08-2019 07:16 PM

Rbg is Jewish so you know he’s good for it.

And I am a chump for paying several phone bills. I admit that. No shame in my game

Catherine Wheel 03-08-2019 07:35 PM

You can get Tom to pay for half the phone bill and rbg to pay for other half

buzzard 03-08-2019 07:49 PM

Oh, that's tragic. You're being taken for a ride and have somehow convinced yourself it's living the good life.

Catherine Wheel 03-08-2019 07:51 PM

I don’t pay the phone bill when they are on their period. Cus that’s not time I’m actually spending with them

buzzard 03-08-2019 07:55 PM

Yes, I have heard of these phone plans that allow opting out of funding a handful of days per month.

smashingjj 03-08-2019 08:10 PM


Mals Marola 03-08-2019 08:11 PM

ovary 03-08-2019 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Catherine Wheel (Post 4501762)
I don’t pay the phone bill when they are on their period. Cus that’s not time I’m actually spending with them


Catherine Wheel 03-08-2019 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by yo soy el mejor (Post 4501757)

your reading comprehension skillz are da worst. ain't nobody need no phone bill paid.

So what do you need?

run2pee 03-08-2019 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4501738)
We’ve had one week of lectures and I’m already very behind and thinking about dropping out

Yay for vixnix, the flake loser millennial dropout

F it, drop out if u wanna, i'd back that

The internets big and wide enough frankly i'm astonished u aren't already eschewed the formal educations in favor of getting click rev off some hit essays

Your writings like, friekin pretty good, right? As good as anyone on this board?

ilikeplanets 03-09-2019 12:49 AM

i think i am repulsed rn and that's a feat

Disco King 03-09-2019 02:14 AM

Is Catherine Wheel degenerating?

He was always off, but this shit is new.

reprise85 03-09-2019 02:16 AM

CW get a fucking clue

reprise85 03-09-2019 02:21 AM

i got a new used laptop and it's sweet af. i have a friend who owns a computer shop so he set up everything for me. it's business class and he was able to use some shit to copy everything over intact so he had to just change the drivers for the new hardware and i also have windows 10 pro now and seriously man i'm happy with it. since i work from home for about 30 hours a week now it's nice to have something nice.

i ordered one originally that stopped working after 2 hours but the ebay guy was great and had another to send me. this thing doubles the benchmarks of my previous laptop. which i still have, and it's fast enough to do what i need, but it's falling apart. i think i'm going to use it like a desktop with an external monitor and keep it around for now.

reprise85 03-09-2019 02:23 AM

i just came home and there were cops around and someone apparently complained about my neighbor having like 4 people sitting outside with him hanging out. yeah ok it's 1 in the morning but it's friday night and they weren't playing music or anything. they're just like 35 year olds drinking some beers and chilling. he said no one even talked to them first, cops just showed up. stupid assholes. last week there was a literal carnival going on behind the apartment complex until 1am. deal with it jfc

reprise85 03-09-2019 02:24 AM

sexual harassment will get you banned CW just a warning, probably your last.

Catherine Wheel 03-09-2019 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by ovary (Post 4501771)

I know right? I have them sign non disclosure agreements
Must have someone else other than me pay phone bill during period

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