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Squish Squash 10-01-2022 05:08 PM

Cats look indignant a lot of the time that's why they're so great.

slunken 10-01-2022 05:34 PM

i hate that little asshole - i bet he begs for treats from mommy

slunken 10-01-2022 05:36 PM



slunken 10-01-2022 05:38 PM

i am mister good boy

vixnix 10-01-2022 07:03 PM

The last time I got a cat I just turned up at the shelter and asked to see all the cats in person, and then dangled my hand in front of each one of them. The first one to take a swipe at it and cause me to bleed, I was like hello, please box up this cat, I will buy it now.

They actually called me a few days later saying “we’re just a bit concerned about your small 2 yo child because the cat may scratch him” and I was like “ lol only if he deserves it” and soon they both formed respectful boundaries with each other and most importantly I didn’t hear the cheeping of birds nesting in the ceiling or the scratching a rat under the floor of the kitchen. They were all long gone. Best cat I ever bought, very high quality cat.

vixnix 10-01-2022 07:08 PM

My brother bought these fancy looking cats from breeders that he couldn’t let outside because they were too stupid to cross roads, etc. I am not sure what the purpose of those cats was, if I’m being honest

ovary 10-01-2022 07:25 PM

just found a gigantic sprawling pile of shit hiding in the garage. fuckin litter box too good for that little asshole i guess.

vixnix 10-01-2022 08:31 PM

That is not a high quality cat. Can’t it just go outside? We always have litter trays while they settle in, for a couple of weeks, and then we just let them outside and never think about it again.

teh b0lly!!1 10-02-2022 03:51 AM

The rate of high quality cats has greatly declined over these past two years unfortunately speaking

vixnix 10-02-2022 05:04 AM

Microchip shortage and shipping delays affecting every high quality area of life

yo soy el mejor 10-02-2022 10:29 AM

my cats are cream of the crop, for sure. for sure.

ilikeplanets 10-02-2022 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4602768)
Hope you are both feeling better and the baby didn’t get it….

Thank you. So:

We're over that cold, but immediately after that big E comes home sick again, worse this time. She's still miserable with a fever, awful cough, vomiting, etc. And I have a sore throat now so I'm obviously doomed to catch this, too. Still masking up and quarantining her in the bedroom in a desperate attempt to spare little E.

A terrible situation that arose from this was that on the way to finalize paperwork for my new car, she vomited all over the car seat to the point it has to be thrown away. Then on the way back, she vomited all over the spare car seat in my parents' car, and it's equally not salvageable. And the baby's primary car seat, a hand me down from her sister, expires at the end of the month. So now I need to buy 3 car seats at once. At least she didn't throw up in the new car, but damn.

cork_soaker 10-02-2022 05:39 PM

cat chat

vixnix 10-02-2022 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4604087)
Thank you. So:

We're over that cold, but immediately after that big E comes home sick again, worse this time. She's still miserable with a fever, awful cough, vomiting, etc. And I have a sore throat now so I'm obviously doomed to catch this, too. Still masking up and quarantining her in the bedroom in a desperate attempt to spare little E.

A terrible situation that arose from this was that on the way to finalize paperwork for my new car, she vomited all over the car seat to the point it has to be thrown away. Then on the way back, she vomited all over the spare car seat in my parents' car, and it's equally not salvageable. And the baby's primary car seat, a hand me down from her sister, expires at the end of the month. So now I need to buy 3 car seats at once. At least she didn't throw up in the new car, but damn.

Oh eek. That’s awful, I’m sorry. I only had a few vomit car seat episodes but they were luckily salvageable

Though another time, I had to pay for an empty jumbo slurpee cup from a 7-11 and as we crawled down the freeway minutes later in a traffic jam, my kid repeatedly vomited into it and tipped it out the window. It was grim

ilikeplanets 10-02-2022 10:48 PM

Vomit is a special kind of hell. I'm not even that grossed out, but it destroys things.

ilikeplanets 10-02-2022 10:53 PM

My kid is unfortunately pretty prone to it, too. Once she threw up at a petting zoo because of how bad it stunk. Which, 3 years removed from the situation, is actually kind of hilarious. And now I have an excuse not to go to them anymore to try and pretend to want to touch goats.

run2pee 10-02-2022 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by ilikeplanets (Post 4604134)
Vomit is a special kind of hell. I'm not even that grossed out, but it destroys things.

One of my sons had severe reflux as a small boy

He barfed large meaty barfs onto his face and hair in his bed very often

There’s cleaning them off as they scream in horror. Then there’s stripping the bed as quickly as possible, to save the mattress if u can, sheets flapping as chunks fly into your own face/hair. Then remaking the bed, with towels under the sheets, depending how saturated the mattress is with stomach acid. And then there’s the laundry and you better do it quick before it crusts because then you’ll just have to get it wet again, releasing the special smell of vomit into your nose and mouth, as you scrub chunks off the bedclothes with a dull fork.

And it’s 4 AM, and u are so glad that u passed on your genetic material

Squish Squash 10-03-2022 12:05 AM

Tbh cats shouldn't go outside in general. Not only do they on average only live 1/3 as long if they aren't kept indoors, they are very bad for the ecosystems because they are not a natural part of them. Of course, if you take your cat outside with a kitty harness, it is ok.

Squish Squash 10-03-2022 12:06 AM

How did we move from cats to vomit

ilikeplanets 10-03-2022 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by run2pee (Post 4604139)
One of my sons had severe reflux as a small boy

He barfed large meaty barfs onto his face and hair in his bed very often

There’s cleaning them off as they scream in horror. Then there’s stripping the bed as quickly as possible, to save the mattress if u can, sheets flapping as chunks fly into your own face/hair. Then remaking the bed, with towels under the sheets, depending how saturated the mattress is with stomach acid. And then there’s the laundry and you better do it quick before it crusts because then you’ll just have to get it wet again, releasing the special smell of vomit into your nose and mouth, as you scrub chunks off the bedclothes with a dull fork.

And it’s 4 AM, and u are so glad that u passed on your genetic material

She also got the bed the day before the car seat incident. I always have a waterproof mattress cover under the fitted sheet, and it's saved the mattress many a time with no hassle. The linen is another story. And the poor, poor carpet.

vixnix 10-03-2022 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by Squish Squash (Post 4604148)
Tbh cats shouldn't go outside in general. Not only do they on average only live 1/3 as long if they aren't kept indoors, they are very bad for the ecosystems because they are not a natural part of them. Of course, if you take your cat outside with a kitty harness, it is ok.

You would get along very well with my brother

As for me and my cats, we will continue to go outside, off-leash

The cat I mentioned above is now 17 and still likes going outside. She goes outside every day. I would pay to see you trying to get a harness on her

topleybird 10-03-2022 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Squish Squash (Post 4604149)
How did we move from cats to vomit

Honestly this is like asking how did we move from coffee grinders to coffee grounds

ovary 10-03-2022 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Squish Squash (Post 4604148)
Tbh cats shouldn't go outside in general. Not only do they on average only live 1/3 as long if they aren't kept indoors, they are very bad for the ecosystems because they are not a natural part of them. Of course, if you take your cat outside with a kitty harness, it is ok.

oh boy here we go

slunken 10-03-2022 07:49 PM

i had a dream last night that i was playing with a little baby kitten for a long time

then my mom walked by the window and i pretended to be asleep

then i was at a concert

what mean?

ilikeplanets 10-03-2022 08:40 PM

That you're a teenager

slunken 10-03-2022 09:39 PM

lol i'm telling

ilikeplanets 10-03-2022 10:03 PM

Hey, I was gonna suggest it was an Oepidal thing, but didn't want to be rude

slunken 10-04-2022 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by vixnix (Post 4604178)

As for me and my cats, we will continue to go outside, off-leash

Very based. My mom lost 2 last year to (presumably) hawks. Then 8 months later a perfect little fun kitten comes robot-bouncing up to the door and SHE TOOK HER TO THE POUND.

I don't think she wants her heart broken again.

That's why I'm dreaming about kittens. I got to play with it for a day. Wore the fucking thing out. Just an insane ball of energy.

Left the dumb little no-brain in the basement sleeping on a sheet of leather, an hour or so later it comes upstairs, spots me sitting in the easy char, and makes a wild leap (totally vertical - all 4 claws out), hits the box fan, the box fan falls, kitten runs away.


Elphenor 10-05-2022 02:37 PM

Billy Corgan is at my workplace right now

not joking

any question requests?

topleybird 10-05-2022 02:43 PM

Who dresses him

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